The Door Is Wide Open For Warren in 2020

tom, you still think Obama is a fer-ener.

Hillary does...only thing I ever agreed with her on. The Kenyans believe it or else why did they put this sign up?


You hurt your credibility when you post such things without acknowledging they are fake and only for humorous intent.
Warren has spent the last 8 years trying to make Wall Street accountable for the crash. Instead of going to jail, they doubled down and sucked trillions out of the economy that they won't be giving back. Don't believe me? See who goes to jail at Wells Fargo, the latest financial scandal that most people are too stupid to learn about.

She was involved in a very extensive documentary about how people could get out of debt, how students could avoid it: "Maxxed Out"
Works for me because it all comes down to a person's wallet and what's in it and it shouldn't be Capital One.

It was Barney Frank,Chris Dodd, and Maxine Waters who stuck a knife in the housing bubble, moron. When the banks couldn't red-line anymore they either had to write shit mortgages or take heavy fines. EBT benefits were considered income is how bad it got. So the bankers bundled their ticking bombs, tricked AIG into insuring them, and sold them to suckers all over the world. Had Dubya gotten the reviews he was begging them for it would have never happened.....the meltdown was a democrat party. And then Barry told Wall Street if they gave him campaign money they'd never see a jail cell. They left the "showdown" meeting with him at the WH laughing their asses off.
Clinton did not make a single campaign appearance in Wisconsin. She just ASSUMED her blue wall would hold and didn't even give those voters the time of day.

And something like 75,000 voters in Florida voted down ballot, but not for President.

Clinton counted on the Democratic machine to do all the heavy lifting for her, while Donald Trump put out ten times as much effort pounding the pavement as Hillary did.

You can be sure the Democrats are choking on their lazy performance and low turnout and are vowing not to make that mistake again in 2018 and 2020.

And the front runner for the Democrats in 2020 right now is Elizabeth Warren, a woman who makes Hillary Clinton look as conservative as Rush Limbaugh.
Warren will be crushed.

She won't be able to resist the social justice warriors arm of the Democratic Party that killed Hillary's campaign.
Warren IS a social justice warrior. She's way out there on the fringe with Bernie Sanders. And I guarantee you a lot of Democrats are wishing they had nominated Sanders right now.

She is not. Good luck electing a 71 year old hack socialist.
I believe in freedom, equality, solidarity, democracy, respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and respect for the rule of law as it is used to defend human rights, not oppress humans.

As for your assessment of my views, please understand that I don't care what you think about my views.

Blah blah only get a chance to be young and stupid once....enjoy it until you have to grow up.
I believe in freedom, equality, solidarity, democracy, respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and respect for the rule of law as it is used to defend human rights, not oppress humans.

As for your assessment of my views, please understand that I don't care what you think about my views.

Blah blah only get a chance to be young and stupid once....enjoy it until you have to grow up.

I am not young and you're obviously cornering the market on stupid. I have not only grown up, but am doing well.
Clinton did not make a single campaign appearance in Wisconsin. She just ASSUMED her blue wall would hold and didn't even give those voters the time of day.

And something like 75,000 voters in Florida voted down ballot, but not for President.

Clinton counted on the Democratic machine to do all the heavy lifting for her, while Donald Trump put out ten times as much effort pounding the pavement as Hillary did.

You can be sure the Democrats are choking on their lazy performance and low turnout and are vowing not to make that mistake again in 2018 and 2020.

And the front runner for the Democrats in 2020 right now is Elizabeth Warren, a woman who makes Hillary Clinton look as conservative as Rush Limbaugh.
Outside of her being 71 in 2020, I can't think of another person who could excite the base more than Warren.
Exactly. She is the biggest household name right now.

Hillary Clinton was a Household name in 2008 and lost her bid to a unknown name Obama... So because your name is well known mean nothing in Primary Season.

I mean in 1988 did you believe that Bill Clinton would have won the Democratic Primary and his Presidential Bid in 1992!?!

I believe Warren will run but will not be nominated...
Clinton did not make a single campaign appearance in Wisconsin. She just ASSUMED her blue wall would hold and didn't even give those voters the time of day.

And something like 75,000 voters in Florida voted down ballot, but not for President.

Clinton counted on the Democratic machine to do all the heavy lifting for her, while Donald Trump put out ten times as much effort pounding the pavement as Hillary did.

You can be sure the Democrats are choking on their lazy performance and low turnout and are vowing not to make that mistake again in 2018 and 2020.

And the front runner for the Democrats in 2020 right now is Elizabeth Warren, a woman who makes Hillary Clinton look as conservative as Rush Limbaugh.

As Maureen Dowd said in the NYT Review on Sunday, Hillary thought it was her time and rightful ascendancy. Big mistake. McCain thought the same thing in 2008.
Clinton did not make a single campaign appearance in Wisconsin. She just ASSUMED her blue wall would hold and didn't even give those voters the time of day.

And something like 75,000 voters in Florida voted down ballot, but not for President.

Clinton counted on the Democratic machine to do all the heavy lifting for her, while Donald Trump put out ten times as much effort pounding the pavement as Hillary did.

You can be sure the Democrats are choking on their lazy performance and low turnout and are vowing not to make that mistake again in 2018 and 2020.

And the front runner for the Democrats in 2020 right now is Elizabeth Warren, a woman who makes Hillary Clinton look as conservative as Rush Limbaugh.
Outside of her being 71 in 2020, I can't think of another person who could excite the base more than Warren.
Exactly. She is the biggest household name right now.

Hillary Clinton was a Household name in 2008 and lost her bid to a unknown name Obama... So because your name is well known mean nothing in Primary Season.

I mean in 1988 did you believe that Bill Clinton would have won the Democratic Primary and his Presidential Bid in 1992!?!

I believe Warren will run but will not be nominated...

Who else do they have? Who challenged Hillary in the primaries in 2015? It's good that the House of Clinton has fallen. But Trump is not the answer. It's a disaster unfolding in front of our eyes.
Clinton did not make a single campaign appearance in Wisconsin. She just ASSUMED her blue wall would hold and didn't even give those voters the time of day.

And something like 75,000 voters in Florida voted down ballot, but not for President.

Clinton counted on the Democratic machine to do all the heavy lifting for her, while Donald Trump put out ten times as much effort pounding the pavement as Hillary did.

You can be sure the Democrats are choking on their lazy performance and low turnout and are vowing not to make that mistake again in 2018 and 2020.

And the front runner for the Democrats in 2020 right now is Elizabeth Warren, a woman who makes Hillary Clinton look as conservative as Rush Limbaugh.
Warren will be crushed.

She won't be able to resist the social justice warriors arm of the Democratic Party that killed Hillary's campaign.
Warren IS a social justice warrior. She's way out there on the fringe with Bernie Sanders. And I guarantee you a lot of Democrats are wishing they had nominated Sanders right now.
So... if by chance Warren runs against Sanders for the Democrat Party Nomination which one do you think the DNC will fuck over?
Bernie is too old. His wad is shot. He won't run again. He'll be rooting for Warren from the sidelines.

She has a track record for being a powerful consumer advocate. She is to consumer debt and credit as Ralph Nader was to unsafe automobiles. And I voted for him twice.
The new President hasn't even been sworn in yet and we're already picking possible candidates for 2020 seriously?
I've been predicting Warren will run in 2020 since long before Trump even announced his candidacy. :D
Warren is as populist as Trump. If the economy tanks under Trump, the field will tilt in her favor considerably.

Meanwhile, the pseudocons will blame Obama.
Clinton did not make a single campaign appearance in Wisconsin. She just ASSUMED her blue wall would hold and didn't even give those voters the time of day.

And something like 75,000 voters in Florida voted down ballot, but not for President.

Clinton counted on the Democratic machine to do all the heavy lifting for her, while Donald Trump put out ten times as much effort pounding the pavement as Hillary did.

You can be sure the Democrats are choking on their lazy performance and low turnout and are vowing not to make that mistake again in 2018 and 2020.

And the front runner for the Democrats in 2020 right now is Elizabeth Warren, a woman who makes Hillary Clinton look as conservative as Rush Limbaugh.
Warren will be crushed.

She won't be able to resist the social justice warriors arm of the Democratic Party that killed Hillary's campaign.
Warren IS a social justice warrior. She's way out there on the fringe with Bernie Sanders. And I guarantee you a lot of Democrats are wishing they had nominated Sanders right now.

I agree.

And Warren is not that well known.

If I were the GOP, I'd be prepping for that challenge.

Of course, if Trump, by some stretch of the imagination, does a good won't matter.
Warren IS a social justice warrior. She's way out there on the fringe with Bernie Sanders.
E. Warren is just another shrill female.

I suspect that in 2020 Kaine may choose her for his ticket however, as his VP.

We'll see.
Kaine is a pansy. He doesn't have a chance against Warren.
The evolution of political tickets is that usually the last one on the ticket somewhere ends up at the top of the next ticket. Not always but usually.

Kaine is now the top dog in the DEM's party. Bernie is too old to run again.

E. Warren did not run at all.
Kaine didn't run, either. And he's a limp-wristed pussy. Nobody ever heard of him before Clinton decided she needed the Virginia vote.

Everyone has heard of Warren.

No, they have not.

And that will work in her favor.
She also has a track record of being a liar! Other than that how is little miss Hiawatha doing today?

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