Zone1 The Double Standard

It's always something with you isnt it?
How about you give me some numbers,accurate numbers with links.
You know I cant trust you to tell the truth.
I gave you accurate numbers. Just learn that your raicially biased(putting it nicely) version of blacks is inaccurate. Because if I cited David Duke to claim all white people are racists, you would whine that "not all whites" line.
I didnt get a dime from my parents.
While my father was wealthy my step mother got it all.

Of course not. Every white person here is poor and destitute.

When were you born?

When was your father born?
We must understand how complete the madness is. There are whites promoting the belief that teaching whites to stop being racists creates more white supremacists.

Wrong. They’re not “teaching” whites to stop being racist, they’re TELLING whites that they are racist.

You’re not stupid so you can imagine why some whites resent this.
Institutions can teach the truth, the FACTS about history, without teaching that history is always subjective.

Critical race theory, is about teaching young folks, that all of history is subjective, depending on ones POV.

It is not. Certain events in history are facts. Names, dates and events.

Critical theory, is anti-enlightenment. It is based on the principal, that all people are not born with equal inalienable rights. But, under our form of government and law? THEY ARE.

In America? We are all born with an equal right, to the share of our protection of civil rights and civil liberties. If we are not, we have the right to take legal action for redress.

Critical Theory is anti-American, and has no place in government funded education, it is subversive to our nation, and will only promote the disintegration of civil society by pitting one group against another. Whether it is ethnic group against ethnic group, sexual orientation against sexual orientation, one generation against another, one class against another, etc. etc. etc.

We need one culture, an American culture, and one America, and one set of laws, applied equally to all, as we have always had.

Not different sets of standards and different laws, for different people, depending on how they feel about themselves, their sub-communities, and their circumstances in life.

That is absurd and insane, and going backward. It is nothing but a recipe for balkanization, chaos, and anarchy.
BS. What we have been taught, Critical White Supremacy Theory is why America has never reached its full potential. You can't disintegrate when you have never been fully developed. There has always been different sets of standards and you want to maintain that system.
Dude, they've been screwed over since the end of the Civil, and it literally took 100 years to get legislation passed insuring equal rights. As an anecdotal observation, I live in a town with a lot of black people, and most all of them that I run across, and yes some are thuggish, too, are cool. You give them a little, and you get a lot back in return. Courtesy, friendliness, helpfulness, all that. Furthermore, I've worked with them and some of them aint worth a shit, and I've seen far more whites that aint worth a shit, so it works both ways.

All that said, I prefer a largely white neighborhood, because the facts in my town is crime, especially property crime, is far worse in neighborhoods with fewer white people, and far better in neighborhoods with mainly white people.
Nationally whites have consistently lead in property crimes for at least the past 30 years.
We must understand how complete the madness is. There are whites promoting the belief that teaching whites to stop being racists creates more white supremacists. This belief is promoted by so-called alt-right “intellectuals” and self-declared “conservatives.” They cite articles written and classes taught by anti-racists as the cause. In the May 23rd, 2016, online edition of The Federalist, an article titled, “How Anti-White Rhetoric Is Fueling White Nationalism” was written by David Marcus.

If Anti racist rhetoric is turning whites into racists, what about the effects of never ending 400 years of white racism on people of color?
im2 you see guys and gals has something very very wrong with his brain- he wants the message board to think he is a black man; but he is not. What type of person would do such a thing and live such a lie? How can he look at himself in the mirror everyday?
We must understand how complete the madness is. There are whites promoting the belief that teaching whites to stop being racists creates more white supremacists. This belief is promoted by so-called alt-right “intellectuals” and self-declared “conservatives.” They cite articles written and classes taught by anti-racists as the cause. In the May 23rd, 2016, online edition of The Federalist, an article titled, “How Anti-White Rhetoric Is Fueling White Nationalism” was written by David Marcus.

If Anti racist rhetoric is turning whites into racists, what about the effects of never ending 400 years of white racism on people of color?
If you twerking tards built the
YOU'RE guilty of enslaving the Jews

Get bent
If you twerking tards built the
YOU'RE guilty of enslaving the Jews

Get bent
Talk about living in the past...

Those Israelites happened to be black. And if you didn't notice, just exactly what happened to those who enslaved them?

So how about you quit looking for excuses to deny what whites have done here?
We must understand how complete the madness is. There are whites promoting the belief that teaching whites to stop being racists creates more white supremacists. This belief is promoted by so-called alt-right “intellectuals” and self-declared “conservatives.” They cite articles written and classes taught by anti-racists as the cause. In the May 23rd, 2016, online edition of The Federalist, an article titled, “How Anti-White Rhetoric Is Fueling White Nationalism” was written by David Marcus.

If Anti racist rhetoric is turning whites into racists, what about the effects of never ending 400 years of white racism on people of color?
17 countries STILL practice slavery today.

I know you’re a Soros paid poster One Note Samba. If you cared about slavery you’d take up the cause of ACTUAL MODERN DAY BLACK SLAVES
17 countries STILL practice slavery today.

I know you’re a Soros paid poster One Note Samba. If you cared about slavery you’d take up the cause of ACTUAL MODERN DAY BLACK SLAVES
Since Jim Crow came after slavery and today modern white AMERICAN racism takes several forms, talking about slavery elsewhere is the only note you can play. There are white slaves in Europe right now Chester, so how about we talk about AMERICAN RACISM, which is the topic.

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