The downside of carrying a firearm...

True. The obvious downside is you don't know how to use it.

No, I own a gun. But I'm too responsible to carry it around and make it available to any idiot who sees it. It's at home, unloaded and locked in a safe. I know responsibility.

Yes just let me unlock my safe, retrieve my ammo, load my gun, charge my weapon and take action.

What's that honey ? Hurry they're raping you.

Just being responsible dear

Sorry hunny but I didnt receive permission from the state to pull the trigger.

One nut case???? This happens frequently. And the automobile argument is stupid, but what should we expect.

Driving a car is considered a privilege while keeping and bearing arms is a Constitutional right. What's hard to understand about that?

Both are subject to legal constraints

Neither is absolute...What's so hard to understand about that?


Although our rights are inalienable, they are not absolute; the government is at liberty to place reasonable restrictions on the exercising of our rights, including the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment, provided those restrictions comport with current Second Amendment jurisprudence:

Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues.


Consequently, the issue isn’t ‘whether’ government may place restrictions on gun ownership, as clearly it may, but whether or not proposed restrictions are rationally based, are supported by objective, documented evidence, pursue a proper legislative end, and are therefore indeed Constitutional.
Oh! Obviously justifiable homocide! Who could blame him for gunning down someone armed with a handful of popcorn!

we dont know the facts yet

he also said he feared for his life

Of course he did, how else could he justify shooting a guy with a cell phone?

i was not there so i couldnt tell you what transpired

that led to the shooting

so i will have to wait and see what comes out in the trial

you seem pretty confident of the facts

you must have been a witness huh
In other words the kind of vicarious fantasy addiction that drives them to think they actually ARE the character on the movie screen. Like the way Mark Chapman thought he was John Lennon.


He was a SWAT commander. In other words, he was trained to take down that guy on the screen.

So you're saying, this guy went in to a movie theater packing because he believes the image on the screen is a real guy and he was going to take him down?

That explains a lot in the psychology actually. :eusa_think:

No, I am saying that is what you believe.

The guy was a cop, deal with it.
No, the kind that thinks he can be Dirty Harry or any rogue vigilante and never mind the consequences. In other words, immature and irresponsible.

Lets get this argument on the parameters that matter, the guy that did this was a cop. Every single complain you are making is about people who are not cops, but we are still talking about a cop. Until you get it through your head that we are talking about a cop we aren't discussing anything. I am pointing out that we are talking about cops, and you keep pretending that the problem is people who want to defend themselves from criminals.
This is an insane cop. He was a man before he became a cop, and I' m betting he was insane then too.

Are there bad cops? Are there bad soldiers? Are there bad priests?

An occupation does not wash away sin. The shooter was a cop, but now he's a murderer. There"s no call for deadly force when faced with a cell phone and a bucket of popcorn.

Tell the family of Kelly Thomas that an occupation doesn't wash away sin.

The fact is that the government, supported by people like you, routinely makes different rules for itself and for everyone else. Until we deal with that, nothing else is going to matter. We need to restrict the government, and we should seriously consider getting rid of the standing army we call police. Until we do, I am not going to even entertain any notions that the problem is crazy people, or inanimate objects. The problem is the government.
He was a SWAT commander. In other words, he was trained to take down that guy on the screen.

So you're saying, this guy went in to a movie theater packing because he believes the image on the screen is a real guy and he was going to take him down?

That explains a lot in the psychology actually. :eusa_think:

No, I am saying that is what you believe.

The guy was a cop, deal with it.

Oh, I see. So you clicked "quote" on my post only to insert something that had zero to do with my post, simply to serve your endless quest for that fifty thousandth post.


Lucky me.
Driving a car is considered a privilege while keeping and bearing arms is a Constitutional right. What's hard to understand about that?

Both are subject to legal constraints

Neither is absolute...What's so hard to understand about that?


Although our rights are inalienable, they are not absolute; the government is at liberty to place reasonable restrictions on the exercising of our rights, including the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment, provided those restrictions comport with current Second Amendment jurisprudence:

Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues.

Consequently, the issue isn’t ‘whether’ government may place restrictions on gun ownership, as clearly it may, but whether or not proposed restrictions are rationally based, are supported by objective, documented evidence, pursue a proper legislative end, and are therefore indeed Constitutional.

The fact that the government believes my rights are subject to them does not make them right. Until the Supreme Court reinstates the privileges and immunities clause written into the 14th Amendment, which was written with the specific intent of preventing any government in this country from usurping the rights of citizens, you are building your argument on a position that is universally derided as unconstitutional by every legal scholar that does not work for the government in the country.
we dont know the facts yet

he also said he feared for his life

Of course he did, how else could he justify shooting a guy with a cell phone?

i was not there so i couldnt tell you what transpired

that led to the shooting

so i will have to wait and see what comes out in the trial

you seem pretty confident of the facts

you must have been a witness huh

The guy worked for the government and shot an unarmed man. Every single witness in the theater says that no physical contact occurred, and the cop is actually in jail. That tells me more than any verdict.
that is why they have trials

the courtroom was packed with folks there supporting the shooter

A cop had cops supporting him?

By the way, did you catch the fact that the judge denied bail, and said that murder charges were warranted?

another factor of proved guilt

the denial of bail

he may be guilty

again this why we have trials

Cops always get bail.

Sticking your head in the sand and claiming that you are being fair only works when you can pretend that no one knows anything more than you. The facts are out there. I am willing to change my opinion if they suddenly discover that the unarmed man had a hidden gun, but they are going to have a hard time manufacturing one this late in the game.

There is evidence out there, look at it. Not forming an opinion just because there hasn't been a trial makes you look like you can't think.

Then again, I don't recall ever accusing you of thinking too much.
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So you're saying, this guy went in to a movie theater packing because he believes the image on the screen is a real guy and he was going to take him down?

That explains a lot in the psychology actually. :eusa_think:

No, I am saying that is what you believe.

The guy was a cop, deal with it.

Oh, I see. So you clicked "quote" on my post only to insert something that had zero to do with my post, simply to serve your endless quest for that fifty thousandth post.


Lucky me.

You accused me of thinking that the cop thought the screen came to life.

I replied that was your how you think.

Want to explain how that has nothing to do with your post? Did the person who explains English to you take a break?
Cops always get bail.

always --LOL

Want to provide all the examples of cops, like the guy who shot the teenager that was being held down by other cops, not getting bail?

Wait, he got bail.

Judge Denies Bail for Ex-cop Accused of Killing Son - Timothy Allen Davis Sr., 47, faces a first-degree murder charge.

By Jeff Weiner | Orlando Sentinel
Posted 5:05 p.m. EDT, October 7, 2011
Judge Denies Bail for Ex-cop Accused of Killing Son - Attorney Michael LaFay In The News

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