The downside of carrying a firearm...

follow up on Timothy Allen Davis

In-depth case file
Location details: Family home on Kings Eagle Lane in Apopka, Orange County, on Oct. 01, 2011
What happened: Timothy Allen Davis Sr., a former Orlando police officer, shot his 22-year-old son after an altercation in his garage. They were arguing about custody of Davis Jr.'s 3-year-old son, who had been removed from the older Davis' home over his objections. The younger Davis, a high school football star, tackled and punched his father, according to police reports. Davis Sr.'s 9-year-old daughter told police she watched her father walk out of the home, get his gun from his car and shoot her brother. The former detective held his bleeding son in his arms and was apologizing to him when officers arrived. The son objected when police arrested his father, according to reports in the Orlando Sentinel. Davis Jr. died at a hospital.
The outcome: Davis Sr. was charged with murder. At trial he was found not guilty

Stand your ground law, Trayvon Martin and a shocking legacy: Defendant Timothy Allen Davis Sr. and victim Timothy Davis Jr. | Tampa Bay Times
always --LOL

Want to provide all the examples of cops, like the guy who shot the teenager that was being held down by other cops, not getting bail?

Wait, he got bail.

Judge Denies Bail for Ex-cop Accused of Killing Son - Timothy Allen Davis Sr., 47, faces a first-degree murder charge.

By Jeff Weiner | Orlando Sentinel
Posted 5:05 p.m. EDT, October 7, 2011
Judge Denies Bail for Ex-cop Accused of Killing Son - Attorney Michael LaFay In The News

Wow, one example.

By the way, he was found not guilty.
Want to provide all the examples of cops, like the guy who shot the teenager that was being held down by other cops, not getting bail?

Wait, he got bail.

Judge Denies Bail for Ex-cop Accused of Killing Son - Timothy Allen Davis Sr., 47, faces a first-degree murder charge.

By Jeff Weiner | Orlando Sentinel
Posted 5:05 p.m. EDT, October 7, 2011
Judge Denies Bail for Ex-cop Accused of Killing Son - Attorney Michael LaFay In The News

Wow, one example.

By the way, he was found not guilty.

By the way, he was found not guilty

yes but he was denied bail

a sure sign of his quilt

now are you saying cops are always found not guilty

or just rambling

what more examples look them up yourself
When someone gets shot, they say they died by gunshot, not by human being. Therefore, ipso facto, if the cause of death was by gunshot, guns kill people.

If that is true then the gun should be the one getting charged.

You support disarming police? If not, I suggest you think about how you want to rephrase your stupidity.

By the way, did anyone check to see if the theater has a no guns allowed sign? A cop, being above the law, would just flash a badge and get a pass, but most civilians would prefer to see the movie rather than argue the law.

I am for disarming whacko police who think harsh words, angry eye contact and flying popcorn are lethal weapons. That is the real issue here, Not guns.

I'm just curious, how many blows, threats of bodily harm, etc. does a person have to endure before they should be allowed to defend themselves?

Defend themselves against meanie words? This is why the gun nuts are not taken seriously.
We have 300 million

How many do they have?

There are a good number of hunting weapons - rifles and shotguns - in Sweden. Some owned by my brothers in law. Neither they nor I know anyone, or have even heard of anyone, who owns a handgun.

Such international statistical comparisons as I have seen do not differentiate between hand guns and hunting weapons and are therefore not much use in this context.

I imagine there's a lot of things that you haven't heard of. That doesn't mean that it doesn't happen.

In Sweden, private possession of handguns (pistols and revolvers) is permitted under license, in some cases, but not for the protection of person or property.

Sweden — Gun Facts, Figures and the Law

Two of my nephews are paramedics, one in Stockholm and the other in Uppsala. Both confirm that gunshot wounds are rare. Would guys manning ambulances in US cities say the same?
Why do some Americans think they are 'safer from the government' if they own guns? I've not heard that the IRS, for example, only extorts taxes from the gunless.

Imo people are not freer in a US awash with firearms than they are in New Zealand or Denmark or 30 other countries. The idea that gun-ownership keeps you free is a myth.
The point you're missing is that far from all homicides are murder. Justifiable homicides include those that stop a murder (self defense or defense of others).

Great point.

Also 80% of all gun murders are due to gang violence not law abiding citizens

With guns laws so lax, it's no wonder that the criminals can easily get guns and assault weapons. I think the founding fathers wanted a well-armed militia, not well-armed criminals, didn't they?
With guns laws so lax, it's no wonder that the criminals can easily get guns and assault weapons. I think the founding fathers wanted a well-armed militia, not well-armed criminals, didn't they?

There are strict drug laws. How do bad guys get crack and heroin, numbnuts?
Great point.

Also 80% of all gun murders are due to gang violence not law abiding citizens

With guns laws so lax, it's no wonder that the criminals can easily get guns and assault weapons. I think the founding fathers wanted a well-armed militia, not well-armed criminals, didn't they?

So keeping law abiding people from owning weapons will make it harder for criminals to get weapons. Here's the thing genius criminals are criminals because they don't obey the law.

I don't give a shit about the militia. What is so hard for you to understand that a person might want a weapon for self protection from the very criminals that government law enforcement cannot seem to keep off the streets?

Case in point 80% of all gun murders are committed by gangs or in other words criminals.

It skews the numbers to make it seem gun violence is a bigger problem than it is.
Also 80% of all gun murders are due to gang violence not law abiding citizens

With guns laws so lax, it's no wonder that the criminals can easily get guns and assault weapons. I think the founding fathers wanted a well-armed militia, not well-armed criminals, didn't they?

So keeping law abiding people from owning weapons will make it harder for criminals to get weapons. Here's the thing genius criminals are criminals because they don't obey the law.

I don't give a shit about the militia. What is so hard for you to understand that a person might want a weapon for self protection from the very criminals that government law enforcement cannot seem to keep off the streets?

Case in point 80% of all gun murders are committed by gangs or in other words criminals.

It skews the numbers to make it seem gun violence is a bigger problem than it is.

And what kind of guns do the criminals have? American made, US store bought guns. Try making it a little harder to purchase assault weapons and guns and maybe the criminals wouldn't have so many. :thanks:
With guns laws so lax, it's no wonder that the criminals can easily get guns and assault weapons. I think the founding fathers wanted a well-armed militia, not well-armed criminals, didn't they?

So keeping law abiding people from owning weapons will make it harder for criminals to get weapons. Here's the thing genius criminals are criminals because they don't obey the law.

I don't give a shit about the militia. What is so hard for you to understand that a person might want a weapon for self protection from the very criminals that government law enforcement cannot seem to keep off the streets?

Case in point 80% of all gun murders are committed by gangs or in other words criminals.

It skews the numbers to make it seem gun violence is a bigger problem than it is.

And what kind of guns do the criminals have? American made, US store bought guns. Try making it a little harder to purchase assault weapons and guns and maybe the criminals wouldn't have so many. :thanks:

Do you even know what an "assault weapon" is ?

All it is is a semi automatic rifle with some cosmetic doo dads on it and according to the FBI more people are killed by fists and feet than they are by rifles of any kind

And here you go

Harvard Gun Study Claims Banning Weapons Doesn't Decrease Violence

. “There is a compound assertion that guns are uniquely available in the United States compared with other modern developed nations, which is why the United States has by far the highest murder rate. Though these assertions have been endlessly repeated, [the latter] is, in fact, false and [the former] is substantially so,” the authors point out, based on their research
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Lets get this argument on the parameters that matter, the guy that did this was a cop. Every single complain you are making is about people who are not cops, but we are still talking about a cop. Until you get it through your head that we are talking about a cop we aren't discussing anything. I am pointing out that we are talking about cops, and you keep pretending that the problem is people who want to defend themselves from criminals.
This is an insane cop. He was a man before he became a cop, and I' m betting he was insane then too.

Are there bad cops? Are there bad soldiers? Are there bad priests?

An occupation does not wash away sin. The shooter was a cop, but now he's a murderer. There"s no call for deadly force when faced with a cell phone and a bucket of popcorn.

Tell the family of Kelly Thomas that an occupation doesn't wash away sin.

The fact is that the government, supported by people like you, routinely makes different rules for itself and for everyone else. Until we deal with that, nothing else is going to matter. We need to restrict the government, and we should seriously consider getting rid of the standing army we call police. Until we do, I am not going to even entertain any notions that the problem is crazy people, or inanimate objects. The problem is the government.
So you favor vigilante justice over a police force?

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