The downside of carrying a firearm...

One more point of order that must be addressed since it keeps being brought back into these types of discussion
A license is a privilege granted by the state.
Tradesman license, marriage license, motor vehicle license are all privilege's granted by the state

A right does not need a license to obtain said right.
Firearm ownership is a right the second amendment dictates that we Americans have that right and directs the federal government to insure that right is protected. Now we have allowed that right to become fuzzy and have allowed the federal and state governments to keep that right from us. I say no more compromises. You gun grabbers have made your last gun control law.

Should private citizens have the right to own and bear any arm available to the military? Should private citizens own RPGs, armored tanks, nuclear weapons, chemical and biological weapons? Is the right to bear arms unlimited and universal?

You think we should arrest anyone who has biological weapons in their possession? Does that prohibition extend to e coli and H1N1, or are you going to pick and choose which weapons people can, and cannot, legally transport based on your personal paranoia?
One more point of order that must be addressed since it keeps being brought back into these types of discussion
A license is a privilege granted by the state.
Tradesman license, marriage license, motor vehicle license are all privilege's granted by the state

A right does not need a license to obtain said right.
Firearm ownership is a right the second amendment dictates that we Americans have that right and directs the federal government to insure that right is protected. Now we have allowed that right to become fuzzy and have allowed the federal and state governments to keep that right from us. I say no more compromises. You gun grabbers have made your last gun control law.

Should private citizens have the right to own and bear any arm available to the military? Should private citizens own RPGs, armored tanks, nuclear weapons, chemical and biological weapons? Is the right to bear arms unlimited and universal?

It would have to be unlimited, or else your militia isn't well-armed. Nukes would be a must.

Anyone with a basic understanding of physics can build a nuclear weapon, the only hard part is getting the proper materials to make it go boom.
Miller vs. U.S. 1938 and Lewis vs U.S. 1980 affirming what Miller ruled upon
Opinion of the Court
In order for a firearm too be protected by the second amendment it must have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia, in common use of the time, and supplied by the citizen.
United States v. Miller
"well regulated" or the guys whose trailer is in the next lot?

Care to go back?
Want to address these words?
reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of
Which means the courts was using the correct definition from the time those two words were used.
As to be expect and in working order. Not government regulated.

If that were the case thew second amendment would read as follows
A militia well regulated by congress being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
It would have to be unlimited, or else your militia isn't well-armed. Nukes would be a must.


I think the Pentagon should be pubic-access. Like a library. You sign up for a card, borrow a drone or a tank or a nuke. Why not? We paid for all that shit, right?
What happens when those weapons fall into the hands of Al Qeada? The next Ted Kazinski? The street gangs?

What happened in the 1960s and 1970s when airplane hijackings were routine?
Are you mocking my responsibility? Do you think I should act less responsibly?

And why should I listen to you?

Just think, if three criminals showed up at your door, you are responsible enough not to shoot any of them in the groin.

Muchanic knocked on Braman's door wearing a ski mask. The victim opened his door carrying a loaded 357 Smith and Wesson revolver. Muchanic told Braman he was having car problems and needed to use his phone, according to state police.
Trooper Mark Mulvey said Braman tried to close the door when he realized Muchanic was wearing a ski mask. State police said Muchanic then forced his way into the home and began assaulting Braman and knocking him to the ground.
Braman fired three shots at Muchanic and hit him once in the groin.
Troopers say Muchanic fled the home, falling to the ground. The two other men, Brewer and Hess left Muchanic at the scene.
Home invasion victim shoots suspect after assault | WBNG-TV: News, Sports and Weather Binghamton, New York | Local
There is a greater statistical chance that someone in my household gets shot from an irresponsibly stored gun than I am ever suddenly called upon to be Dirty Harry. I'm sorry, but I have to face reality, not a screenplay. I have to be a responsible adult, not some moron with a Rambo complex. I have to act intelligently and responsibly, not like a wannabe John Wayne.

That is an lie, you should stop being afraid of lies.

I think the Pentagon should be pubic-access. Like a library. You sign up for a card, borrow a drone or a tank or a nuke. Why not? We paid for all that shit, right?
What happens when those weapons fall into the hands of Al Qeada? The next Ted Kazinski? The street gangs?

It was satirical. I'm taking the idea to where it wants to go. :eusa_angel:
i know that and you know that, but there are folks here who mocked my responsibility as a gun owner and want to open every military arsenal to the general public.

Imagine, they advocate less personal responsibility as to gun ownership, wish they had grenade launchers and can't see any connection between guns and gun violence! Sometimes, Pogo, I think I'm arguing with fourteen year old boys who just came out of a Die Hard movie. It's a wonder a rogue cop didn't shoot them for giggling too loudly.
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BigReb, you gonna let him get away with this?

He says the "gun grabbers" have been majorly buttwhipped, you said "we have allowed that right to become fuzzy and have allowed the federal and state governments to keep that right from us. I say no more compromises. You gun grabbers have made your last gun control law."

So which is it? Have we allowed "gun grabber" laws, or have those attempts been buttwhipped? I think you and he should fight this out.

Doesn't matter to me, I just want the entertainment.

Squirm dance! Squirm dance! :eusa_dance:


He hasn't contradicted what I said. Gun owners are taking back our rights, that once were misinterpreted

Ah so he isn't contradicting you; you're contradicting yourself.

Thanks for clearing that up. I really wanted a firefight though. Shoot. Uh, I mean, shit.

There you go again with the non comprehension thing again.
Just think, if three criminals showed up at your door, you are responsible enough not to shoot any of them in the groin.

Home invasion victim shoots suspect after assault | WBNG-TV: News, Sports and Weather Binghamton, New York | Local
There is a greater statistical chance that someone in my household gets shot from an irresponsibly stored gun than I am ever suddenly called upon to be Dirty Harry. I'm sorry, but I have to face reality, not a screenplay. I have to be a responsible adult, not some moron with a Rambo complex. I have to act intelligently and responsibly, not like a wannabe John Wayne.

That is an lie, you should stop being afraid of lies.

You have a better chance of winning the lottery twice than getting shot once with your own firearm.
What kind. Of thinking includes: I'm off to the movies! Better take my gun!

The kind that says cops always carry their guns.

No, the kind that thinks he can be Dirty Harry or any rogue vigilante and never mind the consequences. In other words, immature and irresponsible.

In other words the kind of vicarious fantasy addiction that drives them to think they actually ARE the character on the movie screen. Like the way Mark Chapman thought he was John Lennon.

There is a greater statistical chance that someone in my household gets shot from an irresponsibly stored gun than I am ever suddenly called upon to be Dirty Harry. I'm sorry, but I have to face reality, not a screenplay. I have to be a responsible adult, not some moron with a Rambo complex. I have to act intelligently and responsibly, not like a wannabe John Wayne.

That is an lie, you should stop being afraid of lies.

You have a better chance of winning the lottery twice than getting shot once with your own firearm.
I'll take my chances by unloading and locking my gun in a safe. That's what real responsible adults do.
What kind. Of thinking includes: I'm off to the movies! Better take my gun!

The kind that says cops always carry their guns.
No, the kind that thinks he can be Dirty Harry or any rogue vigilante and never mind the consequences. In other words, immature and irresponsible.

Lets get this argument on the parameters that matter, the guy that did this was a cop. Every single complain you are making is about people who are not cops, but we are still talking about a cop. Until you get it through your head that we are talking about a cop we aren't discussing anything. I am pointing out that we are talking about cops, and you keep pretending that the problem is people who want to defend themselves from criminals.
It seems only fair to tell you that I do not have a clue as to what you are talking about in Los Angeles.

But I can tell you this. I lived in New Orleans for 10 years, and there are nieghborhoods where even the cops don't enter at night unless they are in teams of four. So, unless you are Sylvester Stallone, I feel secure in telling you that, even with my firearms training through the Pima County Sheriff's department, I would not enter certain nieghborhoods in New Orleans without a bazookaza, but I bow down to you, the ultimate terminator, who is prepared to take on an entire group of gangsters who are armed to the teeth, have nothing to lose, and hate your guts, just for being in their neighborhood.

Of course, if you have George Zimmerman with you, that would be a different story altogether.....

Like I said ... You don't know who or what you are talking about.
I don't have any business to do in the neighborhoods you are a talking about ... I don't need any drugs, and the places I frequent are little easier to get to and more enjoyable.
I don't need to be Sylvester Stallone to get from the JW Marriot to Mike Anderson's.

I carry a firearm for the chances the criminals don't stay in their neighborhood.
It is hilarious ... Gun grabbing freaks call us nuts ... And then think we are going to try an armed assault on the 9th Ward.


Sorry, Black, but you simply do not know New Orleans. All you know is the French Quarter, like all the other tourists. You do not have to go to the 9th Ward to get shot dead. The 9th Ward will come to you, because they know that is where the money is, when dealing drugs gets a little too slow. I knew a guy who was shot dead in broad daylight within 25 yards of the front gate to the Jazz festival by a 15 year old who was trying to mug him on a Sunday afternoon. A man was shot dead on my block in Kenner, which is a nice suburb, by a drunk, and I lived within a mile of Ann Rice, in her million dollar masion. Death by gunfire is so pervasive in New Orleans that the drive by shootings can usually be found about half way through section 1 on the Picqaune, not far from normal obituaries and wedding announcments. New Orleans is a perfect example of a civilization that has reverted to a urban jungle, with firearms being the common denominator of the hunters and the hunted, the gangsters, the frightened whites fleeing the city for the country or suburbs, and the drunks and the addicts.
The kind that says cops always carry their guns.
No, the kind that thinks he can be Dirty Harry or any rogue vigilante and never mind the consequences. In other words, immature and irresponsible.

Lets get this argument on the parameters that matter, the guy that did this was a cop. Every single complain you are making is about people who are not cops, but we are still talking about a cop. Until you get it through your head that we are talking about a cop we aren't discussing anything. I am pointing out that we are talking about cops, and you keep pretending that the problem is people who want to defend themselves from criminals.

Cops are gods don't you get it?
The kind that says cops always carry their guns.

No, the kind that thinks he can be Dirty Harry or any rogue vigilante and never mind the consequences. In other words, immature and irresponsible.

In other words the kind of vicarious fantasy addiction that drives them to think they actually ARE the character on the movie screen. Like the way Mark Chapman thought he was John Lennon.


He was a SWAT commander. In other words, he was trained to take down that guy on the screen.
No, the kind that thinks he can be Dirty Harry or any rogue vigilante and never mind the consequences. In other words, immature and irresponsible.

In other words the kind of vicarious fantasy addiction that drives them to think they actually ARE the character on the movie screen. Like the way Mark Chapman thought he was John Lennon.


He was a SWAT commander. In other words, he was trained to take down that guy on the screen.

So you're saying, this guy went in to a movie theater packing because he believes the image on the screen is a real guy and he was going to take him down?

That explains a lot in the psychology actually. :eusa_think:
The kind that says cops always carry their guns.
No, the kind that thinks he can be Dirty Harry or any rogue vigilante and never mind the consequences. In other words, immature and irresponsible.

Lets get this argument on the parameters that matter, the guy that did this was a cop. Every single complain you are making is about people who are not cops, but we are still talking about a cop. Until you get it through your head that we are talking about a cop we aren't discussing anything. I am pointing out that we are talking about cops, and you keep pretending that the problem is people who want to defend themselves from criminals.
This is an insane cop. He was a man before he became a cop, and I' m betting he was insane then too.

Are there bad cops? Are there bad soldiers? Are there bad priests?

An occupation does not wash away sin. The shooter was a cop, but now he's a murderer. There"s no call for deadly force when faced with a cell phone and a bucket of popcorn.

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