The downside of carrying a firearm...

What did GZ do that was stupid?

You assume GZ initiated contact; why do you assume that?

The evidence suggests it was Martin that initiated contact after GZ's fat little ass tired out and he was heading back to his vehicle (as my fat little ass would have been doing too, lol).

He left the safety of his vehicle to pursue someone, in the dark where there was no immediacy of threat. His right, perfectly legal. Tactically retarded.

Look at all the bullshit it got him. Right or wrong.

It's wrong as I pointed out, but you won't let that stop your false narrative.

False narrative ?

George was in the right legally and look at what it cost him .......with ZERO, NADA, ZIP upside.
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When 2 men showed up at my house at 2 am. to help themselves to my stuff during a black out, they had no idea that on the other side of the window there was a rifle pointed at their heads not more than 10 feet away. Made me feel a lot more secure about the situation they put me in.

Why didn't you run outside with a gun to protect your neighbors ?
He left the safety of his vehicle to pursue someone, in the dark where there was no immediacy of threat. His right, perfectly legal. Tactically retarded.

Look at all the bullshit it got him. Right or wrong.

It's wrong as I pointed out, but you won't let that stop your false narrative.

False narrative ?

George was in the right legally and look at what it cost him .......with ZERO, NADA, ZIP upside.

Yes, false narrative. But your narrative changes every time you get cornered. As for this new narrative my answer is that for every GZ there are at least two people who save the lives and property of themselves and others.

All upside, no downside.
As for myself, I've been carrying concealed ever since the good state of Florida has allowed it. The upside has been that I am protected and so is my family and property. Another upside is that I'm exercising my rights as an American citizen and it is a right that so few people in the world have. Finally, and most satisfying of all is that it pisses a lot if lefties off to no end.

The downside has been.........non-existant.
It's wrong as I pointed out, but you won't let that stop your false narrative.

False narrative ?

George was in the right legally and look at what it cost him .......with ZERO, NADA, ZIP upside.

Yes, false narrative. But your narrative changes every time you get cornered. As for this new narrative my answer is that for every GZ there are at least two people who save the lives and property of themselves and others.

All upside, no downside.

Show me a narrative number ?

Your ego has you convinced because you bought you a pew pew and went to 2hr CCW class you're going to run out and save the lives and property and others.
Seems as if open carry advocates are itching for a fight. They anticipate danger at every turn. How many folks have ever been assaulted in a situation where deadly force is the one and only way out? Who here lives in Lebanon or Iraq or some other third world shit hole where deadly force is a matter of day to day existence?

I submit that most all Americans live in safe, secure neighborhoods where gun use is limited to criminal on criminal action. Where home invasions are a rarity if not mythical occurrence. Gun toting morons see themselves as idealistic vigilantes. Wild West heroes. Movie characters admired for their stoic toughness. Anything but the typical American experience.
Seems as if open carry advocates are itching for a fight. They anticipate danger at every turn. How many folks have ever been assaulted in a situation where deadly force is the one and only way out? Who here lives in Lebanon or Iraq or some other third world shit hole where deadly force is a matter of day to day existence?

I submit that most all Americans live in safe, secure neighborhoods where gun use is limited to criminal on criminal action. Where home invasions are a rarity if not mythical occurrence. Gun toting morons see themselves as idealistic vigilantes. Wild West heroes. Movie characters admired for their stoic toughness. Anything but the typical American experience.

Tell that to the victims of mass school, mall and theater shootings. These didn't happen in third world countries or even crime-ridden neighborhoods.

Must be nice living in a fantasy world.
False narrative ?

George was in the right legally and look at what it cost him .......with ZERO, NADA, ZIP upside.

Yes, false narrative. But your narrative changes every time you get cornered. As for this new narrative my answer is that for every GZ there are at least two people who save the lives and property of themselves and others.

All upside, no downside.

Show me a narrative number ?

Your ego has you convinced because you bought you a pew pew and went to 2hr CCW class you're going to run out and save the lives and property and others.

Almost every post you make nit wit.

And I'm ex military, there was no need for me to take a class loser.

If you had a shred of intellectual honesty, we could have a discussion, alas....
Seems as if open carry advocates are itching for a fight. They anticipate danger at every turn. How many folks have ever been assaulted in a situation where deadly force is the one and only way out? Who here lives in Lebanon or Iraq or some other third world shit hole where deadly force is a matter of day to day existence?

Why do you assume using a gun for self defense necessarily means using deadly force?
You do realize that merely brandishing a gun is most likely enough to extricate you from a potentially dangerous situation don't you?

I submit that most all Americans live in safe, secure neighborhoods where gun use is limited to criminal on criminal action. Where home invasions are a rarity if not mythical occurrence. Gun toting morons see themselves as idealistic vigilantes. Wild West heroes. Movie characters admired for their stoic toughness. Anything but the typical American experience.

Even in safe neighborhoods a person can be the victim of a violent crime.

I have been the victim of a violent crime. I was walking home after working a double shift. I had a few hundred dollars on me. I usually never carried that much but I was planning on going to the bank after my shift but when the overtime came up I figured I'd take the work and go to the bank the next day.

I was held up by 2 guys robbed and beat up pretty good.

Now if you're lucky enough not to have been a victim of a violent crime good for you but I for one made the decision then and there that I would not be defenseless ever again.

Years later I now do not carry everywhere I go but I know I have the right to if I feel there is need and when I feel the need I carry a weapon.

I am glad I live in a country that allows a man the means to protect himself from those that would do him harm. If you choose not to exercise that right then good for you but you should not be so quick to deny others their right to self protection.

I do not fancy myself a vigilante. In fact if I were to witness a crime I would not pull my weapon I would call the police after all I do not have a carry permit to protect the public. I have it to protect myself.
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Seems as if open carry advocates are itching for a fight. They anticipate danger at every turn. How many folks have ever been assaulted in a situation where deadly force is the one and only way out? Who here lives in Lebanon or Iraq or some other third world shit hole where deadly force is a matter of day to day existence?

I submit that most all Americans live in safe, secure neighborhoods where gun use is limited to criminal on criminal action. Where home invasions are a rarity if not mythical occurrence. Gun toting morons see themselves as idealistic vigilantes. Wild West heroes. Movie characters admired for their stoic toughness. Anything but the typical American experience.

My house has never been broken into, but I have an alarm system. I've never had a fire in my kitchen, but I have a fire extinguisher. Are you saying things that ignorant because you think no one will know how to respond or do you actually believe that stuff?

Do you actually think that you can try to paint a picture of peoe who carry as some sort if cowboy wanna-bes? Is this what you have to tell yourself to justify your position or are you under the false impression that your ruse will work or that anyone cares what you think of them?
There is plenty of potential downside.

Many CCW'ers do not have the mindset.

How many is many?

Very few murders are committed by people who follow all the legal steps to get a carry permit.

If your mindset is to take the fight to an armed confrontation or come to the rescue.

Your mindset has fucked you before you ever clear leather.

But gun ownership is an ego game and gun owners know everything.

Pretty broad brush there.

I have a permit so I can protect myself not you, not the public. If I saw you getting beaten up I would call the cops and I might wait for them to show up or I might not. I figure if you didn't want to carry a weapon to protect yourself then you wouldn't want anyone else to use a weapon to protect you except for the police.

I am not about to risk my life for a stranger.
Seems as if open carry advocates are itching for a fight. They anticipate danger at every turn. How many folks have ever been assaulted in a situation where deadly force is the one and only way out? Who here lives in Lebanon or Iraq or some other third world shit hole where deadly force is a matter of day to day existence?

I submit that most all Americans live in safe, secure neighborhoods where gun use is limited to criminal on criminal action. Where home invasions are a rarity if not mythical occurrence. Gun toting morons see themselves as idealistic vigilantes. Wild West heroes. Movie characters admired for their stoic toughness. Anything but the typical American experience.

Tell that to the victims of mass school, mall and theater shootings. These didn't happen in third world countries or even crime-ridden neighborhoods.

Must be nice living in a fantasy world.
What would have prevented such tragedies? Keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally deranged. Slapping a pistol in the hands of a teacher would not do it. The rich and powerful surrounded by well trained, well armed cadres still get shot by the mentally frazzled.

But carrying a piece does not equal security. Adding guns to a heated situation makes for a coroner's inquest.
There is a lot that the gun grabbers don't know, a lot that they refuse to know, and a lot that they think they know but isn't true. That kind of thinking is necessary on order to maintain a mindset that is juxtaposed with reality.
Seems as if open carry advocates are itching for a fight. They anticipate danger at every turn. How many folks have ever been assaulted in a situation where deadly force is the one and only way out? Who here lives in Lebanon or Iraq or some other third world shit hole where deadly force is a matter of day to day existence?

I submit that most all Americans live in safe, secure neighborhoods where gun use is limited to criminal on criminal action. Where home invasions are a rarity if not mythical occurrence. Gun toting morons see themselves as idealistic vigilantes. Wild West heroes. Movie characters admired for their stoic toughness. Anything but the typical American experience.

My house has never been broken into, but I have an alarm system. I've never had a fire in my kitchen, but I have a fire extinguisher. Are you saying things that ignorant because you think no one will know how to respond or do you actually believe that stuff?

Do you actually think that you can try to paint a picture of peoe who carry as some sort if cowboy wanna-bes? Is this what you have to tell yourself to justify your position or are you under the false impression that your ruse will work or that anyone cares what you think of them?
Alarm systems and fire extinguishers are not deadly weapons. They are not analogous to guns. Who ever heard of a kid finding a fire extinguisher and killing himself or his playmate accidentally?

But put a gun within reach of a child and tragedy follows. Add a gun to a heated situation and death follows.
Seems as if open carry advocates are itching for a fight. They anticipate danger at every turn. How many folks have ever been assaulted in a situation where deadly force is the one and only way out? Who here lives in Lebanon or Iraq or some other third world shit hole where deadly force is a matter of day to day existence?

I submit that most all Americans live in safe, secure neighborhoods where gun use is limited to criminal on criminal action. Where home invasions are a rarity if not mythical occurrence. Gun toting morons see themselves as idealistic vigilantes. Wild West heroes. Movie characters admired for their stoic toughness. Anything but the typical American experience.

I submit that you have no interest in actually discussing the issue and instead are trying to marginalize those you disagree with by insulting them and making ignorant and prejudicial statements designed to "shame" those who disagree with you into silence. You may achieve that "silence", but it won't change their minds, nor help you sway them into agreeing with you on this issue.

In fact, all you really have done is create the impression that you are merely a self righteous, relentlessly ignorant gadfly who has nothing of worth to offer in a discussion. Please take a moment and try again.
Seems as if open carry advocates are itching for a fight. They anticipate danger at every turn. How many folks have ever been assaulted in a situation where deadly force is the one and only way out? Who here lives in Lebanon or Iraq or some other third world shit hole where deadly force is a matter of day to day existence?

I submit that most all Americans live in safe, secure neighborhoods where gun use is limited to criminal on criminal action. Where home invasions are a rarity if not mythical occurrence. Gun toting morons see themselves as idealistic vigilantes. Wild West heroes. Movie characters admired for their stoic toughness. Anything but the typical American experience.

Tell that to the victims of mass school, mall and theater shootings. These didn't happen in third world countries or even crime-ridden neighborhoods.

Must be nice living in a fantasy world.
What would have prevented such tragedies? Keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally deranged. Slapping a pistol in the hands of a teacher would not do it. The rich and powerful surrounded by well trained, well armed cadres still get shot by the mentally frazzled.

But carrying a piece does not equal security. Adding guns to a heated situation makes for a coroner's inquest.

What would stop such tragedies? Putting cops in schools.

The rich and powerful do get attacked but rarely and we aren't talking about one or two shots then body guards take you down, we are talking about a kid who goes to a school and shoots unfettered for many minutes at a time.

Nothing "equals" security, especially being unarmed.

Your analogies need a LOT of work.
Seems as if open carry advocates are itching for a fight. They anticipate danger at every turn. How many folks have ever been assaulted in a situation where deadly force is the one and only way out? Who here lives in Lebanon or Iraq or some other third world shit hole where deadly force is a matter of day to day existence?

I submit that most all Americans live in safe, secure neighborhoods where gun use is limited to criminal on criminal action. Where home invasions are a rarity if not mythical occurrence. Gun toting morons see themselves as idealistic vigilantes. Wild West heroes. Movie characters admired for their stoic toughness. Anything but the typical American experience.

My house has never been broken into, but I have an alarm system. I've never had a fire in my kitchen, but I have a fire extinguisher. Are you saying things that ignorant because you think no one will know how to respond or do you actually believe that stuff?

Do you actually think that you can try to paint a picture of peoe who carry as some sort if cowboy wanna-bes? Is this what you have to tell yourself to justify your position or are you under the false impression that your ruse will work or that anyone cares what you think of them?
Alarm systems and fire extinguishers are not deadly weapons. They are not analogous to guns. Who ever heard of a kid finding a fire extinguisher and killing himself or his playmate accidentally?

But put a gun within reach of a child and tragedy follows. Add a gun to a heated situation and death follows.

Funny I've had a carry permit for over 20 years and have owned guns for as long I have had a weapon on me and gotten into heated arguments and no one ever got killed.

Imagine that.
Seems as if open carry advocates are itching for a fight. They anticipate danger at every turn. How many folks have ever been assaulted in a situation where deadly force is the one and only way out? Who here lives in Lebanon or Iraq or some other third world shit hole where deadly force is a matter of day to day existence?

I submit that most all Americans live in safe, secure neighborhoods where gun use is limited to criminal on criminal action. Where home invasions are a rarity if not mythical occurrence. Gun toting morons see themselves as idealistic vigilantes. Wild West heroes. Movie characters admired for their stoic toughness. Anything but the typical American experience.

My house has never been broken into, but I have an alarm system. I've never had a fire in my kitchen, but I have a fire extinguisher. Are you saying things that ignorant because you think no one will know how to respond or do you actually believe that stuff?

Do you actually think that you can try to paint a picture of peoe who carry as some sort if cowboy wanna-bes? Is this what you have to tell yourself to justify your position or are you under the false impression that your ruse will work or that anyone cares what you think of them?
Alarm systems and fire extinguishers are not deadly weapons. They are not analogous to guns. Who ever heard of a kid finding a fire extinguisher and killing himself or his playmate accidentally?

But put a gun within reach of a child and tragedy follows. Add a gun to a heated situation and death follows.

Whether they are deadly weapons is irrelevant, it wasn't your point and you know it.
My house has never been broken into, but I have an alarm system. I've never had a fire in my kitchen, but I have a fire extinguisher. Are you saying things that ignorant because you think no one will know how to respond or do you actually believe that stuff?

Do you actually think that you can try to paint a picture of peoe who carry as some sort if cowboy wanna-bes? Is this what you have to tell yourself to justify your position or are you under the false impression that your ruse will work or that anyone cares what you think of them?
Alarm systems and fire extinguishers are not deadly weapons. They are not analogous to guns. Who ever heard of a kid finding a fire extinguisher and killing himself or his playmate accidentally?

But put a gun within reach of a child and tragedy follows. Add a gun to a heated situation and death follows.

Funny I've had a carry permit for over 20 years and have owned guns for as long I have had a weapon on me and gotten into heated arguments and no one ever got killed.

Imagine that.

He's not too bright. I blame public education.

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