The Dowry Matrix: Bride-Burnings [Ritual Destroyer]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
After watching Kaun Banega Crorepati, India's version of the hit capitalism-symbolic TV-gameshow Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (TV) with my Indian parents, I began thinking about how media and entertainment around the world in this modern age of great commerce would 'alter' civilization-thinking regarding finance-oriented 'etiquette/spirituality' such as dowry-systems in India and fortune-themed programs such as Dynasty and Dallas in America.

What do you think?


"Aliyah was a fair Indian bride being presented to a wealthy family with a modest dowry which is all her humbly-financed family could afford. Aliyah's Indian groom, Aman, son of a wealthy Indian baron in Bombay, was not happy with Aliyah's dowry (bride-price). Aman's cruel father, Shekhar, was not happy either. That's why Aman's mother, Alpana, treated Aliyah very badly. This was purely a 'financial evil,' and Aliyah realized her entire consciousness in Aman's household would be 'plagued' by her unsatisfactory dowry. What could she do? She lived in a world literally ruled by capitalism."


"Aliyah went with her husband and her in-laws to a royal wedding one day where the proud king presented to the guests the incredible dowry her son's bride's family boasted --- a chest full of gold and jewelry (some from ancient India!). Aliyah felt very depressed and worried about what her husband Aman and his cruel father Shekhar would say once they got home and Aman's mother Alpana began 'complaining' about Aliyah's unsatisfactory dowry. Aliyah had reason to worry, for that night, Shekhar (Aman's father) beat Aliyah with a broomstick. Aliyah was now 'spiritually haunted' by the image of that dowry treasure-chest that proud king boasted at the royal wedding they all attended. Would fortune/treasure spell Aliyah's doom?"


"Aliyah began praying to the gods for help. When she attended another fancy wedding with her family in which the dowry-presentations were once again boasted, Aliyah reasoned she'd have to just flee from the clutches of Aman's father Shekhar. Aliyah took photos of the dowry-presentation at this new wedding with her new camera, hoping to share them sentimentally with Aman's mother Alpana so she'd protect Aliyah from Shekhar. However, Aliyah knew Alpana might most likely not come to her aid, so Aliyah began hatching a plan."


"Aliyah was a gifted painter and decided to make a painting of the Indian fable queen/maiden Sita who was ritually burned by her husband (Lord Ram) to 'cleanse' her when her innocence was questioned by the royal court (since Sita was kidnapped by a lusty warlord named Ravana). Aliyah completed the painting and presented it in a prayer to the Hindu gods Narayan and Shiva who might come to her aid. She begged them to help her, since Shekhar would be completely merciless."


"Narayan and Shiva both heard Aliyah's prayer, but Shiva was busy and told Narayan to handle this special dowry-mission. Narayan descended to Earth and began following Shekhar around invisibly. Narayan noticed that Shekhar had employed a ruthless Indian warlord named Ra's to use a sabre to decapitate Aliyah and leave her head and body in the desert, as punishment for her unsatisfactory dowry (bride-price). Narayan concluded that Ra's would mean the complete demoralization of Indian pride and of course the death of Aliyah."


"Narayan decided to come to Shekhar in a dream while the cruel wealthy Indian baron slept one night. In the dream, Narayan wrestled Shekhar to the ground in front of a combat-poised audience on a stage not unlike the Colosseum in Rome but more reflective of the aesthetics of Indian art and architecture. Narayan wrestled Shekhar and demanded to know why he was cruel to Aliyah in a world that was otherwise obviously 'morally guided' by the economic governing principles of capitalism and commerce. Shekhar begged for mercy and confessed that he wanted more treasure and money, and Narayan told the cruel man that if he did not release Aliyah from her marriage-bond, he'd come again in a dream and cause Shekhar to have a heart-attack."


"The next week, Aliyah was freed from her marriage-bond to Aman and fled to Nepal where Narayan guided her to a secret mountain clan of Sita-worshiping Indian women, a covenant called the Ring. Aliyah became the official 'saint' figure of the Ring, and the covenant-priestesses showered her with kindness and offered prayers and incantations about the value of women in the age of money and commerce and trade. Aliyah thanked Narayan for delivering her into the hands of the Ring."


"Narayan then had to debate with an evil demon-god called Borg about the wisdom of removing Aliyah from her household.

NARAYAN: I did the righteous thing by rescuing Aliyah.
BORG: Do you know how many dowry-deaths occur in India?
NARAYAN: Many...but Aliyah prayed to me and Shiva earnestly.
BORG: You removed her from a legal marriage-bond.
NARAYAN: There's a difference between 'legal' and 'sane.'
BORG: Well, you can't interrupt countless dowry-marriages.
NARAYAN: At least Aliyah was delivered to the Ring!
BORG: That's fortunate for Aliyah, but you can't destroy rituals.
NARAYAN: Why not?
BORG: Rituals define the consciousness of a people.
NARAYAN: Sometimes rituals merely create angst.
BORG: Do you intend to revolutionize capitalism itself?
NARAYAN: Why not market Who Wants to Be a Millionaire in India?
BORG: That is indeed a capitalism-iconic TV-gameshow.
NARAYAN: That gameshow promotes 'consciousness' about money.
BORG: Temptation is the mother of cynicism.

Narayan managed to convince Borg that delivering the poor Aliyah to the Ring was wise and right. Narayan then returned to his mountaintop in the Himalayas where he could discuss Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (TV) with his god-friend Shiva. Narayan continued to wonder if Borg was right about the nature of temptation --- that it promoted machine-like cynicism."


"Narayan saw that Shiva was busy making love to a beautiful blonde mermaid named Ariel on a beach. Shiva had given Ariel a handful of jewelry and gems. He interrupted the amorous lovers and demanded to know why Shiva was frolicking while an Indian maiden (Aliyah) was obviously in dire straits because of money and a dowry-fate. Shiva apologized and told Ariel he'd visit her later, after he'd properly/ethically discussed Aliyah's special plight with his god-friend Narayan."


"Shiva suggested to Narayan that the monkey-god Hanuman, messenger of strength in media, soar around India and motivate Indian families to watch Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? on TV(!). That's just what Narayan requested Hanuman to do, and Hanuman flew around India one night, lighting 'invisible fires' to household who were not watching Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? on TV. The next month, TV-ratings for Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? in India shot through the roof, and Bollywood super-celebrity Amitabh Bachan became a regular host on the capitalism-iconic gameshow."


SHIVA: Hanuman did an excellent job.
NARAYAN: He did his duty...
SHIVA: Do you think capitalism-media will affect dowry-dialogue?
NARAYAN: It seems modern media caters to customs-evaluations.
SHIVA: Sure. That's why the Home Shopping Network is so 'fine.'
NARAYAN: If commerce does not promote etiquette, it can't create peace!
SHIVA: Hanuman has radically altered the course of media aesthetics.
NARAYAN: Well, I think I'll go watch Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? on TV.
SHIVA: I'll join you, my friend...
NARAYAN: Afterwards, let's enjoy some shrimp-coconut curry.
SHIVA: I know a great Indian restaurant featuring a beautiful waitress.
NARAYAN: All you think about is sensuality!
SHIVA: What's wrong with pleasure in the age of consumerism/entertainment?
NARAYAN: Well, I thought you were more of a meditative warrior...


"Narayan was very pleased with a new direction in social customs he witnessed regarding the prevalence/frequency of dowry-deaths (bride-burnings), cases where Indian brides who offered 'unsatisfactory' dowries were ritually burned by their cruel in-laws and unforgiving/obstinate husbands. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (TV) had shifted some serious streams of consciousness in the Indian landscape. Narayan wondered what capitalism-baron U.S. President Donald Trump might say about all this 'media and consumerism oriented society-reform dialogue'."



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