"The Dream" is no where to be found.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
It is ironic that Barack Hussein Obama is speaking on the anniversary of Dr. Mertin Luther King's march on Washington. Where he gave his famous "Dream" speech.

Obama is the epitome of someone who got where he did by the color of his skin and definately not by the content of his character.

THAT part of the dream is nowhere to be found today. Everything that happens, the people involved are judged by the color of their skin and character has been all but ignored.

This is the fault of the Media and the race baiters like Sharpton and Jackson.

Yes we do have a long way to go in race relations, and in fact we have further to go now than we did even 8 years ago.

It is sad.. The left has set back race relations by decades.. The constant screaming and finger pointing as well as labeling all conservatives as racist has done it's damage..Now , none of us give a shit..
Sure. Conservatives aren't racist:


And that's just one thread of too many for me to take the time to find and paste here. You might not see black people as inferior, you might not see white people as superior to other races, you might truly believe that "all men are created equal", but other conservatives are racist whether you believe it or not. And when many black people perceive the Republican party as unfriendly to them (which they do) not because of the "liberal media" but because of policies such as Voter ID restrictions, the shortening of early voting periods, the closing of polls on Sunday before elections, the closing of polls in heavily Democratic districts, and the gutting of the Voting Rights Act by the conservative Justices of the SCOTUS, and statements about "wetbacks", among otherstatements, policies and policy changes that sidproportionately target racial minorities originating among conservatives its hard not to come to the conclusion that the GOP has become the refuge of racists in this country.
Sure. Conservatives aren't racist:


And that's just one thread of too many for me to take the time to find and paste here. You might not see black people as inferior, you might not see white people as superior to other races, you might truly believe that "all men are created equal", but other conservatives are racist whether you believe it or not. And when many black people perceive the Republican party as unfriendly to them (which they do) not because of the "liberal media" but because of policies such as Voter ID restrictions, the shortening of early voting periods, the closing of polls on Sunday before elections, the closing of polls in heavily Democratic districts, and the gutting of the Voting Rights Act by the conservative Justices of the SCOTUS, and statements about "wetbacks", among otherstatements, policies and policy changes that sidproportionately target racial minorities originating among conservatives its hard not to come to the conclusion that the GOP has become the refuge of racists in this country.

Proved exactly what I said..
It is ironic that Barack Hussein Obama is speaking on the anniversary of Dr. Mertin Luther King's march on Washington. Where he gave his famous "Dream" speech.

Obama is the epitome of someone who got where he did by the color of his skin and definately not by the content of his character.

THAT part of the dream is nowhere to be found today. Everything that happens, the people involved are judged by the color of their skin and character has been all but ignored.

This is the fault of the Media and the race baiters like Sharpton and Jackson.

Yes we do have a long way to go in race relations, and in fact we have further to go now than we did even 8 years ago.


So, you've set yourself up nicely here. Why don't you give us an example of an African American who should be POTUS and speaking at the anniversary today.

It's pure laziness to make a remark like that based on your feelings about what you consider non-achievement.

I consider multiple degrees from Ivy League schools and NOT taking that big offer from Mayer Brown or Baker Botts quite commendable.

Obama would be far wealthier than he is now and without all the shit from stupid people like you.
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Blacks were much better off before white leftists corrupted King's message. Blacks were trying hard to achieve; they knew they had a model to look toward, white standards of behavior.

But white leftists started hiring quotas and started affirmative action that required blacks to be hired and let into college no matter how low their abilities or scores, and whites generally became deeply disillusioned.

The idea was promoted that "black is beautiful" just as it was, no matter how much prostitution, crime, murders, violence, burning down so many cities, ghettos driving out all the whites, welfare dependency, their great 60s music turned into obscene, violent, disgusting rap beats like jungle drums.

None of that is beautiful, and all of it is far, far worse than before Martin Luther King, Jr.

If blacks don't want to be thought of as inferior, then they have to live by standards and performance no worse than whites do. If blacks have worse achievements, more crime, more drugs and alcohol, more prostitution and pimping, more violence and flash mobs, less employment and more welfare than whites do, proportionally ------------- then they ARE inferior.

That's what inferior means. Not as good as.

It is sad.. The left has set back race relations by decades.. The constant screaming and finger pointing as well as labeling all conservatives as racist has done it's damage..Now , none of us give a shit..

There is racism on both sides of the political spectrum.
Blacks were much better off before white leftists corrupted King's message. Blacks were trying hard to achieve; they knew they had a model to look toward, white standards of behavior.

But white leftists started hiring quotas and started affirmative action that required blacks to be hired and let into college no matter how low their abilities or scores, and whites generally became deeply disillusioned.

The idea was promoted that "black is beautiful" just as it was, no matter how much prostitution, crime, murders, violence, burning down so many cities, ghettos driving out all the whites, welfare dependency, their great 60s music turned into obscene, violent, disgusting rap beats like jungle drums.

None of that is beautiful, and all of it is far, far worse than before Martin Luther King, Jr.

If blacks don't want to be thought of as inferior, then they have to live by standards and performance no worse than whites do. If blacks have worse achievements, more crime, more drugs and alcohol, more prostitution and pimping, more violence and flash mobs, less employment and more welfare than whites do, proportionally ------------- then they ARE inferior.

That's what inferior means. Not as good as.


Wrong, you can't allow your racism to influence the fact that 300 years of oppression should be let go in 40 years of freedom.
More right wing dipshits doing nothing but showing off their racism attacks blacks, nice,.. :cuckoo:
Just look how well blacks have been doing while Obama has been in office :lol:
It is ironic that Barack Hussein Obama is speaking on the anniversary of Dr. Mertin Luther King's march on Washington. Where he gave his famous "Dream" speech.

Obama is the epitome of someone who got where he did by the color of his skin and definately not by the content of his character.

THAT part of the dream is nowhere to be found today. Everything that happens, the people involved are judged by the color of their skin and character has been all but ignored.

This is the fault of the Media and the race baiters like Sharpton and Jackson.

Yes we do have a long way to go in race relations, and in fact we have further to go now than we did even 8 years ago.


You are so full of shit. President Obama, a man of color, President of the United States of America. General Colin Powel, one of the most respected men in America. Many men and women of color in upper management of many companies, some even CEO's.

And you resent these facts intensely. A person of color, whatever the genetic background, african, asian, latino, native american, has a better chance and oppertunity today in this nation than at any time in our history. That is a fact, and we see proof of it in the achievements made by many American Citizens with these backgrounds. That we still have a ways to go is obvious, but we have come far since Dr. King gave his speech, something that we can be proud of.

Except, of course, for the 'Conservatives'. They seek to put thing back to pre-Civil War status.
It is ironic that Barack Hussein Obama is speaking on the anniversary of Dr. Mertin Luther King's march on Washington. Where he gave his famous "Dream" speech.

Obama is the epitome of someone who got where he did by the color of his skin and definately not by the content of his character.

THAT part of the dream is nowhere to be found today. Everything that happens, the people involved are judged by the color of their skin and character has been all but ignored.

This is the fault of the Media and the race baiters like Sharpton and Jackson.

Yes we do have a long way to go in race relations, and in fact we have further to go now than we did even 8 years ago.


You are so full of shit. President Obama, a man of color, President of the United States of America. General Colin Powel, one of the most respected men in America. Many men and women of color in upper management of many companies, some even CEO's.

And you resent these facts intensely. A person of color, whatever the genetic background, african, asian, latino, native american, has a better chance and oppertunity today in this nation than at any time in our history. That is a fact, and we see proof of it in the achievements made by many American Citizens with these backgrounds. That we still have a ways to go is obvious, but we have come far since Dr. King gave his speech, something that we can be proud of.

Except, of course, for the 'Conservatives'. They seek to put thing back to pre-Civil War status.

Why don't you tell that to the black unemployed. Why don't you tell that to the inner city youths that the dems have oppressed by their social engineering.
Why don't you tell the caucasian unemployed that the Teabaggers in Congress are preventing implementation of the programs that would rebuild our infrastructure and provide employment for thousands.

The youths in the inner cities, just like the redneck youth in the rural south, have but to reach out and work toward a goal to become successful. There are programs and people that are more than willing to help. For both, the primary roadblock is their parents and the perception that there is no help.
Why don't you tell the caucasian unemployed that the Teabaggers in Congress are preventing implementation of the programs that would rebuild our infrastructure and provide employment for thousands.

The youths in the inner cities, just like the redneck youth in the rural south, have but to reach out and work toward a goal to become successful. There are programs and people that are more than willing to help. For both, the primary roadblock is their parents and the perception that there is no help.

Its quite obvious that we have spent trillions on social engineering and here we are even worse off. And , you still want more for these failed policies.
...the primary roadblock is their parents and the perception that there is no help.

Naaaaaaaaah, the primary roadblock is that so many blacks are doing such very bad things.

And demanding all that crime be accepted as just fine.

But guess what?

It's not just fine. It's inferior behavior of one race compared with another. There it is, and everyone white knows this.

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