The Dumbest Anti-Trump Protesters Ever---You Have To See This. You Really Have To See This.

Mind Wars....
Your signature is so true. I've seen quite a few on the Right say similar things but you know....I can't recall ANYONE on the Left aware of it.......

The ancient strategy of divide and conquer is masterfully used to herd us into intellectual, economic, spiritual, gender, and racial groups at conflict with one another in order for the powers that shouldn’t be to manipulate events for their purposes. This is nothing new… it’s been used by authoritarians throughout history to gain power over their subjects. Only today, the technocratic elite have been able to invade our minds leaving many clueless as to what’s happening around them.

If you really want to learn where and why we have a nation of morons this helps open the doors to what is being taught in our school and the idiots they produce " ON PURPOSE" ..... this has infested the past three generations and is still on going only worse..

Charlotte Iserbyt has put her great exposé of the dumbing-down agenda of American education on the Internet, so that anyone can now read it and download it free of charge. The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America is a big book and so very important that anyone interested in the future of this country must read it. I wrote a Foreword for the book that basically explains what Charlotte achieved by her incredible research based on documents she took out of the files of the Department of Education in Washington, where she worked as a Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI) during the first Reagan administration. She is the consummate whistleblower, with an overwhelming sense of responsibility as a public servant and a parent. Here’s the essence of what I wrote:

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
Typical alex jones crap. I wonder if any of those green space aliens he's always crying about were around.
His reporter exposed the mental disability of you type people.
His reporter was ridiculed for the fool that he is.

Yet no one could answer his question. I guess you think the blowhard with the little horn was a genius. I heard plenty tell him to leave yet none willing to back up their demands.

But you cry like a little girl when your aggressive behavior is returned.
Typical alex jones crap. I wonder if any of those green space aliens he's always crying about were around.
His reporter exposed the mental disability of you type people.
His reporter was ridiculed for the fool that he is.

Yet no one could answer his question. I guess you think the blowhard with the little horn was a genius. I heard plenty tell him to leave yet none willing to back up their demands.

But you cry like a little girl when your aggressive behavior is returned.
Wrong again, you fucking moron, when you get your Rules for Radicals shoved back into your faces, you go running off, like the pansy ass liberals you are, while calling us racists. Are you butt hurt much?

Typical alex jones crap. I wonder if any of those green space aliens he's always crying about were around.

Alex Jones "crap"? They are at a protest simply asking people why they want to impeach President Trump. They have no answers, they just act like a bunch of morons.

How is that "crap"?
Typical alex jones crap. I wonder if any of those green space aliens he's always crying about were around.
They represent the intelligence of you liberals. I thank them for representing you, will help us win more seats next year! Keep up the stupid protest.
Typical alex jones crap. I wonder if any of those green space aliens he's always crying about were around.
His reporter exposed the mental disability of you type people.
His reporter was ridiculed for the fool that he is.
Yes, ridiculed by mentally disabled liberals or in other words, people like you.

Not really a surprising post coming from crazy Steve McRacist.
He is right on this one, keep up the hate.
Typical alex jones crap. I wonder if any of those green space aliens he's always crying about were around.
His reporter exposed the mental disability of you type people.
His reporter was ridiculed for the fool that he is.

Yet no one could answer his question. I guess you think the blowhard with the little horn was a genius. I heard plenty tell him to leave yet none willing to back up their demands.

But you cry like a little girl when your aggressive behavior is returned.

Perhaps you can tell me how the guy with the microphone was being aggressive. Maybe to a bunch of snowflake lefties, that was aggressive. How the hell do those pussies deal with daily life if being asked a question is a problem? If they can't answer, it tells me they really don't know what they believe or why they believe it.
Typical alex jones crap. I wonder if any of those green space aliens he's always crying about were around.
His reporter exposed the mental disability of you type people.
His reporter was ridiculed for the fool that he is.

Yet no one could answer his question. I guess you think the blowhard with the little horn was a genius. I heard plenty tell him to leave yet none willing to back up their demands.

But you cry like a little girl when your aggressive behavior is returned.
Wrong again, you fucking moron, when you get your Rules for Radicals shoved back into your faces, you go running off, like the pansy ass liberals you are, while calling us racists. Are you butt hurt much?

If Bulldog considers the guy with the microphone aggressive, I'm not sure how they he can deny being a snowflake.
Typical alex jones crap. I wonder if any of those green space aliens he's always crying about were around.

That's right...........clearly, Alex Jones staged this and its fake.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Conservatives need to be social media-ing the shit out of this........regular Americans are freaked out by nuts like this and antifa.
LOL.......Bulldog thinks Alex Jones staged this video!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Regular Americans don't give a shit about the KKK or neo-Nazis.............but they sure as hell get weirded by freaks like this woman and antifa. Now.....we are talking the regular white Americans who vote when they see this shit going on and they don't vote for the DUMS. Regular Americans see Obamaphon Lady and their heads explode. Trump could put up a giant statue of David Duke and sit it on the mall in DC and still get elected if GDP is strong and jobs are strong. The DUMS will never learn that identify politics is a huge loser come election time.:funnyface::funnyface::fu:
Typical alex jones crap. I wonder if any of those green space aliens he's always crying about were around.

Alex Jones "crap"? They are at a protest simply asking people why they want to impeach President Trump. They have no answers, they just act like a bunch of morons.

How is that "crap"?

Don't try to pretend Alex Jones, or anything he print is sane. It is not.
Typical alex jones crap. I wonder if any of those green space aliens he's always crying about were around.

Alex Jones "crap"? They are at a protest simply asking people why they want to impeach President Trump. They have no answers, they just act like a bunch of morons.

How is that "crap"?

Don't try to pretend Alex Jones, or anything he print is sane. It is not.

do you know what an argument is? Reasoning?

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