The earth is how old?

The interviewer obviously was asking him a gotcha questions and frankly, were I Rubio I'd have been insulted by it. He should have just ended the interview at that point rather than dance around the question in a pathetic attempt to not offend anyone. He just ended up looking like a fool.

It's only a gotcha question if you are an idiot. If you know the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old, then you answer the question, "It's 4.5 billion years old." Done.

But Rubio is an idiot, and the reporter knows it. Rubio is so cowardly he is afraid to offend stupid people.

I appreciate it when idiot cowards are exposed as such. That is exactly what the media is supposed to do.

It's time for the GOP to start taking out the trash.


Rubio is trying to be a prudent politician. After all, evangelical Christians are one of the last groups on earth that support the GOP.

So yea, this is a gotcha question. The reporter wanted Rubio to either distance himself from evangelicals or he wanted to attack him with the notion that the earth is only about 6000 years old.

I happen to believe in creation, and I don't think that the earth is only 6000 years old. I am what is called an old earth creationists, and there are many more than myself. If Rubio were smart, he would check into this, unless he is really sold on a young earth creation, which I don't think he is.

Nevertheless, how is it that those on the right are ridiculed by the left for ignoring scientists when the democrats ignore economists in terms of the unsustainability of their fiscal path as they don't so much as flinch? If I were Rubio, this would be my reponse.
The interviewer obviously was asking him a gotcha questions and frankly, were I Rubio I'd have been insulted by it. He should have just ended the interview at that point rather than dance around the question in a pathetic attempt to not offend anyone. He just ended up looking like a fool.

It's only a gotcha question if you are an idiot. If you know the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old, then you answer the question, "It's 4.5 billion years old." Done.

But Rubio is an idiot, and the reporter knows it. Rubio is so cowardly he is afraid to offend stupid people.

I appreciate it when idiot cowards are exposed as such. That is exactly what the media is supposed to do.

It's time for the GOP to start taking out the trash.


Rubio is trying to be a prudent politician. After all, evangelical Christians are one of the last groups on earth that support the GOP.

So yea, this is a gotcha question. The reporter wanted Rubio to either distance himself from evangelicals or he wanted to attack him with the notion that the earth is only about 6000 years old.

I happen to believe in creation, and I don't think that the earth is only 6000 years old. I am what is called an old earth creationists, and there are many more than myself. If Rubio were smart, he would check into this, unless he is really sold on a young earth creation, which I don't think he is.

Nevertheless, how is it that those on the right are ridiculed by the left for ignoring scientists when the democrats ignore economists in terms of the unsustainability of their fiscal path as they don't so much as flinch? If I were Rubio, this would be my reponse.
Your economists are wrong.
There should probably be a list of questions 'journalists' can ask that do not penetrate into the character and thinking of interviewees. We must avoid 'gotcha!'s!

What is journalism for? How can the electorate make an informed decision if they do not know the candidates stance?

If people want to vote for someone who thinks the earth began yesterday, they can in the US.

If people want to laugh at or lament that other people believe such things, they can in the US.

Ain't freedom grand?

Now if he had actually said any of what you just spewed you would be on to something but he did not quit the fucking lying. Here is the quote from the OP, and remember this is the Huffy post which ain't exactly non-partisan.

"I'm not a scientist, man. I can tell you what recorded history says, I can tell you what the Bible says, but I think that's a dispute amongst theologians and I think it has nothing to do with the gross domestic product or economic growth of the United States," Rubio told GQ's Michael Hainey. "I don't think I'm qualified to answer a question like that. At the end of the day, I think there are multiple theories out there on how the universe was created and I think this is a country where people should have the opportunity to teach them all."

Rubio continued, refusing to take a stance on the planet's age, which scientists have long estimated at 4.54 billion years.

"Whether the Earth was created in 7 days, or 7 actual eras, I'm not sure we'll ever be able to answer that," he said. "It's one of the great mysteries."

Now what exactly do you find so damn damnable? Now let me ask you how old the Earth really is. Not what you read on some Internet site but how old do YOU know the Earth to be. Science says 4.5 billion but that only holds is everything we know about radiometric dating is absolutely true, maybe the world is only 3 billion years old, you got proof it is not? Rubio never put a time line on the answer.

You know what I find damnable?

This man is a United States Senator who remains WILLFULLY ignorant of science because his party is about sucking up to religious fanatics in order to get them to vote against their own economic interests.

He's eitehr a liar or an ingoramus, either of which is a deal killer.

Uh, yeah, it is.

For instance, because the State of Texas is the biggest buyer of textbooks in the country, textbook publishers downplay evolution in textbooks, lest they offend bible thumping morons living in texas.

So the whole country is dragged down by the stupidity of a state that would elect George W. Bush AND Rick Perry.

You are quite the religious bigot but thas seems to be the way with the liberal left. Closed mindedness seems to be the order of the day for liberals.

Evolution is not a science it is a theory. It serves absolutely no purpose, it is merely an attempt to explain the diversity of life, not the creation of life. The fact that the liberal left tries to twist the theory into what they demand everyone to believe is disingenuous.

If you don't like what Texas teaches then just stay out of Texas.

I wouldn't go anywhere near Texas. But it isn't just that Texas is full of ignorant, inbred bible thumping idiots... it's that because the textbook companies are writing books for Texas, that's what a lot of the rest of the country gets, too.

The kind of complete ignoramus who spouts something like, "Evolution is not a science it is a theory" and honestly doesn't realize he sounds like he ate paint chips as a child.
Please show me where the THEORY of Abiogenesis has ANY supporting facts or data?

Look up "Miller-Urey Test".


Amino acids? Are you positing that if they left their shit in the test tubes long enough it would 'evolve' into higher life forms?

If so, that's a whole bunch of 'faith' from someone who has NONE.

It proved that organic compounds could form naturally...

No Sky Pixie required.
This man is a United States Senator who remains WILLFULLY ignorant of science because his party is about sucking up to religious fanatics in order to get them to vote against their own economic interests.

He's eitehr a liar or an ingoramus, either of which is a deal killer.

Yeah, that's pretty much what it boils down to for me too.

Politicians lie pretty regularly, so I'd guess the odds are that he's just avoiding the question to keep the fundies connected. I have to give him the benefit of the doubt for now, that he's just another lying politician, that he surely doesn't think the Earth is 6,000 years old. And I'll give him the benefit of the doubt because...

...the other alternative is the one that scares me. The thought that a President, a Commander In Chief, would be referring to their Bible or depending on their communication with their God for big decisions doesn't exactly give me a warm feeling in my tummy. There's already enough of that behavior going on in Iran and other Middle East cesspools. No thanks.

So my hope is he's just another lying pol. The question was legitimate, though.

Rubio is on the science committee. That should give everyone pause...


Sorry, just felt the need to add some levity....
It isn't the age of the earth that influences such ability. It is the inability to grasp or unwillingness to accept facts.

The earth was not created by any god. If you believe it was, you are not to be trusted with making decisions of any real importance.

can you prove this?.....hey just askin....

Harry haven't put him on Ignore, yet???? :badgrin:

i wont put anyone on ignore.....i cant see the the way....nice....:eusa_angel:
Rubio ignites debate with answer about creationism – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Republicans better change there way of thinking if they want a shot at 2016. If you think the Earth is 6-10,000 years old, well, you are an idiot. This creationist BS is one of the reasons why I dont consider myself a Republican. I lean right, but with thinking like this(also abortion etc), why I dont brand myself Republican. I know all Republicans don't think like this, but it is also kinda "automatic"? when you think about that party. To me anyways..

Lame post of the month award.

Where is the quote that Rubio says the earth is 10,000 years old? I'm a Republican and I don't believe this and I don't know any other Republicans that believe this.

Oh wait, I get it. Liberals created the phony war on women in 2012 and for 2016 it's the phony war on "When the Earth was born".
Your 'science' once held that the Earth was the center of the solar system, and STILL hasn't explained the 'creation of life'.

I don't know what kind of religious education, if any, you've ever had, but in all my years I've NEVER been told "Here, read this book and DON'T question it." I've taken great pains to 'question' EVERY aspect of the faith I have, and also to question those things in the Word that puzzle me. Do I have all the answers? No.

But obviously neither does 'science'...

You're absolutely right, science doesn't explain the creation of life. We know how the universe began, but we haven't figured it out a scientific "Genesis" for life... yet. But that's the cool thing about science... if you don't know the answer yet, then figure it out! That's the beauty of it!

And it wasn't just science that purported that the Earth was the center of the universe. Galileo had to disprove that and was, wait for it, branded a heretic and executed by the Church.

As for your second thing, I live in the Bible Belt. Questioning God or the Bible here in my part of Georgia is like raping a child in public. Everyone here is raised to believe that the Bible is complete fact, that you must interpret it literally, and you must never question God or his book. If you do, then you're a godless heathen like blacks or gays (yes, really; a lot of the old people here STILL believe this).

Boy do I have pity for you. You and Bill Maher, your spiritual director. You really have swallowed a huge lie from the devil. "We know how the universe began..... We know there is no God.... We know, etc." You, my friend, have abdicated all reason and rational thinking to make such a statement. A human cell has over one thousand machines in it working in such great complexity and harmony creating a world that man could not begin to replicate. And yet, you and yours say no intelligent designer. I am moved to pity.
Rubio ignites debate with answer about creationism – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Republicans better change there way of thinking if they want a shot at 2016. If you think the Earth is 6-10,000 years old, well, you are an idiot. This creationist BS is one of the reasons why I dont consider myself a Republican. I lean right, but with thinking like this(also abortion etc), why I dont brand myself Republican. I know all Republicans don't think like this, but it is also kinda "automatic"? when you think about that party. To me anyways..

Lame post of the month award.

Where is the quote that Rubio says the earth is 10,000 years old? I'm a Republican and I don't believe this and I don't know any other Republicans that believe this.

Oh wait, I get it. Liberals created the phony war on women in 2012 and for 2016 it's the phony war on "When the Earth was born".
GOP member of House Science Committee believes Earth is only 9,000 years old - Detroit liberal |

Republican Congressman says evolution is 'lie from hell' - Americas - World - The Independent
Rubio ignites debate with answer about creationism – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Republicans better change there way of thinking if they want a shot at 2016. If you think the Earth is 6-10,000 years old, well, you are an idiot. This creationist BS is one of the reasons why I dont consider myself a Republican. I lean right, but with thinking like this(also abortion etc), why I dont brand myself Republican. I know all Republicans don't think like this, but it is also kinda "automatic"? when you think about that party. To me anyways..

Lame post of the month award.

Where is the quote that Rubio says the earth is 10,000 years old? I'm a Republican and I don't believe this and I don't know any other Republicans that believe this.

Oh wait, I get it. Liberals created the phony war on women in 2012 and for 2016 it's the phony war on "When the Earth was born".

Oh Jesus Christ. I didnt say Rubio said anything. I didnt even mention his name. I was using the article as a base for my argument
Americans rate last in science and math. A large part of the reason is the willful ignorance of Creationists and other people who think scientific fact disproves their sky pixie.

From the looks of it there is a lot of willful ignorance to go around. Scientific fact is a rather large body of information --- 99.9999999999% of which almost all agree on, including Christians. Maybe you need to grasp reality if you really want to improve our childrens' math and science scores. Hint: Obama's assurance that more money will solve the problem is pretty lame.

But fyi, if evolution happened and not creationism, it was still done by the hand of our "sky pixie" so your argument bears no value.

No, you can really have evolution without a sky pixie.. that's my point.

If you understood science, you'd know this.

"If you understood science..." what a precise argument. :0

I am sorry Joe, but you really are being obtuse. DNA molecules, and life giving cells, and physiological systems are so highly ordered and complex, don't even think of telling us that science and pure dumb chance could have assembled all this. God did! You got it? God did!
Yep, and we used to lead the world in both, BEFORE the Godless liberals infested the education system with their atheistic crap.

I'm Godless and I resent being placed in a partisan group.
And it's not atheistic "crap" as you like to put it. We just put the knowledge that science explains the universe and its creation, as well as damn near everything else ( and is working on the things that it doesn't know yet), whereas religion just says "HERE READ THIS BOOK" and expects me to believe it without questioning it.

Bullshit. There is no God. That book was nothing more than an attempt of humans to control other humans.

So in your 'enlightened' mind, only atheists can be 'trusted'?

You do know that Obama believes the Earth was created by God, don't you?

Yes, and that's part of his problem.

You have my deepest sympathies. Seriously.

Your 'science' once held that the Earth was the center of the solar system, and STILL hasn't explained the 'creation of life'.

I don't know what kind of religious education, if any, you've ever had, but in all my years I've NEVER been told "Here, read this book and DON'T question it." I've taken great pains to 'question' EVERY aspect of the faith I have, and also to question those things in the Word that puzzle me. Do I have all the answers? No.

But obviously neither does 'science'...

i thought it was the church that said the sun revolved around the earth.

and the church which imprisoned galileo.

good to know you wackos are still around.

there is nothing inconsistent about G-d and science, unless you are a moron.

oh right...
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The written records of the ancient Native Americans, to be found in the extensive libraries in the Maya and Aztec pyramids, which completely and totally agree with the written records of the Africans sages, found in the extensive libraries in Mali, Furkina Faso and Dictatorial Guinea shows that the age of the Earth is exactly 4,768,481,375 years, four months and five days old, taking into consideration and possible margin of error that this age calculated and proved does not recognize the concept of "ZERO" and the "Leap Year".

Other than that, there can be no doubt of the validity of said records.

If you disagree, you are a contemptible, disgusting, homophobic and sexist REPUBLICAN.

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