The earth is how old?

DNA molecules, and life giving cells, and physiological systems are so highly ordered and complex, don't even think of telling us that science and pure dumb chance could have assembled all this. God did! You got it? God did!


And the God of which religion?

And what about the Gods of other religions?


Shame on me for making the dare. Like there is any reason to think your questions can be satisfactorily answered in a paragraph or two. There are a thousand books that provide such answers and the big shots like Richard Dawkins laugh it all off. So let's not kid ourselves. Those who want to remain steadfast there is no proof for God, do all they need to to convince themselves of that.

Which religion? The one started by Jesus Christ, the Catholic religion. Oh the other Christian faiths contain a great deal of truth and they are surely Christian. And the Virgin Mary who appears to some of her children did also say that all religions have much good in them (including Islam, Hinduism, etc) but to stay far away from the cults.

So you see... the one true God, the one true faith (Christianity) is not an elitist club that snubs all others. Not at all. Even atheists can be allowed into heaven but you can pretty much bank on a few centuries of penance and purification in purgatory.

There is enough empirical evidence that says Jesus is real and so is His word. I have run through this a hundred times and, as I said, the obstinate adversary will do whatever he can to weasel his way out of admitting to anything. So I do not expect any different results this time around. To them, every statue of the Virgin Mary that weeps human tears or tears of blood is a hoax. They find one hoax and they use it to pretend they have evidence the others ones must be, too. (so scientific.) Here's a thought. We admit there are some overzealous belieevrs or hucksters who might try to assemble a hoax of a bleeding statue... but we are not interested in those. We are pointing to those that bleed before your very eyes from a wooden or plaster statue. You think they don't exist? You think every single eye witness is prone to lying? Do all cameras lie? But this is just one example for your interest.
The written records of the ancient Native Americans, to be found in the extensive libraries in the Maya and Aztec pyramids, which completely and totally agree with the written records of the Africans sages, found in the extensive libraries in Mali, Furkina Faso and Dictatorial Guinea shows that the age of the Earth is exactly 4,768,481,375 years, four months and five days old, taking into consideration and possible margin of error that this age calculated and proved does not recognize the concept of "ZERO" and the "Leap Year".

Other than that, there can be no doubt of the validity of said records.

If you disagree, you are a contemptible, disgusting, homophobic and sexist REPUBLICAN.

Have you noticed that the earth never ages? The earth was 4.54 billion years old and it's been that same age since I was in grade school. Perhaps we can rename the planet Joan Rivers.

There is no definitive answer to the question of how old earth is. There is conjecture based on available evidence. This is subject to change based on other methods of gathering evidence. The correct answer to how old is the earth is a best guess.
The written records of the ancient Native Americans, to be found in the extensive libraries in the Maya and Aztec pyramids, which completely and totally agree with the written records of the Africans sages, found in the extensive libraries in Mali, Furkina Faso and Dictatorial Guinea shows that the age of the Earth is exactly 4,768,481,375 years, four months and five days old, taking into consideration and possible margin of error that this age calculated and proved does not recognize the concept of "ZERO" and the "Leap Year".

Other than that, there can be no doubt of the validity of said records.

If you disagree, you are a contemptible, disgusting, homophobic and sexist REPUBLICAN.

Have you noticed that the earth never ages? The earth was 4.54 billion years old and it's been that same age since I was in grade school. Perhaps we can rename the planet Joan Rivers.

There is no definitive answer to the question of how old earth is. There is conjecture based on available evidence. This is subject to change based on other methods of gathering evidence. The correct answer to how old is the earth is a best guess.

loon... the amount of time passed since you were a child is a blip in terms of it's percentage of billions of years. not to mention that from a pathological liar such as yourself, a credible link would be required before your nonsense is even entertained.

be quiet already. you're embarrassing.
Last edited:
DNA molecules, and life giving cells, and physiological systems are so highly ordered and complex, don't even think of telling us that science and pure dumb chance could have assembled all this. God did! You got it? God did!


And the God of which religion?

And what about the Gods of other religions?


Shame on me for making the dare. Like there is any reason to think your questions can be satisfactorily answered in a paragraph or two. There are a thousand books that provide such answers and the big shots like Richard Dawkins laugh it all off. So let's not kid ourselves. Those who want to remain steadfast there is no proof for God, do all they need to to convince themselves of that.

Which religion? The one started by Jesus Christ, the Catholic religion. Oh the other Christian faiths contain a great deal of truth and they are surely Christian. And the Virgin Mary who appears to some of her children did also say that all religions have much good in them (including Islam, Hinduism, etc) but to stay far away from the cults.

So you see... the one true God, the one true faith (Christianity) is not an elitist club that snubs all others. Not at all. Even atheists can be allowed into heaven but you can pretty much bank on a few centuries of penance and purification in purgatory.

There is enough empirical evidence that says Jesus is real and so is His word. I have run through this a hundred times and, as I said, the obstinate adversary will do whatever he can to weasel his way out of admitting to anything. So I do not expect any different results this time around. To them, every statue of the Virgin Mary that weeps human tears or tears of blood is a hoax. They find one hoax and they use it to pretend they have evidence the others ones must be, too. (so scientific.) Here's a thought. We admit there are some overzealous belieevrs or hucksters who might try to assemble a hoax of a bleeding statue... but we are not interested in those. We are pointing to those that bleed before your very eyes from a wooden or plaster statue. You think they don't exist? You think every single eye witness is prone to lying? Do all cameras lie? But this is just one example for your interest.

I appreciate the civil response.

As a comfy agnostic, I make no claims to knowing The Answer, whether we are here as a result of divinity or biology (or some combination therein, for that matter).

Would you say that the empirical evidence to which you refer includes the bleeding statues, or is there other empirical evidence?

The written records of the ancient Native Americans, to be found in the extensive libraries in the Maya and Aztec pyramids, which completely and totally agree with the written records of the Africans sages, found in the extensive libraries in Mali, Furkina Faso and Dictatorial Guinea shows that the age of the Earth is exactly 4,768,481,375 years, four months and five days old, taking into consideration and possible margin of error that this age calculated and proved does not recognize the concept of "ZERO" and the "Leap Year".

Other than that, there can be no doubt of the validity of said records.

If you disagree, you are a contemptible, disgusting, homophobic and sexist REPUBLICAN.

Have you noticed that the earth never ages? The earth was 4.54 billion years old and it's been that same age since I was in grade school. Perhaps we can rename the planet Joan Rivers.

There is no definitive answer to the question of how old earth is. There is conjecture based on available evidence. This is subject to change based on other methods of gathering evidence. The correct answer to how old is the earth is a best guess.

loon... the amount of time passed since you were a child is a blip in terms of it's percentage of billions of years. not to mention that from a pathological liar such as yourself, a credible link would be required before your nonsense is even entertained.

be quiet already. you're embarrassing.

More liberal attacks from a liberal democrat. Libs lie, it's what they do, then to cover up their lies, they accuse everyone else of lying.

Remember this folks, every time a liberal launches a personal attack, it's because they are intellectually bankrupt and have nothing of substance to say. Just like this lib.

And the God of which religion?

And what about the Gods of other religions?


Shame on me for making the dare. Like there is any reason to think your questions can be satisfactorily answered in a paragraph or two. There are a thousand books that provide such answers and the big shots like Richard Dawkins laugh it all off. So let's not kid ourselves. Those who want to remain steadfast there is no proof for God, do all they need to to convince themselves of that.

Which religion? The one started by Jesus Christ, the Catholic religion. Oh the other Christian faiths contain a great deal of truth and they are surely Christian. And the Virgin Mary who appears to some of her children did also say that all religions have much good in them (including Islam, Hinduism, etc) but to stay far away from the cults.

So you see... the one true God, the one true faith (Christianity) is not an elitist club that snubs all others. Not at all. Even atheists can be allowed into heaven but you can pretty much bank on a few centuries of penance and purification in purgatory.

There is enough empirical evidence that says Jesus is real and so is His word. I have run through this a hundred times and, as I said, the obstinate adversary will do whatever he can to weasel his way out of admitting to anything. So I do not expect any different results this time around. To them, every statue of the Virgin Mary that weeps human tears or tears of blood is a hoax. They find one hoax and they use it to pretend they have evidence the others ones must be, too. (so scientific.) Here's a thought. We admit there are some overzealous belieevrs or hucksters who might try to assemble a hoax of a bleeding statue... but we are not interested in those. We are pointing to those that bleed before your very eyes from a wooden or plaster statue. You think they don't exist? You think every single eye witness is prone to lying? Do all cameras lie? But this is just one example for your interest.

I appreciate the civil response.

As a comfy agnostic, I make no claims to knowing The Answer, whether we are here as a result of divinity or biology (or some combination therein, for that matter).

Would you say that the empirical evidence to which you refer includes the bleeding statues, or is there other empirical evidence?


And I might add, I appreciate your civil response as well.

I am a devoted Catholic who is willing to address any and all arguments, all the while knowing some questions will be unanswerable. The Vatican does not recognize any bleeding statues as formally approved. Any miracle is never deemed to be dogma, in other words, you must accept. Church approved miracles like Fatima, the Church formally will only go so far as to deem it "Worthy of belief." Which means, there is nothing found within to go contrary to Catholic teaching on faith and morals so it may very well be from God for our edification, however, no one is required to accept it.

So back to the statues. The only one that has received official approval from the local bishop as "divinely inspired" (shall we say?) is the wooden statue of Mary in a convent in Akita, Japan. That one began to weep human tears and tears of blood in 1973. It did so on 101 occassions. TV crews caught it doing so and broadcast it on japanese TV back then. I surely believe it to be a miracle. But Rome has always been very, very reluctant to investigate such phenomena, much less deem they as miraculous.

i have to leave the office to go golfing. sorry :)
I'm Godless and I resent being placed in a partisan group.
And it's not atheistic "crap" as you like to put it. We just put the knowledge that science explains the universe and its creation, as well as damn near everything else ( and is working on the things that it doesn't know yet), whereas religion just says "HERE READ THIS BOOK" and expects me to believe it without questioning it.

Bullshit. There is no God. That book was nothing more than an attempt of humans to control other humans.

Yes, and that's part of his problem.

You have my deepest sympathies. Seriously.

Your 'science' once held that the Earth was the center of the solar system, and STILL hasn't explained the 'creation of life'.

I don't know what kind of religious education, if any, you've ever had, but in all my years I've NEVER been told "Here, read this book and DON'T question it." I've taken great pains to 'question' EVERY aspect of the faith I have, and also to question those things in the Word that puzzle me. Do I have all the answers? No.

But obviously neither does 'science'...

i thought it was the church that said the sun revolved around the earth.

and the church which imprisoned galieo.

good to know you wackos are still around.

there is nothing inconsistent about G-d and science, unless you are a moron.

oh right...

Back in those days, the Church was the foremost authority on science, such as it was.

Today, the acolytes of Al Gore would be just as happy to send anyone to prison or fiery death as the Church did then with only one difference: Today's version of dogmatic idiots would do it with far more sadistic pleasure.

Back in those days, the Church insisted that the Earth was the center of the Universe.

Today the Al Gore acolytes insist that Climate Change is due to mankind's irresponsible use of fossile fuels, forgetting that a few thousand years ago Florida and California were at least partially covered with ice, which melted, in spite of the glaring absence of not only SUV's but mankind.

Back in those days, the most respected and knowledgable scientific authorities all agreed that there were four elements, and phlagiston. They were convinced that they could convert lead into gold, using - if ever found - Philosopher's Stone.

Today the Al Gore sycophants are convinced that if they repeat a lie often and loudly enough, it will take.

Today's ignorant Church of Know-It-Alls is the pathetic and blind followers of Al Gore, who have no problem of seeing him cavorting from place to place in his personal jets, limousines, seeing him live in 50,000 square foot homes, - several of them - while they live on their food stamps.
It's only a gotcha question if you are an idiot. If you know the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old, then you answer the question, "It's 4.5 billion years old." Done.

But Rubio is an idiot, and the reporter knows it. Rubio is so cowardly he is afraid to offend stupid people.

I appreciate it when idiot cowards are exposed as such. That is exactly what the media is supposed to do.

It's time for the GOP to start taking out the trash.


Rubio is trying to be a prudent politician. After all, evangelical Christians are one of the last groups on earth that support the GOP.

So yea, this is a gotcha question. The reporter wanted Rubio to either distance himself from evangelicals or he wanted to attack him with the notion that the earth is only about 6000 years old.

I happen to believe in creation, and I don't think that the earth is only 6000 years old. I am what is called an old earth creationists, and there are many more than myself. If Rubio were smart, he would check into this, unless he is really sold on a young earth creation, which I don't think he is.

Nevertheless, how is it that those on the right are ridiculed by the left for ignoring scientists when the democrats ignore economists in terms of the unsustainability of their fiscal path as they don't so much as flinch? If I were Rubio, this would be my reponse.
Your economists are wrong.

I would imagine much the same response could be made about your scientists, considering their track record.
I'm Godless and I resent being placed in a partisan group.
And it's not atheistic "crap" as you like to put it. We just put the knowledge that science explains the universe and its creation, as well as damn near everything else ( and is working on the things that it doesn't know yet), whereas religion just says "HERE READ THIS BOOK" and expects me to believe it without questioning it.

Bullshit. There is no God. That book was nothing more than an attempt of humans to control other humans.

Yes, and that's part of his problem.

You have my deepest sympathies. Seriously.

Your 'science' once held that the Earth was the center of the solar system, and STILL hasn't explained the 'creation of life'.

I don't know what kind of religious education, if any, you've ever had, but in all my years I've NEVER been told "Here, read this book and DON'T question it." I've taken great pains to 'question' EVERY aspect of the faith I have, and also to question those things in the Word that puzzle me. Do I have all the answers? No.

But obviously neither does 'science'...

i thought it was the church that said the sun revolved around the earth.

and the church which imprisoned galileo.

good to know you wackos are still around.

there is nothing inconsistent about G-d and science, unless you are a moron.

oh right...

You should stick to coloring books, Jillian...
No, you can really have evolution without a sky pixie.. that's my point.

If you understood science, you'd know this.

"If you understood science..." what a precise argument. :0

I am sorry Joe, but you really are being obtuse. DNA molecules, and life giving cells, and physiological systems are so highly ordered and complex, don't even think of telling us that science and pure dumb chance could have assembled all this. God did! You got it? God did!

You know what, I imagine a bronze age savage worshipping Yahweh saying the same thing about lightening. "Yahweh must be angry with us. Let's go stone some harlots!"

The problem with the "Irreducible complexity" argument is that it doesn't take into account the measure of time. Yes, very complex structures COULD combine over time, especially if the molucules are inclined to be attracted to each other.

This guy explains it well. Maybe you can get someone to help you with the big words.

The Flagellum Unspun

Now, to the point, let's say we accept your notion that a higher being create life. It doesn't follow that it's Yahweh. How do we know it isn't Zeus? How do we know it wasn't Odin? How do we know that we aren't Evil Space Lord Xenu's Fifth Grade Science Fair Project?
The written records of the ancient Native Americans, to be found in the extensive libraries in the Maya and Aztec pyramids, which completely and totally agree with the written records of the Africans sages, found in the extensive libraries in Mali, Furkina Faso and Dictatorial Guinea shows that the age of the Earth is exactly 4,768,481,375 years, four months and five days old, taking into consideration and possible margin of error that this age calculated and proved does not recognize the concept of "ZERO" and the "Leap Year".

Other than that, there can be no doubt of the validity of said records.

If you disagree, you are a contemptible, disgusting, homophobic and sexist REPUBLICAN.

Have you noticed that the earth never ages? The earth was 4.54 billion years old and it's been that same age since I was in grade school. Perhaps we can rename the planet Joan Rivers.

There is no definitive answer to the question of how old earth is. There is conjecture based on available evidence. This is subject to change based on other methods of gathering evidence. The correct answer to how old is the earth is a best guess.

loon... the amount of time passed since you were a child is a blip in terms of it's percentage of billions of years. not to mention that from a pathological liar such as yourself, a credible link would be required before your nonsense is even entertained.

be quiet already. you're embarrassing.

a credible link from Katz?....good luck still waiting for her link about the L.A. workers who make 100.00 bucks an hour putting labels on Water job ever.....:eusa_eh:
Have you noticed that the earth never ages? The earth was 4.54 billion years old and it's been that same age since I was in grade school. Perhaps we can rename the planet Joan Rivers.

There is no definitive answer to the question of how old earth is. There is conjecture based on available evidence. This is subject to change based on other methods of gathering evidence. The correct answer to how old is the earth is a best guess.

loon... the amount of time passed since you were a child is a blip in terms of it's percentage of billions of years. not to mention that from a pathological liar such as yourself, a credible link would be required before your nonsense is even entertained.

be quiet already. you're embarrassing.

More liberal attacks from a liberal democrat. Libs lie, it's what they do, then to cover up their lies, they accuse everyone else of lying.

Remember this folks, every time a liberal launches a personal attack, it's because they are intellectually bankrupt and have nothing of substance to say. Just like this lib.

No, you can really have evolution without a sky pixie.. that's my point.

If you understood science, you'd know this.

"If you understood science..." what a precise argument. :0

I am sorry Joe, but you really are being obtuse. DNA molecules, and life giving cells, and physiological systems are so highly ordered and complex, don't even think of telling us that science and pure dumb chance could have assembled all this. God did! You got it? God did!

You know what, I imagine a bronze age savage worshipping Yahweh saying the same thing about lightening. "Yahweh must be angry with us. Let's go stone some harlots!"

The problem with the "Irreducible complexity" argument is that it doesn't take into account the measure of time. Yes, very complex structures COULD combine over time, especially if the molucules are inclined to be attracted to each other.

This guy explains it well. Maybe you can get someone to help you with the big words.

The Flagellum Unspun

Now, to the point, let's say we accept your notion that a higher being create life. It doesn't follow that it's Yahweh. How do we know it isn't Zeus? How do we know it wasn't Odin? How do we know that we aren't Evil Space Lord Xenu's Fifth Grade Science Fair Project?


We don't................... :dunno:

Now, to the point, let's say we accept your notion that a higher being create life. It doesn't follow that it's Yahweh. How do we know it isn't Zeus? How do we know it wasn't Odin? How do we know that we aren't Evil Space Lord Xenu's Fifth Grade Science Fair Project?


We don't................... :dunno:

You mean other than Xenu was made up by a failed Science FIction writer who made up a religion on a drunken bet with other Science Fiction writers?

But as ludicrous as that sounds, it's no more Ludicrous than Joseph Smith making up stories about Nephites or St. Paul making up stories about Jesus.

Now, to the point, let's say we accept your notion that a higher being create life. It doesn't follow that it's Yahweh. How do we know it isn't Zeus? How do we know it wasn't Odin? How do we know that we aren't Evil Space Lord Xenu's Fifth Grade Science Fair Project?


We don't................... :dunno:

You mean other than Xenu was made up by a failed Science FIction writer who made up a religion on a drunken bet with other Science Fiction writers?

But as ludicrous as that sounds, it's no more Ludicrous than Joseph Smith making up stories about Nephites or St. Paul making up stories about Jesus.

I never said it was... Do you have a point you're trying to make?
Rubio ignites debate with answer about creationism – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Republicans better change there way of thinking if they want a shot at 2016. If you think the Earth is 6-10,000 years old, well, you are an idiot. This creationist BS is one of the reasons why I dont consider myself a Republican. I lean right, but with thinking like this(also abortion etc), why I dont brand myself Republican. I know all Republicans don't think like this, but it is also kinda "automatic"? when you think about that party. To me anyways..

You too are falling for the progressive media pigeon holing everyone into the same beliefs and value sets.

Why can't reasonable people disagree about some things without being vilified any longer?
Rubio ignites debate with answer about creationism – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Republicans better change there way of thinking if they want a shot at 2016. If you think the Earth is 6-10,000 years old, well, you are an idiot. This creationist BS is one of the reasons why I dont consider myself a Republican. I lean right, but with thinking like this(also abortion etc), why I dont brand myself Republican. I know all Republicans don't think like this, but it is also kinda "automatic"? when you think about that party. To me anyways..

You too are falling for the progressive media pigeon holing everyone into the same beliefs and value sets.

Why can't reasonable people disagree about some things without being vilified any longer?

The operative word there is "reasonable".

The belief the world is only 6K years old is not reasonable. It's irrational.
Rubio ignites debate with answer about creationism – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Republicans better change there way of thinking if they want a shot at 2016. If you think the Earth is 6-10,000 years old, well, you are an idiot. This creationist BS is one of the reasons why I dont consider myself a Republican. I lean right, but with thinking like this(also abortion etc), why I dont brand myself Republican. I know all Republicans don't think like this, but it is also kinda "automatic"? when you think about that party. To me anyways..

You too are falling for the progressive media pigeon holing everyone into the same beliefs and value sets.

Why can't reasonable people disagree about some things without being vilified any longer?

The operative word there is "reasonable".

The belief the world is only 6K years old is not reasonable. It's irrational.

Well of course, if anyone thinks or believes differently than you they are irrational, that doesn't surprise.
Who gives a fuck what someone else believes? What policy has Rubio tried to advance based on his belief of how old the fuckin world is?

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