The earth is how old?

No it's not.

You're correct. We're 25th in Math and 17th in Science.
South Korea is 1st in Math, Finland is 1st in Science.

We're not the worst, we're basically middle of the road. I don't like that. I think we can do better.

SOURCE: World education rankings: which country does best at reading, maths and science? | News |

Yep, and we used to lead the world in both, BEFORE the Godless liberals infested the education system with their atheistic crap.
Yes, we were first, before right wingers decided to reject higher education.
If Rubio knows the Earth is around 4.5 billion years old, then his response is an example of everything that is wrong with the GOP.

Coddling stupid idiots, whether they be birthers or conspiracy nutters or Young Earth Creationists, in order to get their votes while alienating the thinking population is a losing proposition. Is he so retarded that he did not get that message from the election?

Cut the stupid fucks loose. They will either catch up or evolution will take care of them.

If Rubio believes the Earth is 6,000 years old, then we are even more fucked.


And this, in essence, is what’s wrong with the GOP:

Relatively normal, intelligent people intimidated by morons.

oh boy
You're correct. We're 25th in Math and 17th in Science.
South Korea is 1st in Math, Finland is 1st in Science.

We're not the worst, we're basically middle of the road. I don't like that. I think we can do better.

SOURCE: World education rankings: which country does best at reading, maths and science? | News |

Yep, and we used to lead the world in both, BEFORE the Godless liberals infested the education system with their atheistic crap.
Yes, we were first, before right wingers decided to reject higher education.

The first and the finest universities on the planet were founded and funded by Christian conservatives. Blow your smoke elsewhere, you lying hack bitch.
You're correct. We're 25th in Math and 17th in Science.
South Korea is 1st in Math, Finland is 1st in Science.

We're not the worst, we're basically middle of the road. I don't like that. I think we can do better.

SOURCE: World education rankings: which country does best at reading, maths and science? | News |

Yep, and we used to lead the world in both, BEFORE the Godless liberals infested the education system with their atheistic crap.
Yes, we were first, before right wingers decided to reject higher education.

you really are a horrible person to think that of your fellow Americans and then post it for all to see..
Yep, and we used to lead the world in both, BEFORE the Godless liberals infested the education system with their atheistic crap.

I'm Godless and I resent being placed in a partisan group.
And it's not atheistic "crap" as you like to put it. We just put the knowledge that science explains the universe and its creation, as well as damn near everything else ( and is working on the things that it doesn't know yet), whereas religion just says "HERE READ THIS BOOK" and expects me to believe it without questioning it.

Bullshit. There is no God. That book was nothing more than an attempt of humans to control other humans.

So in your 'enlightened' mind, only atheists can be 'trusted'?

You do know that Obama believes the Earth was created by God, don't you?

Yes, and that's part of his problem.
It isn't the age of the earth that influences such ability. It is the inability to grasp or unwillingness to accept facts.

The earth was not created by any god. If you believe it was, you are not to be trusted with making decisions of any real importance.

So you're saying no Democrat is qualified to run for office?
Yep, and we used to lead the world in both, BEFORE the Godless liberals infested the education system with their atheistic crap.

I'm Godless and I resent being placed in a partisan group.
And it's not atheistic "crap" as you like to put it. We just put the knowledge that science explains the universe and its creation, as well as damn near everything else ( and is working on the things that it doesn't know yet), whereas religion just says "HERE READ THIS BOOK" and expects me to believe it without questioning it.

Bullshit. There is no God. That book was nothing more than an attempt of humans to control other humans.

So in your 'enlightened' mind, only atheists can be 'trusted'?

You do know that Obama believes the Earth was created by God, don't you?

Yes, and that's part of his problem.

You have my deepest sympathies. Seriously.

Your 'science' once held that the Earth was the center of the solar system, and STILL hasn't explained the 'creation of life'.

I don't know what kind of religious education, if any, you've ever had, but in all my years I've NEVER been told "Here, read this book and DON'T question it." I've taken great pains to 'question' EVERY aspect of the faith I have, and also to question those things in the Word that puzzle me. Do I have all the answers? No.

But obviously neither does 'science'...
Your 'science' once held that the Earth was the center of the solar system, and STILL hasn't explained the 'creation of life'.

I don't know what kind of religious education, if any, you've ever had, but in all my years I've NEVER been told "Here, read this book and DON'T question it." I've taken great pains to 'question' EVERY aspect of the faith I have, and also to question those things in the Word that puzzle me. Do I have all the answers? No.

But obviously neither does 'science'...

You're absolutely right, science doesn't explain the creation of life. We know how the universe began, but we haven't figured it out a scientific "Genesis" for life... yet. But that's the cool thing about science... if you don't know the answer yet, then figure it out! That's the beauty of it!

And it wasn't just science that purported that the Earth was the center of the universe. Galileo had to disprove that and was, wait for it, branded a heretic and executed by the Church.

As for your second thing, I live in the Bible Belt. Questioning God or the Bible here in my part of Georgia is like raping a child in public. Everyone here is raised to believe that the Bible is complete fact, that you must interpret it literally, and you must never question God or his book. If you do, then you're a godless heathen like blacks or gays (yes, really; a lot of the old people here STILL believe this).
Your 'science' once held that the Earth was the center of the solar system, and STILL hasn't explained the 'creation of life'.

I don't know what kind of religious education, if any, you've ever had, but in all my years I've NEVER been told "Here, read this book and DON'T question it." I've taken great pains to 'question' EVERY aspect of the faith I have, and also to question those things in the Word that puzzle me. Do I have all the answers? No.

But obviously neither does 'science'...

You're absolutely right, science doesn't explain the creation of life. We know how the universe began, but we haven't figured it out a scientific "Genesis" for life... yet. But that's the cool thing about science... if you don't know the answer yet, then figure it out! That's the beauty of it!

And it wasn't just science that purported that the Earth was the center of the universe. Galileo had to disprove that and was, wait for it, branded a heretic and executed by the Church.

As for your second thing, I live in the Bible Belt. Questioning God or the Bible here in my part of Georgia is like raping a child in public. Everyone here is raised to believe that the Bible is complete fact, that you must interpret it literally, and you must never question God or his book. If you do, then you're a godless heathen like blacks or gays (yes, really; a lot of the old people here STILL believe this).

Galileo was put to death by the Church? REALLY?? :lol::lol:

And please don't try to tell me about Georgia, I've been here 30 years. From Metro Atlanta to the sticks.

I do appreciate the fact that you pointed out it's the OLD people with the stupid beliefs, goes to prove my point in another thread that all the old Southern Democrat racists are either dead or drooling on themselves in a nursing home somewhere.
If Rubio knows the Earth is around 4.5 billion years old, then his response is an example of everything that is wrong with the GOP.

Coddling stupid idiots, whether they be birthers or conspiracy nutters or Young Earth Creationists, in order to get their votes while alienating the thinking population is a losing proposition. Is he so retarded that he did not get that message from the election?

I think that's exactly what he was trying to do and you're right, it was completely stupid. The number of people out there who actually believe the earth is 6,000 or 9,000 or what ever years old is such a small minority who gives a shit how they feel about his answer. Those people are still going to vote him anyway, so why is he so concerned.

56% of Americans think the earth is about 10,000 years old.

B. Creationism, that is, the idea that God created human beings pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years

Definitely true 39%

Probably true 17%

Probably alse 16%

Definitely false 15%

No opinion 3%

2007 Jun 1-3

Evolution, Creationism, Intelligent Design

Toro.....are you talking Civilization or the Earth?.....

because you posted this....

56% of Americans think the earth is about 10,000 years old.

and then posted this.........

Creationism, that is, the idea that God created human beings pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years
Last edited:
Your 'science' once held that the Earth was the center of the solar system, and STILL hasn't explained the 'creation of life'.

I don't know what kind of religious education, if any, you've ever had, but in all my years I've NEVER been told "Here, read this book and DON'T question it." I've taken great pains to 'question' EVERY aspect of the faith I have, and also to question those things in the Word that puzzle me. Do I have all the answers? No.

But obviously neither does 'science'...

You're absolutely right, science doesn't explain the creation of life. We know how the universe began, but we haven't figured it out a scientific "Genesis" for life... yet. But that's the cool thing about science... if you don't know the answer yet, then figure it out! That's the beauty of it!

And it wasn't just science that purported that the Earth was the center of the universe. Galileo had to disprove that and was, wait for it, branded a heretic and executed by the Church.

As for your second thing, I live in the Bible Belt. Questioning God or the Bible here in my part of Georgia is like raping a child in public. Everyone here is raised to believe that the Bible is complete fact, that you must interpret it literally, and you must never question God or his book. If you do, then you're a godless heathen like blacks or gays (yes, really; a lot of the old people here STILL believe this).

Galileo was put to death by the Church? REALLY?? :lol::lol:

And please don't try to tell me about Georgia, I've been here 30 years. From Metro Atlanta to the sticks.

I do appreciate the fact that you pointed out it's the OLD people with the stupid beliefs, goes to prove my point in another thread that all the old Southern Democrat racists are either dead or drooling on themselves in a nursing home somewhere.

Okay, okay, you caught me. There's a conspiracy theory that says the Catholic Church had him killed because of his heretical beliefs, saying that it subverted church doctrine. The conspiracy goes that it wasn't a natural death; he was poisoned.

Also, the old people just won't take their stupid bullshit to the grave. Their kids, the ones now running the churches here, still spout a lot of the same crap. It's mostly about gay people and abortionists right now, but when I was 10 I was condemned to Hell for being a mixed race. By a Baptist preacher.

Just sayin'.
It isn't the age of the earth that influences such ability. It is the inability to grasp or unwillingness to accept facts.

The earth was not created by any god. If you believe it was, you are not to be trusted with making decisions of any real importance.

can you prove this?.....hey just askin....
If Rubio knows the Earth is around 4.5 billion years old, then his response is an example of everything that is wrong with the GOP.

Coddling stupid idiots, whether they be birthers or conspiracy nutters or Young Earth Creationists, in order to get their votes while alienating the thinking population is a losing proposition. Is he so retarded that he did not get that message from the election?

Cut the stupid fucks loose. They will either catch up or evolution will take care of them.

If Rubio believes the Earth is 6,000 years old, then we are even more fucked.


And this, in essence, is what’s wrong with the GOP:

Relatively normal, intelligent people intimidated by morons.

so the Democrats dont have this Phenomena i suppose?....
It isn't the age of the earth that influences such ability. It is the inability to grasp or unwillingness to accept facts.

The earth was not created by any god. If you believe it was, you are not to be trusted with making decisions of any real importance.

can you prove this?.....hey just askin....

Harry haven't put him on Ignore, yet???? :badgrin:
You're correct. We're 25th in Math and 17th in Science.
South Korea is 1st in Math, Finland is 1st in Science.

We're not the worst, we're basically middle of the road. I don't like that. I think we can do better.

SOURCE: World education rankings: which country does best at reading, maths and science? | News |

Yep, and we used to lead the world in both, BEFORE the Godless liberals infested the education system with their atheistic crap.
Yes, we were first, before right wingers decided to reject higher education.

Yeeeeeaaaaaah........except that hasn't happened.
Rubio ignites debate with answer about creationism – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Republicans better change there way of thinking if they want a shot at 2016. If you think the Earth is 6-10,000 years old, well, you are an idiot. This creationist BS is one of the reasons why I dont consider myself a Republican. I lean right, but with thinking like this(also abortion etc), why I dont brand myself Republican. I know all Republicans don't think like this, but it is also kinda "automatic"? when you think about that party. To me anyways..

He didn't say he thought the earth is 6-10,000 years old. Further, I suspect some are confusing Creationists' claims with how long they think life has been on earth, not how long the earth has existed. I keep hearing people claim Creationists' believe the earth is 6-10,000 years old but, I have yet to see anyone substantiate the claim that this is what Creastionists believe. As demonstrated in the link, a poll indicates that Forty-six percent of Americans believe that God created humans in their present form at one point within the past 10,000 years but, that's an indication of how long they believe human life has existed on earth, not how old the earth is.

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