The easy Trump re election that probably won't happen

OK 1 year that he released The one he paid

You are just trolling and making shit up Eddie. Here I'll make something up, Obama is a homo and owns a Barbie collection.
Blues That's old business ,your people have been saying that stuff for 8 years How many years of tax returns has trump shown ? Trump ,the guy who was gonna show them all ?
This will all amount to nothing. Just like the investion into Russian collusion. When this also fails to find dirt on Trump, what will the loony left do next? And why do they still refuse to impeach Trump? I'll tell you why. Because Trump is squeaky clean, and they know it. Sucks to be you.
Is that like all the BS repubs threw at Hillary? Trump is a vile lying pig
I know you are. But what am I?
You're someone I feel sorry for Most repub scum I don't
Eddie please Trump is making Obama look like the ignorant amateur that he was. :eusa_hand:

That's not so but you Trump supporters believe this fool walks on water.

Go ahead post Obama's resume so we can laugh again. :auiqs.jpg:

If you want to laugh, post Trump's.

LOL is Obama a multi billionaire? /mocking sarcasm :auiqs.jpg:
No he's not a thief like trump

How is Obama a multi multi millionaire?
Go ahead post Obama's resume so we can laugh again. :auiqs.jpg:

If you want to laugh, post Trump's.

LOL is Obama a multi billionaire? /mocking sarcasm :auiqs.jpg:
No he's not a thief like trump
Shut up, ya jealous bastard. Lolol
Married 41 years and never cheated on my wife

Because no that’s me else will fuck your sorry ass it was easy for you.
LOL is Obama a multi billionaire? /mocking sarcasm :auiqs.jpg:
No he's not a thief like trump

Trump stole several billion dollars? Oh wait, he didn't :itsok: Does Trump's extreme wealth, jets, helicopters, yachts, and golf courses trigger you Eddie?
Yeah love to see how he got away with paying no taxes A real cheating slime bag

Trump paid no taxes? Here I'll rate your post on honesty :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
OK 1 year that he released The one he paid

You’re a idiot. Why do we entertain your stupid shit.
No he's not a thief like trump

Trump stole several billion dollars? Oh wait, he didn't :itsok: Does Trump's extreme wealth, jets, helicopters, yachts, and golf courses trigger you Eddie?
Yeah love to see how he got away with paying no taxes A real cheating slime bag

Trump paid no taxes? Here I'll rate your post on honesty :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
OK 1 year that he released The one he paid

You are just trolling and making shit up Eddie. Here I'll make something up, Obama is a homo and owns a Barbie collection.

No that’s true not sure about the Barbie
OK 1 year that he released The one he paid

You are just trolling and making shit up Eddie. Here I'll make something up, Obama is a homo and owns a Barbie collection.
Blues That's old business ,your people have been saying that stuff for 8 years How many years of tax returns has trump shown ? Trump ,the guy who was gonna show them all ?

Trump doesn't have to show you people his tax returns, tissue? Why don't you try defeating Trump at the polls in 2020...:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
If the President can be forced to turn over his financial records on mere suspicion, with absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing, then someone needs to stop the Earth. I want to get off.
Wouldn't you like to know he isn't a thief? OR don't you GAF ?
No one believes he's a thief aside from brain damaged Trump hating scum. Did you investigate Obama to determine whether he is a a thief?
You are just trolling and making shit up Eddie. Here I'll make something up, Obama is a homo and owns a Barbie collection.
Blues That's old business ,your people have been saying that stuff for 8 years How many years of tax returns has trump shown ? Trump ,the guy who was gonna show them all ?
This will all amount to nothing. Just like the investion into Russian collusion. When this also fails to find dirt on Trump, what will the loony left do next? And why do they still refuse to impeach Trump? I'll tell you why. Because Trump is squeaky clean, and they know it. Sucks to be you.
Is that like all the BS repubs threw at Hillary? Trump is a vile lying pig
I know you are. But what am I?
You're someone I feel sorry for Most repub scum I don't
You delude yourself into believing that anyone cares.
That's not so but you Trump supporters believe this fool walks on water.

Go ahead post Obama's resume so we can laugh again. :auiqs.jpg:

If you want to laugh, post Trump's.

LOL is Obama a multi billionaire? /mocking sarcasm :auiqs.jpg:
No he's not a thief like trump

How is Obama a multi multi millionaire?
He received a $65 million dollar advance for his book.
Go ahead post Obama's resume so we can laugh again. :auiqs.jpg:

If you want to laugh, post Trump's.

LOL is Obama a multi billionaire? /mocking sarcasm :auiqs.jpg:
No he's not a thief like trump

How is Obama a multi multi millionaire?
He received a $65 million dollar advance for his book.

You know I forgot about that and may I add worth every cent with his priceless wisdom.

.....and the occasional smoking pot and doing blow.
Too bad. That poll is not fake. And newsweek has been a credible news source for decades.

No doubt bigot boi, the polls sure called the last election...

She got 3 million more votes than Trump. But keep on thinking it's gonna be a repeat of 2016 stormfront trooper.

How many of the meager amount of states the Hildebeast won had NO voter ID acts, statutes, codes or ordinances on the books? 14 or so?????? Vote early, vote often...the credo of the communist DNC that was taken over in the 1930s. I am not a communist nor am I about the "collective". I don't subscribe to the "hive mindset". I don't believe in "going along to get along"......those are the "ABCs of me"......

"Elect" your commie leaders but I shall never acquiesce or submit to their agenda and there are millions just like myself. Deal with it......

Well said sir View attachment 263378

If you were constitutional you'd want Trump impeached.

IM2STUPID give up
Ask the farmers how great he's making as they all go on welfare Redneck fool

Hey Shit for Brains....

You Tards never gave a shit about the farmers before..

Trump is a very wise man unlike you short sighted Tards...

Trump knows there will be short term pains for long term gains.
How many get hurt in the meantime? China WON'T kiss his butt

Again Dumb Ass....

Short term pains for long term gains....

Trump knows how to play this game well....

It's what he has done for most of his life...
Tell that bs deno to all the companies cutting estimates for the year They can't operate without knowing what the next week or month might bring and the AH in our WH doesn't know what tomorrow will bring

Hey Dip Shit....

The economy is on fire and unemployment is at all-time lows...

We are now respected in the world.....

The World knows President Donald J. Trump is MAGA...

The World knows Trump “don’t” take no shit..............

I doubt if many of you Tards are smart enough to understand the

analogy between poker and this trade war.....

But the fact is Trump has a Royal Flush and he can’t be bluffed of his hand.

You short sighted ignorant tards would have this all Flucked up if you were in charge.

We have something like a 621 billion dollar deficit.....

You Dumb Ass Tards have no idea of what this could do for US if corrected...

No other President has had the balls to try and correct this due to the short

term political ramifications.....

Trump will no doubt go down in History as one of our Greatest Presidents....

Drop the FLUCKING MIC.........

Obozo’s ass has to hurt with that mic and magic wand up his ass.....

Where did these people live under rocks? Lol They are truly clueless on what’s going on they have no idea. It’s like they have liberal Down syndrome or some sort or Tourette’s that makes them repeat stupid shit over and over when triggered.
Go ahead post Obama's resume so we can laugh again. :auiqs.jpg:

If you want to laugh, post Trump's.

LOL is Obama a multi billionaire? /mocking sarcasm :auiqs.jpg:
No he's not a thief like trump

How is Obama a multi multi millionaire?
He received a $65 million dollar advance for his book.
lol trump would get a buck
No he's not a thief like trump

Trump stole several billion dollars? Oh wait, he didn't :itsok: Does Trump's extreme wealth, jets, helicopters, yachts, and golf courses trigger you Eddie?
Yeah love to see how he got away with paying no taxes A real cheating slime bag

Trump paid no taxes? Here I'll rate your post on honesty :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
OK 1 year that he released The one he paid

You’re a idiot. Why do we entertain your stupid shit.
Do you have trumps dick up your ass Is that why you moan like you do?
Trump stole several billion dollars? Oh wait, he didn't :itsok: Does Trump's extreme wealth, jets, helicopters, yachts, and golf courses trigger you Eddie?
Yeah love to see how he got away with paying no taxes A real cheating slime bag

Trump paid no taxes? Here I'll rate your post on honesty :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
OK 1 year that he released The one he paid

You’re a idiot. Why do we entertain your stupid shit.
Do you have trumps dick up your ass Is that why you moan like you do?

Hey you’re the one that’s hanging from his nuts on a daily basis. I’m congratulating the man for doing his job. [emoji1360][emoji631]
If you want to laugh, post Trump's.

LOL is Obama a multi billionaire? /mocking sarcasm :auiqs.jpg:
No he's not a thief like trump

How is Obama a multi multi millionaire?
He received a $65 million dollar advance for his book.
lol trump would get a buck

Edward you’re showing your age lol
Old senile and stupid ain’t no way to go through life you don’t have to end it like that.
Edward I try to respect my elders especially at your age but you’re really starting to sound like a window licker
If you want to laugh, post Trump's.

LOL is Obama a multi billionaire? /mocking sarcasm :auiqs.jpg:
No he's not a thief like trump

How is Obama a multi multi millionaire?
He received a $65 million dollar advance for his book.
lol trump would get a buck
What the fuck is that supposed to means? Trump had bestselling books that didn't depend on a bunch of political bootlickers to buy them.
LOL is Obama a multi billionaire? /mocking sarcasm :auiqs.jpg:
No he's not a thief like trump

How is Obama a multi multi millionaire?
He received a $65 million dollar advance for his book.
lol trump would get a buck

Edward you’re showing your age lol
Old senile and stupid ain’t no way to go through life you don’t have to end it like that.
I thought Edwards somewhere around 10 years old
How did he fuk you??
Obamacare, tax increases and $10 billion in additional government debt. I could list a lot more, but that is more than sufficient.
And you think America could go its merry way after our great recession? It cost ,to get us back on track
History shows that the economy always recovers on its own after a recession. Massive government intervention has resulted in the two longest recessions/depressions in our history.

The odds on leaving the economy to its own resources are far better than the odds of government intervention fixing anything.
Recession didn't last long into Obamas Presidency
Are you kidding? It was the slowest recovery since the Great Depression.

That's because what Obama inherited was the worst situation since the great depression.

And I have never worked for the government. Had I done so, it is not illegal to work a job. Trump has stolen money from people while not paying taxes. I paid taxes my entire adult working life. I started working at age 9, and I bet you didn't. I'm 58 now. Conservative trash like you who amount to nothing, assume way too much. A tax paying American deserves to get back something from the government than watching the newest military expenditure on TV. And as I pay taxes, what I put in the pot is just as important as what you do. So I would rather my money pay for an American to do nothing than to a mf in the middle east because of some war those like you want our young people to fight so you can talk John Wayne bullshit.
LOL is Obama a multi billionaire? /mocking sarcasm :auiqs.jpg:
No he's not a thief like trump

How is Obama a multi multi millionaire?
He received a $65 million dollar advance for his book.
lol trump would get a buck
What the fuck is that supposed to means? Trump had bestselling books that didn't depend on a bunch of political bootlickers to buy them.

Books he did not write.

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