The easy Trump re election that probably won't happen

The stock market was growing for more than 7 years before Trump. I mean if you need a wb as president so badly, there are others who might actually be able to do the job.

And in those 7 years, grew less than 4 months under Trump. :eusa_whistle:

In his last year in office, George W. Bush saw the DOW rise from under 7000 to over 12,000. When Obamugabe left as Potentate the DOW was slightly north of 16,000

Today we are at the end of the biggest decline in the DOW during the Trump presidency - the DOW is nearly 25,000
/—-/ meaningless. The Dow is only the average of 30 companies you nincompoop

Meaningless to you you broke bitch
/——/ The S&P 500 is meaningful to me and so is the Russell 2000.
It all is meaningful to me BUT businesses large and small can't plan ahead when the moron in our WH has no plan and doesn't inspire people that great things lie ahead

Are you really delusional?
mueller has proven totally corrupt and now hiding like a rat

A big lie about his investigation being private

His whole investigation was set up front and center to scare trump to cover up the deep states serious crimes

Private BS!!

He let it leak all prosecutors were Hilary supporters

He sent out the Whoie army of swat teams to raid trump connections and let CNN broadcast it

Private investigation BS !!

An investigation to totally scare trump and any friends he may have. Mueller brought that scare job VERY PUBLIC !!

Mueller must be tried for high treason for trying to cover up the deep states serious crimes by scaring trump
Statistical polling tie over a year before the election? Is that what the crazy angry left is counting on? Polling statistics had Trump losing to Hillary by double digits two weeks before the last election.
LMAO nobody wants to go back to the Obama economy. :th_panties:
If you were short like most of republican morons were I can't blame you Otherwise the markets performed rather well under a TRUSTED president that we don't have now

Eddie please Trump is making Obama look like the ignorant amateur that he was. :eusa_hand:

That's not so but you Trump supporters believe this fool walks on water.

Go ahead post Obama's resume so we can laugh again. :auiqs.jpg:

If you want to laugh, post Trump's.

LOL is Obama a multi billionaire? /mocking sarcasm :auiqs.jpg:
If you were short like most of republican morons were I can't blame you Otherwise the markets performed rather well under a TRUSTED president that we don't have now

Eddie please Trump is making Obama look like the ignorant amateur that he was. :eusa_hand:

That's not so but you Trump supporters believe this fool walks on water.

Go ahead post Obama's resume so we can laugh again. :auiqs.jpg:

If you want to laugh, post Trump's.

LOL is Obama a multi billionaire? /mocking sarcasm :auiqs.jpg:
No he's not a thief like trump
Eddie please Trump is making Obama look like the ignorant amateur that he was. :eusa_hand:

That's not so but you Trump supporters believe this fool walks on water.

Go ahead post Obama's resume so we can laugh again. :auiqs.jpg:

If you want to laugh, post Trump's.

LOL is Obama a multi billionaire? /mocking sarcasm :auiqs.jpg:
No he's not a thief like trump
Shut up, ya jealous bastard. Lolol
Eddie please Trump is making Obama look like the ignorant amateur that he was. :eusa_hand:

That's not so but you Trump supporters believe this fool walks on water.

Go ahead post Obama's resume so we can laugh again. :auiqs.jpg:

If you want to laugh, post Trump's.

LOL is Obama a multi billionaire? /mocking sarcasm :auiqs.jpg:
No he's not a thief like trump

Trump stole several billion dollars? Oh wait, he didn't :itsok: Does Trump's extreme wealth, jets, helicopters, yachts, and golf courses trigger you Eddie?
That's not so but you Trump supporters believe this fool walks on water.

Go ahead post Obama's resume so we can laugh again. :auiqs.jpg:

If you want to laugh, post Trump's.

LOL is Obama a multi billionaire? /mocking sarcasm :auiqs.jpg:
No he's not a thief like trump
Shut up, ya jealous bastard. Lolol
Married 41 years and never cheated on my wife
That's not so but you Trump supporters believe this fool walks on water.

Go ahead post Obama's resume so we can laugh again. :auiqs.jpg:

If you want to laugh, post Trump's.

LOL is Obama a multi billionaire? /mocking sarcasm :auiqs.jpg:
No he's not a thief like trump

Trump stole several billion dollars? Oh wait, he didn't :itsok: Does Trump's extreme wealth, jets, helicopters, yachts, and golf courses trigger you Eddie?
Yeah love to see how he got away with paying no taxes A real cheating slime bag
Go ahead post Obama's resume so we can laugh again. :auiqs.jpg:

If you want to laugh, post Trump's.

LOL is Obama a multi billionaire? /mocking sarcasm :auiqs.jpg:
No he's not a thief like trump

Trump stole several billion dollars? Oh wait, he didn't :itsok: Does Trump's extreme wealth, jets, helicopters, yachts, and golf courses trigger you Eddie?
Yeah love to see how he got away with paying no taxes A real cheating slime bag

Trump paid no taxes? Here I'll rate your post on honesty :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
If you want to laugh, post Trump's.

LOL is Obama a multi billionaire? /mocking sarcasm :auiqs.jpg:
No he's not a thief like trump

Trump stole several billion dollars? Oh wait, he didn't :itsok: Does Trump's extreme wealth, jets, helicopters, yachts, and golf courses trigger you Eddie?
Yeah love to see how he got away with paying no taxes A real cheating slime bag

Trump paid no taxes? Here I'll rate your post on honesty :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
OK 1 year that he released The one he paid
LOL is Obama a multi billionaire? /mocking sarcasm :auiqs.jpg:
No he's not a thief like trump

Trump stole several billion dollars? Oh wait, he didn't :itsok: Does Trump's extreme wealth, jets, helicopters, yachts, and golf courses trigger you Eddie?
Yeah love to see how he got away with paying no taxes A real cheating slime bag

Trump paid no taxes? Here I'll rate your post on honesty :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
OK 1 year that he released The one he paid

You are just trolling and making shit up Eddie. Here I'll make something up, Obama is a homo and owns a Barbie collection.
No he's not a thief like trump

Trump stole several billion dollars? Oh wait, he didn't :itsok: Does Trump's extreme wealth, jets, helicopters, yachts, and golf courses trigger you Eddie?
Yeah love to see how he got away with paying no taxes A real cheating slime bag

Trump paid no taxes? Here I'll rate your post on honesty :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
OK 1 year that he released The one he paid

You are just trolling and making shit up Eddie. Here I'll make something up, Obama is a homo and owns a Barbie collection.
Blues That's old business ,your people have been saying that stuff for 8 years How many years of tax returns has trump shown ? Trump ,the guy who was gonna show them all ?
Trump stole several billion dollars? Oh wait, he didn't :itsok: Does Trump's extreme wealth, jets, helicopters, yachts, and golf courses trigger you Eddie?
Yeah love to see how he got away with paying no taxes A real cheating slime bag

Trump paid no taxes? Here I'll rate your post on honesty :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
OK 1 year that he released The one he paid

You are just trolling and making shit up Eddie. Here I'll make something up, Obama is a homo and owns a Barbie collection.
Blues That's old business ,your people have been saying that stuff for 8 years How many years of tax returns has trump shown ? Trump ,the guy who was gonna show them all ?
This will all amount to nothing. Just like the investion into Russian collusion. When this also fails to find dirt on Trump, what will the loony left do next? And why do they still refuse to impeach Trump? I'll tell you why. Because Trump is squeaky clean, and they know it. Sucks to be you.
Trump stole several billion dollars? Oh wait, he didn't :itsok: Does Trump's extreme wealth, jets, helicopters, yachts, and golf courses trigger you Eddie?
Yeah love to see how he got away with paying no taxes A real cheating slime bag

Trump paid no taxes? Here I'll rate your post on honesty :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
OK 1 year that he released The one he paid

You are just trolling and making shit up Eddie. Here I'll make something up, Obama is a homo and owns a Barbie collection.
Blues That's old business ,your people have been saying that stuff for 8 years How many years of tax returns has trump shown ? Trump ,the guy who was gonna show them all ?

Trump doesn't have to show you people his tax returns, tissue? Why don't you try defeating Trump at the polls in 2020...:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Yeah love to see how he got away with paying no taxes A real cheating slime bag

Trump paid no taxes? Here I'll rate your post on honesty :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
OK 1 year that he released The one he paid

You are just trolling and making shit up Eddie. Here I'll make something up, Obama is a homo and owns a Barbie collection.
Blues That's old business ,your people have been saying that stuff for 8 years How many years of tax returns has trump shown ? Trump ,the guy who was gonna show them all ?
This will all amount to nothing. Just like the investion into Russian collusion. When this also fails to find dirt on Trump, what will the loony left do next? And why do they still refuse to impeach Trump? I'll tell you why. Because Trump is squeaky clean, and they know it. Sucks to be you.
Is that like all the BS repubs threw at Hillary? Trump is a vile lying pig
Yeah love to see how he got away with paying no taxes A real cheating slime bag

Trump paid no taxes? Here I'll rate your post on honesty :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
OK 1 year that he released The one he paid

You are just trolling and making shit up Eddie. Here I'll make something up, Obama is a homo and owns a Barbie collection.
Blues That's old business ,your people have been saying that stuff for 8 years How many years of tax returns has trump shown ? Trump ,the guy who was gonna show them all ?

Trump doesn't have to show you people his tax returns, tissue? Why don't you try defeating Trump at the polls in 2020...:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
If the President can be forced to turn over his financial records on mere suspicion, with absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing, then someone needs to stop the Earth. I want to get off.
Trump paid no taxes? Here I'll rate your post on honesty :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
OK 1 year that he released The one he paid

You are just trolling and making shit up Eddie. Here I'll make something up, Obama is a homo and owns a Barbie collection.
Blues That's old business ,your people have been saying that stuff for 8 years How many years of tax returns has trump shown ? Trump ,the guy who was gonna show them all ?
This will all amount to nothing. Just like the investion into Russian collusion. When this also fails to find dirt on Trump, what will the loony left do next? And why do they still refuse to impeach Trump? I'll tell you why. Because Trump is squeaky clean, and they know it. Sucks to be you.
Is that like all the BS repubs threw at Hillary? Trump is a vile lying pig
I know you are. But what am I?
If the election was held today Trump would lose. He's either losing or in a statistical tie with the top 5 democrats right now. And that we don't trust polls excuse don't fly. Because you trust every poll that shows Trump favorably.

If the 2020 presidential election were held today, Republican Donald Trump would fall to any Democrat in the potential field and lose out on a second term, according to a new poll released Wednesday morning.

Politico/Morning Consult poll found only 36 percent of voters would pick the current commander-in-chief over a generic Democrat, with Trump losing largely due to a lack of support among independent voters.

Donald Trump would lose to any Democrat in 2020 if the election was held today, new poll suggests

I have to laugh at how you cling to leftardism and ignore how the DNC is simply a commie front that doesn't even allow their marxist sheeple to pick their candidate. Your dream of a commie utopia will never happen in your lifetime.

You guys on the right are about to learn a severe lesson. Laugh at yourself. For you are the fool.

I am a constitutionalist and I do not participate in the election process of this banana republic, dumb ass. Your reading comprehension skills and ability to retain information about those that you lamely "flame" are as pathetic as your writing abilities, "comrade".
So, you don;t vote so shut the fuck up.

This way you can take no blame. Sit on the curb & throw stones.

A "Constitutionalist" Would be railing against Trump & the Republicans.

Wat a chickrnshit asshole yopu are.

"Shut me up", ya sorry commie fuck. You don't know the things I do. You couldn't even begin to comprehend the coming ramifications of this oncoming "Mark Of the Beast" system of total surveillance and control. You wanted to be totally dependent on "da gubermint"? You are gonna get it.....a totalitarian, communist style feudal system. Ne'er-do-wells that suffer from arrested development (such as yourself) will find that it will not be all it's cracked up to be.

P.S I wouldn't throw in with POS like yourself even at gunpoint. I find you and those like yourself totally repugnant and disgusting examples of what humanity has become. Leftard males are spineless, emasculated "needy" wimps that believes the world owes them a giving.

Yeah, I think I am gonna continue to speak my peace here whenever the urge strikes me and you can fo fuck yourself, lil Dave, ya illiterate commie fuck.
Trump paid no taxes? Here I'll rate your post on honesty :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
OK 1 year that he released The one he paid

You are just trolling and making shit up Eddie. Here I'll make something up, Obama is a homo and owns a Barbie collection.
Blues That's old business ,your people have been saying that stuff for 8 years How many years of tax returns has trump shown ? Trump ,the guy who was gonna show them all ?

Trump doesn't have to show you people his tax returns, tissue? Why don't you try defeating Trump at the polls in 2020...:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
If the President can be forced to turn over his financial records on mere suspicion, with absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing, then someone needs to stop the Earth. I want to get off.
Wouldn't you like to know he isn't a thief? OR don't you GAF ?

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