The easy Trump re election that probably won't happen

If the election was held today Trump would lose. He's either losing or in a statistical tie with the top 5 democrats right now. And that we don't trust polls excuse don't fly. Because you trust every poll that shows Trump favorably.

If the 2020 presidential election were held today, Republican Donald Trump would fall to any Democrat in the potential field and lose out on a second term, according to a new poll released Wednesday morning.

Politico/Morning Consult poll found only 36 percent of voters would pick the current commander-in-chief over a generic Democrat, with Trump losing largely due to a lack of support among independent voters.

Donald Trump would lose to any Democrat in 2020 if the election was held today, new poll suggests

Drunk and out of your mind on delusion again are you?
While I do appreciate your posts I for the life of me can't see how ANYONE can stomach that vile pig Trump...
Clearly that is so and your mindless hatred is so all-consuming you actually pray that this country crashes and burns "because then trump can leave the WH to some one sane." You're not just TDS bat-shit crazy, you're a fucking traitor.
NOW is not soon enough!

Hope my prayer is answered
Yup ... your a fucking traitor ... :fu:
If this be treason make the most of it
CNBC- Stock market’s value under Trump has grown by $6.9 trillion to $30.6 trillion

The stock market was growing for more than 7 years before Trump. I mean if you need a wb as president so badly, there are others who might actually be able to do the job.

And in those 7 years, grew less than 4 months under Trump. :eusa_whistle:

In his last year in office, George W. Bush saw the DOW rise from under 7000 to over 12,000. When Obamugabe left as Potentate the DOW was slightly north of 16,000

Today we are at the end of the biggest decline in the DOW during the Trump presidency - the DOW is nearly 25,000
/—-/ meaningless. The Dow is only the average of 30 companies you nincompoop

Meaningless to you you broke bitch
/——/ The S&P 500 is meaningful to me and so is the Russell 2000.
It all is meaningful to me BUT businesses large and small can't plan ahead when the moron in our WH has no plan and doesn't inspire people that great things lie ahead
If the election was held today Trump would lose. He's either losing or in a statistical tie with the top 5 democrats right now. And that we don't trust polls excuse don't fly. Because you trust every poll that shows Trump favorably.

If the 2020 presidential election were held today, Republican Donald Trump would fall to any Democrat in the potential field and lose out on a second term, according to a new poll released Wednesday morning.

Politico/Morning Consult poll found only 36 percent of voters would pick the current commander-in-chief over a generic Democrat, with Trump losing largely due to a lack of support among independent voters.

Donald Trump would lose to any Democrat in 2020 if the election was held today, new poll suggests
I will say this...the Democrats will not take ANY state for granted this time.
If the election was held today Trump would lose. He's either losing or in a statistical tie with the top 5 democrats right now. And that we don't trust polls excuse don't fly. Because you trust every poll that shows Trump favorably.

If the 2020 presidential election were held today, Republican Donald Trump would fall to any Democrat in the potential field and lose out on a second term, according to a new poll released Wednesday morning.

Politico/Morning Consult poll found only 36 percent of voters would pick the current commander-in-chief over a generic Democrat, with Trump losing largely due to a lack of support among independent voters.

Donald Trump would lose to any Democrat in 2020 if the election was held today, new poll suggests

Drunk and out of your mind on delusion again are you?
You're right Dick,,,how can he lose when he shuts gov't down for a record 31 days ,how can he lose when he has a 3 pronged trade war with China Europe and Mexico ? Of course no one loses trade wars AND his good buddy's UN and Putin are in love with him At least he has that going for him
If the election was held today Trump would lose. He's either losing or in a statistical tie with the top 5 democrats right now. And that we don't trust polls excuse don't fly. Because you trust every poll that shows Trump favorably.

If the 2020 presidential election were held today, Republican Donald Trump would fall to any Democrat in the potential field and lose out on a second term, according to a new poll released Wednesday morning.

A found only 36 percent of voters would pick the current commander-in-chief over a generic Democrat, with Trump losing largely due to a lack of support among independent voters.
Hey, dipshitzky. I have some bad news for you. The election isn't today. We still have a long campaign season to go. Trump will have all that time to remind everyone how well the economy is doing and how much people are saving on their taxes. As Reagan once said, "It's the economy, stupid." but you keep right on hoping. Your tears, when you lose again, will be even more precious.
If the election was held today Trump would lose. He's either losing or in a statistical tie with the top 5 democrats right now. And that we don't trust polls excuse don't fly. Because you trust every poll that shows Trump favorably.

If the 2020 presidential election were held today, Republican Donald Trump would fall to any Democrat in the potential field and lose out on a second term, according to a new poll released Wednesday morning.

A found only 36 percent of voters would pick the current commander-in-chief over a generic Democrat, with Trump losing largely due to a lack of support among independent voters.
Hey, dipshitzky. I have some bad news for you. The election isn't today. We still have a long campaign season to go. Trump will have all that time to remind everyone how well the economy is doing and how much people are saving on their taxes. As Reagan once said, "It's the economy, stupid." but you keep right on hoping. Your tears, when you lose again, will be even more precious.
That saving BS is gone, like a fart in the wind Higher prices will more than make up for those dwindling tax savings, IF there are still savings If China doesn't give in to trump by election time Trump is Fluked and one more thing ,,you go along with trump doing shit about protection of our election from his pal Putin?
]Newsweek - Media Bias/Fact Check
Funny how bitter 'tards like IM2 swallow whatever they are told to without taking even the 30 seconds required to fact check their silliness. Very sad how brain-dead they really are. Very sad.
How's your great economy doing sayit?? DOW futures off another 350 Trump is an AH A republican ,,But I repeat myself
Our economy is doing great. It never ceases to amaze how few facts bitter, brain-dead leftards manage to absorb but here it is again; investment mkts are not the same as our economy and clearly you bitter snowflakes are praying daily for this country to crash and burn because y'all are traitors.

The U.S. now has more open jobs than job seekers
WASHINGTON - For the first time on record, the number of job openings in the U.S. exceeds the number of unemployed Americans -- a trend that may soon give workers more leverage to demand pay raises.

You are blinded by your hatred of Trump...
...and don't expect China to kiss trumps ass Unless the idiot is ready to give a little to get a little this will be going on for a while and Americans will be hurting I for one wouldn't mind cause then trump can leave the WH to some one sane
And with that you once again prove that you are so filled with mindless hatred that you would much prefer this country crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as POTUS because - drum roll, please - y'all are fucking traitors.

:fu:, traitors.
I'd just like you to pay for your idiocy
Are we becoming too stupid to govern ourselves?
The case for democracy is that voters in the aggregate will make better decisions than a lone monarch or dictator would. But does majority rule still work when so many people believe so many things that simply aren’t so? You sayit are one of those
Majority rule has never worked. Democracy is rule by the dumbest 51% of the population.
]Newsweek - Media Bias/Fact Check
Funny how bitter 'tards like IM2 swallow whatever they are told to without taking even the 30 seconds required to fact check their silliness. Very sad how brain-dead they really are. Very sad.
How's your great economy doing sayit?? DOW futures off another 350 Trump is an AH A republican ,,But I repeat myself
Our economy is doing great. It never ceases to amaze how few facts bitter, brain-dead leftards manage to absorb but here it is again; investment mkts are not the same as our economy and clearly you bitter snowflakes are praying daily for this country to crash and burn because y'all are traitors.

The U.S. now has more open jobs than job seekers
WASHINGTON - For the first time on record, the number of job openings in the U.S. exceeds the number of unemployed Americans -- a trend that may soon give workers more leverage to demand pay raises.

You are blinded by your hatred of Trump...
...and don't expect China to kiss trumps ass Unless the idiot is ready to give a little to get a little this will be going on for a while and Americans will be hurting I for one wouldn't mind cause then trump can leave the WH to some one sane
And with that you once again prove that you are so filled with mindless hatred that you would much prefer this country crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as POTUS because - drum roll, please - y'all are fucking traitors.

:fu:, traitors.
I'd just like you to pay for your idiocy
Are we becoming too stupid to govern ourselves?
The case for democracy is that voters in the aggregate will make better decisions than a lone monarch or dictator would. But does majority rule still work when so many people believe so many things that simply aren’t so? You sayit are one of those
Majority rule has never worked. Democracy is rule by the dumbest 51% of the population.
IMHO people vote for what's in their best interests their's and their children so pardon me while I think republicans are a different breed they vote for the 1 and 2%
]Newsweek - Media Bias/Fact Check
Funny how bitter 'tards like IM2 swallow whatever they are told to without taking even the 30 seconds required to fact check their silliness. Very sad how brain-dead they really are. Very sad.
How's your great economy doing sayit?? DOW futures off another 350 Trump is an AH A republican ,,But I repeat myself
Our economy is doing great. It never ceases to amaze how few facts bitter, brain-dead leftards manage to absorb but here it is again; investment mkts are not the same as our economy and clearly you bitter snowflakes are praying daily for this country to crash and burn because y'all are traitors.

The U.S. now has more open jobs than job seekers
WASHINGTON - For the first time on record, the number of job openings in the U.S. exceeds the number of unemployed Americans -- a trend that may soon give workers more leverage to demand pay raises.

You are blinded by your hatred of Trump...
...and don't expect China to kiss trumps ass Unless the idiot is ready to give a little to get a little this will be going on for a while and Americans will be hurting I for one wouldn't mind cause then trump can leave the WH to some one sane
And with that you once again prove that you are so filled with mindless hatred that you would much prefer this country crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as POTUS because - drum roll, please - y'all are fucking traitors.

:fu:, traitors.
I'd just like you to pay for your idiocy
Are we becoming too stupid to govern ourselves?
The case for democracy is that voters in the aggregate will make better decisions than a lone monarch or dictator would. But does majority rule still work when so many people believe so many things that simply aren’t so? You sayit are one of those
Majority rule has never worked. Democracy is rule by the dumbest 51% of the population.
IMHO people vote for what's in their best interests their's and their children so pardon me while I think republicans are a different breed they vote for the 1 and 2%
You make a claim, and then you deny it.

The idea that the Democrat agenda is in anyone's best interests aside from those of parasites and frauds is preposterous.
How's your great economy doing sayit?? DOW futures off another 350 Trump is an AH A republican ,,But I repeat myself

LMAO nobody wants to go back to the Obama economy. :th_panties:
If you were short like most of republican morons were I can't blame you Otherwise the markets performed rather well under a TRUSTED president that we don't have now

Eddie please Trump is making Obama look like the ignorant amateur that he was. :eusa_hand:

That's not so but you Trump supporters believe this fool walks on water.
How's your great economy doing sayit?? DOW futures off another 350 Trump is an AH A republican ,,But I repeat myself

LMAO nobody wants to go back to the Obama economy. :th_panties:
If you were short like most of republican morons were I can't blame you Otherwise the markets performed rather well under a TRUSTED president that we don't have now

Eddie please Trump is making Obama look like the ignorant amateur that he was. :eusa_hand:

That's not so but you Trump supporters believe this fool walks on water.
That's funny. Obama supporters thought he was a black messiah.
How's your great economy doing sayit?? DOW futures off another 350 Trump is an AH A republican ,,But I repeat myself
Our economy is doing great. It never ceases to amaze how few facts bitter, brain-dead leftards manage to absorb but here it is again; investment mkts are not the same as our economy and clearly you bitter snowflakes are praying daily for this country to crash and burn because y'all are traitors.

The U.S. now has more open jobs than job seekers
WASHINGTON - For the first time on record, the number of job openings in the U.S. exceeds the number of unemployed Americans -- a trend that may soon give workers more leverage to demand pay raises.

...and don't expect China to kiss trumps ass Unless the idiot is ready to give a little to get a little this will be going on for a while and Americans will be hurting I for one wouldn't mind cause then trump can leave the WH to some one sane
And with that you once again prove that you are so filled with mindless hatred that you would much prefer this country crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as POTUS because - drum roll, please - y'all are fucking traitors.

:fu:, traitors.
I'd just like you to pay for your idiocy
Are we becoming too stupid to govern ourselves?
The case for democracy is that voters in the aggregate will make better decisions than a lone monarch or dictator would. But does majority rule still work when so many people believe so many things that simply aren’t so? You sayit are one of those
Majority rule has never worked. Democracy is rule by the dumbest 51% of the population.
IMHO people vote for what's in their best interests their's and their children so pardon me while I think republicans are a different breed they vote for the 1 and 2%
You make a claim, and then you deny it.

The idea that the Democrat agenda is in anyone's best interests aside from those of parasites and frauds is preposterous.

You apparently are talking about republicans. How many years has Trump avoided paying taxes while taking tax abatements? Now that's a parasite.
How's your great economy doing sayit?? DOW futures off another 350 Trump is an AH A republican ,,But I repeat myself

LMAO nobody wants to go back to the Obama economy. :th_panties:
If you were short like most of republican morons were I can't blame you Otherwise the markets performed rather well under a TRUSTED president that we don't have now

Eddie please Trump is making Obama look like the ignorant amateur that he was. :eusa_hand:

That's not so but you Trump supporters believe this fool walks on water.

Go ahead post Obama's resume so we can laugh again. :auiqs.jpg:
How's your great economy doing sayit?? DOW futures off another 350 Trump is an AH A republican ,,But I repeat myself

LMAO nobody wants to go back to the Obama economy. :th_panties:
If you were short like most of republican morons were I can't blame you Otherwise the markets performed rather well under a TRUSTED president that we don't have now

Eddie please Trump is making Obama look like the ignorant amateur that he was. :eusa_hand:

That's not so but you Trump supporters believe this fool walks on water.
That's funny. Obama supporters thought he was a black messiah.

No, that's some shit you white racist conservatives made up. Democrats did not bend over for Obama like you rags have done for Trump.
How's your great economy doing sayit?? DOW futures off another 350 Trump is an AH A republican ,,But I repeat myself

LMAO nobody wants to go back to the Obama economy. :th_panties:
If you were short like most of republican morons were I can't blame you Otherwise the markets performed rather well under a TRUSTED president that we don't have now

Eddie please Trump is making Obama look like the ignorant amateur that he was. :eusa_hand:

That's not so but you Trump supporters believe this fool walks on water.

Go ahead post Obama's resume so we can laugh again. :auiqs.jpg:

If you want to laugh, post Trump's.
Our economy is doing great. It never ceases to amaze how few facts bitter, brain-dead leftards manage to absorb but here it is again; investment mkts are not the same as our economy and clearly you bitter snowflakes are praying daily for this country to crash and burn because y'all are traitors.

The U.S. now has more open jobs than job seekers
WASHINGTON - For the first time on record, the number of job openings in the U.S. exceeds the number of unemployed Americans -- a trend that may soon give workers more leverage to demand pay raises.

And with that you once again prove that you are so filled with mindless hatred that you would much prefer this country crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as POTUS because - drum roll, please - y'all are fucking traitors.

:fu:, traitors.
I'd just like you to pay for your idiocy
Are we becoming too stupid to govern ourselves?
The case for democracy is that voters in the aggregate will make better decisions than a lone monarch or dictator would. But does majority rule still work when so many people believe so many things that simply aren’t so? You sayit are one of those
Majority rule has never worked. Democracy is rule by the dumbest 51% of the population.
IMHO people vote for what's in their best interests their's and their children so pardon me while I think republicans are a different breed they vote for the 1 and 2%
You make a claim, and then you deny it.

The idea that the Democrat agenda is in anyone's best interests aside from those of parasites and frauds is preposterous.

You apparently are talking about republicans. How many years has Trump avoided paying taxes while taking tax abatements? Now that's a parasite.
What does Trump have to do with anything? I'm talking about people who get checks from the government. That's you and all the working for the government and people getting who get checks from government social programs.
LMAO nobody wants to go back to the Obama economy. :th_panties:
If you were short like most of republican morons were I can't blame you Otherwise the markets performed rather well under a TRUSTED president that we don't have now

Eddie please Trump is making Obama look like the ignorant amateur that he was. :eusa_hand:

That's not so but you Trump supporters believe this fool walks on water.

Go ahead post Obama's resume so we can laugh again. :auiqs.jpg:

If you want to laugh, post Trump's.
Bet the dotards would rather have trump watching their back than obama They can't say trump is a coward and a bully
If you were short like most of republican morons were I can't blame you Otherwise the markets performed rather well under a TRUSTED president that we don't have now

Eddie please Trump is making Obama look like the ignorant amateur that he was. :eusa_hand:

That's not so but you Trump supporters believe this fool walks on water.

Go ahead post Obama's resume so we can laugh again. :auiqs.jpg:

If you want to laugh, post Trump's.
Bet the dotards would rather have trump watching their back than obama They can't say trump is a coward and a bully
Obama watched our backsides only so he could fuck us up the ass.
I'd just like you to pay for your idiocy
Are we becoming too stupid to govern ourselves?
The case for democracy is that voters in the aggregate will make better decisions than a lone monarch or dictator would. But does majority rule still work when so many people believe so many things that simply aren’t so? You sayit are one of those
Majority rule has never worked. Democracy is rule by the dumbest 51% of the population.
IMHO people vote for what's in their best interests their's and their children so pardon me while I think republicans are a different breed they vote for the 1 and 2%
You make a claim, and then you deny it.

The idea that the Democrat agenda is in anyone's best interests aside from those of parasites and frauds is preposterous.

You apparently are talking about republicans. How many years has Trump avoided paying taxes while taking tax abatements? Now that's a parasite.
What does Trump have to do with anything? I'm talking about people who get checks from the government. That's you and all the working for the government and people getting who get checks from government social programs.
I get a SS check and NEVER took advantage of anything Vets benefits offered Others could use it more

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