The easy Trump re election that probably won't happen

Analysis / Bias

In review, Newsweek Frequently uses emotionally loaded headlines such as this: TRUMP DISLIKED AS STRONGLY AS NIXON WAS BEFORE WATERGATE: POLL. Generally, story selection favors the Left and Newsweek takes a strong anti-Trump stance. Newsweek typically sources their information to credible sources such as the Washington Post, but has also published misleading or false information.

A factual search reveals multiple failed fact checks:

Too bad. That poll is not fake. And newsweek has been a credible news source for decades.

No doubt bigot boi, the polls sure called the last election...

She got 3 million more votes than Trump. But keep on thinking it's gonna be a repeat of 2016 stormfront trooper.


That and $2 will get you a taco from one of the illegals you expect to thwart American elections...


I think it has been shown that the only illegals that thwarted the elections were the Russians helping Trump.

So go buy that bottle of vodka so you can continue supporting your real president,


I live in California, Moron. Illegals are automatically registered and California law encourages them to vote.

Millions of illegal aliens vote in EVERY election in California, and Sacramento takes orders from Mexico City,
If the election was held today Trump would lose. He's either losing or in a statistical tie with the top 5 democrats right now. And that we don't trust polls excuse don't fly. Because you trust every poll that shows Trump favorably.

If the 2020 presidential election were held today, Republican Donald Trump would fall to any Democrat in the potential field and lose out on a second term, according to a new poll released Wednesday morning.

Politico/Morning Consult poll found only 36 percent of voters would pick the current commander-in-chief over a generic Democrat, with Trump losing largely due to a lack of support among independent voters.

Donald Trump would lose to any Democrat in 2020 if the election was held today, new poll suggests

Despite record low unemployment and rising wages.

Demonstrates a serious problem with our "democracy".
No recession on the way?,,,no dropping interest rates because of trouble ahead?

A recession is always on the way. Delaying it, and creating good economic results right now, in a sane world, would lead to RISING SUPPORT from those who did not support him before, because they did not believe he could deliver, at the very least.
Analysis / Bias

In review, Newsweek Frequently uses emotionally loaded headlines such as this: TRUMP DISLIKED AS STRONGLY AS NIXON WAS BEFORE WATERGATE: POLL. Generally, story selection favors the Left and Newsweek takes a strong anti-Trump stance. Newsweek typically sources their information to credible sources such as the Washington Post, but has also published misleading or false information.

A factual search reveals multiple failed fact checks:

Too bad. That poll is not fake. And newsweek has been a credible news source for decades.

No doubt bigot boi, the polls sure called the last election...

She got 3 million more votes than Trump. But keep on thinking it's gonna be a repeat of 2016 stormfront trooper.

Amazing that she could be so monumental a LOSER that even armed with 3 times Trump's campaign cash and a compliant, even complicit MSM she still managed to lose to a political novice.
Yeah ... so much for the"most qualified candidate evah." :lmao:

AND had the Potentate Obamugabe actively rigging the election in her favor, using the CIA and FBI to plant smear stories in the compliant leftist press to influence the election.
Despite record low unemployment and rising wages.

Demonstrates a serious problem with our "democracy".
No recession on the way?,,,no dropping interest rates because of trouble ahead?

CNBC- Stock market’s value under Trump has grown by $6.9 trillion to $30.6 trillion

The stock market was growing for more than 7 years before Trump. I mean if you need a wb as president so badly, there are others who might actually be able to do the job.

And in those 7 years, grew less than 4 months under Trump. :eusa_whistle:

In his last year in office, George W. Bush saw the DOW rise from under 7000 to over 12,000. When Obamugabe left as Potentate the DOW was slightly north of 16,000

Today we are at the end of the biggest decline in the DOW during the Trump presidency - the DOW is nearly 25,000
/—-/ meaningless. The Dow is only the average of 30 companies you nincompoop
DOW futures off another 300++++ Nice going Mr Scumpt
I would laugh if the Cubs won the world series again in 2020, yup the left would be in melt down mode, history would repeat itself and Trump gets a 2nd term


Trump will win reelection in 2020 regardless of who wins the World Series.

Where Americans need to focus is on Congress. The Communists need to be driven from power in the House and must not take power in the Senate, unless you want another 4 years of the shit Comrade Pelosi has pulled.
Analysis / Bias

In review, Newsweek Frequently uses emotionally loaded headlines such as this: TRUMP DISLIKED AS STRONGLY AS NIXON WAS BEFORE WATERGATE: POLL. Generally, story selection favors the Left and Newsweek takes a strong anti-Trump stance. Newsweek typically sources their information to credible sources such as the Washington Post, but has also published misleading or false information.

A factual search reveals multiple failed fact checks:

Too bad. That poll is not fake. And newsweek has been a credible news source for decades.

Newsweek - Media Bias/Fact Check
Funny how bitter 'tards like IM2 swallow whatever they are told to without taking even the 30 seconds required to fact check their silliness. Very sad how brain-dead they really are. Very sad.
How's your great economy doing sayit?? DOW futures off another 350 Trump is an AH A republican ,,But I repeat myself
If the election was held today Trump would lose. He's either losing or in a statistical tie with the top 5 democrats right now. And that we don't trust polls excuse don't fly. Because you trust every poll that shows Trump favorably.

If the 2020 presidential election were held today, Republican Donald Trump would fall to any Democrat in the potential field and lose out on a second term, according to a new poll released Wednesday morning.

Politico/Morning Consult poll found only 36 percent of voters would pick the current commander-in-chief over a generic Democrat, with Trump losing largely due to a lack of support among independent voters.

Donald Trump would lose to any Democrat in 2020 if the election was held today, new poll suggests

Despite record low unemployment and rising wages.

Demonstrates a serious problem with our "democracy".
No recession on the way?,,,no dropping interest rates because of trouble ahead?

A recession is always on the way. Delaying it, and creating good economic results right now, in a sane world, would lead to RISING SUPPORT from those who did not support him before, because they did not believe he could deliver, at the very least.
May 1st month of year DOW was down Futures off 350 Trump played his tariff thing like the bullying AH he is The deal maker??? lol lol

I live in a rural state fool. And you really need to quit listening to right wing nut jobs.

Trump is a dumb ass.

That's why he thinks he can stop impeachment by taking it to court.

A rural state pays you to teach Ethnic LGBTQ studies to young heads full of mush at the local community college? I'm surprised they value teaching kids how to hate white people that much...
Ask the farmers how great he's making as they all go on welfare Redneck fool

Hey Shit for Brains....

You Tards never gave a shit about the farmers before..

Trump is a very wise man unlike you short sighted Tards...

Trump knows there will be short term pains for long term gains.

Soybean farmers have been hurt forever.

You republicans don't give a damn about farmers.

You Tards are so funny with your bull shit...

You only give a shit about something like this when it suits you politically...

Trump is intelligent enough to know that the long term gains are worth the short term pains.

I guess Trump could use his magic wand, but it’s still stuck up obozo’s ass.....

I live in a rural state fool. And you really need to quit listening to right wing nut jobs.

Trump is a dumb ass.

That's why he thinks he can stop impeachment by taking it to court.

You are ignorant beyond belief....

Trump controls the senate you Dumb Ass...

I Am too Asslips is a bigot and a racist. His life is about fostering hatred and racial division. He's essentially the same as a Nazi.
How's your great economy doing sayit?? DOW futures off another 350 Trump is an AH A republican ,,But I repeat myself

LMAO nobody wants to go back to the Obama economy. :th_panties:
If you were short like most of republican morons were I can't blame you Otherwise the markets performed rather well under a TRUSTED president that we don't have now

Eddie please Trump is making Obama look like the ignorant amateur that he was. :eusa_hand:
I'm one of those Independent voters.

trump and the republicans have sent me and so many others running in horror from the republican party.

However, polls don't mean anything anymore. The only poll that has ever counted is on Election Day when people cast their votes.

There is no doubt about that. But these polls show that people strongly disapprove of Trump.

Most politicians try so hard not to say anything. Trump doesn't know when to keep quiet. If the election is about likability, Trump loses. If it is about conditions, it is a toss up.

No it's not. Trumps policies have been failures. He inherited the economy. If Biden is the nominee, Trump is going too get chewed up over policy.
I prospered under Trump and struggled under Obama-maybe you did the opposite. Do what Reagan said, if you are better off now than 4 years ago...
I was doing ok Just took the month of May to f that up The deal maker ?? What a fn joke

Stupid, the DOW was 16,000 when Trump took office. You still have a 61% increase.

And we ALL know it will bounce back up this coming week. This was just a reaction to the Mexico tariff threat. (which will never happen)
Despite record low unemployment and rising wages.

Demonstrates a serious problem with our "democracy".
No recession on the way?,,,no dropping interest rates because of trouble ahead?

CNBC- Stock market’s value under Trump has grown by $6.9 trillion to $30.6 trillion

The stock market was growing for more than 7 years before Trump. I mean if you need a wb as president so badly, there are others who might actually be able to do the job.

And in those 7 years, grew less than 4 months under Trump. :eusa_whistle:

In his last year in office, George W. Bush saw the DOW rise from under 7000 to over 12,000. When Obamugabe left as Potentate the DOW was slightly north of 16,000

Today we are at the end of the biggest decline in the DOW during the Trump presidency - the DOW is nearly 25,000
/—-/ meaningless. The Dow is only the average of 30 companies you nincompoop

True, but still used as the bellweather of the Stock Market. Regardless, the Markets all remain strong, regardless of a single week fluctuation.
How's your great economy doing sayit?? DOW futures off another 350 Trump is an AH A republican ,,But I repeat myself

LMAO nobody wants to go back to the Obama economy. :th_panties:
If you were short like most of republican morons were I can't blame you Otherwise the markets performed rather well under a TRUSTED president that we don't have now

Eddie please Trump is making Obama look like the ignorant amateur that he was. :eusa_hand:
While I do appreciate your posts I for the life of me can't see how ANYONE can stomach that vile pig Trump. Obama could have done more BUT I guess he wasn't such a great deal maker like trump and with a congress trying to unseat him I think he did a damn good job
There is no doubt about that. But these polls show that people strongly disapprove of Trump.

Most politicians try so hard not to say anything. Trump doesn't know when to keep quiet. If the election is about likability, Trump loses. If it is about conditions, it is a toss up.

No it's not. Trumps policies have been failures. He inherited the economy. If Biden is the nominee, Trump is going too get chewed up over policy.
I prospered under Trump and struggled under Obama-maybe you did the opposite. Do what Reagan said, if you are better off now than 4 years ago...
I was doing ok Just took the month of May to f that up The deal maker ?? What a fn joke

Stupid, the DOW was 16,000 when Trump took office. You still have a 61% increase.

And we ALL know it will bounce back up this coming week. This was just a reaction to the Mexico tariff threat. (which will never happen)
You call others stupid ,stupid?
The Dow closed at 19,827.25 on Inauguration Day, Jan. 20, 2017, which means it has about 3,700 points to go before the Trump rally gains are gone.
No recession on the way?,,,no dropping interest rates because of trouble ahead?

CNBC- Stock market’s value under Trump has grown by $6.9 trillion to $30.6 trillion

The stock market was growing for more than 7 years before Trump. I mean if you need a wb as president so badly, there are others who might actually be able to do the job.

And in those 7 years, grew less than 4 months under Trump. :eusa_whistle:

In his last year in office, George W. Bush saw the DOW rise from under 7000 to over 12,000. When Obamugabe left as Potentate the DOW was slightly north of 16,000

Today we are at the end of the biggest decline in the DOW during the Trump presidency - the DOW is nearly 25,000
/—-/ meaningless. The Dow is only the average of 30 companies you nincompoop

True, but still used as the bellweather of the Stock Market. Regardless, the Markets all remain strong, regardless of a single week fluctuation.
Single week ? May first month of the year DOW is down
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If the election was held today Trump would lose. He's either losing or in a statistical tie with the top 5 democrats right now. And that we don't trust polls excuse don't fly. Because you trust every poll that shows Trump favorably.

If the 2020 presidential election were held today, Republican Donald Trump would fall to any Democrat in the potential field and lose out on a second term, according to a new poll released Wednesday morning.

Politico/Morning Consult poll found only 36 percent of voters would pick the current commander-in-chief over a generic Democrat, with Trump losing largely due to a lack of support among independent voters.

Donald Trump would lose to any Democrat in 2020 if the election was held today, new poll suggests

Despite record low unemployment and rising wages.

Demonstrates a serious problem with our "democracy".
No recession on the way?,,,no dropping interest rates because of trouble ahead?

A recession is always on the way. Delaying it, and creating good economic results right now, in a sane world, would lead to RISING SUPPORT from those who did not support him before, because they did not believe he could deliver, at the very least.
May 1st month of year DOW was down Futures off 350 Trump played his tariff thing like the bullying AH he is The deal maker??? lol lol

Ever growing trade deficits are not sustainable.

We need more balanced trade.

Why do you think our trading partners are so angry at Trump? Because having a trade surplus is not great for them?

If the election was held today Trump would lose. He's either losing or in a statistical tie with the top 5 democrats right now. And that we don't trust polls excuse don't fly. Because you trust every poll that shows Trump favorably.

If the 2020 presidential election were held today, Republican Donald Trump would fall to any Democrat in the potential field and lose out on a second term, according to a new poll released Wednesday morning.

Politico/Morning Consult poll found only 36 percent of voters would pick the current commander-in-chief over a generic Democrat, with Trump losing largely due to a lack of support among independent voters.

Donald Trump would lose to any Democrat in 2020 if the election was held today, new poll suggests

Despite record low unemployment and rising wages.

Demonstrates a serious problem with our "democracy".
No recession on the way?,,,no dropping interest rates because of trouble ahead?

A recession is always on the way. Delaying it, and creating good economic results right now, in a sane world, would lead to RISING SUPPORT from those who did not support him before, because they did not believe he could deliver, at the very least.
May 1st month of year DOW was down Futures off 350 Trump played his tariff thing like the bullying AH he is The deal maker??? lol lol

Ever growing trade deficits are not sustainable.

We need more balanced trade.

Why do you think our trading partners are so angry at Trump? Because having a trade surplus is not great for them?

Correll There is no argument on what you post My dispute is with the morons methods of bullying those who won't bow down and kiss his ass like the senate does Right now he's in a 3 front war with China Mexico and Europe Wouldn't it have been better approaching China with 3 or 4 allies ??
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