The easy Trump re election that probably won't happen

Analysis / Bias

In review, Newsweek Frequently uses emotionally loaded headlines such as this: TRUMP DISLIKED AS STRONGLY AS NIXON WAS BEFORE WATERGATE: POLL. Generally, story selection favors the Left and Newsweek takes a strong anti-Trump stance. Newsweek typically sources their information to credible sources such as the Washington Post, but has also published misleading or false information.

A factual search reveals multiple failed fact checks:

Too bad. That poll is not fake. And newsweek has been a credible news source for decades.

No doubt bigot boi, the polls sure called the last election...

She got 3 million more votes than Trump. But keep on thinking it's gonna be a repeat of 2016 stormfront trooper.


That and $2 will get you a taco from one of the illegals you expect to thwart American elections...


I think it has been shown that the only illegals that thwarted the elections were the Russians helping Trump.

So go buy that bottle of vodka so you can continue supporting your real president,

If the election was held today Trump would lose. He's either losing or in a statistical tie with the top 5 democrats right now. And that we don't trust polls excuse don't fly. Because you trust every poll that shows Trump favorably.

If the 2020 presidential election were held today, Republican Donald Trump would fall to any Democrat in the potential field and lose out on a second term, according to a new poll released Wednesday morning.

Politico/Morning Consult poll found only 36 percent of voters would pick the current commander-in-chief over a generic Democrat, with Trump losing largely due to a lack of support among independent voters.

Donald Trump would lose to any Democrat in 2020 if the election was held today, new poll suggests
The good news for you is it's still 17 months until the 2020 elections. The bad news for you is if it were tomorrow Trump would repeat as POTUS and likely drag the House and Senate along with him:

3 modelers predict Trump reelection: report
Three modelers are predicting President Trump will win reelection in 2020 based on a combination of economic data and incumbent advantages, according to a column in The New York Times.

Steven Rattner wrote that Ray Fair of Yale favors Trump to win based on a model that combines incumbency and gross domestic product growth rates.

Trump would be gone if that was the case.
If the election was held today Trump would lose. He's either losing or in a statistical tie with the top 5 democrats right now. And that we don't trust polls excuse don't fly. Because you trust every poll that shows Trump favorably.

If the 2020 presidential election were held today, Republican Donald Trump would fall to any Democrat in the potential field and lose out on a second term, according to a new poll released Wednesday morning.

Politico/Morning Consult poll found only 36 percent of voters would pick the current commander-in-chief over a generic Democrat, with Trump losing largely due to a lack of support among independent voters.

Donald Trump would lose to any Democrat in 2020 if the election was held today, new poll suggests
The good news for you is it's still 17 months until the 2020 elections. The bad news for you is if it were tomorrow Trump would repeat as POTUS and likely drag the House and Senate along with him:

3 modelers predict Trump reelection: report
Three modelers are predicting President Trump will win reelection in 2020 based on a combination of economic data and incumbent advantages, according to a column in The New York Times.

Steven Rattner wrote that Ray Fair of Yale favors Trump to win based on a model that combines incumbency and gross domestic product growth rates.

Trump would be gone if that was the case.
Gone? I give you a NYTimes article that says you and the Democrat Socialist Party are toast and you punt?

Fucking coward.

Gotta feel for the poor speed-bump they will run against this:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder our bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans they consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
TRUMP is MAGA you Dumb Ass Tard......
Ask the farmers how great he's making as they all go on welfare Redneck fool

Hey Shit for Brains....

You Tards never gave a shit about the farmers before..

Trump is a very wise man unlike you short sighted Tards...

Trump knows there will be short term pains for long term gains.
How many get hurt in the meantime? China WON'T kiss his butt

Again Dumb Ass....

Short term pains for long term gains....

Trump knows how to play this game well....

It's what he has done for most of his life...

He lost 900 million in one year. He lost at least a billion during the 80's.

He lost more money than anyone else. He's had more bankruptcies than anyone else.

He does not know how to do anything well but loose and fool dumb people with his bullshit.

That's how he turned millions into billions, amirite?

Analysis / Bias

In review, Newsweek Frequently uses emotionally loaded headlines such as this: TRUMP DISLIKED AS STRONGLY AS NIXON WAS BEFORE WATERGATE: POLL. Generally, story selection favors the Left and Newsweek takes a strong anti-Trump stance. Newsweek typically sources their information to credible sources such as the Washington Post, but has also published misleading or false information.

A factual search reveals multiple failed fact checks:

Too bad. That poll is not fake. And newsweek has been a credible news source for decades.

No doubt bigot boi, the polls sure called the last election...

She got 3 million more votes than Trump. But keep on thinking it's gonna be a repeat of 2016 stormfront trooper.

Amazing that she could be so monumental a LOSER that even armed with 3 times Trump's campaign cash and a compliant, even complicit MSM she still managed to lose to a political novice.
Yeah ... so much for the"most qualified candidate evah." :lmao:
Analysis / Bias

In review, Newsweek Frequently uses emotionally loaded headlines such as this: TRUMP DISLIKED AS STRONGLY AS NIXON WAS BEFORE WATERGATE: POLL. Generally, story selection favors the Left and Newsweek takes a strong anti-Trump stance. Newsweek typically sources their information to credible sources such as the Washington Post, but has also published misleading or false information.

A factual search reveals multiple failed fact checks:

Too bad. That poll is not fake. And newsweek has been a credible news source for decades.

Newsweek - Media Bias/Fact Check
Funny how bitter 'tards like IM2 swallow whatever they are told to without taking even the 30 seconds required to fact check their silliness. Very sad how brain-dead they really are. Very sad.
Analysis / Bias

In review, Newsweek Frequently uses emotionally loaded headlines such as this: TRUMP DISLIKED AS STRONGLY AS NIXON WAS BEFORE WATERGATE: POLL. Generally, story selection favors the Left and Newsweek takes a strong anti-Trump stance. Newsweek typically sources their information to credible sources such as the Washington Post, but has also published misleading or false information.

A factual search reveals multiple failed fact checks:

Too bad. That poll is not fake. And newsweek has been a credible news source for decades.

No doubt bigot boi, the polls sure called the last election...

She got 3 million more votes than Trump. But keep on thinking it's gonna be a repeat of 2016 stormfront trooper.

How many of the meager amount of states the Hildebeast won had NO voter ID acts, statutes, codes or ordinances on the books? 14 or so?????? Vote early, vote often...the credo of the communist DNC that was taken over in the 1930s. I am not a communist nor am I about the "collective". I don't subscribe to the "hive mindset". I don't believe in "going along to get along"......those are the "ABCs of me"......

"Elect" your commie leaders but I shall never acquiesce or submit to their agenda and there are millions just like myself. Deal with it......
Analysis / Bias

In review, Newsweek Frequently uses emotionally loaded headlines such as this: TRUMP DISLIKED AS STRONGLY AS NIXON WAS BEFORE WATERGATE: POLL. Generally, story selection favors the Left and Newsweek takes a strong anti-Trump stance. Newsweek typically sources their information to credible sources such as the Washington Post, but has also published misleading or false information.

A factual search reveals multiple failed fact checks:

Too bad. That poll is not fake. And newsweek has been a credible news source for decades.

No doubt bigot boi, the polls sure called the last election...

She got 3 million more votes than Trump. But keep on thinking it's gonna be a repeat of 2016 stormfront trooper.

Amazing that she could be so monumental a LOSER that even armed with 3 times Trump's campaign cash and a compliant, even complicit MSM she still managed to lose to a political novice.
Yeah ... so much for the"most qualified candidate evah." :lmao:

Hillary Clinton To Give Keynote Speech On Winning Elections
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Hillary Clinton has been hired to give a keynote speech. The topic? Winning elections. The Election Victory Conference is held every year, and they hire experts who have all won elections. This year they've picked Hillary Clinton. Although she hasn't actually won elections, she does feel like she won. At publishing time, sources had confirmed that next month she will speak on how to change your accent on the fly to match your audience.
I would laugh if the Cubs won the world series again in 2020, yup the left would be in melt down mode, history would repeat itself and Trump gets a 2nd term

If the election was held today Trump would lose. He's either losing or in a statistical tie with the top 5 democrats right now. And that we don't trust polls excuse don't fly. Because you trust every poll that shows Trump favorably.

If the 2020 presidential election were held today, Republican Donald Trump would fall to any Democrat in the potential field and lose out on a second term, according to a new poll released Wednesday morning.

Politico/Morning Consult poll found only 36 percent of voters would pick the current commander-in-chief over a generic Democrat, with Trump losing largely due to a lack of support among independent voters.

Donald Trump would lose to any Democrat in 2020 if the election was held today, new poll suggests

Two years out and the butthurt already flows. Dude, go out and eat a nice dinner. Hang with some friends and get away from that shit. Hyper political folks are a drag.

Yo ass still hurts from the first Obama election 11 years ago. Spare me the Trumpdumb.

And you are still dragging invisible shackles and munching pork rinds and grape soda. Get over it and stop being such a cry baby.
I would laugh if the Cubs won the world series again in 2020, yup the left would be in melt down mode, history would repeat itself and Trump gets a 2nd term


Bear they’re heads are going to literally explode like a Islamic back pack [emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95]
Analysis / Bias

In review, Newsweek Frequently uses emotionally loaded headlines such as this: TRUMP DISLIKED AS STRONGLY AS NIXON WAS BEFORE WATERGATE: POLL. Generally, story selection favors the Left and Newsweek takes a strong anti-Trump stance. Newsweek typically sources their information to credible sources such as the Washington Post, but has also published misleading or false information.

A factual search reveals multiple failed fact checks:

Too bad. That poll is not fake. And newsweek has been a credible news source for decades.

Newsweek - Media Bias/Fact Check
Funny how bitter 'tards like IM2 swallow whatever they are told to without taking even the 30 seconds required to fact check their silliness. Very sad how brain-dead they really are. Very sad.

IM2 doesn’t actually learn anything the drive by media chews up his news sticks it down his throat and he just regurgitates what’s in his gullet. He’s the kind of guy that will shine his liberal professor’s apple every morning. [emoji519]
Analysis / Bias

In review, Newsweek Frequently uses emotionally loaded headlines such as this: TRUMP DISLIKED AS STRONGLY AS NIXON WAS BEFORE WATERGATE: POLL. Generally, story selection favors the Left and Newsweek takes a strong anti-Trump stance. Newsweek typically sources their information to credible sources such as the Washington Post, but has also published misleading or false information.

A factual search reveals multiple failed fact checks:

Too bad. That poll is not fake. And newsweek has been a credible news source for decades.

No doubt bigot boi, the polls sure called the last election...

She got 3 million more votes than Trump. But keep on thinking it's gonna be a repeat of 2016 stormfront trooper.

Amazing that she could be so monumental a LOSER that even armed with 3 times Trump's campaign cash and a compliant, even complicit MSM she still managed to lose to a political novice.
Yeah ... so much for the"most qualified candidate evah." :lmao:

She couldn’t even do a whole speech without having a seizure not to mention looking like she uses kim jong un’s tailor.
Analysis / Bias

In review, Newsweek Frequently uses emotionally loaded headlines such as this: TRUMP DISLIKED AS STRONGLY AS NIXON WAS BEFORE WATERGATE: POLL. Generally, story selection favors the Left and Newsweek takes a strong anti-Trump stance. Newsweek typically sources their information to credible sources such as the Washington Post, but has also published misleading or false information.

A factual search reveals multiple failed fact checks:

Too bad. That poll is not fake. And newsweek has been a credible news source for decades.

No doubt bigot boi, the polls sure called the last election...

She got 3 million more votes than Trump. But keep on thinking it's gonna be a repeat of 2016 stormfront trooper.


That and $2 will get you a taco from one of the illegals you expect to thwart American elections...


I think it has been shown that the only illegals that thwarted the elections were the Russians helping Trump.

So go buy that bottle of vodka so you can continue supporting your real president,


You brain is skipping like a broken record. IT’S OVER!!!
I have to laugh at how you cling to leftardism and ignore how the DNC is simply a commie front that doesn't even allow their marxist sheeple to pick their candidate. Your dream of a commie utopia will never happen in your lifetime.

You guys on the right are about to learn a severe lesson. Laugh at yourself. For you are the fool.

I am a constitutionalist and I do not participate in the election process of this banana republic, dumb ass. Your reading comprehension skills and ability to retain information about those that you lamely "flame" are as pathetic as your writing abilities, "comrade".

Careful man, he threatened to call the police on me. Whoever "wins' in 2020 will be the one selected, if Rump starts a war he will be re-elected, that's what the "money people" want.

He doesn’t start wars he finishes them [emoji631]

Ambivalent threatened me in some PMs. But he won't tell you that.

The only thing Trump finishes are big macs.

Your first point- who gives a fuck

You second point- who gives a fuck
If the election was held today Trump would lose. He's either losing or in a statistical tie with the top 5 democrats right now. And that we don't trust polls excuse don't fly. Because you trust every poll that shows Trump favorably.

If the 2020 presidential election were held today, Republican Donald Trump would fall to any Democrat in the potential field and lose out on a second term, according to a new poll released Wednesday morning.

Politico/Morning Consult poll found only 36 percent of voters would pick the current commander-in-chief over a generic Democrat, with Trump losing largely due to a lack of support among independent voters.

Donald Trump would lose to any Democrat in 2020 if the election was held today, new poll suggests

Despite record low unemployment and rising wages.

Demonstrates a serious problem with our "democracy".
No recession on the way?,,,no dropping interest rates because of trouble ahead?

CNBC- Stock market’s value under Trump has grown by $6.9 trillion to $30.6 trillion

The stock market was growing for more than 7 years before Trump. I mean if you need a wb as president so badly, there are others who might actually be able to do the job.

CNBC- “Stock market’s value under Trump has grown by $6.9 trillion to $30.6 trillion”

You just can’t admit you wrong and a brainwashed wack-a-doodle.

P.S. Your profile picture? You ain’t kicking NOBODY’S ass beta boy. Let be real.
Analysis / Bias

In review, Newsweek Frequently uses emotionally loaded headlines such as this: TRUMP DISLIKED AS STRONGLY AS NIXON WAS BEFORE WATERGATE: POLL. Generally, story selection favors the Left and Newsweek takes a strong anti-Trump stance. Newsweek typically sources their information to credible sources such as the Washington Post, but has also published misleading or false information.

A factual search reveals multiple failed fact checks:

Too bad. That poll is not fake. And newsweek has been a credible news source for decades.

Newsweek - Media Bias/Fact Check

Yeah I saw that. These libs don’t their ass from reality. They’re fucked triggered little beta losers. All they do is yell and cry.

Lol I play with their head like a cat does a ball of yarn [emoji3469]
Analysis / Bias

In review, Newsweek Frequently uses emotionally loaded headlines such as this: TRUMP DISLIKED AS STRONGLY AS NIXON WAS BEFORE WATERGATE: POLL. Generally, story selection favors the Left and Newsweek takes a strong anti-Trump stance. Newsweek typically sources their information to credible sources such as the Washington Post, but has also published misleading or false information.

A factual search reveals multiple failed fact checks:

Too bad. That poll is not fake. And newsweek has been a credible news source for decades.

No doubt bigot boi, the polls sure called the last election...

Ok I LOVE these. They ALL looked so so stupid. I love watching the You g Turks Election Night. CLASSIC

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