The economy. Hot, or not?

Is the economy in good condition?

  • Yes

  • No

  • It depends on whether I like the President

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Unemployment is low and has been low for a long time.
The average American has been seeing some of their best wages in decades.

So, do we have a strong economy or not? If not, what's wrong with the economy?
Look at the poll... I was on a bus once going to work in St Louis and everyone on the bus who spoke said 'things are terrible' then one person said "I heard on the news that it's really doing okay"
So many people say ,What's it like outsdide,honey" Let me Google it.How about you stick your damn head outside and find out !!!

THINGS ARE HORRIBLE.Jobs are up, yeah, people working two jobs is up. Food prices are a horror. Education sucks.Kids are stupider than ever. And many are just not returning to school

Economists peg the optimum p;ublic debt to GDP at about 60% , it is now at 120%

Ever watch murder shows. THe guy is surprised,turns around,Hey, didn't expect you and then gets shot to death.
Well stupid-as-shit grinning Biden is at the door,you are about to be shot by a smiling fool
Dollar worth half what it was under Trump, stock market would have to double to make a difference.
Inflation is only 13% compared to 2021 costs.
If anyone knows stupidity and dishonesty, it's you.
Well, no, you tried to claim Biden was responsible for 26% inflation since 2017 and now you are admitting that number is closer to 13%. That's being dishonet.

Inflation isn't that big of a deal. You are probably getting raises to offset it, I know I did. And if you aren't, at 3.7% unemployment, getting a better paying job isn't hard.
Inflation is only 13% compared to 2021 costs.

Well, no, you tried to claim Biden was responsible for 26% inflation since 2017 and now you are admitting that number is closer to 13%. That's being dishonet.

Inflation isn't that big of a deal. You are probably getting raises to offset it, I know I did. And if you aren't, at 3.7% unemployment, getting a better paying job isn't hard.
wow, it is a pleasure to show how in the dark you are.

Nov 3, 2023 — Nearly 8.4 million people held multiple jobs in October, the Labor Department reported Friday. They represent 5.2% of the workforce, the largest ...

Yeah, I am sure you are doing fine. The Jews have a saying "The rich man by his fire thinks everyone in town is warm"
Inflation is only 13% compared to 2021 costs.

Well, no, you tried to claim Biden was responsible for 26% inflation since 2017 and now you are admitting that number is closer to 13%. That's being dishonet.

Inflation isn't that big of a deal. You are probably getting raises to offset it, I know I did. And if you aren't, at 3.7% unemployment, getting a better paying job isn't hard.
You imbecile!

2 years and Biden did that. Fucktard!!!!!!
wow, it is a pleasure to show how in the dark you are.

Nov 3, 2023 — Nearly 8.4 million people held multiple jobs in October, the Labor Department reported Friday. They represent 5.2% of the workforce, the largest ...

Yeah, I am sure you are doing fine. The Jews have a saying "The rich man by his fire thinks everyone in town is warm"
JoeB gets a check, a shill check, and lives in a 50-foot singlewide in a trailer park.

That's 50 feet long x 12 feet.
wow, it is a pleasure to show how in the dark you are.

Nov 3, 2023 — Nearly 8.4 million people held multiple jobs in October, the Labor Department reported Friday. They represent 5.2% of the workforce, the largest ...

Yeah, I am sure you are doing fine. The Jews have a saying "The rich man by his fire thinks everyone in town is warm"

Hey dim bulb, the percentage of folks working two jobs was … read this slowly..

HIGHER in 2019.

And read the article I posted. One reason the number is as high as it is is because working from home makes holding two jobs a lot easier

You’re excused…
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The economy is okay. However, I still cast a "No" because much like the Reagan years, I'm unsure how much of the money circulating in this economy is there because of deficit spending? It is worrisome that there hasn't been a president with at least a bit concern about keeping control of federal spending since GHW Bush and Bill Clinton. Sadly, there's nobody out there now to have faith in to improve the situation.
The economy is very strong. Over 5% GDP last reading. There are some signs that we'll see a slowdown, but that's cyclical. Maybe. As pissed as I am at the Fed for taking so fucking long to address inflation, the chances of a "soft landing" are increasing.

Americans look at inflation hitting them square in the face and don't really care about things like GDP, and that's understandable. It looks like they're going to blame Biden for it, and that's the way it goes.

But right now, at this moment, yeah, it's very strong.
Nutter that's the point when things cost more the GDP doesn't matter. Job growth is stagnant I do believe.

Hey dim bulb, the percentage of folks working two jobs was … read this slowly..

HIGHER in 2019.

And red the article I posted. One reason the number is as high as it is is because working from home makes holding two jobs a lot easier

You’re excused…
And you're a moron.
How can any sane person say this economy is good?

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