The economy. Hot, or not?

Is the economy in good condition?

  • Yes

  • No

  • It depends on whether I like the President

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This is the year we are living in genius

most of us lived through the past two years as well. The thing about inflation is that once the prices go up they do not come back down. Eventually wages will catch up, but in the mean time you should not dismiss those people that are hurting due to inflation
All you're saying is that some people's opinions will be biased and self serving, judging the whole based only on themselves.

Most people’s opinions are. Certainly when it comes to the “economy”. The guy barely making it with 2 kids a mortgage and a pregnant wife doesn’t give a shit about the GDP growth, or inflation numbers except as it relates to his bottom line.
Most people’s opinions are. Certainly when it comes to the “economy”. The guy barely making it with 2 kids a mortgage and a pregnant wife doesn’t give a shit about the GDP growth, or inflation numbers except as it relates to his bottom line.

The inflation was the end result of trillions of stimulus, which was the end result of the Meltdown, which was the end result of the repeal of Glass Steagall.

Both parties had their hands on this.

Hopefully we're getting closer to "normal". For example, you could get 5% on a money market fund right before the Meltdown.
The inflation was the end result of trillions of stimulus, which was the end result of the Meltdown, which was the end result of the repeal of Glass Steagall.

Both parties had their hands on this.
I'm shocked, just shocked, that federal legislators would kick the can down the road so they can keep spending at record high levels. It's almost as if they're drunken sailors who just got a credit card.
I'm shocked, just shocked, that federal legislators would kick the can down the road so they can keep spending at record high levels. It's almost as if they're drunken sailors who just got a credit card.
That's their incentive when all that matters is raising funds and being re-elected.

Getting money out of politics and instituting term limits would address that. should not dismiss those people that are hurting due to inflation
I'm sure you have people struggling because of high interest rates, but probably have just as man who went out and bought a new iphone for $1,600 on their credit card.

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