The economy. Hot, or not?

Is the economy in good condition?

  • Yes

  • No

  • It depends on whether I like the President

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Inflation...keeps the cost of everything ridiculous and the Fed won't reduce the interest rates.
Wages can't keep up with the inflation, stock market is up but the dollar is worth much less now.
Plus you Dims refuse to get jobs, so the labor participation rate is awful.
Poopeypants is what is wrong with the economy.


Practically the same Price as Dec 2019, four years ago.

But you are right about Prices you are paying

Where do you think the extra money made off that Beef goes?
One Party has been protecting corporations and corporate profits and interference in how these corporates operate and you can clear as day see what they did...
I am sorry to say that they pay big for lobbyists and they give money overwhelmingly to GOP because they are the 'Let the Market decide', 'No Government interference...'
If it was a fair market then fair enough but we know that these markets are a cartel. Competition is limited and consolidation in to bigger and bigger groups is the name of the game. For example, Amazon has 37.6% of the US online sales market..

Here you go, rube.

You won't understand it.

It's a chart of prices per barrel..and-?

Are you actually so fucking arrogant you don't think anyone else can read a chart? :cuckoo:

Now allow me to tell you something here, fucktard:

Everything that moves around the country is tied to the price of diesel.

As goes the price of diesel, so goes the price of everything. That's a fact.

Do you know why there are so many Trump supporters?

Because of arrogant dumbass pricks just like you that make people want to do the opposite of whatever you want,

because you're an insufferable douchebag. The more you spew your bullshit, the more Trump supporters

you create! :banana:

I know. That’s my point.
Okay, first you say, "They’re seeing signs that inflation has been managed.", then I credit House Republicans. Now you say they don't set interest rates in an effort to discredit said House Republicans.

Therefore, I have to ask, who do you say is managing inflation?
Okay, first you say, "They’re seeing signs that inflation has been managed.", then I credit House Republicans. Now you say they don't set interest rates in an effort to discredit said House Republicans.

Therefore, I have to ask, who do you say is managing inflation?
The people setting interest rates, silly.
The recession will be in full swing by the time the Presidential election heats up....causing whomever is the Republican candidate to win. (Back pocket politics always wins)

Just because it's not something you want to hear doesn't mean that it's true.

And that's going to be a shame as there are some good things the Democrats are doing on the world stage that Republicans are opposed to....and actually could do better than Democrats if they weren't opposed to them. But they prefer their own set of corporate masters to the Democrat masters....
Conservatives are going to say the economy is bad regardless of the metrics if a democrat is president.

View attachment 872939
Practically the same Price as Dec 2019, four years ago.

But you are right about Prices you are paying
View attachment 872940

Where do you think the extra money made off that Beef goes?
One Party has been protecting corporations and corporate profits and interference in how these corporates operate and you can clear as day see what they did...
I am sorry to say that they pay big for lobbyists and they give money overwhelmingly to GOP because they are the 'Let the Market decide', 'No Government interference...'
If it was a fair market then fair enough but we know that these markets are a cartel. Competition is limited and consolidation in to bigger and bigger groups is the name of the game. For example, Amazon has 37.6% of the US online sales market..

Biden: Highest egg prices ever! :spinner:

Biden: Highest fuel prices ever! :spinner:

Biden: Highest everything prices ever, you fucking retard! :slap:

And they're still high, right now.

Walmart is a serious offender. Lately I've been getting things cheaper and better at other stores.

That "Low Prices, Always" is a lie!
Did you say the economy was good at any time during the TRUMP! presidency?
There was new jobs every month I guess. Of course unfortunately for Trump, there was a net loss of 3 million jobs in total by the time the term was over. On average, the economy does better under democrat presidents. Inflation was an issue with Biden for awhile, but even then there has been 13 million private jobs created since his administration began.

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