The economy. Hot, or not?

Is the economy in good condition?

  • Yes

  • No

  • It depends on whether I like the President

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Unemployment is low and has been low for a long time.
The average American has been seeing some of their best wages in decades.

So, do we have a strong economy or not? If not, what's wrong with the economy?

Wow, you're from Shangri-La! What color is the sky in your world?
lol you completely made up this bullshit on the spot. Even if that were true, this is the same metric used for any president before him including Trump.

Don't you love people who call people without a link liars who don't provide a link to prove it?

Oh wait, that was you, MAGA man
middle class worker - "hey i started my job back after the tyrant politician shut it down"
Senile pant shitter - "hey thats a new job created!"
Billy - "fap fap fap"
Not to mention, as your link says, manyof those jobs also came from the tax payers. IE DEBT.
But be proud! Retard :lol:
Lol you morons have no idea what youre talking about. The inflation reduction act provided investment into PRIVATE INDUSTRIES to create the jobs. If they were purely government jobs, you would have to cite some special department Biden created to facilitate them. That didn’t happen.
Lol you morons have no idea what youre talking about. The inflation reduction act provided investment into PRIVATE INDUSTRIES to create the jobs. If they were purely government jobs, you would have to cite some special department Biden created to facilitate them. That didn’t happen.
I didnt say govt jobs, idiot.
But I dont know what im talking about... mkay :lol:
It's a chart of prices per barrel..and-?

Are you actually so fucking arrogant you don't think anyone else can read a chart? :cuckoo:

Now allow me to tell you something here, fucktard:

Everything that moves around the country is tied to the price of diesel.

As goes the price of diesel, so goes the price of everything. That's a fact.

Do you know why there are so many Trump supporters?

Because of arrogant dumbass pricks just like you that make people want to do the opposite of whatever you want,

because you're an insufferable douchebag. The more you spew your bullshit, the more Trump supporters

you create! :banana:

As I predicted.

Dismissed. <flick>
Unemployment is low and has been low for a long time.
The average American has been seeing some of their best wages in decades.

So, do we have a strong economy or not? If not, what's wrong with the economy?
Despite all of the facts and figures the left want to dish out, Americans can't pay their bills anymore, with many financially worse off under Biden. In fact, when all is said and done, 99% of Americans will be worse off under Biden.

You had a link that said most new jobs were private sector? You got it from CNN, didn't you?
Nope and plenty of other sources say the same thing. You think they’re wrong? Then provide your own source.
Only if you count people who returned to their jobs after Covid as new jobs. So you did get it from CNN, told ya
Sources have been provided stating that all lost jobs from COVID were replaced by Sept of 22.
You can dispute this how?
As is inflation from 40 years ago.


Yep. Jimmy Carter proved what happens when Democrats lose it and spend infinitely and Democrats learned nothing, you did it again as soon as you could.

Thanks Lush, great point!

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