The economy. Hot, or not?

Is the economy in good condition?

  • Yes

  • No

  • It depends on whether I like the President

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The Biden administration counted jobs from people coming back to their old jobs as new hires.

Where did you get a link that a leftist would use that didn't count those since your God, Child Molester Joe did?
Hey dipshit…. X number of jobs were lost due to COVID.

By Sept of 2022 that same x number of jobs had been “created”/ restored/replaced (however you want to phrase it)

All jobs created since then are NEW jobs created

Thank you Joe Biden
LOL, since I majored in math and have an MBA in finance and worked on wall street, you are once again wrong. You have to be really, really used to it at this point you're so consistently wrong, MAGA man
You majored in math and can’t subtract 40 and get the right answer?

What? A Trump U grad??
Gotcha, thanks MAGA man!!!!!!

Dumb ass
You’re referring to all jobs that laid dormant. Any jobs actually lost weren’t automatically recreated once the pandemic was over. They had to he added back over time as the economy allowed it. Either way, by January of 2023, there were 1.3 million jobs more than when there were before the pandemic began. That number has only gone up since then.
Inflation riding with the death of the dollar overrides GDP. Those gains are tied to the Stock Markets and dont represent the average Joes in this nation.

Those on fixed incomes and retired are in pain. If you dont see it you must walk through life with blinders on.
Of course, until busted it with his mismanagement of Covid and passing tax cuts for the rich,

Now it has been repaired, is better, and getting even better.
What jobs were cut as a result of the tax cuts for all taxpayers? I mean, I'm not one of the "rich" and I got a tax cut. Didn't you? And sure, those mask mandates and lockdowns weren't such a good idea, and I suppose he shouldn't have fast-tracked those vaccines. Was that the wrong thing to do?

Chart shows the dollar in free fall from the 200 day moving average today...meaning imported goods are going to be very expensive very soon.
Hey dipshit…. X number of jobs were lost due to COVID.

By Sept of 2022 that same x number of jobs had been “created”/ restored/replaced (however you want to phrase it)

All jobs created since then are NEW jobs created

Thank you Joe Biden
That's a lie.

  • Nearly 72 percent of all job gains since 2021 were simply jobs that were being recovered from the pandemic, not new job creation. In fact, when looking at today’s economy compared to pre-pandemic levels, employment is up only by 3.7 million, not 13 million.
  • On the other hand, in his first 2.5 years, job creation under President Trump was 5 million—1.3 million more jobs than the current President in the same time frame after factoring in the recovery from pandemic.

That's a lie.

  • Nearly 72 percent of all job gains since 2021 were simply jobs that were being recovered from the pandemic, not new job creation. In fact, when looking at today’s economy compared to pre-pandemic levels, employment is up only by 3.7 million, not 13 million.
  • On the other hand, in his first 2.5 years, job creation under President Trump was 5 million—1.3 million more jobs than the current President in the same time frame after factoring in the recovery from pandemic.

And eventually the market will tank as a result....

Large cap stocks took a hit today as the S&P surged upwards.....that's not exactly a positive sign....that's more in line with manipulation of the S&P than actual in the books are getting cooked.

I wouldn't stay in the market until the average P/E ratio of the S&P comes back down from outer space.
MAGA media is constantly blasting the rubes with manufactured bullshit to the point where reality is completely blocked out of their deluded minds no matter how good the economy is doing.

MAGA tards are constantly looking for contrary data, to the point where they will even lie about how bad things are.

You can't fix stupid. Or willful blindness.

Net worth surged 37% in pandemic era for the typical family, Fed finds — the most on record

Net worth for the typical U.S. household grew 37%, after inflation, from 2019 to 2022, according to the Federal Reserve’s triennial Survey of Consumer Finances, issued Wednesday.

MAGA media is constantly blasting the rubes with manufactured bullshit to the point where reality is completely blocked out of their deluded minds no matter how good the economy is doing.

MAGA tards are constantly looking for contrary data, to the point where they will even lie about how bad things are.

You can't fix stupid. Or willful blindness.

Net worth surged 37% in pandemic era for the typical family, Fed finds — the most on record

Net worth for the typical U.S. household grew 37%, after inflation, from 2019 to 2022, according to the Federal Reserve’s triennial Survey of Consumer Finances, issued Wednesday.

^Talk about bullshit..Wow! :omg:

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