The Economy Is In Deep Trouble

A show of hands, anyone want to go back to the shit Obama economy? Nobody? Yeah we thought so. :auiqs.jpg:
The rising economy that bailed us out of a republican tragedy??That economy ?? You do remember 800000 a month losing their jobs under GWB?

I remember Obama's jobs crushing regulations, jobs crushing taxes, jobs crushing climate change BS. The American people also remember in 2016 and told Obama that his legacy and policies sucked ass. Remember 2016, when Dem's got their asses handed to them by Trump. :auiqs.jpg:
And yet somehow Obama's job creation was much better than Trump's.

How about that!

So I guess Trump's really crushing those jobs to death. What's more, he hasn't met the 4 percent GDP growth Jamie Dimon said he was being handed by Obama.

What a colossal fuckup Trump is.

Have you looked at the historic low unemployment under Trump? Do you even know what GDP is? But lets say Trump's economy sucks just for the sake of argument, compared to the nation wrecking TRILLIONS in new spending Dem 2020 candidates are promising the obvious choice is to stick with the Trump economy.
A show of hands, anyone want to go back to the shit Obama economy? Nobody? Yeah we thought so. :auiqs.jpg:
The rising economy that bailed us out of a republican tragedy??That economy ?? You do remember 800000 a month losing their jobs under GWB?

I remember Obama's jobs crushing regulations, jobs crushing taxes, jobs crushing climate change BS. The American people also remember in 2016 and told Obama that his legacy and policies sucked ass. Remember 2016, when Dem's got their asses handed to them by Trump. :auiqs.jpg:
And yet somehow Obama's job creation was much better than Trump's.

How about that!

So I guess Trump's really crushing those jobs to death. What's more, he hasn't met the 4 percent GDP growth Jamie Dimon said he was being handed by Obama.

What a colossal fuckup Trump is.
What's the point of self-flagellation? You know you have lost, right?
In other news Dem 2020 candidates have proposed TRILLIONS in new spending, I see the resident libtards have nothing to say on that, shocker.
What is no news at all is that all pseudocons have are red herrings, tu quoques, straw men, and a whole basket of other illogical fallacies to distract from Trump's failures.

"B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Democrats!"

You tards will never get that there is no difference, economically, between the Democrats and the Republicans.

In fact, whenever the Republicans get both houses of Congress and the White House at the same time, they beat the pants off the spending of their Democratic predecessors!

But you are just a partisan hack. So you will never ever be able to admit to yourself Trump is just as bad. In fact, he is worse.
Everyone knows Dem's are economic retards.
And yet Obama crushes Trump's performance.

Oh, that's right. Trump is a New York far left liberal Democrat, as I have been telling you since before he was elected.

You doubted me then. Do you still? Are you still willfully blind?

Do you think if you keep repeating it that will make your lies true? Look you don't have to convince me, you have to convince the American people who say you don't know what the hell you are talking about fake news spin master. :itsok:
imo the "problem" is we are still stuck in the reality of declining demand, and we've been there for decades going back to the 1990s. Each recovery is weaker. This time, before Trump, the fed didn't pull the QE rug out immediately, and we limped along with rather anemic growth. With Trump, McConnell justified his supply side tax cuts for the very wealthy on "4% growth." (choke choke, bwaahhhh) Neither party really had, or attempted, an answer. Obama was a friend of Wall St, despite his rhetoric, and the gop is literally run by criminals. (that's no comment on Russia or Ukraine gate)

But now, when we have another paper economy meltdown on bubble investment markets … what tools will the Fed still have?

The biggest reason why the recoveries have been weaker is because the people who actually spend money to drive our economy weren't the people who were actually getting enough money to do it. That problem started in the 80s. In that time people could use the equity in their homes as their ATMs to keep spending but even that wasn't enough. By the time Clinton was elected in 1992 the economy was on the verge of collapse. Which was the reason for "It's The Economy Stupid" was born.

The middle class and poor have not had a proper increase in wages since the 80s. The federal minimum wage has not been raised since the bush boy years. The only way some states have higher minimum wages is because the people voted for it by the ballot box.

While the wages, salaries, benefits and unearned income for those at the top increased and have continued to increase since the 80s while everyone else has stagnated.

It's gotten so bad that we now have people who work but still qualify for pubic assistance.

By the time Clinton was elected in 1992 the economy was on the verge of collapse.


Trump spent far more money this past year than Obama ever did. He beat the pants off Obama's worst year of spending by almost a trillion dollars.

B-b-b-b-b-b-but Democrats! :auiqs.jpg:
In other news Dem 2020 candidates have proposed TRILLIONS in new spending, I see the resident libtards have nothing to say on that, shocker.
What is no news at all is that all pseudocons have are red herrings, tu quoques, straw men, and a whole basket of other illogical fallacies to distract from Trump's failures.

"B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Democrats!"

You tards will never get that there is no difference, economically, between the Democrats and the Republicans.

In fact, whenever the Republicans get both houses of Congress and the White House at the same time, they beat the pants off the spending of their Democratic predecessors!

But you are just a partisan hack. So you will never ever be able to admit to yourself Trump is just as bad. In fact, he is worse.

Dem's proposing TRILLIONS in new spending that will wreck the economy, Trump not proposing that. The choice is clear. Sorry to burst your Trump hate bubble. Tissue?
In other news Dem 2020 candidates have proposed TRILLIONS in new spending, I see the resident libtards have nothing to say on that, shocker.
What is no news at all is that all pseudocons have are red herrings, tu quoques, straw men, and a whole basket of other illogical fallacies to distract from Trump's failures.

"B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Democrats!"

You tards will never get that there is no difference, economically, between the Democrats and the Republicans.

In fact, whenever the Republicans get both houses of Congress and the White House at the same time, they beat the pants off the spending of their Democratic predecessors!

But you are just a partisan hack. So you will never ever be able to admit to yourself Trump is just as bad. In fact, he is worse.
Economy Grew at 1.9% Rate in Quarter, Hit by Trade Fight and Global Weakness

Dogged by uneasiness over trade frictions and weak global growth, the American economy’s growth inched lower over the summer.

Gross domestic product — the broadest measure of goods and services produced in the economy — grew at a 1.9 percent annual rate for the third quarter, according to preliminary data released by the Commerce Department on Wednesday.

There is something of a tug-of-war going on between consumers, who continue to spend, and businesses, which have sharply pulled back on investment.

What benchmark did Trump and the pseudocons set for a 1.9 percent GDP growth figure? Hmmmm...


"The economy is in deep trouble."

Remember every time the Obama Administration reported the unemployment rate was dropping month after month, year after year, the tard herd began screaming about the Labor Force Participation Rate?

Well, it still sucks, kids:


OooooooK! You miss Barack, we got it
Well, Trump sure fucked up. He didn't get the 4 percent Dimon said he could.

Patience, we have six more years!
We can't afford six more years of trillion+ dollar deficits by Trump. You dipshits really fucked up by not picking an actual conservative for President.

You stupid fucks still bleev the words that come out of Trump's thumbs and mouth. Pathetic.

Words: Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

Actions: Federal deficit increases 26% to $984 billion for fiscal 2019, highest in 7 years
Trump spent far more money this past year than Obama ever did. He beat the pants off Obama's worst year of spending by almost a trillion dollars.

B-b-b-b-b-b-but Democrats! :auiqs.jpg:

BBBBBUUUUUUTTTT Who did you vote for in 2016? Keep dodging.

Everyone knows Dem's are economic retards.
And yet Obama crushes Trump's performance.

Oh, that's right. Trump is a New York far left liberal Democrat, as I have been telling you since before he was elected.

You doubted me then. Do you still? Are you still willfully blind?

Do you think if you keep repeating it that will make your lies true? Look you don't have to convince me, you have to convince the American people who say you don't know what the hell you are talking about fake news spin master. :itsok:
It's tards like you who need the convincing. After all, you're the ones who eat Trump's bullshit by the truckload.
In other news president Trump fills stadiums with cheering Americans who love the pro business, pro worker, America first Trump economy. :eusa_dance: First we bitch slapped Dem's in 2016, then we set fire to Obama's policies and regulations, then the great Trump economy took off!!
Economy Grew at 1.9% Rate in Quarter, Hit by Trade Fight and Global Weakness

Dogged by uneasiness over trade frictions and weak global growth, the American economy’s growth inched lower over the summer.

Gross domestic product — the broadest measure of goods and services produced in the economy — grew at a 1.9 percent annual rate for the third quarter, according to preliminary data released by the Commerce Department on Wednesday.

There is something of a tug-of-war going on between consumers, who continue to spend, and businesses, which have sharply pulled back on investment.

What benchmark did Trump and the pseudocons set for a 1.9 percent GDP growth figure? Hmmmm...


"The economy is in deep trouble."

Remember every time the Obama Administration reported the unemployment rate was dropping month after month, year after year, the tard herd began screaming about the Labor Force Participation Rate?

Well, it still sucks, kids:


OooooooK! You miss Barack, we got it
Colored fellow, wasn't he?
In other news president Trump fills stadiums with cheering Americans who love the pro business, pro worker, America first Trump economy. :eusa_dance: First we bitch slapped Dem's in 2016, then we set fire to Obama's policies and regulations, then the great Trump economy took off!!
Obama's 1.9 percent meant "the economy is in deep trouble".

Trump's 1.9 percent means the economy is taking off. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy!?!
Trump sets records, highest global CEO optimism in 50 years and highest small business owner optimism ever, since polling began decades ago. Makes Obama look like a rank amateur.

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