The economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering.

Remember, I have friends who go there on business several times a year.
And they don't go to North Korea?? What does that teach you??

That Totalitarianism, like Corporate Fascism, pays much better than Democracy.
So you know where we're headed.
dear, if totalitarian paid better your friends would be going to North Korea

North Korea does not have the Military capability to protect MNC interests.
If we went to North Korea, North Korea would very quickly become part of China.
Remember, I have friends who go there on business several times a year.
And they don't go to North Korea?? What does that teach you??

That Totalitarianism, like Corporate Fascism, pays much better than Democracy.
So you know where we're headed.
dear, if totalitarian paid better your friends would be going to North Korea

North Korea does not have the Military capability to protect MNC interests.
If we went to North Korea, North Korea would very quickly become part of China.

dear stupid liberal . I think all agree North Korea is totalitatian while China is not, and is becoming less so.
Remember, I have friends who go there on business several times a year.
And they don't go to North Korea?? What does that teach you??

That Totalitarianism, like Corporate Fascism, pays much better than Democracy.
So you know where we're headed.
I think we are heading where the liberals INTENTIONALLY wanted US to go, you know the FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION? Investor: It's going to be a 'horrible Christmas'
"I expect [job] layoffs to start picking up by the end of the year," Schiff said, pointing to retailers as the first victim. "Retailers have overestimated the ability of their customers to buy their products. Americans are broke. They are loaded up with debt," he said. "We're teetering on the edge of an official recession," and "the labor market is softening."
The economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, there I said it 3 times so it must be true. Until reality shows its ugly face again. Liberalism is all about equality, everyone(except the liberal elites) will be equally poor and equally miserable.
The economy is recovering,
it obviously is. unemployment is down, GDP and income are up. Its a slow recovery but by any sensible standard it is a recovery.

What you said..."Obama is the greatest President ever."
the economy is obviously recovering, albeit slowly. unemployment is down, GDP and income are up. Its a slow recovery but by any sensible standard it is a recovery. And that is with China in a huge slump. Imagine how good things would be if Obama had not been dragging down the economy all these years.
The economy is recovering,
it obviously is. unemployment is down, GDP and income are up. Its a slow recovery but by any sensible standard it is a recovery.

What you said..."Obama is the greatest President ever."
the economy is obviously recovering, albeit slowly. unemployment is down, GDP and income are up. Its a slow recovery but by any sensible standard it is a recovery. And that is with China in a huge slump. Imagine how good things would be if Obama had not been dragging down the economy all these years.

No 2008 crash, no Trump running to stop even more massive unemployment from off-shoring and business visas.

Now, about you being SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO totally wrong about AT&T?
The economy is recovering,
it obviously is. unemployment is down, GDP and income are up. Its a slow recovery but by any sensible standard it is a recovery.

What you said..."Obama is the greatest President ever."
the economy is obviously recovering, albeit slowly. unemployment is down, GDP and income are up. Its a slow recovery but by any sensible standard it is a recovery. And that is with China in a huge slump. Imagine how good things would be if Obama had not been dragging down the economy all these years.

GDP is a phoney roll-up Rush Limbaugh number.
Bill Gates and any schmuck in a room = 40billion average bullshit statistic.
GDP is a phoney roll-up Rush Limbaugh number.
Bill Gates and any schmuck in a room = 40billion average bullshit statistic.

illiterate gibberish from typical liberal.

Issues understanding math?

dear, why not try again in sensible English or ask another liberal to explain it in good english????

Hah! Anything ANYBODY says isn't "FREE TRADE" is gibberish in your demented brain.
It's no problem as 99% of the posters know what an empty headed loon you are.
Anything ANYBODY says [ that isn't supportive of free trade- you mean ] isn't "FREE TRADE" is gibberish in your demented brain.

ok dear, please say something substantive, in good english, against free trade or admit you lack the IQ to be here.
Hey here is something from MSN journalists who definitely need a better understanding of English and a good editor, which is lacking of both. Young American women are living at home like it's 1940
Fry says young women are staying home now because they are they are half as likely to be married as they were 1940 and much more likely to be college-educated. Other economic forces, such as increasing student debt, higher living costs and economic uncertainty, are also playing a role.
After 6 3/4 years of the most LIBERAL president ever, why are women treated this way. If I remember correctly , more women voted for the 1/2 white president(who pays 23% less wages to women than men) in the hope that HE would keep the Republicans out of their vagina. So now those women have to stay in their parents basement, getting that free birthcontrol, but not getting a man either. Yes Scarlett, elections do have consequences. LOL, it is too funny how stupid some liberal women can be.
Puerto Rico is running out of options
“We are fast approaching a catastrophe,” says Melba Acosta, president of the Government Development Bank, which oversees the island’s finances and debt. “We cannot wait any longer.”
Everytime a liberal is in charge, soon there is a catastrophic event that will bankrupt that area in question. So does the American Tax Payer have to foot the bill for the overspending of said liberal? Lets hope Congress, doesn't allow monies to be given, and see if Puerto Rico, ends up like Greece. Liberalism is the bane of the world.
Here’s the big problem with low interest rates
Whatever the initial benefits, low rates and unconventional monetary policy are increasingly counterproductive.

And now there is increasing confusion about future interest rate policy.
Every once in a while, even MSN(Liberal News Org.) gets it right. Everytime the Fed gets close to raising rates, because of this roaring economic recovery<SARCASM> there is a triple digit sell off, warning the Fed not to raise them. So the market is watching and waiting, and We the People will be held hostage to the Cronie Capitalists(liberals) who are in government working with Wall Street, to screw the middle class out of more of their money.
GDP is a phoney roll-up Rush Limbaugh number.
Bill Gates and any schmuck in a room = 40billion average bullshit statistic.

illiterate gibberish from typical liberal.

Issues understanding math?

dear, why not try again in sensible English or ask another liberal to explain it in good english????

Hah! Anything ANYBODY says isn't "FREE TRADE" is gibberish in your demented brain.
It's no problem as 99% of the posters know what an empty headed loon you are.
There is a book out called "Sold Out" about the H1b fiasco. Lots good arguments in there for you!! Please don't forget to thank me for feeding your obsession.

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