The economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering.

frequent claims of a strengthening recovery, have seen high unemployment and extremely slight growth in the size of the economy.

frequent claims?? No real frequent claims which explains why the Fed has kept interest rates at 0% until this day!!
Fed ties interest rates to 6.5% unemployment
The Federal Reserve on Wednesday agreed to keep a key short-term rate near zero until the 7.7% unemployment rate is 6.5% or lower.

The short-term rate will also stay unchanged at 0.25%, the Fed said, until the current 2.2% inflation pace hits 2.5%. Tying the one rate it controls to unemployment and inflation targets is unprecedented, economists said.
Dipshits like you and other goosestepping, koolaid drinking, low information, mindnumbed, useful idiots, forget what has said before by YOUR president and his FED lickspittle lapdog, but Conservatives don't forget. Back in 2012, Janet Yellow claimed that the economy would be recovered and RATE increases would come when the U-3 would reach 6.5% or lower. Would you please enlighten US what the U-3 is today? Why aren't interest rates rising? Because Obamanomics(Liberalism) will FAIL and the stock market will crash, because there is NO economic recovery.
They look at East/ West Germany or China's capitalist miracle and want to switch to socialism.
Is China Cooking the Books on Economic Expansion?
Is China Cooking the Books on Economic Expansion?
Analysts aren't terribly confident in the Chinese government's economic growth data.
Just like with your Obummernomics admin cooking the books, the cronie capitalism of China is in just as bad shape as this countries. But instead of drinking that liberal Koolaid, try to enlighten yourself with REAL facts, and how LIBERALISM is all about FAILURE. But then you will realize that your whole life has been a FAILURE also.
I noticed that you FAILED to enlighten US about why Janet Yellow, didn't bother to raise interest rates back in 2012 when Obama's ROARING economic recovery had the U-3 get below 6.5%. Also you didn't bother to look at how China is not reporting their real economy, just like Bill Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) back at the end of his term. Sociopaths will LIE everytime, to try to make themselves look better. - Robert Novak: Clinton-cooked books? - August 9, 2002
Through all of President Clinton's last two years in office, the announced level of before-tax profits was at least 10 percent too high -- a discrepancy rising close to 30 percent during the last presidential campaign. Most startling, the Commerce Department in 2000 showed the economy on an upswing through most of the election year while in fact it was declining.
You are dumber than a box of rocks.
Target Closing More Stores Nationwide
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Target plans to close 13 additional stores nationwide. They closed all of the stores in Canada this year.

The Minneapolis-based retailer says a decision to close a store usually follows several years of decreasing profitability.
How can a retail chain be closing when Obummer's economy is ROARING right along? Could it be that Obamacare, has forced the company to cover peoples healthcare even if some of those people didn't want it? Or could it be that the profit margin started getting less and less, because wages are being artificially inflated(mandated by the minimum wage increase) so those who don't work hard get a pay increase that is the same as those who got a bonus for hard work? Or is it that, LIBERISM, whenever it is unchecked, starts to ruin everything that it touches? I bet many of those Target employee's voted for the hope and change guy, and now they are going to be given their pink slips. Elections do have consequences.
Target Closing More Stores Nationwide
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Target plans to close 13 additional stores nationwide. They closed all of the stores in Canada this year.

The Minneapolis-based retailer says a decision to close a store usually follows several years of decreasing profitability.
How can a retail chain be closing when Obummer's economy is ROARING right along? Could it be that Obamacare, has forced the company to cover peoples healthcare even if some of those people didn't want it? Or could it be that the profit margin started getting less and less, because wages are being artificially inflated(mandated by the minimum wage increase) so those who don't work hard get a pay increase that is the same as those who got a bonus for hard work? Or is it that, LIBERISM, whenever it is unchecked, starts to ruin everything that it touches? I bet many of those Target employee's voted for the hope and change guy, and now they are going to be given their pink slips. Elections do have consequences.

Oh so rich!
You're having a discussion with Mr. Dementia.
Don't you know China is the shining beacon of Capitalism and Democracy! :rofl:
Don't you know China is the shining beacon of Capitalism and Democracy! :rofl:

dear, who said China was a democracy???? Slow????

So you're admitting China is NOT a Democracy?
So dear, what IS China if it is the shining beacon of Capitalism?
Certainly not Socialist.
Certainly not Communist.
Certainly not Totalitarian.
After all, according to you, those systems DON'T WORK.
So you're admitting China is NOT a Democracy?

too stupid, its not an admission just a statement of fact, with which all agree, to correct you.

As always, remember that you are putting your arrogance and your stupidity on display across an untold number of servers.

Once again, dear, what IS China if it is the shining beacon of Capitalism?
According to you, those systems DON'T WORK.
In my opinion, China practices Totalitarianism.
Dear, North Korea is totalitarian. Control is total and in one mans's hands forever. China is a long way from that and is still devolving more and more away from central govt. Sorry to rock your world.

Nope...try again.
Remember, I have friends who go there on business several times a year.
If all you have is Neo-Con book knowledge, we'll drop the discussion as I'm getting bored of your "Superior IQ".

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