The economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering.

When will a majority of Americans comprehend this fundamental truth?

Economic history is a long record of government policies that failed because they were designed with a bold disregard for the laws of economics.
- Ludwig von Mises

The next time a Free Market Bubble doesn't burst after 16 months.

dear too stupid, liberal, and independent of brains. You never know if its a bubble or not until it bursts. The best protection is capitalism because it is self-correcting. Do you have the IQ to understand.
No need to be so harsh. Likely the poster was brainwashed in the government schools where they teach capitalism is terrible. The poster is probably under the misconception that America before Big Ears, was operating under laissez does one communicate with such ignorance?

That's the problem. The liberal has the right to vote so you have to find a way to communicate with them. Our Founders clearly said democracy was for intelligent people. We don't have that so we are doomed it would seem.
When will a majority of Americans comprehend this fundamental truth?

Economic history is a long record of government policies that failed because they were designed with a bold disregard for the laws of economics.
- Ludwig von Mises

The next time a Free Market Bubble doesn't burst after 16 months.

dear too stupid, liberal, and independent of brains. You never know if its a bubble or not until it bursts. The best protection is capitalism because it is self-correcting. Do you have the IQ to understand.
No need to be so harsh. Likely the poster was brainwashed in the government schools where they teach capitalism is terrible. The poster is probably under the misconception that America before Big Ears, was operating under laissez does one communicate with such ignorance?
A bubble = giving a 600K mortgage to someone making 30K/year.
When will a majority of Americans comprehend this fundamental truth?

Economic history is a long record of government policies that failed because they were designed with a bold disregard for the laws of economics.
- Ludwig von Mises

The next time a Free Market Bubble doesn't burst after 16 months.

dear too stupid, liberal, and independent of brains. You never know if its a bubble or not until it bursts. The best protection is capitalism because it is self-correcting. Do you have the IQ to understand.
No need to be so harsh. Likely the poster was brainwashed in the government schools where they teach capitalism is terrible. The poster is probably under the misconception that America before Big Ears, was operating under laissez does one communicate with such ignorance?

That's the problem. The liberal has the right to vote so you have to find a way to communicate with them. Our Founders clearly said democracy was for intelligent people. We don't have that so we are doomed it would seem.
You're still here?
A bubble = giving a 600K mortgage to someone making 30K/year.

dear too stupid and liberal , a bubble is when the liberal govt forces the whole nation to do it thus defeating the self-correcting nature of Republican capitalism. Do you have the IQ to understand?
A bubble = giving a 600K mortgage to someone making 30K/year.

dear too stupid and liberal , a bubble is when the liberal govt forces the whole nation to do it thus defeating the self-correcting nature of Republican capitalism. Do you have the IQ to understand?

Dear too stupid Neo-Conservative Parrot...Over 2 million Jumbo mortgages to non-qualified applicants.
A Free Market fuck-up.
A Free Market fuck-up.

why free market when libs had 134 programs to get people into homes the free market said they could not afford, and that is not to mention Fanny /Fred and Fed?

See why we have to be positve that a liberal will be slow? IS any other conclusion possible??
A Free Market fuck-up.

why free market when libs had 134 programs to get people into homes the free market said they could not afford, and that is not to mention Fanny /Fred and Fed?

See why we have to be positve that a liberal will be slow? IS any other conclusion possible??

You're the funniest Parrot ever.
You're SOOOOOOO Neo-Con STOOPID!!!!!!!!!!!!
The LENDING SOFTWARE that included the rules for those 134 Civil Programs REJECTED the applicants...the Bank Managers OVERRODE the SOFTWARE REJECTIONS.
A Free Market Fuck-up.
Government control was COMPLETLEY IGNORED.

dear, how could lib govt be ignored when the Fed printed the money to blow up the bubble and Fan /Fred had to meet their lib govt mandated affordable housing goals and thus ended up owning 75% of the sub prime and Alt A mortgages?????

See why we say the liberal will always be stupid??
Government control was COMPLETLEY IGNORED.

dear, how could lib govt be ignored when the Fed printed the money to blow up the bubble and Fan /Fred had to meet their lib govt mandated affordable housing goals and thus ended up owning 75% of the sub prime and Alt A mortgages?????

See why we say the liberal will always be stupid??

Asswipe Parrot, read #267 and weep...Free Market Fuck-up.
No pseudo-intellectual Neo-Conservative bullshit can ignore the fact that all Civil authorities turned the other way when their Contributors broke the law several million times by overriding Lending Software.
Obeying the HORRID LIBERAL Legislation would have avoided a Bubble, but not in your Fact Denying world.
Excuse me, I meant to address you as Professor Asswipe Parrot.
Government control was COMPLETLEY IGNORED.

dear, how could lib govt be ignored when the Fed printed the money to blow up the bubble and Fan /Fred had to meet their lib govt mandated affordable housing goals and thus ended up owning 75% of the sub prime and Alt A mortgages?????

See why we say the liberal will always be stupid??

Asswipe Parrot, read #267 and weep...Free Market Fuck-up.
No pseudo-intellectual Neo-Conservative bullshit can ignore the fact that all Civil authorities turned the other way when their Contributors broke the law several million times by overriding Lending Software.
Obeying the HORRID LIBERAL Legislation would have avoided a Bubble, but not in your Fact Denying world.
Excuse me, I meant to address you as Professor Asswipe Parrot.

So you're saying most govt controlled area of economy, which featured Fed Fran Fred and 132 programs most prominently, failed but it had nothing to do the govt control?
Government control was COMPLETLEY IGNORED.

dear, how could lib govt be ignored when the Fed printed the money to blow up the bubble and Fan /Fred had to meet their lib govt mandated affordable housing goals and thus ended up owning 75% of the sub prime and Alt A mortgages?????

See why we say the liberal will always be stupid??

Asswipe Parrot, read #267 and weep...Free Market Fuck-up.
No pseudo-intellectual Neo-Conservative bullshit can ignore the fact that all Civil authorities turned the other way when their Contributors broke the law several million times by overriding Lending Software.
Obeying the HORRID LIBERAL Legislation would have avoided a Bubble, but not in your Fact Denying world.
Excuse me, I meant to address you as Professor Asswipe Parrot.

So you're saying most govt controlled area of economy, which featured Fed Fran Fred and 132 programs most prominently, failed but it had nothing to do the govt control?

Yep, in fact I know a dozen mortgage brokers who went out of business because they obeyed the software.
They have been working for the last few years investigating mortgages for the Fed that the software rejected.
People making 100K were also being granted Jumbo Mortgages in the 500K-600K range, left and right, myself included, but I knew if I had a monthly mortgage of 4K, sooner or later I would run out of money.
I know people who fell prey and haven't been able to pay their mortgage for at least the last 3-4 years.
Government control was COMPLETLEY IGNORED.

dear, how could lib govt be ignored when the Fed printed the money to blow up the bubble and Fan /Fred had to meet their lib govt mandated affordable housing goals and thus ended up owning 75% of the sub prime and Alt A mortgages?????

See why we say the liberal will always be stupid??

Asswipe Parrot, read #267 and weep...Free Market Fuck-up.
No pseudo-intellectual Neo-Conservative bullshit can ignore the fact that all Civil authorities turned the other way when their Contributors broke the law several million times by overriding Lending Software.
Obeying the HORRID LIBERAL Legislation would have avoided a Bubble, but not in your Fact Denying world.
Excuse me, I meant to address you as Professor Asswipe Parrot.

So you're saying most govt controlled area of economy, which featured Fed Fran Fred and 132 programs most prominently, failed but it had nothing to do the govt control?

Yep, in fact I know a dozen mortgage brokers who went out of business because they obeyed the software.
They have been working for the last few years investigating mortgages for the Fed that the software rejected.
People making 100K were also being granted Jumbo Mortgages in the 500K-600K range, left and right, myself included, but I knew if I had a monthly mortgage of 4K, sooner or later I would run out of money.
I know people who fell prey and haven't been able to pay their mortgage for at least the last 3-4 years.

So you're saying most govt controlled area of economy, which featured Fed Fran Fred and 132 programs most prominently, failed but it had nothing to do the govt control?
Government control was COMPLETLEY IGNORED.

dear, how could lib govt be ignored when the Fed printed the money to blow up the bubble and Fan /Fred had to meet their lib govt mandated affordable housing goals and thus ended up owning 75% of the sub prime and Alt A mortgages?????

See why we say the liberal will always be stupid??

Asswipe Parrot, read #267 and weep...Free Market Fuck-up.
No pseudo-intellectual Neo-Conservative bullshit can ignore the fact that all Civil authorities turned the other way when their Contributors broke the law several million times by overriding Lending Software.
Obeying the HORRID LIBERAL Legislation would have avoided a Bubble, but not in your Fact Denying world.
Excuse me, I meant to address you as Professor Asswipe Parrot.

So you're saying most govt controlled area of economy, which featured Fed Fran Fred and 132 programs most prominently, failed but it had nothing to do the govt control?

Yep, in fact I know a dozen mortgage brokers who went out of business because they obeyed the software.
They have been working for the last few years investigating mortgages for the Fed that the software rejected.
People making 100K were also being granted Jumbo Mortgages in the 500K-600K range, left and right, myself included, but I knew if I had a monthly mortgage of 4K, sooner or later I would run out of money.
I know people who fell prey and haven't been able to pay their mortgage for at least the last 3-4 years.

So you're saying most govt controlled area of economy, which featured Fed Fran Fred and 132 programs most prominently, failed but it had nothing to do the govt control?

dear, how could lib govt be ignored when the Fed printed the money to blow up the bubble and Fan /Fred had to meet their lib govt mandated affordable housing goals and thus ended up owning 75% of the sub prime and Alt A mortgages?????

See why we say the liberal will always be stupid??

Asswipe Parrot, read #267 and weep...Free Market Fuck-up.
No pseudo-intellectual Neo-Conservative bullshit can ignore the fact that all Civil authorities turned the other way when their Contributors broke the law several million times by overriding Lending Software.
Obeying the HORRID LIBERAL Legislation would have avoided a Bubble, but not in your Fact Denying world.
Excuse me, I meant to address you as Professor Asswipe Parrot.

So you're saying most govt controlled area of economy, which featured Fed Fran Fred and 132 programs most prominently, failed but it had nothing to do the govt control?

Yep, in fact I know a dozen mortgage brokers who went out of business because they obeyed the software.
They have been working for the last few years investigating mortgages for the Fed that the software rejected.
People making 100K were also being granted Jumbo Mortgages in the 500K-600K range, left and right, myself included, but I knew if I had a monthly mortgage of 4K, sooner or later I would run out of money.
I know people who fell prey and haven't been able to pay their mortgage for at least the last 3-4 years.

So you're saying most govt controlled area of economy, which featured Fed Fran Fred and 132 programs most prominently, failed but it had nothing to do the govt control?

So you're saying the most govt controlled area of the economy, which featured Fed Fran Fred and 132 programs most prominently, failed but it had nothing to do the govt control?

of course that's 100% impossible since the Fed printed the money without which it would have been 100% impossible to finance the housing bubble. Sorry to rock your world but that is what happens when you are independent of brains and oddly proud of it. Sorry.
Asswipe Parrot, read #267 and weep...Free Market Fuck-up.
No pseudo-intellectual Neo-Conservative bullshit can ignore the fact that all Civil authorities turned the other way when their Contributors broke the law several million times by overriding Lending Software.
Obeying the HORRID LIBERAL Legislation would have avoided a Bubble, but not in your Fact Denying world.
Excuse me, I meant to address you as Professor Asswipe Parrot.

So you're saying most govt controlled area of economy, which featured Fed Fran Fred and 132 programs most prominently, failed but it had nothing to do the govt control?

Yep, in fact I know a dozen mortgage brokers who went out of business because they obeyed the software.
They have been working for the last few years investigating mortgages for the Fed that the software rejected.
People making 100K were also being granted Jumbo Mortgages in the 500K-600K range, left and right, myself included, but I knew if I had a monthly mortgage of 4K, sooner or later I would run out of money.
I know people who fell prey and haven't been able to pay their mortgage for at least the last 3-4 years.

So you're saying most govt controlled area of economy, which featured Fed Fran Fred and 132 programs most prominently, failed but it had nothing to do the govt control?

So you're saying the most govt controlled area of the economy, which featured Fed Fran Fred and 132 programs most prominently, failed but it had nothing to do the govt control?

of course that's 100% impossible since the Fed printed the money without which it would have been 100% impossible to finance the housing bubble. Sorry to rock your world but that is what happens when you are independent of brains and oddly proud of it. Sorry.

Lame answer...The software was overridden by hand by managers.
A fact known even to a buffoon such as yourself, which is why you haven't responded to THAT core issue.
Free Market Fuck-up.
A fact known even to a buffoon such as yourself, which is why you haven't responded to THAT core issue.

a fact, which of the books written about crisis says it was caused by your fact??? Any evidence at all or total fantasy from idiot who admits to being independent of brains?

for the record:
Independent buffoons explanation for housing crisis:

"the fact that all Civil authorities turned the other way when their Contributors broke the law several million times by overriding Lending Software.
Obeying the HORRID LIBERAL Legislation would have avoided a Bubble",
One sure way to have avoided the Bubble of 2007 was to hear out the warning signs of 2004 when it was pointed out that Fannie and Freddie were in trouble. But Barnacle Frank, Chrissy Dodd, and Maxine(the racist) Waters shut down the argument by calling those who had pointed out the failing, "RACISTS". It is typical of the left to do whatever is necessary to make sure that those that couldn't afford to buy a house, and when it became a business where people were buying and turning houses for a profit, that the market got saturated, then those holding the leases, for nothing, just walked away, and the TAX payer had to bail out F and F. Then those same liberals blamed George Bush, who just happened to be in office. Well, with the crap going on today, why is B.O. being blamed for the mess? Liberals are ass kissing sycophants.


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