The economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering.

One sure way to have avoided the Bubble of 2007 was to hear out the warning signs of 2004 when it was pointed out that Fannie and Freddie were in trouble. But Barnacle Frank, Chrissy Dodd, and Maxine(the racist) Waters shut down the argument by calling those who had pointed out the failing, "RACISTS". It is typical of the left to do whatever is necessary to make sure that those that couldn't afford to buy a house, and when it became a business where people were buying and turning houses for a profit, that the market got saturated, then those holding the leases, for nothing, just walked away, and the TAX payer had to bail out F and F. Then those same liberals blamed George Bush, who just happened to be in office. Well, with the crap going on today, why is B.O. being blamed for the mess? Liberals are ass kissing sycophants.

liberals have the same faith in bureaucracy that the soviets had. They are simply too stupid to learn.
2 items in the news for your review.
Most Americans are one paycheck away from the street
Approximately 63% of Americans have no emergency savings for things such as a $1,000 emergency room visit or a $500 car repair, according to a survey released Wednesday of 1,000 adults by personal finance website, up slightly from 62% last year.
How the Fed’s decade-long data blunder hurt the economy
How the Fed’s decade-long data blunder hurt the economy
All I can say is that the Obama ineptitude administration has been fudging the numbers to make HIM look good since his accession to the presidency. When the economy starts looking bad, then instead of doing things that will make it better, they lower the standard so the next time news comes out, all will LOOK rosy. Problem is soon the TRUTH comes out and gives those dumbasses a smack down.
Example. 4 months ago, the jobs report for a recovery was 250,000 and when it wasn't met, the market went down.
This month the jobs report is for a recovery of 200,000 and if it is met then the market is recovering, even though it was 50,000 lower. This is liberalism in a nut shell. Liberalism is all about failure, the more you fail, the better it is.
Apple stock crash nears another scary level
Investors hoping the Apple (AAPL) stock implosion would end this year are now clinging to what's left of the triple-digit stock price.

Shares of the gadget maker closed down another 2.5%, or $2.64, Tuesday to $102.71. The once-hot stock is now careering toward the $100-a-share level -- a price threshold bulls are hoping will finally hold. Apple's stock hasn't closed below $100 since late October 2014.
Why Apple Is Borrowing $6.5 Billion And What Obama's Trying To Do About It
Why Apple Is Borrowing $6.5 Billion And What Obama's Trying To Do About It
Apple was performing a stock buy back to drive the price up. Now that it is crashing, will the money borrowed be returned? In 1929, these exact same events were happening to drive America into the once great depression. Are we looking at the new greatest depression, that Obama will be responsible for?
George Soros Sees Crisis in Global Markets That Echoes 2008
George Soros Sees Crisis in Global Markets That Echoes 2008
The liberals all stepped up and blamed George Bush for the markets collapse. Guess what? George Bush has been out of office over 7 years now. So who is the PRESIDENT OF THE US and aren't you glad he has fundamentally transformed America? HOW IS THAT HOPE AND CHANGE working out for you? Dumbasses vote liberal and end up equal, equally poor and equally miserable. That is the liberal way.
World could face months of Chinese market aftershocks
The latest trigger was currency jitters, but Thursday's plunge in Chinese stocks was just one in a series of aftershocks from last year's boom and bust that could shake markets for months to come.
Back 7 years ago, the Fed came up with a new plan to prop up the economy so Obama would look like a genius when it comes to economics. It was the bond buy back program where the FED printed up to 5 trillion dollars bought junk bonds which allowed the government to lower interest rates so people could borrow at 0% and invest it so the stock market, driving up the market to obscene levels. The EU, Japan, and China, decided to follow suit and soon there was a monetary war on who could cheapen their currencies the quickest. Today we are seeing the effects of this and the world is feeling its impact which has been warned by the libertarians in the US. To those who voted for Obama and are suffering a stock loss, I laugh at you for being such stupid people for falling for Hope and Change, for those who didn't vote for him but are affected , I am sorry this president has screwed you royally. But remember that this is the typical liberal playbook. Everyone is equal, equally poor and equally miserable, that is the way of liberalism.
Keynesian economics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Keynesian economics (/ˈkeɪnziən/ KAYN-zee-ən; or Keynesianism) are the various theories about how in the short run, and especially during recessions, economic output is strongly influenced by aggregate demand (total spending in the economy). In the Keynesian view, aggregate demand does not necessarily equal the productive capacity of the economy; instead, it is influenced by a host of factors and sometimes behaves erratically, affecting production, employment, and inflation.[1][2]
End of the monetary illusion magnifies shocks for markets
Central bankers are no longer the circuit breakers for financial markets.

Monetary policy makers, market saviors over the past decade through the promise of interest rate reductions or asset purchases, now lack the space to cut further or buy more. Even those willing to intensify their efforts increasingly doubt the potency of such policies.

That’s leaving investors having to cope alone with shocks such as this week’s rout in China or when economic data disappoint, magnifying the impact of such events.
The chickens are starting to come home to roost. 5 trillion dollars that was created by the FED was to give Obama flexibility to spend where ever he wanted to "STIMULATE" growth. All it did was put FAUX money into the stock market and now we are going into a 25 year Depression. Some of US prepared for this, many others just keep their heads up their asses. Those were the ones who voted for the 1st 1/2 white president.
now we are going into a 25 year Depression.

total BS. world economies are growing and no sign depression which central banks could avoid anyway. As I said, total BS
Jim Rickards: The Coming 25-Year Great Depression
These agencies, that include the CIA, FBI, Army, and Navy, they've already begun to estimate the impact of the fall of the dollar as the global reserve currency.

And our reign as the world's leading super power being annihilated in a way equivalent to the end of the British Empire, post-World War II.

And the end game could be a nightmarish scenario, where the world falls into an extended period of global anarchy.

Jim Rickards fears he and his colleagues' warnings are being ignored by our political leaders and the Federal Reserve, and we're on the verge of entering the darkest economic period in our nation's history.
One that will ignite a 25-year Great Depression.
There are signs all over the world, about the coming Depression, but you libtards, cant see past the Koolaid colored glasses. A box of rocks has more intelligence than you libs do.

An Interesting View of the US Economy

I'm not going to spout a lot of numbers as we have many who will gladly whip out their charts and tables for us. What I will do is say that this appears to be a very well thought out and informative article titled:

Education and underemployment in the age of machine intelligence @ Education and underemployment in the age of machine intelligence

Rather than framing educational reform in terms of the needs of a mass industrial society, educational policies must now adapt to the needs of a highly disruptive computational economy.

I'm a bit unsure of exactly where the author is going. More federal oversight of education? Or more money for it?
now we are going into a 25 year Depression.

total BS. world economies are growing and no sign depression which central banks could avoid anyway. As I said, total BS
Sell everything ahead of stock market crash, say RBS economists
Investors face a “cataclysmic year” where stock markets could fall by up to 20% and oil could slump to $16 a barrel, economists at the Royal Bank of Scotland have warned.

In a note to its clients the bank said: “Sell everything except high quality bonds. This is about return of capital, not return on capital. In a crowded hall, exit doors are small.” It said the current situation was reminiscent of 2008, when the collapse of the Lehman Brothers investment bank led to the global financial crisis. This time China could be the crisis point.
It is almost funny that a liberal wouldn't know when shit is about to happen, until it does. Then those same liberals are there looking for the government to save the day. Well maybe if you studied what happened to the USSR, you can see how well the liberal elites in government took care of their liberal citizens. If the crisis wasn't so frightening, I would laugh at the libtard.
Well maybe if you studied what happened to the USSR, you can see how well the liberal elites in government took care of their liberal citizens. .

or study Mao's Great (liberal) Leap Forward (1958-1961) during which govt regulation was going to propel the farm economy forward, end famine, and export surplus grain. Net result: 35 million starved to death and 750,000 executed.

Thomas Jefferson: "Were we directed from Washington when to sow and when to reap, we should soon want for bread."
Well maybe if you studied what happened to the USSR, you can see how well the liberal elites in government took care of their liberal citizens. .

or study Mao's Great (liberal) Leap Forward (1958-1961) during which govt regulation was going to propel the farm economy forward, end famine, and export surplus grain. Net result: 35 million starved to death and 750,000 executed.

Thomas Jefferson: "Were we directed from Washington when to sow and when to reap, we should soon want for bread."
Straight from a Communist quoting another Communist who killed over 22 million people. Slap yourself on the back, you commie bastard. I guess if the Fascist in Chief executed 22 million liberal low information voters in America, our economy could start to recover. Dumbasses vote Dumbocrat.
Well maybe if you studied what happened to the USSR, you can see how well the liberal elites in government took care of their liberal citizens.

Yes, but that is ancient history to our liberals. The modern liberal has perfect faith that modern regulation is good regulation. This despite the lessons learned from Hitler, Stalin, and Mao's ancient history! That way every liberal is an Einstein. He has the answer to every problem and feels so good about it too!
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Back in 2006 the Republicans lost the house to Majority leader Nancy Pelosi because the R's were acting like Dem's, so the people voted the liberal R's out. Then in 2008, the old man McCain(Bush's 3rd term) got shellacked and Obama took the Presidency and Dirty Harry Reid become Senate Majority leader. At that time Obama and the other two flaming liberals could of made minimum wage 25 dollars an hour, raised welfare payments to 10s of 1000s of dollars so the POOR could of lived better. All those 3 liberals could do was to pass ACA(which made the 29 hour fulltime work week). This is just thigh slapping funny, because you stupid low information voters THOUGHT Obama was for the little person. In the 7 years that Obama has been Dictator, the rich has gotten richer, and the poor, poorer. Dumbasses vote Dumbocrat.

Plunging pay for poor is widening US income gap, study finds
Consider Cincinnati, home to such major companies as Procter & Gamble and Macy's that are associated with middle class prosperity. Its bottom 20 percent earned just $10,454 in 2014. After inflation, that's 3 percent less than what they earned in 2013 — and 25 percent below their incomes when the recession started eight years ago.
One more thing, the reason why the FED didn't raise interest rates for the first 6 years, was because there was no inflation. Take a look at the highlighted line. Liberals lie all the time, only liberal low information voters believe it. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Good jobs require education. No wonder so many Republicans are out of work. Under Republican leadership, it won't get any better, in fact, it would most certainly get worse. They don't want to "waste money" on education,.
Back in 2006 the Republicans lost the house to Majority leader Nancy Pelosi because the R's were acting like Dem's, so the people voted the liberal R's out. Then in 2008, the old man McCain(Bush's 3rd term) got shellacked and Obama took the Presidency and Dirty Harry Reid become Senate Majority leader. At that time Obama and the other two flaming liberals could of made minimum wage 25 dollars an hour, raised welfare payments to 10s of 1000s of dollars so the POOR could of lived better. All those 3 liberals could do was to pass ACA(which made the 29 hour fulltime work week). This is just thigh slapping funny, because you stupid low information voters THOUGHT Obama was for the little person. In the 7 years that Obama has been Dictator, the rich has gotten richer, and the poor, poorer. Dumbasses vote Dumbocrat.

Plunging pay for poor is widening US income gap, study finds
Consider Cincinnati, home to such major companies as Procter & Gamble and Macy's that are associated with middle class prosperity. Its bottom 20 percent earned just $10,454 in 2014. After inflation, that's 3 percent less than what they earned in 2013 — and 25 percent below their incomes when the recession started eight years ago.
One more thing, the reason why the FED didn't raise interest rates for the first 6 years, was because there was no inflation. Take a look at the highlighted line. Liberals lie all the time, only liberal low information voters believe it. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
The GOP feels the wage gap is supposed to grow. Read the GOP debate transcripts. The job creators don't have quite enough money. We need to cut their taxes.
The job creators don't have quite enough money. We need to cut their taxes.

this is true, corporations are moving to China because of liberal taxes. GE just left CT because taxes were too high!! Anyone who doubts taxes kill jobs is being 100% stupid.

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