The economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering.

Lehman Bros. was the only big Wall Street banks to go down. .
sorry to rock your world!! 100's went down!!

List of banks acquired or bankrupted during the Great Recession ... the_Great_Recession

List of banks acquired or bankrupted during the Great Recession. From Wikipedia, the ... New Century, Chapter 11 bankruptcy and liquidation, Mortgage lender.
Okay...but the banks who caused the Great Recession, with help from government, rating agencies, originators, etc, not only did not go bankrupt but are now bigger and more powerful than ever.
Lehman Bros. was the only big Wall Street banks to go down. .
sorry to rock your world!! 100's went down!!

List of banks acquired or bankrupted during the Great Recession ... the_Great_Recession

List of banks acquired or bankrupted during the Great Recession. From Wikipedia, the ... New Century, Chapter 11 bankruptcy and liquidation, Mortgage lender.
Okay...but the banks who caused the Great Recession, with help from government, rating agencies, originators, etc, not only did not go bankrupt but are now bigger and more powerful than ever.

dear, many of the banks that helped cause the crisis went bankrupt and the lesson was learned by all, obviously. THe ones that survived saw their owners stock prices wiped out. Again the lesson was learned by all.

Is Bank of America powerful?? Its stock is in the gutter because nobody thinks so!!
Lehman Bros. was the only big Wall Street banks to go down. .
sorry to rock your world!! 100's went down!!

List of banks acquired or bankrupted during the Great Recession ... the_Great_Recession

List of banks acquired or bankrupted during the Great Recession. From Wikipedia, the ... New Century, Chapter 11 bankruptcy and liquidation, Mortgage lender.
Okay...but the banks who caused the Great Recession, with help from government, rating agencies, originators, etc, not only did not go bankrupt but are now bigger and more powerful than ever.

dear, many of the banks that helped cause the crisis went bankrupt and the lesson was learned by all, obviously. THe ones that survived saw their owners stock prices wiped out. Again the lesson was learned by all.

Is Bank of America powerful?? Its stock is in the gutter because nobody thinks so!!
The big wall street banks were instrumental in causing the crash. Are you going to dispute this deary? Only Lehman went bankrupt.
Lehman Bros. was the only big Wall Street banks to go down. .
sorry to rock your world!! 100's went down!!

List of banks acquired or bankrupted during the Great Recession ... the_Great_Recession

List of banks acquired or bankrupted during the Great Recession. From Wikipedia, the ... New Century, Chapter 11 bankruptcy and liquidation, Mortgage lender.
Okay...but the banks who caused the Great Recession, with help from government, rating agencies, originators, etc, not only did not go bankrupt but are now bigger and more powerful than ever.
The same banks that have donated millions of dollars to the liberal elites political hacks re election coffers? Hillary goddamn Clinton received 675 thousand dollars for a speaking fee. Hillary Clinton struggled through an 'awkward' answer about her 6-figure Goldman Sachs speaking fees
Hillary Clinton struggled through an 'awkward' answer about her 6-figure Goldman Sachs speaking fees
You liberals don't know how stupid you look when you speak kudo's about your politicians.

Now for the real story.
Toxic Loans Around the World Weigh on Global Growth
Beneath the surface of the global financial system lurks a multitrillion-dollar problem that could sap the strength of large economies for years to come.
Now MSN is blaming China for 5 trillion dollars of debt and other smaller countries for having less, but what I want to point out is that back in 2009 when the messiah took office, George Bush had increased the debt from 4 trillion dollars to 9 trillion dollars in 8 years(Obama called it unpatriotic). In the last 7 years with Der Fuhrer in charge, the debt has gone from 9 trillion to over 18 trillion dollars(even though Obama said he decreased the debt rate increase, another lie). Also in the QE program the FED(a central BANK, not government entity) took on over 5 trillion dollars of debt, and has not said who will be picking up the tab for that. So you can bet there is something coming down the pipeline, the chickens are coming home to roost, that the most unpatriotic president has created over 24 trillion dollars of debt and it is going to smack America down hard. We are seeing signs of it, with triple digit spirals down in the stock market with a small input from the FED to try to keep the bleed from happing under B.O.'s(Stinky's) watch. They are hoping that 2017 will come soon so they can blame the republicans for the crash that will make 1929 look tame.
If the economy has truly recovered it may be time to start looking over the Republican candidates for another again. This has now become our pattern elect a Republican have a recession, elect a Democrat to fix, when fixed....
. They are hoping that 2017 will come soon so they can blame the republicans for the crash that will make 1929 look tame.

Well, if we survived the recent housing/credit crash without a depression you can bet the days of depressions are over. This explains why gold is no longer popular. Central banks can now manage the stagnation and decline caused by libcommie policies.
The big wall street banks were instrumental in causing the crash. Are you going to dispute this deary? Only Lehman went bankrupt.

1) 100's of banks went bankrupt or were acquired and all paid a huge price.
2) federal govt had 132 programs to get people into homes the free market said they could not afford
3) Fan/fred held 75% of all Alt A and sub prime mortgages at time of collapse
4) without Fed money to pump up bubble a bubble would have been 100% impossible!!
Now do you understand?
The big wall street banks were instrumental in causing the crash. Are you going to dispute this deary? Only Lehman went bankrupt.

1) 100's of banks went bankrupt or were acquired and all paid a huge price.
2) federal govt had 132 programs to get people into homes the free market said they could not afford
3) Fan/fred held 75% of all Alt A and sub prime mortgages at time of collapse
4) without Fed money to pump up bubble a bubble would have been 100% impossible!!
Now do you understand?
Yes but you fail to comprehend. The big Wall Street banks that caused the crisis paid no price and in fact were enriched. Their bad behavior was rewarded. This is a travesty of justice.
If the economy has truly recovered it may be time to start looking over the Republican candidates for another again. This has now become our pattern elect a Republican have a recession, elect a Democrat to fix, when fixed....
Are you claiming Obama fixed the economy?
Without the QE infusion of cash into the market gold would be over $2,000 an ounce. Why is gold on the rise of late? Because people don't feel good being in the market.
The big Wall Street banks that caused the crisis paid no price and in fact were enriched. Their bad behavior was rewarded. This is a travesty of justice.

dear, Bank of America is at a 5 year low and pays a 1.3% dividend!! What reward are you talking about exactly? Also, banks did nothing wrong since they had every reason to think mortgages were good given that liberal govt was making housing prices go up. Thus if someone could not pay his mortgage the house was sold and everybody made a profit. Now do you understand?
Without the QE infusion of cash into the market gold would be over $2,000 an ounce. Why is gold on the rise of late? Because people don't feel good being in the market.

actually, gold is at historic lows because people no longer worry about a depression. They feel central bankers know enough to prevent one based on their performance in the recent housing/ credit crash.
The big Wall Street banks that caused the crisis paid no price and in fact were enriched. Their bad behavior was rewarded. This is a travesty of justice.

dear, Bank of America is at a 5 year low and pays a 1.3% dividend!! What reward are you talking about exactly? Also, banks did nothing wrong since they had every reason to think mortgages were good given that liberal govt was making housing prices go up. Thus if someone could not pay his mortgage the house was sold and everybody made a profit. Now do you understand?
Bs. You are not comprehending. The big wall street banks knew what they were doing and got away with their fraudulent actions because they own the stinking politicians.
Bs. You are not comprehending. The big wall street banks knew what they were doing and got away with their fraudulent actions because they own the stinking politicians.

dear, 1) if they owned the politicians they would not have gone bankrupt and Dodd Frank would not have passed!!
2) and what they were doing made good business sense because the value of houses had always gone up thanks to govt.

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