The economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering.

There, i have said that the economy is recovering 3 times now, so it must be true. Of course, the FACTS prove differently, time and time again. Obamanomics was to Fundamentally Transform America, which it has, but some people, are totally clueless when it is right there in their face. U.S. economy contracts in Q1 dollar hits corporate profits
government on Friday slashed its gross domestic product estimate to show it shrinking at a 0.7 percent annual rate instead of the 0.2 percent growth pace it estimated last month.
Unemployment rate is 5.5% but 93 million American "WORKERS" are out of a job, the stock market at an all time high, due to FAUX printed money, there isnt any real reason for people to look forward to the future. The expectations are that cheap gasoline, you know the stuff that causes Global Warming, will give many more money to invest in the economy, but as i pointed out when you are out of a job, you either eat, or buy gas, and gas doesnt make your belly full. Gas has been cheaper about 1 year now, it didnt help, and wont help. Just more misery as liberalism is all about equality. Equally poor and equally miserable. Unless you are Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Al Gore, Bill Clinton and his wife, or even Barack Hussein Obama, who have their millions and billions of dollars.
Wall Street eyes oil, digests Fed minutes
U.S. stock index futures indicated a mixed open on Thursday as traders eyed oil and continued to digest the release of minutes from the Federal Reserve's last meeting.
Since liberals are dumber than a box of rocks, I know they wont be able to digest my upcoming statement.
If the economy is doing well, then it wouldn't need to see what oil does, or what news the FED brings, it would just continue to roll, with excellent production, sales, and services.
Conservatives see this isn't happening, so the "Experts" must analyze what is said, and then moves either up or down. That is the difference between someone who knows what is going on, and a liberal who has his/her head shoved up their ass.

Seoul's spy service says North Korea is preparing attacks
SEOUL, South Korea — North Korean leader Kim Jong Un recently ordered preparations for launching attacks on South Korea, the South's spy agency disclosed Thursday, as worries about the North grow after its recent nuclear test and rocket launch.
Now this is a MSN(liberal news org) report, and if what they say is true and the North and South go at it, all bets are off, and the roaring economic recovery of Obama, is going to go down the toilet. How is that Hope and Change working out for you?
San Francisco tech worker: 'I don't want to see homeless riff-raff'
Justin Keller, tech entrepreneur

Keller explained that he had been moved to action by his experience over the holiday weekend, when his parents and relatives came to visit. Three encounters with “a homeless drunken man” in the street, a “distraught, and high person” outside a restaurant, and a man who “took his shirt off and laid down” in a movie theater left him angry and frustrated with the city’s homelessness “problem”.
How is it that there could be a homelessness problem in a liberal run city, in a liberal run state, in a liberal run country? You would think that with liberal utopia that there would be no homeless bums walking around drunk, pissing on streets, panhandling for drug money, in the homosexual capital of America. Well, this just proves that liberalism is about equality. Everyone will be equal, equally poor and equally miserable, unless you are a liberal elite.
For the U.S. economy to grow, there needs to be a strong labor market..

of course that's stupid and liberal. We grew from the stone age to here thanks to new inventions supplied by Republican supply siders! If we want to grow the economy we should give subsides to those who invent. Its really as simple as that
For the U.S. economy to grow, there needs to be a strong labor market. Poor jobs market conditions create a big constraint on consumer spending the biggest component of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP). The Federal Reserve expects the U.S. economy to grow about 2.5% in 2016. With the labor market so tormented and distorted, economic growth this year could be non-existent. Maybe that’s what the sell-off in stocks is telling us.
The interest rate on a three-month Treasury bill currently stands at 0.01%. That’s essentially zero percent—or zero return for the holder. A U.S. Treasury bill with a 10-year maturity currently has an interest rate of 2.12%.
The CBO expects interest rates on three-month Treasury bills to average 0.2% in 2015 and rise sharply to 1.2% in 2016. In the long run, that same Treasury bill is expected to average 3.5%. That’s a sharp move up in short-term rates, but is merely a return to normal conditions—an environment the market isn’t used to.

Got it, you are buying into the same prediction that's been made since 2011,hope it works out for your investments.INSTEAD maybe you should think slow growth global economy for at least a few more years.
Chilling ways the global economy echoes 1930s Great Depression era
Chilling ways the global economy echoes 1930s Great Depression era
Hmm, "I told you so?"

no worries, in the 1930's we knew little about central banking. Now we know a lot and have proved it since the 1930's.
Turmoil not restricted to China, as trouble heads to US, Europe
“There’s a storm of troubles coming,” Pal, a former hedge- fund manager at GLG Partners whose clients now include pension plans and sovereign wealth funds, said in a phone interview from the Cayman Islands. “The risk of a very bad outcome in 2016 and 2017 remains the highest probability.”
Back in the 1930's an ounce of gold had a value of $20. When FDR took the dollar off the standard and paid everyone $25 for that same coin, he devalued the dollar by 25%. Today an ounce of gold is around $1,200 an ounce, so the dollar is 1/600 of what it was back then. Problem is since the FED did QE and printed 5 trillion dollars of debt,(on its books not the government) that money was used to infuse the stock market and make stocks look better than precious metals. If QE never happened, gold would be over $2,000 an ounce. So where and when is that extra 5 trillion dollars going to become due? Who will pick up the tab, bank depositors, or the taxpayer? You can thank Obama for whichever happens, as George Bush has been out of office now for over 7 years.

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Recession already a reality from West Virginia to Wyoming
Dale Oxley doesn’t need to hear about rising odds of a U.S. recession to dread the future. For the West Virginia homebuilder, the downturn has already arrived.

“Everyone is going to have to tighten their belts,” said Oxley, the 48-year-old owner of a Charleston-area construction company. “The next couple of years are going to be difficult.”
Why aren't you hearing about this from the FED? Because she was appointed by Obama to keep his legacy and liberalism intact. But TRUTH is happening in America, people are making choices between FOOD and FUEL, oil is tanking because not many people are using it, and this is causing the ripple effect towards a depression. Elections have consequences, when you vote for a liberal, everyone will be equal, equally poor and equally miserable, except the liberal elites.

. Problem is since the FED did QE and printed 5 trillion dollars of debt,(on its books not the government) that money was used to infuse the stock market and make stocks look better than precious metals. ]

QE is buying bonds to finance govt and add currency to market. When Fed wants to reverse this action it merely sells bonds it bought. Make sense?
. Problem is since the FED did QE and printed 5 trillion dollars of debt,(on its books not the government) that money was used to infuse the stock market and make stocks look better than precious metals. ]

QE is buying bonds to finance govt and add currency to market. When Fed wants to reverse this action it merely sells bonds it bought. Make sense?
Not when 5 trillion dollars were created, and China has stopped buying our debt. No one wants the JUNK, so it sits there on the books of the FED. Also there is more great news about how the economy is recovering.
There's one way to ride out this next recession
There's one way to ride out this next recession
Dang it, and to think that the FED said the economy was doing well, because the U-3 is under 5%.
Sports Authority expected to file for bankruptcy as early as March
Sporting goods retailer Sports Authority intends to file for bankruptcy as early as next month, an action that would expedite the closing of some of its 450 stores across the United States, according to three people familiar with the matter.
Who needs sports in a socialist society anyway, as that leads to competition and someone could win while another could lose?
Not when 5 trillion dollars were created, and China has stopped buying our debt. No one wants the JUNK, so it sits there on the books of the FED..

its not doing any harm sitting there is it??? Do you know what your point is??
It is doing great harm , there is a debt that has to be paid, by the banks, along with the 19 trillion of national debt with 100's of trillions of unfunded liabilities. Who is going to pay for that debt? You, your children, your children's children? When no one wants to buy that debt anymore, then the dollar isn't worth the paper it is printed on. Look what led to the collapse of the Weimar Republic in the 1930's and what happened after that.
Hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic was a three-year period of hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic (modern-day Germany) between June 1921 and January 1924. The hyperinflation was a cause of considerable internal political instability in the country, the occupation of the Ruhr by foreign troops and misery for the general populace.
At some point the interest paid on the debt will outpaced the tax taken in from the US Citizen.
Another oil crash is coming, and there may be no recovery
The oil price crash that started in 2014 was caused by a glut of unwanted oil, as producers started cranking out about 2 million barrels a day more than the market supported. Nobody saw it coming, despite the massively expanding oil fields across North America. The question is: How soon could electric vehicles trigger a similar oil glut by reducing demand by the same 2 million barrels?
Funny how Liberal News Orgs, say "Nobody saw it coming", yet Conservatives have seen the writing on the wall, since the Messiah took over. At one time American Stock Markets would rise and fall on the way the output of America was defined. But along came the liberals and changed the standards, so if good news came out the market went down, because then the FED would have to raise rates, and when bad news came out the market went up, yada, yada, yada. Now the market is so screwed up that when energy prices will come down, that WOULD mean more money in the consumers pockets, which under NORMAL means spending would go up, profits would go up, and tax revenues would go up. BUT, and I mean liberals are BUTTS, people are scared to death, they have to spend more on housing, more on food, more on UNAFFORDABLE healthcare, so there isn't that spending, going on, and a gluttony of OIL. Elections have consequences, go look at Venezuela, when Liberals/Progressives/Marxists/Communists/Socialists/Fascists are put in charge, you can bet that country will go down the shitter.

Who is going to pay for that debt?

dear, we are in debt and we are paying for it as we speak! In the future it will be paid for with higher taxes, economic growth, inflation, and spending cuts. Its not a great situation but hardly a doomsday scenario. Do you understand?
Who is going to pay for that debt?

dear, we are in debt and we are paying for it as we speak! In the future it will be paid for with higher taxes, economic growth, inflation, and spending cuts. Its not a great situation but hardly a doomsday scenario. Do you understand?
What about that unfunded liability that is coming do each day more Retirees are taking out than the young who are putting in? You do realize that the liberals R and D have been kicking the can down the road, and the day of reckoning is coming soon? You still haven't answered who is going to pay for the 5 trillion dollars of debt that the Central Bank created?
What about that unfunded liability that is coming do each day more Retirees are taking out than the young who are putting in? You do realize that the liberals R and D have been kicking the can down the road, and the day of reckoning is coming soon?
it will be paid for with higher taxes, economic growth, inflation, and spending cuts. Its not a great situation but hardly a doomsday scenario. Do you understand?
You still haven't answered who is going to pay for the 5 trillion dollars of debt that the Central Bank created?

The Fed printed money and bought stuff to increase money supply, when the time comes they will sell stuff to get the money back. Simple!!
You still haven't answered who is going to pay for the 5 trillion dollars of debt that the Central Bank created?

The Fed printed money and bought stuff to increase money supply, when the time comes they will sell stuff to get the money back. Simple!!
The Economy Is Killing Voters In Super Tuesday States. Literally.
The poor, in other words, are less likely to finish school, less likely to get jobs, and less likely to be able to afford (or seek out) medical treatment. That downward spiral has been accelerating dramatically.

"The harmful effects of being poor and less educated are more harmful than they were several years ago," says Olshansky.
There are some people(many) who don't have the same optimism that you do. Since Obama promised Hope and Change, more people have moved into poverty than ever in the history of America.

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