The economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering.


BTW- Did you hear the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor?


Did you hear the GOP bombed the US economy and laid waste to the US middle feel me ?

Excuses, excuses that are not true. I get the first since you're a leftist. But your denial is concerning. Seek help

Seek help for what... I am grounded in reality on the other hand are a GOP rube-Goober... are you a member of Minimum wage workers for the GOP ...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
The GOP playbook

Pretend the years 2001 through 2009 did not actually happen

tell the rubes the Blacks and the Messicans took their jobs

Hey man, we recovered after Carter, and we'll recover after the Racist Divider in Chief Obama is gone.. It will just take a little longer because Obama had 8 years of destroying America, not 4 like Carter

Hey man, we recovered after Carter, and we'll recover after the Racist Divider in Chief Obama is gone.. It will just take a little longer because Obama had 8 years of destroying America, not 4 like Carter

Carter did not crash the US economy Junior 43 did crash it did he not...can you acknowledge that the Bush 43 regime was a disaster cannot because you are unhinged........... what do you see in this chart...look the green broken line is Carter's ...the Red one is Disaster 43 ...who is your daddy ?

BTW- Did you hear the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor?


Did you hear the GOP bombed the US economy and laid waste to the US middle feel me ?

Excuses, excuses that are not true. I get the first since you're a leftist. But your denial is concerning. Seek help

Seek help for what... I am grounded in reality on the other hand are a GOP rube-Goober... are you a member of Minimum wage workers for the GOP ...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
At one time Minimum wage workers were College students or Retirees who wanted a little extra cash. Today with Obamanomics in effect for 7 years now and Obamacare making the 40 hour work week 29 hours, more people EVER in the history of the US are now in minimum wage or on welfare. Maybe if you pulled your head out of URANUS, you might see the light, but I doubt it, because the koolaid is always browner on the liberal side.

Hey man, we recovered after Carter, and we'll recover after the Racist Divider in Chief Obama is gone.. It will just take a little longer because Obama had 8 years of destroying America, not 4 like Carter

Carter did not crash the US economy Junior 43 did crash it did he not...can you acknowledge that the Bush 43 regime was a disaster cannot because you are unhinged........... what do you see in this chart...look the green broken line is Carter's ...the Red one is Disaster 43 ...who is your daddy ?

If you want to blame someone, blame Barney Frank for the crash. That is where the blame lies.

If you want to blame someone, blame Barney Frank for the crash. That is where the blame lies.


what were the years of his Presidency ? did he have help from "Messicans"...? wsaaaaaaaaaaaa haaa silly ass fool LOL ...Barney Frank had more power than G Bush all you ever heard ..LOL

BTW- Did you hear the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor?


Did you hear the GOP bombed the US economy and laid waste to the US middle feel me ?

Excuses, excuses that are not true. I get the first since you're a leftist. But your denial is concerning. Seek help

Seek help for what... I am grounded in reality on the other hand are a GOP rube-Goober... are you a member of Minimum wage workers for the GOP ...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
A veteran psychiatrist now claims that liberalism is a mental disorder, not purely a political choice.

"Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," said Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.

"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."
I think I have to go to the hospital because I just laughed my ass off on that one
I am grounded in reality
If you want to blame someone, blame Barney Frank for the crash. That is where the blame lies.


what were the years of his Presidency ? did he have help from "Messicans"...? wsaaaaaaaaaaaa haaa silly ass fool LOL ...Barney Frank had more power than G Bush all you ever heard ..LOL
So if Barnacle faggot Frankfurter had more power than Bush, wouldn't that mean HE was responsible for the Fannie Mae Freddie Mac debacle? NO, NO, NO, It is Bushes fault. What a dolt you are, you have no clue how you open mouth insert foot.

Thanks for making my point


your point is that you are an arrogant entitled white man with odd feelings of superiority unsupported by reality...that is you whelp

bawhaaaaa.. Put some big boy pants on and get you some. Work hard and take risk to succeed and then you can pretend to be white.

I got the green in my pocket ...I employ whites and treat them well.......
How can you tell a liberal is lying? His mouth is open.
The GOP nostalgia for the Bush economy is in a word "amazing" lol

The one percent have indeed done well under Obama. Wait, I thought he blew the dog whistle on the 1% to get elected, yet the 1% excelled under Obama unlike Bush. What's up with that?

The GOP nostalgia for the Bush economy is in a word "amazing" lol

The one percent have indeed done well under Obama. Wait, I thought he blew the dog whistle on the 1% to get elected, yet the 1% excelled under Obama unlike Bush. What's up with that?

we need the GOP to stand up for the Poor and the Middle Class ? what Universe its not this one LOL

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Thanks for making my point


your point is that you are an arrogant entitled white man with odd feelings of superiority unsupported by reality...that is you whelp

bawhaaaaa.. Put some big boy pants on and get you some. Work hard and take risk to succeed and then you can pretend to be white.

I got the green in my pocket ...I employ whites and treat them well.......

LMAO........whatever you say s0n!!!:2up:

PS......the economy is good when interest rates go above 0%.:coffee:

Thanks for making my point


your point is that you are an arrogant entitled white man with odd feelings of superiority unsupported by reality...that is you whelp

bawhaaaaa.. Put some big boy pants on and get you some. Work hard and take risk to succeed and then you can pretend to be white.

I got the green in my pocket ...I employ whites and treat them well.......

LMAO........whatever you say s0n!!!:2up:

PS......the economy is good when interest rates go above 0%.:coffee:

Maybe you missed it but the Feds raised rates in December 2015...the low interest rates where used to raise the economy from the crashed steaming pit of shit that your Bush 43 left it in ...why the low rates add liquidity [cash] to the economy and stimulate it...Obama used QA quantitative easing to purchase bonds and add worked....Europe started their QA campaign late last eyar...
thank you Obama

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