The economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering.

Employment gains hit 7-month low as labor force shrinks
The U.S. economy added the fewest number of jobs in seven months in April and Americans dropped out of the labor force in droves, signs of weakness that cast doubts on whether the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates before the end of the year.
After 7 /1 years of a Socialist in office, and 10 trillion dollars of debt added nationally, we once again see the sign of things to come for the next president. Jimmy(the peanut) Carter, left Ronald a mess to clean up and it took 4 years to get the economy turn around which lasted well into Clintons. Now after 8 years of disaster, it make take 20 years to get the economy turned around. Liberalism is all about failure, then everyone is equal.
Employment gains hit 7-month low as labor force shrinks
The U.S. economy added the fewest number of jobs in seven months in April and Americans dropped out of the labor force in droves, signs of weakness that cast doubts on whether the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates before the end of the year.
After 7 /1 years of a Socialist in office, and 10 trillion dollars of debt added nationally, we once again see the sign of things to come for the next president. Jimmy(the peanut) Carter, left Ronald a mess to clean up and it took 4 years to get the economy turn around which lasted well into Clintons. Now after 8 years of disaster, it make take 20 years to get the economy turned around. Liberalism is all about failure, then everyone is equal.

Bill Clinton:
“The problem is, 80% of the American people are still living on what they were living on the day before the [2008 finnan*cial] crash. And about half the American people, after you adjust for inflation, are living on what they were living on the last day I was president 15 years ago. So that’s what’s the matter.”
There, i have said that the economy is recovering 3 times now, so it must be true. Of course, the FACTS prove differently, time and time again. Obamanomics was to Fundamentally Transform America, which it has, but some people, are totally clueless when it is right there in their face. U.S. economy contracts in Q1 dollar hits corporate profits
government on Friday slashed its gross domestic product estimate to show it shrinking at a 0.7 percent annual rate instead of the 0.2 percent growth pace it estimated last month.
Unemployment rate is 5.5% but 93 million American "WORKERS" are out of a job, the stock market at an all time high, due to FAUX printed money, there isnt any real reason for people to look forward to the future. The expectations are that cheap gasoline, you know the stuff that causes Global Warming, will give many more money to invest in the economy, but as i pointed out when you are out of a job, you either eat, or buy gas, and gas doesnt make your belly full. Gas has been cheaper about 1 year now, it didnt help, and wont help. Just more misery as liberalism is all about equality. Equally poor and equally miserable. Unless you are Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Al Gore, Bill Clinton and his wife, or even Barack Hussein Obama, who have their millions and billions of dollars.
Recovering from the mess Republicans left it.
There, i have said that the economy is recovering 3 times now, so it must be true. Of course, the FACTS prove differently, time and time again. Obamanomics was to Fundamentally Transform America, which it has, but some people, are totally clueless when it is right there in their face. U.S. economy contracts in Q1 dollar hits corporate profits
government on Friday slashed its gross domestic product estimate to show it shrinking at a 0.7 percent annual rate instead of the 0.2 percent growth pace it estimated last month.
Unemployment rate is 5.5% but 93 million American "WORKERS" are out of a job, the stock market at an all time high, due to FAUX printed money, there isnt any real reason for people to look forward to the future. The expectations are that cheap gasoline, you know the stuff that causes Global Warming, will give many more money to invest in the economy, but as i pointed out when you are out of a job, you either eat, or buy gas, and gas doesnt make your belly full. Gas has been cheaper about 1 year now, it didnt help, and wont help. Just more misery as liberalism is all about equality. Equally poor and equally miserable. Unless you are Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Al Gore, Bill Clinton and his wife, or even Barack Hussein Obama, who have their millions and billions of dollars.
Recovering from the mess Republicans left it.

actually lib socialist economies don't ever recover. Liberals are anti business so anti-jobs
There, i have said that the economy is recovering 3 times now, so it must be true. Of course, the FACTS prove differently, time and time again. Obamanomics was to Fundamentally Transform America, which it has, but some people, are totally clueless when it is right there in their face. U.S. economy contracts in Q1 dollar hits corporate profits
government on Friday slashed its gross domestic product estimate to show it shrinking at a 0.7 percent annual rate instead of the 0.2 percent growth pace it estimated last month.
Unemployment rate is 5.5% but 93 million American "WORKERS" are out of a job, the stock market at an all time high, due to FAUX printed money, there isnt any real reason for people to look forward to the future. The expectations are that cheap gasoline, you know the stuff that causes Global Warming, will give many more money to invest in the economy, but as i pointed out when you are out of a job, you either eat, or buy gas, and gas doesnt make your belly full. Gas has been cheaper about 1 year now, it didnt help, and wont help. Just more misery as liberalism is all about equality. Equally poor and equally miserable. Unless you are Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Al Gore, Bill Clinton and his wife, or even Barack Hussein Obama, who have their millions and billions of dollars.
Recovering from the mess Republicans left it.
Barney Franfurter sucker, Chrissy Dodd and Maxine underwater, were the ones who cause the housing collapse of 2007. But typical of you libidiots you have to blame republicans for YOUR failures, because if you actually took credit, then NO ONE would ever vote for your sorry asses ever again.
Democrats in their own words Covering up Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac scandal
Please grab a copy and re-post to your favorite site. Don't let history be re-written!
Liberals are moronic libidiots.

Yellen Doesn’t Rule Out Negative Rates in Letter to Congressman
(Bloomberg) -- Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen didn’t rule out using negative rates in a future crisis but emphasized that they would be adopted as a last resort.
Now why would another of Obama's bitches be saying that this roaring economic recovery would need a last resort? Was Obama "LYING" that the economy isn't doing as well as all the lickspittle lapdog liberal media says it is?

If the interest rates do go negative, that means anyone who has a bank account will pay the government to protect their money. In other words you can bet the liberals will steal more of your money, to create more in poverty. When everyone is poor and miserable, then everyone is equal, that is called "FAIRNESS".
Yellen Doesn’t Rule Out Negative Rates in Letter to Congressman
(Bloomberg) -- Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen didn’t rule out using negative rates in a future crisis but emphasized that they would be adopted as a last resort.
Now why would another of Obama's bitches be saying that this roaring economic recovery would need a last resort? Was Obama "LYING" that the economy isn't doing as well as all the lickspittle lapdog liberal media says it is?

If the interest rates do go negative, that means anyone who has a bank account will pay the government to protect their money. In other words you can bet the liberals will steal more of your money, to create more in poverty. When everyone is poor and miserable, then everyone is equal, that is called "FAIRNESS".

Wow. Were you born this stupid, or did you have to work at it?
Yellen Doesn’t Rule Out Negative Rates in Letter to Congressman
(Bloomberg) -- Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen didn’t rule out using negative rates in a future crisis but emphasized that they would be adopted as a last resort.
Now why would another of Obama's bitches be saying that this roaring economic recovery would need a last resort? Was Obama "LYING" that the economy isn't doing as well as all the lickspittle lapdog liberal media says it is?

If the interest rates do go negative, that means anyone who has a bank account will pay the government to protect their money. In other words you can bet the liberals will steal more of your money, to create more in poverty. When everyone is poor and miserable, then everyone is equal, that is called "FAIRNESS".

Wow. Were you born this stupid, or did you have to work at it?
Not as stupid as you are. I guess you don't know what happened to Cyprus when they had negative interest rates? Oh no, that would require you to use that unused brain of yours. Now go back to your parents basement and complain that your life sucks.
Yellen Doesn’t Rule Out Negative Rates in Letter to Congressman
(Bloomberg) -- Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen didn’t rule out using negative rates in a future crisis but emphasized that they would be adopted as a last resort.
Now why would another of Obama's bitches be saying that this roaring economic recovery would need a last resort? Was Obama "LYING" that the economy isn't doing as well as all the lickspittle lapdog liberal media says it is?

If the interest rates do go negative, that means anyone who has a bank account will pay the government to protect their money. In other words you can bet the liberals will steal more of your money, to create more in poverty. When everyone is poor and miserable, then everyone is equal, that is called "FAIRNESS".

Wow. Were you born this stupid, or did you have to work at it?
Not as stupid as you are. I guess you don't know what happened to Cyprus when they had negative interest rates? Oh no, that would require you to use that unused brain of yours. Now go back to your parents basement and complain that your life sucks.

yes, low and negative interest rates are very bad because they cause different uses of money (malinvestment of capital) than would occur at free market rates where all uses of money could be compared equally. Sadly a liberal will lack the IQ to understand malinvestment.
Detroit Schools plagued by mismanagement, student losses
DETROIT — Michigan lawmakers trying to glue together a plan to fix Detroit Public Schools using taxpayer money are staring down more than a decade of failure with what was once among the largest public education systems in the nation.
At least this school doesn't have to worry about funding being taken away for tansgender abuse. ROTFLAO - this is what liberalism brings, everyone is equally poor and equally miserable, that is called FAIRNESS.

Except uber wealthy liberal elites, like Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and others, who have theirs, but doesn't let you have yours.
Target tumbles with other retailers as sales drop
Target tumbles with other retailers as sales drop
Stocks decline with retail sector ahead of Fed minutes
Stocks decline with retail sector ahead of Fed minutes
The chickens have come home to roost. The FED has been fudging the numbers for so long, trying to keep Der Fuhrer from looking bad, trying to get the vagina to look like the best hope, and now, all the lies are finally being exposed.

And you have what impartial link, me boy?? Cause sources I have say you are what is technically known as full of shit.
Yellen Doesn’t Rule Out Negative Rates in Letter to Congressman
(Bloomberg) -- Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen didn’t rule out using negative rates in a future crisis but emphasized that they would be adopted as a last resort.
Now why would another of Obama's bitches be saying that this roaring economic recovery would need a last resort? Was Obama "LYING" that the economy isn't doing as well as all the lickspittle lapdog liberal media says it is?

If the interest rates do go negative, that means anyone who has a bank account will pay the government to protect their money. In other words you can bet the liberals will steal more of your money, to create more in poverty. When everyone is poor and miserable, then everyone is equal, that is called "FAIRNESS".

So, me boy, I am of the same firm belief that most thinking people are. If you lie to me, I will never believe you again. But you lie all the time, like the above:
"If the interest rates do go negative, that means anyone who has a bank account will pay the government to protect their money." So, where did you get this bit of drivel, me boy. It is an outright lie, UNLESS you are simply the stupidest person ever to post anything. Perhaps, dipshit, you would like to suggest when at any time in the history of the world interest rates have gone negative in the US. Jesus, not sure whether it is you who is the stupidest, or the people who believe shit like you spew.
Perhaps if you would simply pull your head out of you ass, buttwipe.
Yellen Doesn’t Rule Out Negative Rates in Letter to Congressman
(Bloomberg) -- Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen didn’t rule out using negative rates in a future crisis but emphasized that they would be adopted as a last resort.
Now why would another of Obama's bitches be saying that this roaring economic recovery would need a last resort? Was Obama "LYING" that the economy isn't doing as well as all the lickspittle lapdog liberal media says it is?

If the interest rates do go negative, that means anyone who has a bank account will pay the government to protect their money. In other words you can bet the liberals will steal more of your money, to create more in poverty. When everyone is poor and miserable, then everyone is equal, that is called "FAIRNESS".

Wow. Were you born this stupid, or did you have to work at it?
Not as stupid as you are. I guess you don't know what happened to Cyprus when they had negative interest rates? Oh no, that would require you to use that unused brain of yours. Now go back to your parents basement and complain that your life sucks.

Yes, I did know, me poor ignorant con tool. I have been to cypress, a couple times. Have friends there. But I did at least know that cypress is a country, and it is not in the united States. Keep your head up your ass, dipshit. The noise it makes when you try to take it out is annoying.
Yellen Doesn’t Rule Out Negative Rates in Letter to Congressman
(Bloomberg) -- Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen didn’t rule out using negative rates in a future crisis but emphasized that they would be adopted as a last resort.
Now why would another of Obama's bitches be saying that this roaring economic recovery would need a last resort? Was Obama "LYING" that the economy isn't doing as well as all the lickspittle lapdog liberal media says it is?

If the interest rates do go negative, that means anyone who has a bank account will pay the government to protect their money. In other words you can bet the liberals will steal more of your money, to create more in poverty. When everyone is poor and miserable, then everyone is equal, that is called "FAIRNESS".

So, me boy, I am of the same firm belief that most thinking people are. If you lie to me, I will never believe you again. But you lie all the time, like the above:
"If the interest rates do go negative, that means anyone who has a bank account will pay the government to protect their money." So, where did you get this bit of drivel, me boy. It is an outright lie, UNLESS you are simply the stupidest person ever to post anything. Perhaps, dipshit, you would like to suggest when at any time in the history of the world interest rates have gone negative in the US. Jesus, not sure whether it is you who is the stupidest, or the people who believe shit like you spew.
Perhaps if you would simply pull your head out of you ass, buttwipe.
Perhaps, dipshit, you would like to suggest when at any time in the history of the world interest rates have gone negative in the US. Jesus, not sure whether it is you who is the stupidest, or the people who believe shit like you spew.
Perhaps if you would simply pull your head out of you ass, buttwipe.
Now you have gone and hurt my feelings, and I thought all liberals were FOR THE PEOPLE.
I also notice how you are trying to put me on the defensive by putting words in my mouth that I never said,( you fucking moron). I said before that if Obama's economic recovery(that has been going on for 7 and 1/ years now) why would Janet Yellow even think about going NEGATIVE on interest rates, other than to steal more money from US. You just cant stand it when TRUTH is presented so, must go ranting and raving like a liberal lunatic(I know redundant statement) trying to justify Der Fuhrer's failed socialist policies, Hope and Change, Lowering the oceans and healing the planet, the redistribution of wealth, and you will save $2,500 on health insurance. It is okay, boo boo, I understand, I know how you liberal think(barely use that brain don't ya) , but make sure you vote for the vagina or the bern, for then you can have 4 more years of the same old shit. Except it isn't going to happen and the MAJORITY of the intelligent people are sick and tired of liberalism. So bend over take that pimple above your shoulders and ram it deep into URANUS, and see the universe.
Yellen Doesn’t Rule Out Negative Rates in Letter to Congressman
(Bloomberg) -- Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen didn’t rule out using negative rates in a future crisis but emphasized that they would be adopted as a last resort.
Now why would another of Obama's bitches be saying that this roaring economic recovery would need a last resort? Was Obama "LYING" that the economy isn't doing as well as all the lickspittle lapdog liberal media says it is?

If the interest rates do go negative, that means anyone who has a bank account will pay the government to protect their money. In other words you can bet the liberals will steal more of your money, to create more in poverty. When everyone is poor and miserable, then everyone is equal, that is called "FAIRNESS".

So, me boy, I am of the same firm belief that most thinking people are. If you lie to me, I will never believe you again. But you lie all the time, like the above:
"If the interest rates do go negative, that means anyone who has a bank account will pay the government to protect their money." So, where did you get this bit of drivel, me boy. It is an outright lie, UNLESS you are simply the stupidest person ever to post anything. Perhaps, dipshit, you would like to suggest when at any time in the history of the world interest rates have gone negative in the US. Jesus, not sure whether it is you who is the stupidest, or the people who believe shit like you spew.
Perhaps if you would simply pull your head out of you ass, buttwipe.
Perhaps, dipshit, you would like to suggest when at any time in the history of the world interest rates have gone negative in the US. Jesus, not sure whether it is you who is the stupidest, or the people who believe shit like you spew.
Perhaps if you would simply pull your head out of you ass, buttwipe.
Now you have gone and hurt my feelings, and I thought all liberals were FOR THE PEOPLE.
I also notice how you are trying to put me on the defensive by putting words in my mouth that I never said,( you fucking moron). I said before that if Obama's economic recovery(that has been going on for 7 and 1/ years now) why would Janet Yellow even think about going NEGATIVE on interest rates, other than to steal more money from US. You just cant stand it when TRUTH is presented so, must go ranting and raving like a liberal lunatic(I know redundant statement) trying to justify Der Fuhrer's failed socialist policies, Hope and Change, Lowering the oceans and healing the planet, the redistribution of wealth, and you will save $2,500 on health insurance. It is okay, boo boo, I understand, I know how you liberal think(barely use that brain don't ya) , but make sure you vote for the vagina or the bern, for then you can have 4 more years of the same old shit. Except it isn't going to happen and the MAJORITY of the intelligent people are sick and tired of liberalism. So bend over take that pimple above your shoulders and ram it deep into URANUS, and see the universe.

Let me try to educate you. Though to this point, it looks like it has been a waste of time. Cause you have obviously learned nothing.
1. Interest rate manipulations are always some minor help during a recession. But the Great Republican Recession of 2008 was MAJOR. As in nearly a depression. And what was left needed a lot of help. But was hurt by congressmen (read republicans) refusing to allow enough of a stimulus to do the job of coming back in reasonable time.
2. And, the recession was a true Aggregate Demand Recession. Look it up. Now, you had two options. You could mess with interest rates, but in that type of recession, you get what is well known as pushing on a string. Not much help. And repubs voted multiple times to stop stimulus efforts. Every opportunity they had. So, we got what we got during the great depression from a repub government. Except there was no help from the republican side for more stimulus.
3. So, you as a con tool think that interest rates would help, but that did nothing. Go look up liquidity trap.
4. The other option was what republicans wanted. That would be MORE TAX DECREASES, Which were a major part of the Stimulus of 2008. And the part which did almost nothing. Just like in the Reagan recession of 1981 and 82. Which was no surprise to economists.
So, we got what repubs wanted. Which was a very slow and anemic recovery. Which, me boy, is really what intelligent people are sick and tired over. And please, dipshit, can the highly childish language. You are completely unimpressive.
So, I tried to help you. And I am absolutely certain that you will learn what you obviously have in the past, which would be NOTHING.

So, inform me, dipshit. Does it hurt to be that stupid??
Last edited:
What is it about people who end posts with pejoratives - is it that they have been barred from local watering holes and need to come here to start fights?
What is it about people who end posts with pejoratives - is it that they have been barred from local watering holes and need to come here to start fights?
Start fights. Look at the dipshit I was responding to, me boy. Get a grip.
What is it about people who end posts with pejoratives - is it that they have been barred from local watering holes and need to come here to start fights?

he ends that way because in his mind it is his best argument or his only argument! All you have to do is ask why he's a communist and he runs away or responds with personal attacks
Yellen Doesn’t Rule Out Negative Rates in Letter to Congressman
(Bloomberg) -- Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen didn’t rule out using negative rates in a future crisis but emphasized that they would be adopted as a last resort.
Now why would another of Obama's bitches be saying that this roaring economic recovery would need a last resort? Was Obama "LYING" that the economy isn't doing as well as all the lickspittle lapdog liberal media says it is?

If the interest rates do go negative, that means anyone who has a bank account will pay the government to protect their money. In other words you can bet the liberals will steal more of your money, to create more in poverty. When everyone is poor and miserable, then everyone is equal, that is called "FAIRNESS".

So, me boy, I am of the same firm belief that most thinking people are. If you lie to me, I will never believe you again. But you lie all the time, like the above:
"If the interest rates do go negative, that means anyone who has a bank account will pay the government to protect their money." So, where did you get this bit of drivel, me boy. It is an outright lie, UNLESS you are simply the stupidest person ever to post anything. Perhaps, dipshit, you would like to suggest when at any time in the history of the world interest rates have gone negative in the US. Jesus, not sure whether it is you who is the stupidest, or the people who believe shit like you spew.
Perhaps if you would simply pull your head out of you ass, buttwipe.
Perhaps, dipshit, you would like to suggest when at any time in the history of the world interest rates have gone negative in the US. Jesus, not sure whether it is you who is the stupidest, or the people who believe shit like you spew.
Perhaps if you would simply pull your head out of you ass, buttwipe.
Now you have gone and hurt my feelings, and I thought all liberals were FOR THE PEOPLE.
I also notice how you are trying to put me on the defensive by putting words in my mouth that I never said,( you fucking moron). I said before that if Obama's economic recovery(that has been going on for 7 and 1/ years now) why would Janet Yellow even think about going NEGATIVE on interest rates, other than to steal more money from US. You just cant stand it when TRUTH is presented so, must go ranting and raving like a liberal lunatic(I know redundant statement) trying to justify Der Fuhrer's failed socialist policies, Hope and Change, Lowering the oceans and healing the planet, the redistribution of wealth, and you will save $2,500 on health insurance. It is okay, boo boo, I understand, I know how you liberal think(barely use that brain don't ya) , but make sure you vote for the vagina or the bern, for then you can have 4 more years of the same old shit. Except it isn't going to happen and the MAJORITY of the intelligent people are sick and tired of liberalism. So bend over take that pimple above your shoulders and ram it deep into URANUS, and see the universe.

Let me try to educate you. Though to this point, it looks like it has been a waste of time. Cause you have obviously learned nothing.
1. Interest rate manipulations are always some minor help during a recession. But the Great Republican Recession of 2008 was MAJOR. As in nearly a depression. And what was left needed a lot of help. But was hurt by congressmen (read republicans) refusing to allow enough of a stimulus to do the job of coming back in reasonable time.
2. And, the recession was a true Aggregate Demand Recession. Look it up. Now, you had two options. You could mess with interest rates, but in that type of recession, you get what is well known as pushing on a string. Not much help. And repubs voted multiple times to stop stimulus efforts. Every opportunity they had. So, we got what we got during the great depression from a repub government. Except there was no help from the republican side for more stimulus.
3. So, you as a con tool think that interest rates would help, but that did nothing. Go look up liquidity trap.
4. The other option was what republicans wanted. That would be MORE TAX DECREASES, Which were a major part of the Stimulus of 2008. And the part which did almost nothing. Just like in the Reagan recession of 1981 and 82. Which was no surprise to economists.
So, we got what repubs wanted. Which was a very slow and anemic recovery. Which, me boy, is really what intelligent people are sick and tired over. And please, dipshit, can the highly childish language. You are completely unimpressive.
So, I tried to help you. And I am absolutely certain that you will learn what you obviously have in the past, which would be NOTHING.

So, inform me, dipshit. Does it hurt to be that stupid??
yes it does hurt to be stupid enough to vote for Hope and Change not once but twice. Ever since the first White black president assumed office, with the fundamental transformation of America, he with Nancy Pelosi and Dirty Harry Reid, could of done every liberal thing they wanted to bring the US out of a recession, yet they went against the will of the people and force ALL OF US to purchase Unaffordable healthcare, you know will save you $2,500. Not one republican voted for it.
Now since the liberals are all about the little person, they(liberals) raised energy taxes(that must necessarily skyrocket) so the liberal special interest elites of Solyndra could get 1/2 billion dollars and went bankrupt anyway. I love proving a liberal wrong, which isn't hard to do.
As for the great Republican recession of 2008, as you are one of the(and there are many) stupidest people on the planet, this video shows who was responsible, but as libidiots you will just goosestep, drink the liberal koolaid, be a low information voter, a mind numbed useful idiot, and salute Der Fuhrer, Zeig Heil....


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