The economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering.

Yeah, like firing millions of federal workers and allowing a few big corporations to control everything = economic recovery. You loserterians are really dumb.

total moronic liberal nonsense given that there are millions of corporations all competing with each other and no mechanism for control
Bs. You are not comprehending. The big wall street banks knew what they were doing and got away with their fraudulent actions because they own the stinking politicians.

dear, 1) if they owned the politicians they would not have gone bankrupt and Dodd Frank would not have passed!!
2) and what they were doing made good business sense because the value of houses had always gone up thanks to govt.
You really are hard headed. Only one big Wall Street bank went bankrupt. The others were bailed out and now are bigger than ever. No one went to jail.

You are confusing small banks with big banks. You really need to do your research before posting.
Obama’s $10–a-Barrel Oil Tax Will Do Nothing To Fix Infrastructure–And It Could Mess With Hillary
President Obama is planning $300 billion in infrastructure and other green energy-related projects over the next ten years, which is part of a string of last minute budget requests that have zero chance of passing Congress. The president's plan to pay for it all: a $10-a-barrel oil tax (via Politico):
Please if this will screw over the vagina who wants to be president, then please Obama go ahead and with your phone and pen enact this tax. Nothing like a liar saying he wont tax the middle class and poor, then tax them. You can bet when oil prices go back up, that 10 dollar a barrel wont go away, it never does.
It infuriates me that the criminals who caused the crash in '08.
It was mostly caused by easy money from Fed Fred Fan, but almost nobody in America knew it was coming so nobody intentionally caused it and thus almost nobody could be prosecuted. Sorry to rock your world once again.
Collection of devastating excerpts from the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac hearings before Congress in 2004. These excerpts from the hearings show the "willful blindness" and corruption that went into the Democrats continual support for these two criminal enterprises, and the efforts made by the Republicans to clean up what everyone knew was coming . . .
Chris Dodd, Maxine Waters, and Barney Frank, were the cause for the eventual collapse of the housing bubble, that they created.
Bubble Meter: Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd deserve blame for Fannie and Freddie
Yet Barney Frank and his chums blocked all Bush's attempts to put a rein on Raines. During the House Financial Services Committee hearing following Bush's initiative, Frank declared: "The more people exaggerate a threat of safety and soundness [at Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae], the more people conjure up the possibility of serious financial losses to the Treasury which I do not see.
A liberal is so dumb that a box of rocks is smarter. Yet the liberal continues to vote for the same people who have caused the mess that the US and world have to recover from. As for no one could be prosecuted, when the liberal politicians vote that they are immune from their actions,(Above the Law), maybe it is time to prove to these people that they bleed like everyone else.
Obama’s $10–a-Barrel Oil Tax Will Do Nothing To Fix Infrastructure–And It Could Mess With Hillary
President Obama is planning $300 billion in infrastructure and other green energy-related projects over the next ten years, which is part of a string of last minute budget requests that have zero chance of passing Congress. The president's plan to pay for it all: a $10-a-barrel oil tax (via Politico):
Please if this will screw over the vagina who wants to be president, then please Obama go ahead and with your phone and pen enact this tax. Nothing like a liar saying he wont tax the middle class and poor, then tax them. You can bet when oil prices go back up, that 10 dollar a barrel wont go away, it never does.

judging from oil prices and stock market we may be heading into a recession that should finish off the Democrats and their socialist philosophy this election cycle
10-year Treasuries under 1.60% this morning, holy shit.

Maybe time to look at equity funds that short if you haven't yet.
If this is the big crash some have warned about, shorting equities and buying precious metals might be the only play for the average investor.
10-year Treasuries under 1.60% this morning, holy shit.

Maybe time to look at equity funds that short if you haven't yet.
If this is the big crash some have warned about, shorting equities and buying precious metals might be the only play for the average investor.
If you use funds (mutual or ETF), you can also go long US treasuries.

We did that in early January, and we have some pretty happy clients right now.
10-year Treasuries under 1.60% this morning, holy shit.

Maybe time to look at equity funds that short if you haven't yet.
If this is the big crash some have warned about, shorting equities and buying precious metals might be the only play for the average investor.

I see no signs of a crash. Central banks prevent those nowadays. What we see is 2% growth rather than 4% because of so much govt economic interference all around the world.
10-year Treasuries under 1.60% this morning, holy shit.

Maybe time to look at equity funds that short if you haven't yet.
If this is the big crash some have warned about, shorting equities and buying precious metals might be the only play for the average investor.

I see no signs of a crash. Central banks prevent those nowadays. What we see is 2% growth rather than 4% because of so much govt economic interference all around the world.
It is hard to see anything when your head is stuck up your ass, but last year the Dow was over 18,000 plus, the S & P was over 2,000 and the liberals all cooing that the Obamanomics economy was doing well, U-3 was around 5.1% and Janet Yellow decided to raise interest rates by 1/4 of 1%. With such good news, you would think that the world and US economy would appreciate that, but instead, it caused fear, because when people started to pay interest on all that money they borrowed at 0% (ZIRP- zero interest rate policy) this started to cut into their profits, if any profits were made. Today, the Dow is in the 15,000 plus area, other stock indicators are way down, yet you think the economy is still growing. The world has lost trillions of FAUX dollars, that just disappeared with the tumble. Back in 1929, only billions were lost and it drove the world into the Great Depression. But since Obama is in office, A FLAMING LIBERAL, the FED is trying to fend off the coming Greatest Depression ever, so the next president(Republican) can inherit it and be blamed for it. That is the liberal way.
10-year Treasuries under 1.60% this morning, holy shit.

Maybe time to look at equity funds that short if you haven't yet.
If this is the big crash some have warned about, shorting equities and buying precious metals might be the only play for the average investor.

I see no signs of a crash. Central banks prevent those nowadays. What we see is 2% growth rather than 4% because of so much govt economic interference all around the world.
Negative Interest Rates Are Spreading Across the World. Here’s What You Need to Know.
It’s hard to say with any certainty yet. At a minimum, it seems to have an effect of lowering the value of a currency, which makes export industries very happy. It’s less clear whether it can help create sustained economic growth, particularly when the hard-to-calculate downsides are factored in.
Cyprus banks ordered closed to halt panic withdrawals
Cypriots and foreign investors emptied ATMs following Saturday’s unexpected 10 billion euro ($13 billion) deal under which savers must surrender up to 10 percent of bank deposits. Banks in Cyprus were due to remain closed because of a public holiday Monday.
Once again, in a money laundering scheme, when people put their money into a bank, it is to have earned money when the bank loans it out to others so it can be invested into companies or people wanting to buy a house. But in the liberal greedy world, it is about taking money from the working class, and padding the pockets of the bankers, like Jamie Dimon. If you see the FED go negative, you better pull your cash out fast. You can bet there is some liberal scheme going on out there. Jamie Dimon Buys $26.5M JPMorgan Shares |
Jamie Dimon, chief executive officer and chairman of JPMorgan Chase, has bought 500,000 shares of the company’s stock, with the purchases coming on Thursday (Feb. 11), said The Wall Street Journal.

It’s a big chunk of money, at a $26 million tally, with a purpose centered on routing at least some of the negativity that has battered bank stocks. Dimon’s hefty buy comes in the wake of a 20 percent loss in the name so far this year. As has been well reported, the sector has sold off twice as hard as the broader markets, which are themselves firmly in correction territory.
Back in 1929, only billions were lost and it drove the world into the Great Depression. .

Actually in 1929 the Fed did not know how to prevent the Depression. Now they do. When the Depression began the money supply dropped by 30% and so did the number of banks Now they don't let that happen and now we don't have depressions. Simple!
well the US economy is on its all time low and for 2016 and beyond, all official U.S. economic forecasts call for stronger growth ahead. But, economic output is not the only variable on the rise. Inflation, debt levels, interest rates, and market valuations are also increasing. What does this mean for investors?????????????????????
And the economic outlook for 2016 has cleared all the doubts regarding the flatten economy that has created a huge loophole in the system and if the situation continues to be the same unemployment will surely be on the cards.The Federal Reserve is more optimistic. Current forecasts call for unemployment to be in the range of 4.8% to a high of 5.1% by the end of 2017. Therefore, the headline unemployment number is expected to decrease slightly
^^^but...but....but Dear Leader claims everything is wonderful...he wouldn't lie would he???
Well i don't think so the situation is going quite well and trust me if the situation continues to be the same there would soon be unemployment,debts at its peak.And its time for election they will manipulate the stats and create a different situation so that they can attract the voters and count on them so that there vote-banks remains safe,the CBO also forecasts that stronger hiring in the coming years will reduce unemployment from the current 5.5% to about 5.3% by the end of 2017.A sharp rise in inflation is expected. The absence of an increase will likely push the Federal Reserve’s interest rate decision past the July and September 2015 meetings, which is the current consensus. To have a clear insight of the economy is moving see this economic outlook
well the US economy is on its all time low and for 2016 and beyond, all official U.S. economic forecasts call for stronger growth ahead. But, economic output is not the only variable on the rise. Inflation, debt levels, interest rates, and market valuations are also increasing. What does this mean for investors?????????????????????
And the economic outlook for 2016 has cleared all the doubts regarding the flatten economy that has created a huge loophole in the system and if the situation continues to be the same unemployment will surely be on the cards.The Federal Reserve is more optimistic. Current forecasts call for unemployment to be in the range of 4.8% to a high of 5.1% by the end of 2017. Therefore, the headline unemployment number is expected to decrease slightly

Show me where interest rates are increasing,put up or shut up.
For the U.S. economy to grow, there needs to be a strong labor market. Poor jobs market conditions create a big constraint on consumer spending the biggest component of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP). The Federal Reserve expects the U.S. economy to grow about 2.5% in 2016. With the labor market so tormented and distorted, economic growth this year could be non-existent. Maybe that’s what the sell-off in stocks is telling us.
The interest rate on a three-month Treasury bill currently stands at 0.01%. That’s essentially zero percent—or zero return for the holder. A U.S. Treasury bill with a 10-year maturity currently has an interest rate of 2.12%.
The CBO expects interest rates on three-month Treasury bills to average 0.2% in 2015 and rise sharply to 1.2% in 2016. In the long run, that same Treasury bill is expected to average 3.5%. That’s a sharp move up in short-term rates, but is merely a return to normal conditions—an environment the market isn’t used to.

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