The economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering.

The economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering. There I said it 3 times so it must be true, yet more news about the economy coming from MSN. Dow futures fall more than 300 points as oil, Asia selloff rattle investors
“Ugly; very very ugly, describes current equity markets, with momentum swinging negative yet again and the bears firmly in control. The fledgling hope from yesterday that markets were on the turn has been quashed by sharp overnight falls in Japan and Asia,” said Rebecca O’Keeffe, head of investment at stockbroker Interactive Investor, in a note.
You liberals don't understand(because it takes work to learn) that IF the economy was recovering, then what happened in the rest of the world would have little effect on US. But since the LIES that have been coming from Obama's DOL and the FED(central bank, not of the government) have been to keep Der Fuhrer from looking bad, the world is crashing around US, because with liberalism, it is all about being equal. Equally poor and equally miserable, unless you are liberal elites, like Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Warren Buffet, George Soros, Bill Gates and others. They eat steak and caviar, ride in limos, fly in private jets, and live in mansions. How is that HOPE AND CHANGE working out for you?

Good jobs require education. No wonder so many Republicans are out of work. Under Republican leadership, it won't get any better, in fact, it would most certainly get worse. They don't want to "waste money" on education,.
You are a retard(and I apologize to retards for comparing your intelligence to a liberal) good jobs DO NOT require education, as roofers, plumbers, and other hands on work don't require much education except high school. Why you libtards push college education is because the liberals of the education unions NEED the government to push college and education funding, because more people are going to private schools, knowing that their kids will NOT be indoctrinated into liberal thoughts. Then those unions pay for the campaign funds for those political hacks who forward the education agenda. You libtards are just despicable, and worse, you don't care. If you really cared about kids, then 33,000 unborn and born babies a month would be allowed to live, they would go to school, and more taxes would be given to teach them. You libtards are your worst enemy.
. The job creators don't have quite enough money. We need to cut their taxes.

agreed, if you want more jobs don't punish the job creators for creating jobs. The more you tax something the less of it you get. It is perfectly obvious just not to a liberal.
. The job creators don't have quite enough money. We need to cut their taxes.

agreed, if you want more jobs don't punish the job creators for creating jobs. The more you tax something the less of it you get. It is perfectly obvious just not to a liberal.
Or better yet, tax the shit out of the Hollywood elites and professional athletes who get tax breaks for voting for liberals. When those liberal elites get a taste of their own medicine and not favored status, they would quickly change their minds. What little minds they have anyway. Film Actors Guild(FAG). ROFL.
There, i have said that the economy is recovering 3 times now, so it must be true. Of course, the FACTS prove differently, time and time again. Obamanomics was to Fundamentally Transform America, which it has, but some people, are totally clueless when it is right there in their face. U.S. economy contracts in Q1 dollar hits corporate profits
government on Friday slashed its gross domestic product estimate to show it shrinking at a 0.7 percent annual rate instead of the 0.2 percent growth pace it estimated last month.
Unemployment rate is 5.5% but 93 million American "WORKERS" are out of a job, the stock market at an all time high, due to FAUX printed money, there isnt any real reason for people to look forward to the future. The expectations are that cheap gasoline, you know the stuff that causes Global Warming, will give many more money to invest in the economy, but as i pointed out when you are out of a job, you either eat, or buy gas, and gas doesnt make your belly full. Gas has been cheaper about 1 year now, it didnt help, and wont help. Just more misery as liberalism is all about equality. Equally poor and equally miserable. Unless you are Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Al Gore, Bill Clinton and his wife, or even Barack Hussein Obama, who have their millions and billions of dollars.

if a republican improved the economy like this president did, you'd be doing hosannas in the street. not our fault that the wingers have obstructed recovery for the past seven years because you all think it reflects on the president.

nice use of the president's middle name, though.

. The job creators don't have quite enough money. We need to cut their taxes.

agreed, if you want more jobs don't punish the job creators for creating jobs. The more you tax something the less of it you get. It is perfectly obvious just not to a liberal.

how many years does trickle down have to not trickle down before the wingers figure it out? :rofl:

you have no 'job creators' if the middle class can't buy your goods. :cuckoo:
. The job creators don't have quite enough money. We need to cut their taxes.

agreed, if you want more jobs don't punish the job creators for creating jobs. The more you tax something the less of it you get. It is perfectly obvious just not to a liberal.

how many years does trickle down have to not trickle down before the wingers figure it out? :rofl:

you have no 'job creators' if the middle class can't buy your goods. :cuckoo:
Trickle down economics was a term from you libtards not conservatives. We believe in SUPPLY SIDE ECONOMICS, where if there is a need, then that need will be filled. You dumber than a box of rocks, no economic low information voters, believe that if you steal the money from those who have and then give it to those that don't have, that will infuse money into the economy. When you take away the 40 hour work week and make it 29(thank you ACA), then there is less income for the middle class and why there are more people in poverty ever in the history of the US. With HOPE AND CHANGE, no wonder the DOW is collapsing right under you nose. Try pulling your head out of your ass, for Obama has been in office over 7 years now. Shame you libtards don't know who the REAL enemy of the US Citizen really is.
There, i have said that the economy is recovering 3 times now, so it must be true. Of course, the FACTS prove differently, time and time again. Obamanomics was to Fundamentally Transform America, which it has, but some people, are totally clueless when it is right there in their face. U.S. economy contracts in Q1 dollar hits corporate profits
government on Friday slashed its gross domestic product estimate to show it shrinking at a 0.7 percent annual rate instead of the 0.2 percent growth pace it estimated last month.
Unemployment rate is 5.5% but 93 million American "WORKERS" are out of a job, the stock market at an all time high, due to FAUX printed money, there isnt any real reason for people to look forward to the future. The expectations are that cheap gasoline, you know the stuff that causes Global Warming, will give many more money to invest in the economy, but as i pointed out when you are out of a job, you either eat, or buy gas, and gas doesnt make your belly full. Gas has been cheaper about 1 year now, it didnt help, and wont help. Just more misery as liberalism is all about equality. Equally poor and equally miserable. Unless you are Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Al Gore, Bill Clinton and his wife, or even Barack Hussein Obama, who have their millions and billions of dollars.

if a republican improved the economy like this president did, you'd be doing hosannas in the street. not our fault that the wingers have obstructed recovery for the past seven years because you all think it reflects on the president.

nice use of the president's middle name, though.

There has been no obstruction as the liberal established Republicrats, gave Obama everything he wanted, even when O, used his phone and pen. You dumbasses would know that, but since your heads are stuck so far up your ass, you get a nose bleed, you have no clue what is going on. As for his middle name, is there a problem with it? Does this make me a racist? If you don't like it, Cuba is open and I suggest all Socialist, Communist, liberal, progressive, fascist, can go there. Leave America alone for the land of the FREE and the home of the BRAVE, which you libtards don't believe in either.
how many years does trickle down have to not trickle down before the wingers figure it out? :rofl:
actually dear my Iphone 6 plus trickled down from the greatest corporation in human history. It didn't trickle up from giving welfare to a ghetto resident.

What liberals really want is trickle down welfare from govt rather than trickle down products and jobs from our upper class.
There, i have said that the economy is recovering 3 times now, so it must be true. Of course, the FACTS prove differently, time and time again. Obamanomics was to Fundamentally Transform America, which it has, but some people, are totally clueless when it is right there in their face. U.S. economy contracts in Q1 dollar hits corporate profits
government on Friday slashed its gross domestic product estimate to show it shrinking at a 0.7 percent annual rate instead of the 0.2 percent growth pace it estimated last month.
Unemployment rate is 5.5% but 93 million American "WORKERS" are out of a job, the stock market at an all time high, due to FAUX printed money, there isnt any real reason for people to look forward to the future. The expectations are that cheap gasoline, you know the stuff that causes Global Warming, will give many more money to invest in the economy, but as i pointed out when you are out of a job, you either eat, or buy gas, and gas doesnt make your belly full. Gas has been cheaper about 1 year now, it didnt help, and wont help. Just more misery as liberalism is all about equality. Equally poor and equally miserable. Unless you are Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Al Gore, Bill Clinton and his wife, or even Barack Hussein Obama, who have their millions and billions of dollars.

if a republican improved the economy like this president did, you'd be doing hosannas in the street. not our fault that the wingers have obstructed recovery for the past seven years because you all think it reflects on the president.

nice use of the president's middle name, though.


first you say Barry improved the economy then you say Republicans obstructed?? See why we say slow?
Leaky lifeboat: Weak U.S. corporate profits offer no rescue to sinking stocks
Thanks to rapidly dimming forecasts for energy, materials, finance and technology sectors, year-over-year profit declines for Standard & Poor's 500 companies are now expected until the second quarter of 2016 at the earliest, according to data from Thomson Reuters Proprietary Research.

That would make three straight quarters of profit declines, the longest streak in the red for earnings since the Great Recession.
You can lie only so much before the TRUTH rears its ugly face. Liberalism is all about failure, the USSR and East Germany were prefect examples of over regulated economies, where the government controlled everything. Problem with today, they don't teach the failures of socialism in public education, which is why you see Barrack, Hillary and Bernie, pushing it, thinking they could do it better. Liberals ugly face see below.
, the USSR and East Germany were prefect examples of over regulated economies, where the government controlled everything.

And, our Great Depression is another great example. 15 years of depression and world war caused by over regulation of the economy. Liberals simply lack the IQ to understand capitalism; so they believe in magical liberal govt instead. Its really no different than worshipping the sun.
Dow futures down triple digits as oil and earnings weigh
Dow futures down triple digits as oil and earnings weigh
Last year, the "experts" were saying that lowering gas prices were going to stimulate the economy because more people would have money in their pockets(don't the liberals hate that?). But since it has been found out that the BIG BANKS heavily invested in the oil companies for fracking, now that oil is not as profitable, then the paybacks to the banks are less, making the banks less desirable. So America continues to bleed trillions of dollars of losses(the crash of 1929 was in the billions) and not one peep out of the liberal lapdog media about the crisis of 2016. The FED is still printing money and shoving it into the Market at an alarming rate, to try to keep the 2 bit dictator from looking bad. It wont be long before bad cannot be deterred. Bush hasn't been president for 7 years now, and Obamanomics have created a mess that the next president is going to inherit 100 times worse. When you vote for liberalism, you vote for failure, America is living that failure.
There are some signs that the junk bond contagion is spreading outside of oil & energy.

10-year Treasury down to 1.88%, fuck me, I'm glad we went to Treasuries and Utilities at year end.

50/50 on a bear, 40% chance of a recession.

Markets are worried.
There are some signs that the junk bond contagion is spreading outside of oil & energy.

10-year Treasury down to 1.88%, fuck me, I'm glad we went to Treasuries and Utilities at year end.

50/50 on a bear, 40% chance of a recession.

Markets are worried.
If it all comes crashing down, we can always count on Uncle Sam bailing out Wall Street and screwing most Americans

It infuriates me that the criminals who caused the crash in '08 not only were not prosecuted, but were enriched by our fraudulent and corrupt government.
If it all comes crashing down, we can always count on Uncle Sam bailing out Wall Street and screwing most Americans
actually many big Wall Street companies went bankrupt, the bailout money was repaid, and Americans were spared a great depression. Sorry to rock your world.
It infuriates me that the criminals who caused the crash in '08.
It was mostly caused by easy money from Fed Fred Fan, but almost nobody in America knew it was coming so nobody intentionally caused it and thus almost nobody could be prosecuted. Sorry to rock your world once again.
It infuriates me that the criminals who caused the crash in '08.
It was mostly caused by easy money from Fed Fred Fan, but almost nobody in America knew it was coming so nobody intentionally caused it and thus almost nobody could be prosecuted. Sorry to rock your world once again.
Wrong. Read The Big Short or see the movie. Lehman Bros. was the only big Wall Street banks to go down. The others like Goldman, Morgan Stanley, Citi, BOA, etc were bailed out. The three big rating agencies committed fraud by rating sub prime mortgages AAA allowing the Wall Street banks to sell that shit around the world.

A few experts saw it coming as is outlined in the book. Curry and Eisman were two guys who saw it coming and shorted the market and made millions.

Of course, our corrupt political class had much to do with the crash and also deserve prison terms. Fanny and Freddy too.


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