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The Election Ain't Over Folks

No matter how hard the leftists here will declare it to be so, until the Court actions are over the election isn't over. Bush V Gore wasn't resolved for 38 days IIRC. This is going to drag on for probably longer. Keep your hats on.
For people who have intelligence, you get the feeling that there is so much corruption from the deep state, because the NY slimes says Bite Me is the 46th president. I thought it was the election commission not the slimes who decides who the winner is?

Again, because Trumpers are so fucking stupid....the Secretary of State of each state is in charge of their state's election process and vote counting. You're trying to create a conspiracy because Trump lost. Fifty secretaries of state, many of them Republican, did not conspire to rig this election.

The courts are going to turn Trump down on these frivolous lawsuits.
States went against there own elections laws and several court orders. Which is illegal.
Actually, they followed the rules
You are making that up
No they didn’t. They wrote election laws that should have gone back to the legislature.
This was set up, by this president, MONTHS IN ADVANCE..... seeding all of these phony fraudulent accusations, is what we see clearly..... ever since this president realized he was going to lose.... long before the first vote cast!

Trump tipped his hand way too early.

If he let the system play out and then said.......Wait, this doesn’t look right
He may have had some credibility.

But to say for months.....It’s going to be fixed, going to be stolen on me
Self fulfilling prophesy
And he even said in a FOX NEWS interview that he was holding back the money for the post offices that the Democrats and some republicans wanted to secure our votes run through mail, so that they could not handle the election efficiently with mail in ballots, paraphrased.

He spelled out his corruption and abuse of his power to seed this fake and fraudulent usurp, months ago...
The Election Ain't Over Folks
Yes it is.

Literally every state can revoke the votes and have their legislature just pick their own electors
Good luck with that.


What makes you think i want that?

Surprise lotta independents in america

Only would take Penn to do it. And Philly is not known for their good governance, they might.

IDK why you find it funny. Your'e not gonna if they do it, lol

I will tho
Photo of Trump when Trump saw the election results


the bigger they are
the harder they fall
Hope y'all have money to donate to him, because he will need it, for the cost of all of the recounts....which gets charged to the candidate requesting them....unless maybe if it is in the range of a State automatic recount?

Trump does not want a recount. He knows he will still lose.

He wants the clock reset to Election Night with him in the lead. He wants every vote tabulated after Election Day to be voided
Well that is just bat shit crazy! Millions and millions and millions of Americans would be disenfranchised of their vote, the only participation we have, in our democracy/ Democratic Republic :eek:

Looks to me like he wants to delay, delay, delay, so that somehow the Congress will have to choose our President.... something the news has reported on as a plan of Fuer Trump's for months.....

That appears to be Trumps plan all along. That is why in speech after speech he told followers to vote in person.

He wanted to leave Election Night with the lead. He declared victory on Election Night. Republicans in Pennsylvania State House blocked attempts to count mail in votes early. Now, Trump wants votes tabulated after Election Day thrown out.

His ace in the hole is he thinks he owns the courts and they will do his bidding.

I think he will be disappointed
From your mouth to God's ears!!!!!

The courts should continue to disappoint him....mainly because he hasn't been able to produce any fraud, that would change the results of him losing...

but I have no problem with recounts etc.... an awful lot of citizens have been bamboozled in to believing his lies and unverified fraud, and they need to see the recounts to make them believe the truth... that Donald is just making shit up.
Along with looking into any irregularities (such as checking the legality of votes, deciding whether to count any precincts which broke the law by excluding poll watchers or pulling other illegal shit, and doing COMPLETE RECOUNTS of ANY precincts or states which used the Dominion system (which has already been caught flipping votes))!!!

If you can show us that Biden won without using fraud, I'm perfectly willing to admit that he has met your standards, proven his innocence, and I will accept him as President...
Just the opposite. The election was fair and square. YOUR SIDE has to PROVE beyond a reasonable doubt that there was fraud, that surmounted the results of the election. Accusations, and speculations, and partisan manufactured propaganda....just don't cut it, in the United States of America....we are not Russia, or China, or North Korea.... here, we the voters choose our President, the President does NOT choose the voters....and THAT is what this Despot and his followers are trying to do.... YOU creating these bull crap accusations without proof, is what is attempted FRAUD on the American people and their right to choose their leaders and representatives....YOUR ILK, are the ones TRYING TO STEAL AN ELECTION, from the American voter, the American people....and weaken our democracy.
Not yet.
Every concern that was predicted about this mail-in thing has happened. Too circumstantial to ignore. If you truly believe in election integrity you would welcome the scrutiny.
But not if you have an agenda.
Scrutiny, on legitimate concerns is a good thing...

On speculation, rumors, spin, propaganda etc is simply trying g to steal an election.

This was set up, by this president, MONTHS IN ADVANCE..... seeding all of these phony fraudulent accusations, is what we see clearly..... ever since this president realized he was going to lose.... long before the first vote cast! :eek:

Telling republican legislatures to not allow the counting of absentee votes before election day in places like Pennsylvania, which was a MUST WIN state for Trump to get to 270, to calling Philadelphia corrupt at his PA rallies, to telling his voters to vote in person.... all a set up months in advance so he could say he won, on election night, before a single absentee vote was counted..... his cries to not count the vote, his using his crooked mega donor who he installed in the post master General spot, to pull out mail sorting machines from all the big cities heavy in democratic voters to slow the receit of MAIL so the ballots sent and votes received from those areas wouldn't make it to the election offices in time....

Just pure, unadulterated corruption.

Like clockwork, you Trumpists fell for it, hook, line, and sinker!
Backwards. Democrats planned on having late arrival ballots as a safeguard. That is exactly what happened.
Hope y'all have money to donate to him, because he will need it, for the cost of all of the recounts....which gets charged to the candidate requesting them....unless maybe if it is in the range of a State automatic recount?

Trump does not want a recount. He knows he will still lose.

He wants the clock reset to Election Night with him in the lead. He wants every vote tabulated after Election Day to be voided
Well that is just bat shit crazy! Millions and millions and millions of Americans would be disenfranchised of their vote, the only participation we have, in our democracy/ Democratic Republic :eek:

Looks to me like he wants to delay, delay, delay, so that somehow the Congress will have to choose our President.... something the news has reported on as a plan of Fuer Trump's for months.....

That appears to be Trumps plan all along. That is why in speech after speech he told followers to vote in person.

He wanted to leave Election Night with the lead. He declared victory on Election Night. Republicans in Pennsylvania State House blocked attempts to count mail in votes early. Now, Trump wants votes tabulated after Election Day thrown out.

His ace in the hole is he thinks he owns the courts and they will do his bidding.

I think he will be disappointed
From your mouth to God's ears!!!!!

The courts should continue to disappoint him....mainly because he hasn't been able to produce any fraud, that would change the results of him losing...

but I have no problem with recounts etc.... an awful lot of citizens have been bamboozled in to believing his lies and unverified fraud, and they need to see the recounts to make them believe the truth... that Donald is just making shit up.
Along with looking into any irregularities (such as checking the legality of votes, deciding whether to count any precincts which broke the law by excluding poll watchers or pulling other illegal shit, and doing COMPLETE RECOUNTS of ANY precincts or states which used the Dominion system (which has already been caught flipping votes))!!!

If you can show us that Biden won without using fraud, I'm perfectly willing to admit that he has met your standards, proven his innocence, and I will accept him as President...
Just the opposite. The election was fair and square. YOUR SIDE has to PROVE beyond a reasonable doubt that there was fraud, that surmounted the results of the election. Accusations, and speculations, and partisan manufactured propaganda....just don't cut it, in the United States of America....we are not Russia, or China, or North Korea.... here, we the voters choose our President, the President does NOT choose the voters....and THAT is what this Despot and his followers are trying to do.... YOU creating these bull crap accusations without proof, is what is attempted FRAUD on the American people and their right to choose their leaders and representatives....YOUR ILK, are the ones TRYING TO STEAL AN ELECTION, from the American voter, the American people....and weaken our democracy.
and you trolls can keep telling yourselves that it waswon fair and square.:auiqs.jpg: This was the biggest fraud election in the history of mankind even far more obvious than when Bush stole the election in 2000 which was obvious enough. as obvious as that election was rigge for Bush,this one was even five times more obviously rigged than that one ever was.:auiqs.jpg:

you trolls use the lamestream medias your evidence to back up your points on covid and this election,you blatantly and childishly ignore whistle blowing doctos who risked their careers on exposing covid and same here,ignore postal workers who are doing the same thing risking their livlihoods exposing the truthmdont you ever get tired of having shit on your face with your outright lies?
Trump is on my team and that's all that matters.

And he will win. Have faith
The "upgrading" of the software will be the scandal of the century.
Not quite.... it was a nothing burger, made out of a molehill...something Trumpers are good at....

while you America haters EXCEL at lying.
Hope y'all have money to donate to him, because he will need it, for the cost of all of the recounts....which gets charged to the candidate requesting them....unless maybe if it is in the range of a State automatic recount?

Trump does not want a recount. He knows he will still lose.

He wants the clock reset to Election Night with him in the lead. He wants every vote tabulated after Election Day to be voided
Well that is just bat shit crazy! Millions and millions and millions of Americans would be disenfranchised of their vote, the only participation we have, in our democracy/ Democratic Republic :eek:

Looks to me like he wants to delay, delay, delay, so that somehow the Congress will have to choose our President.... something the news has reported on as a plan of Fuer Trump's for months.....

You dispute that Michigan had voting machine issues ?

You not see that Georgia will do a recount ?
Yes, I do.

Because it turned out not to be the voting machine, those counts were 100% accurate....it turned out to be a program used to transfer the voting machine count, over to the county computers, which the clerk failed to update the program.

It was immediately caught in their check and balances of election management and security....the town counts did not add up and match the county count.

It truly was not a big deal, and shows their system works.

If you read something other than right wing conspiracies, you would know that....

What I read was that a glitch in a machine caused a county commissiner to lose.....then win when things were corrected.

You would know that if you knew how to read.
Yes, I heard about that, and the system of checks caught it....as it should. And I thought you were talking about this Presidential race!!??

Also, I was being sort of a jerk, with my last comment on you and the right wing media sphere.... I'm sorry....my once owned patience has been waning for months now...total election stress breakdown!!!! :eek:

So let me follow your logic.
Democrats led by the Pelosi family doctored ballots to switch from Trump to Biden.
But on those same ballots, they let Republicans win Senate, House and State and local elections.

That Pelosi is a mastermind to be sure
You assume much not in evidence about these Pelosi owned voting machines.
That's what stupid people do. They assume whatever they think about a particular thing (they know nothing
about) is the truth.

You're an idiot. Your leftist mind slavery proves that.
dude you are arguing with a shill from Langley that has penetrated this site,dont waste your breath.
Lets move on & do the most important thing right now, lets get this virus under control so people stop dying, the economy can restart & we come together to make it happen.
you are obviously one of the brainwashed sheep who have fallen for the lies of the corporate controlled media of the inflated numbers of the virus hoax.the yearly flu virus has killed five times more people than this alleged deadly virus has,they never go and shut down businesses and schools over that.

Langley shill toto is trolling so I know I am obviously pissing off his handlers.lol
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So let me follow your logic.
Democrats led by the Pelosi family doctored ballots to switch from Trump to Biden.and
But on those same ballots, they let Republicans win Senate, House and State and local elections.

That Pelosi is a mastermind to be sure
You assume much not in evidence about these Pelosi owned voting machines.
That's what stupid people do. They assume whatever they think about a particular thing (they know nothing
about) is the truth.

You're an idiot. Your leftist mind slavery proves that.
There are no Pelosi owned voting machines.
When the election is certified and Trump's suits dismissed, what wil these folks do?

move on just as i moved on when I wanted Ron Paul to be the potus of the united states but the elite sabotoged his election to make sure their boy globalist Romney got the republican nomination. they did not care if Romney or Obama was elected as long as one of them got in because they are both globalists part of the corrupt one party system disguised as two to serve the elite. Paul was a RINO not part of the new world order agenda to destroy America that the Romneys,Bushs,Clintons,Obamas,and Bidens are so he never had a prayer of getting the republican nomination.

I moved on then after Paul lost that election,I'll move on from this if Biden is sworn in as president as I believe he will,I believe he will because our courts are so damn corrupt they will dismiss the evidence,they always do,we got the most corrupt court system in the world.

the trump ahters were incapable of moving on,they whined and whined about him getting elected for four years ten times worse than people did over Obama did in an entire 8 years when he was in office. :auiqs.jpg:
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Well then you go to jail and the dems take the senate too in 22
Who goes to jail, and for what reason? Do you think stopping the theft of a presidential election is a crime?
If people engage in violence after an election is certified and court challanges sim
Well then you go to jail and the dems take the senate too in 22
Who goes to jail, and for what reason? Do you think stopping the theft of a presidential election is a crime?
Well then you go to jail and the dems take the senate too in 22
Who goes to jail, and for what reason? Do you think stopping the theft of a presidential election is a crime?
If an election is certified and lawsuits dismissed, you live with it, unless your'e willing to go to jail
Yeah....IF. If if if if.
If your aunt had nuts she'd be your uncle.
Bidens gonna be the president Trump's got no evidence of systemic fraud
just keep on telling yourself and believing your fairy tales he has no evidence. like all those postal workers and the people assigned to watch over the ballots but were deprived from doing that are all lying :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

you got one thing right though at least in your babble,Biden will more than likely be president because as i said,.history has shown we have the most corrupt courts in the world.
PA, Mich & AZ state legislatures MUST appoint GOP electors for Trump as they can under Art II, Sec. 1, §2 of the Constitution! My cousin's two reps and senator pledged they will do this in Arizona.
No matter how hard the leftists here will declare it to be so, until the Court actions are over the election isn't over. Bush V Gore wasn't resolved for 38 days IIRC. This is going to drag on for probably longer. Keep your hats on.
For people who have intelligence, you get the feeling that there is so much corruption from the deep state, because the NY slimes says Bite Me is the 46th president. I thought it was the election commission not the slimes who decides who the winner is?

Again, because Trumpers are so fucking stupid....the Secretary of State of each state is in charge of their state's election process and vote counting. You're trying to create a conspiracy because Trump lost. Fifty secretaries of state, many of them Republican, did not conspire to rig this election.

The courts are going to turn Trump down on these frivolous lawsuits.
States went against there own elections laws and several court orders. Which is illegal.

States went against there own elections laws and several court orders. Which is illegal.

you are making far too much sense for these trolls to comprehend, :thup: they have no interest in facts so expect them to pretend you did not post this.

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