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The Election Ain't Over Folks

Did you do that when Trump won? Wait for the EC vote before calling him a winner?
The 2016 election was not really in question, and Clinton conceded, so that made Trump the P:resident elect.

If she was going to go to court to dispute the outcome, and did not concede, then Trump would not have been the President elect.

By state laws, AZ, GA and WI will have recounts, and probably PA as well, and given that 80-90% of Trumps voters went in person, but 50% of Bidens did mail-in, Biden is going tolose somewhere between 5% to 20% of his votes that were improperly processed or outright fraudulent.

This is WHY we have mandatory recounts by law in many states.

All that needs to happen is for GA, AZ and WI to flip, let alone MI, and Trump wins as he has been trying to tell everyone all along.

I know you libs think Trump is the biggest liar on the planet, but all that proves is that you are gullible when it comes to the Lefetstream Media.
And I believe that's when states began changing their election laws to give their state winner, ALL electors.... prior to such, each candidate was allotted electors proportionately, by how their state votes came in..... now it is Winner takes all electors....in 48 states, and 2 states....mine is one of them, kept it proportional.
Also, I believe right after that fiasco, we changed the Constitution and combined the ticket for president, with the vice president!
The Constitution has not changed the simple FACT that the state legislatures can select the slate of delegates however they want. These laws that specify how the elections are held do not limit the state legislatures when it comes to the actual selection of the slate of delegates.

I doubt it would come to that anyway, as Trump is going to clearly win the recounts in enough states to win.
And I believe that's when states began changing their election laws to give their state winner, ALL electors.... prior to such, each candidate was allotted electors proportionately, by how their state votes came in..... now it is Winner takes all electors....in 48 states, and 2 states....mine is one of them, kept it proportional.
Also, I believe right after that fiasco, we changed the Constitution and combined the ticket for president, with the vice president!
The Constitution has not changed the simple FACT that the state legislatures can select the slate of delegates however they want. These laws that specify how the elections are held do not limit the state legislatures when it comes to the actual selection of the slate of delegates.

I doubt it would come to that anyway, as Trump is going to clearly win the recounts in enough states to win.
And I believe that's when states began changing their election laws to give their state winner, ALL electors.... prior to such, each candidate was allotted electors proportionately, by how their state votes came in..... now it is Winner takes all electors....in 48 states, and 2 states....mine is one of them, kept it proportional.
Also, I believe right after that fiasco, we changed the Constitution and combined the ticket for president, with the vice president!
The Constitution has not changed the simple FACT that the state legislatures can select the slate of delegates however they want. These laws that specify how the elections are held do not limit the state legislatures when it comes to the actual selection of the slate of delegates.

I doubt it would come to that anyway, as Trump is going to clearly win the recounts in enough states to win.
Not a chance in hell will TRUMP win any state, in any recount.... recounts give candidates a couple hundred votes at most.... when said and done.

And mail in votes, have a paper trail..... They are least likely to change a vote count imo.

And those ballots in Pennsylvania that are stamped before the end of election day that came in by Friday that are being contested by Republicans, are not in the vote count that swept Biden to a win.

Any legislature that overrides their citizen's vote for president, and puts in their own slate of electors will be legislators no more, and will cause the civil war in this nation that you on the right-wing, have been hoping for....! :eek:

Donald Trump, LOST this election.... even the recounts and court cases and all the chaos Trump delivers, will not change that......
So let me follow your logic.
Democrats led by the Pelosi family doctored ballots to switch from Trump to Biden.
But on those same ballots, they let Republicans win Senate, House and State and local elections.

That Pelosi is a mastermind to be sure
You assume much not in evidence about these Pelosi owned voting machines.
That's what stupid people do. They assume whatever they think about a particular thing (they know nothing
about) is the truth.

You're an idiot. Your leftist mind slavery proves that.
There are no Pelosi owned voting machines.
Owned? Perhaps not. But Pelosi does have money in the Dominion voting machines.
And I believe that's when states began changing their election laws to give their state winner, ALL electors.... prior to such, each candidate was allotted electors proportionately, by how their state votes came in..... now it is Winner takes all electors....in 48 states, and 2 states....mine is one of them, kept it proportional.
Also, I believe right after that fiasco, we changed the Constitution and combined the ticket for president, with the vice president!
The Constitution has not changed the simple FACT that the state legislatures can select the slate of delegates however they want. These laws that specify how the elections are held do not limit the state legislatures when it comes to the actual selection of the slate of delegates.
I doubt it would come to that anyway, as Trump is going to clearly win the recounts in enough states to win.
Not a chance in hell will TRUMP win any state, in any recount.... recounts give candidates a couple hundred votes at most.... when said and done.

And mail in votes, have a paper trail..... They are least likely to change a vote count imo.

And those ballots in Pennsylvania that are stamped before the end of election day that came in by Friday that are being contested by Republicans, are not in the vote count that swept Biden to a win.

Any legislature that overrides their citizen's vote for president, and puts in their own slate of electors will be legislators no more, and will cause the civil war in this nation that you on the right-wing, have been hoping for....! :eek:

Donald Trump, LOST this election.... even the recounts and court cases and all the chaos Trump delivers, will not change that......
You must be an all knowing wizard to declare absolutely that Biden didn't cheat well enough to steal the election. The fact is you do not know...you hope and you think Cognitively Deprived Joe Biden wasn't able to steal the election but you cannot say for sure he didn't.
We can say that there were concerted efforts to disenfranchise millions of voters through ballot corruption.

Is that what you like about your candidate? The way the machine that backed him has committed
election fraud?

Only the courts that will hear ALL the evidence will determine that.
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Not a chance in hell will TRUMP win any state, in any recount.... recounts give candidates a couple hundred votes at most.... when said and done.

Not when there is widespread voter fraud as is standard for Democrat urban areas.

And mail in votes, have a paper trail..... They are least likely to change a vote count imo.

Lol that is WHY they will be invalidated

And those ballots in Pennsylvania that are stamped before the end of election day that came in by Friday that are being contested by Republicans, are not in the vote count that swept Biden to a win.

roflmao, you are truly engaging in wishful thinking

Any legislature that overrides their citizen's vote for president, and puts in their own slate of electors will be legislators no more, and will cause the civil war in this nation that you on the right-wing, have been hoping for....! :eek:

Maybe we need to have a Civil War to put lying thieving Democrats back under the authority of the law? Democrats have been getting away with way toomuch criminality.

Donald Trump, LOST this election.... even the recounts and court cases and all the chaos Trump delivers, will not change that......
You are very presumptive about recounts when DJT was right about the polls, the crookedness of Pelosi and so many other things.

You should emotionally prepare yourself for a Trump win, sweetie.
When the election is certified and Trump's suits dismissed, what wil these folks do?
We will go back to our normal lives and you will go back to shitting in the streets and burning down your cities.

Mentioned during a Fox News interview by host Maria Bartiromo were Nadeam Elshami, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s former chief of staff who last year became a lobbyist for Dominion, and Richard Blum, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s husband, who she said is a significant shareholder in the company.
"They have invested in it for their own reasons and are using it to commit this fraud to steal votes. I think they’ve even stolen them from other Democrats in their own party who should be outraged about this also," Powell said.
The attorney also suggested that Dominion had a hand in tilting the primaries in Joe Biden's favor. "Bernie Sanders might very well have been the democratic candidate but they’ve stolen against whoever they wanted to steal it from," Powell said.
Dominion did not immediately return a request for comment on Powell's claims.
The company, which has about a third of the voting machine market, according to Bloomberg, has faced scrutiny in the past couple of days with voting problems reported in parts of Michigan and Georgia, although the company and local officials have discounted the idea that the software was to blame.
Dominion has customers in 28 states and Puerto Rico, including all of the battleground states where Trump and his allies are contesting and pinning their hopes on recounts after media outlets called the presidential race for Biden.
Hope y'all have money to donate to him, because he will need it, for the cost of all of the recounts....which gets charged to the candidate requesting them....unless maybe if it is in the range of a State automatic recount?

Trump does not want a recount. He knows he will still lose.

He wants the clock reset to Election Night with him in the lead. He wants every vote tabulated after Election Day to be voided
Well that is just bat shit crazy! Millions and millions and millions of Americans would be disenfranchised of their vote, the only participation we have, in our democracy/ Democratic Republic :eek:

Looks to me like he wants to delay, delay, delay, so that somehow the Congress will have to choose our President.... something the news has reported on as a plan of Fuer Trump's for months.....

That appears to be Trumps plan all along. That is why in speech after speech he told followers to vote in person.

He wanted to leave Election Night with the lead. He declared victory on Election Night. Republicans in Pennsylvania State House blocked attempts to count mail in votes early. Now, Trump wants votes tabulated after Election Day thrown out.

His ace in the hole is he thinks he owns the courts and they will do his bidding.

I think he will be disappointed
From your mouth to God's ears!!!!!

The courts should continue to disappoint him....mainly because he hasn't been able to produce any fraud, that would change the results of him losing...

but I have no problem with recounts etc.... an awful lot of citizens have been bamboozled in to believing his lies and unverified fraud, and they need to see the recounts to make them believe the truth... that Donald is just making shit up.
Along with looking into any irregularities (such as checking the legality of votes, deciding whether to count any precincts which broke the law by excluding poll watchers or pulling other illegal shit, and doing COMPLETE RECOUNTS of ANY precincts or states which used the Dominion system (which has already been caught flipping votes))!!!

If you can show us that Biden won without using fraud, I'm perfectly willing to admit that he has met your standards, proven his innocence, and I will accept him as President...
Just the opposite. The election was fair and square. YOUR SIDE has to PROVE beyond a reasonable doubt that there was fraud, that surmounted the results of the election. Accusations, and speculations, and partisan manufactured propaganda....just don't cut it, in the United States of America....we are not Russia, or China, or North Korea.... here, we the voters choose our President, the President does NOT choose the voters....and THAT is what this Despot and his followers are trying to do.... YOU creating these bull crap accusations without proof, is what is attempted FRAUD on the American people and their right to choose their leaders and representatives....YOUR ILK, are the ones TRYING TO STEAL AN ELECTION, from the American voter, the American people....and weaken our democracy.
Not yet.
Every concern that was predicted about this mail-in thing has happened. Too circumstantial to ignore. If you truly believe in election integrity you would welcome the scrutiny.
But not if you have an agenda.
Scrutiny, on legitimate concerns is a good thing...

On speculation, rumors, spin, propaganda etc is simply trying g to steal an election.

This was set up, by this president, MONTHS IN ADVANCE..... seeding all of these phony fraudulent accusations, is what we see clearly..... ever since this president realized he was going to lose.... long before the first vote cast! :eek:

Telling republican legislatures to not allow the counting of absentee votes before election day in places like Pennsylvania, which was a MUST WIN state for Trump to get to 270, to calling Philadelphia corrupt at his PA rallies, to telling his voters to vote in person.... all a set up months in advance so he could say he won, on election night, before a single absentee vote was counted..... his cries to not count the vote, his using his crooked mega donor who he installed in the post master General spot, to pull out mail sorting machines from all the big cities heavy in democratic voters to slow the receit of MAIL so the ballots sent and votes received from those areas wouldn't make it to the election offices in time....

Just pure, unadulterated corruption.

Like clockwork, you Trumpists fell for it, hook, line, and sinker!
Backwards. Democrats planned on having late arrival ballots as a safeguard. That is exactly what happened.
Post marked BEFORE Election day was over,

BECAUSE it was recognized by the court that Trump's crony donor he put in as Post Master General intentionly had taken steps to remove mail counting processors from big cities, and mail boxes from big cities, that slowed the US Mail service delivery of ballots by days.... the President was abusing his power to slow the postal delivery of ballots, so that the President could disenfranchise the democratic voters encouraged to use mail in ballots for corona virus safety measures.
Bullshit! DeMSM propaganda.
There is serious question about the actual postmarks on those ballots.
Fake news....

There is not major concerns about the post marks, that is made up....

Any that can't be read, can be set aside for all I care.... MOST ALL are post MARKED with a date....

AND Pennsylvania only had a few thousand ballots received after election day, which have been set aside and not counted in the vote tally yet.... Biden still won the State by tens of thousands.
The courts have tended to rule in favor of counting the citizen's vote, when in dispute....
Because the citizen's vote, is the fundamental core of democracy and a democratic Republic.

We The people....the voters pick our government leaders that we want, the government leaders do not pick the voters they want....
There is not major concerns about the post marks, that is made up....
It must be nice to have your own little universe to retreat to.

I gave mine up when I was ten years old and have regretted it ever since.
Could you link up to the number of votes received after the election that were not post MARKED by election day.....please.
Could you link up to the number of votes received after the election that were not post MARKED by election day.....please.
I cant give you an exact number, but estimates range from 600k to 800k in PA alone.

You will not like what happens over the next couple of months, so brace yourself, C4A.

It is going to be very hard for you and Coyote, but you are in my prayers.
Jim, the largest county in Pennsylvania got 500 ballots, post MARKED by election day, but received by Friday at 5pm... many counties got NONE.....

It was around 4000 votes in total for the whole state, and those 4000 were separated and not in the vote totals.

Where you are getting this crazy number of 600000 votes, is beyond me.... you need to link up to what even gave you such a crazy idea
And I believe that's when states began changing their election laws to give their state winner, ALL electors.... prior to such, each candidate was allotted electors proportionately, by how their state votes came in..... now it is Winner takes all electors....in 48 states, and 2 states....mine is one of them, kept it proportional.
Also, I believe right after that fiasco, we changed the Constitution and combined the ticket for president, with the vice president!
The Constitution has not changed the simple FACT that the state legislatures can select the slate of delegates however they want. These laws that specify how the elections are held do not limit the state legislatures when it comes to the actual selection of the slate of delegates.

I doubt it would come to that anyway, as Trump is going to clearly win the recounts in enough states to win.
Not a chance in hell will TRUMP win any state, in any recount.... recounts give candidates a couple hundred votes at most.... when said and done.

And mail in votes, have a paper trail..... They are least likely to change a vote count imo.

And those ballots in Pennsylvania that are stamped before the end of election day that came in by Friday that are being contested by Republicans, are not in the vote count that swept Biden to a win.

Any legislature that overrides their citizen's vote for president, and puts in their own slate of electors will be legislators no more, and will cause the civil war in this nation that you on the right-wing, have been hoping for....! :eek:

Donald Trump, LOST this election.... even the recounts and court cases and all the chaos Trump delivers, will not change that......

Did you do that when Trump won? Wait for the EC vote before calling him a winner?
Look at it this way. Have you ever been to a horse race when after the race the INQUIRY light goes on, indicating a possible rules infraction? In that case there is no winner declared until the INQUIRY is resolved.
There has been no inquiry light to go off.

There are so so so many checks set up in our vote counting process that massive voting fraud, CAN NOT OCCUR....

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