The Electoral College flaunting the will of the people never ends well!

Women no longer have anything to complain about, if the right wing, tramples their natural rights.
What natural rights will be trampled?

Good question
but day to day, it is hard to tell what upsets the left
and they view everything they want as a "natural right"

as of late... the last "natural right"....
they are big on men being able to use public restrooms with
your wife and daughters
it is about natural rights for women, not just human sexuality in modern, Internet Age times.
No doubt Papa Obama and the rest of the extreme left's
bathroom agenda has many men... women singing

Women no longer have anything to complain about, if the right wing, tramples their natural rights.
What natural rights will be trampled?
Women's rights; unless Mr. Trump flip-flops.
No, you said natural rights....which ones?
reproductive rights; women's are not men's.

Are you sure
because under the Left's newest paradigm

ABC News
'Pregnant Man' Gives Birth to Girl

or is this more fake news?
Women no longer have anything to complain about, if the right wing, tramples their natural rights.
What natural rights will be trampled?
Women's rights; unless Mr. Trump flip-flops.
No, you said natural rights....which ones?
reproductive rights; women's are not men's.

Are you sure
because under the Left's newest paradigm

ABC News
'Pregnant Man' Gives Birth to Girl

or is this more fake news?
surrogate for homosexuals?
Women no longer have anything to complain about, if the right wing, tramples their natural rights.
What natural rights will be trampled?
Women's rights; unless Mr. Trump flip-flops.
No, you said natural rights....which ones?
reproductive rights; women's are not men's.
You mean abortion? Killing a baby is not a natural right.....
Women no longer have anything to complain about, if the right wing, tramples their natural rights.
What natural rights will be trampled?
Women's rights; unless Mr. Trump flip-flops.
No, you said natural rights....which ones?
reproductive rights; women's are not men's.
You mean abortion? Killing a baby is not a natural right.....
cognitive dissonance much; prevention is not abortion. yet, the fantastical right wing, complains about Both, the cost of an ounce of prevention and the cost of a pound of cure.
So you telling us now you never switched and always was a democrat?


You just fucked up your entire story that you have been telling for years on here.

Say it ain't so Joe.

Put down the booze bottle, guy... I didn't use any first person pronouns....

I don't recall seeing you at the meeting. Were you hiding under the table again? It's fun to watch absolute certainty solidify in the liberal partisan mind. For the next 8 years they'll be spouting the same refrain, no matter what happens, no matter what evidence comes to light, no matter what, because they cannot accept the reality that Hillary was just a terrible candidate and was defeated. Heck, we still hear idiots claiming Bush stole the election in 2000, even though every single re-re-recount showed that he won Florida.

Yes, we will be repeating it, every day. And when Trumpenfuhrer does Putin's bidding, we will repeat it.

But I don't think we'll have to wait 8 years. Trump will do something impeachable in about two.
And you'll sound sillier and sillier every time you do it. You'll be as predictable as the sun shining on the Sahara. Face reality, or don't, but Hillary was a terrible candidate and lost. Trump will be your new president, no matter how much you hate it, no matter how much you kick and scream. Heck, you could hold your breath until you turn blue and no one will change reality for you.
Women no longer have anything to complain about, if the right wing, tramples their natural rights.
What natural rights will be trampled?
Women's rights; unless Mr. Trump flip-flops.
No, you said natural rights....which ones?
reproductive rights; women's are not men's.
You mean abortion? Killing a baby is not a natural right.....
Don't bother asking for specifics. All you'll get is platitudes.
And you'll sound sillier and sillier every time you do it. You'll be as predictable as the sun shining on the Sahara. Face reality, or don't, but Hillary was a terrible candidate and lost. Trump will be your new president, no matter how much you hate it, no matter how much you kick and scream. Heck, you could hold your breath until you turn blue and no one will change reality for you.

again, I'm totally happy with Trump as President. Now you guys OWN him. You own every stupid, treasonable, inept, embarrassing thing he does now and up until the point he is impeached.
What natural rights will be trampled?
Women's rights; unless Mr. Trump flip-flops.
No, you said natural rights....which ones?
reproductive rights; women's are not men's.
You mean abortion? Killing a baby is not a natural right.....
Don't bother asking for specifics. All you'll get is platitudes.

Here's a specific.

A kidney bean sized fetus is not a baby. and given The Siberian Candidate won't give us any specifics about whether he ever paid for an abortion or not, I think it's kind of hypocritical for him to try to take those rights away.
Women's rights; unless Mr. Trump flip-flops.
No, you said natural rights....which ones?
reproductive rights; women's are not men's.
You mean abortion? Killing a baby is not a natural right.....
Don't bother asking for specifics. All you'll get is platitudes.

Here's a specific.

A kidney bean sized fetus is not a baby. and given The Siberian Candidate won't give us any specifics about whether he ever paid for an abortion or not, I think it's kind of hypocritical for him to try to take those rights away.
Then what is it? A toaster oven?
Then what is it? A toaster oven?

That would be painful... but it's still not a baby.

If she wants it, it's a baby in 7 months.

If she doesn't, it's "that thing I got to take care of next Tuesday".
Then what is it? A toaster oven?

That would be painful... but it's still not a baby.

If she wants it, it's a baby in 7 months.

If she doesn't, it's "that thing I got to take care of next Tuesday".

Wait wait I know...

A butterfly?

You almost gotta laugh. Ignorant (in the true sense of the word) hypocrite lefties have been advocating rights for political, social and even illegal minorities for half a century but now they want the majority of voters in San Francisco, L.A. and NYC to determine the results of a presidential election even when the electoral college is established in the Constitution. Political pundit Michael Savage was right when he said "liberalism is a mental illness".
We are hearing a lot of smoke from the Right Wing about the sanctity of the Electoral College, and how the Founders truly understood that the Will of the People could not be trusted.

Okay, so let's look at that. Let's look at the three times that someone became President because they won the electoral College while losing the Popular Vote.

1876- Rutherford B. Hayes. Won the electoral college because a commission awarded several states to him AFTER he promised to withdraw the remaining troops from the South and ended Reconstruction. As a result, the South was able to roll back the rights of African Americans with impunity and gave us 100 years of Jim Crow. Clearly one of the worst Presidents we've ever had.

1888 - Benjamin Harrison- Made good on a promise to pay lifetime benefits to Civil War Veterans, giving America its first "Billion Dollar Budget". Gave us a recession in 1890 that lead to the Panic of 1893 right before he left office,

2000 - George W. Bush - Ignored warnings of an imminent terror attack,giving us the worst terror incident in history. Went to war on a lie, killing 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis. Fumbled the response to a major hurricane, rendering a major city uninhabitable. And, oh, yes, gave us the worst recession in 80 years by letting his Wall Street Cronies run amok. easily the worst president ever.

So don't worry, guys. This time will be different! I'm sure the Game Show Host who kept a copy of Hitler's speeches next to his bed will do just fine. No, really.

You are just whining that the Democrats can't hack middle America and therefore need to drown out their votes by having the high population areas on the East and West count be the only votes that count.

Sorry that's now how it works. We are a country of sovereign states, NOT mob rule. Each state gets a voice, and you Democrats want to end that because you know your radical leftist policies are a loser for most of America.

So, Let me sum all your blather up in one picture:


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