The Electoral College is as outdated as the 2nd Amendment

Thankfully, we have several 2020 Democratic presidential candidates who endorse abolishing the Electoral College.
Presidents should be elected based on national popular votes - not electoral votes based on acreage and just rubber-stamped by partisans!

Popular vote - not acres!


In each state, whichever party garners a majority of popular votes, regardless of how narrow the margin, wins all the electoral votes. By forcing residents in each state ultimately to vote as a block, the system is supposed to ensure that small states' interests are not drowned out by those of larger states.

U.S. Electoral Vote Map
If you dont like the constitution then move meat head
Presidents should be elected based on national popular votes - not electoral votes based on acreage and just rubber-stamped by partisans!

Popular vote - not acres!


In each state, whichever party garners a majority of popular votes, regardless of how narrow the margin, wins all the electoral votes. By forcing residents in each state ultimately to vote as a block, the system is supposed to ensure that small states' interests are not drowned out by those of larger states.

U.S. Electoral Vote Map
If you dont like the constitution then move meat head

He's from here. You whites aren't. Adopt the constitution of his nation.

Or take your white ass back to Europe.
Everyone knows there is more illiteracy in cities and blue states. So why should we allow these nincompoops, many non citizens, to elect our President? Our founding fathers were wise beyond their years
Presidents should be elected based on national popular votes - not electoral votes based on acreage and just rubber-stamped by partisans!

Popular vote - not acres!


In each state, whichever party garners a majority of popular votes, regardless of how narrow the margin, wins all the electoral votes. By forcing residents in each state ultimately to vote as a block, the system is supposed to ensure that small states' interests are not drowned out by those of larger states.

U.S. Electoral Vote Map
Washington redskin,
Stay out of the fucking fire water
Presidents should be elected based on national popular votes - not electoral votes based on acreage and just rubber-stamped by partisans!

Popular vote - not acres!


In each state, whichever party garners a majority of popular votes, regardless of how narrow the margin, wins all the electoral votes. By forcing residents in each state ultimately to vote as a block, the system is supposed to ensure that small states' interests are not drowned out by those of larger states.

U.S. Electoral Vote Map
If you dont like the constitution then move meat head

He's from here. You whites aren't. Adopt the constitution of his nation.

Or take your white ass back to Europe.
Much of that constitution was derived from British origins. The British Rule of Law and The Magna Carta. No other thoughts or documents exist on this issue. And even with that and the Constitution people could still be treated badly. And they were all over the world. If you believe that Progressive Socialists are following the Constitution then you are the fool. The Constitution says nothing about the type of economic system we have. It does promote freedom and it was explicit about what real money is. Whatever your opinion of the Electoral College is, it is designed to give us a time to think what we are doing politically. If it is meant for Progressive Socialists to rule, then it will be at a later date and not immedietly. There are massive economic contortions going on as we have a high tax federal government with many high tax states, high tax local areas, high tax regional areas and high tax cities. Social Security when fixed in the 1980's was supposed to last until the mid 2070's. It may not last another decade. And the bill is coming due soon enough just for that.
For those who give a shit - the wording of the 2nd Amendment is confusing.

Confusion: The wording of the Second Amendment

I notice that you are too ignorant to realize that a couple of human beings co sponsored the Second Amendment way back in 1788-89, do you know what they said about it?

Hint: It is in The Federalist, oh sorry you didn't know such a book existed...….., I have a copy in my book library along with a few other books about Gun rights over the years, and what the Founding Fathers had to say about it.

The Federalist? I thought we were governed by the Constitution - not the opinions or intentions of prior writings. BTW, what does The Federalist say about the 2nd Amendment and bearing arms?

Wow, oh wow, your ignorance is palpable.

I told you there were two people who sponsored the second amendment in 1789, one of the sponsors wrote about it in The Federalist, explaining what that amendment is about. Too bad you are too lazy to look it up, which would if you are honest and open minded, would learn that you and many others are so very wrong.

The Amendment was written for US, the people, not for the government. Maybe this LINK will help you wake up but I doubt it since you are very ignorant of the background and the views of the founding fathers on the Second Amendment.

I noticed you IGNORED post 176.

Thankfully, we have several 2020 Democratic presidential candidates who endorse abolishing the Electoral College.
Of course they do. They want to abolish the entire constitution and put in their communist version.

I'm glad we stole this land from the useless savages. The world is a better place because of it.


Presidents should be elected based on national popular votes - not electoral votes based on acreage and just rubber-stamped by partisans!

Popular vote - not acres!


In each state, whichever party garners a majority of popular votes, regardless of how narrow the margin, wins all the electoral votes. By forcing residents in each state ultimately to vote as a block, the system is supposed to ensure that small states' interests are not drowned out by those of larger states.

U.S. Electoral Vote Map
If you dont like the constitution then move meat head

He's from here. You whites aren't. Adopt the constitution of his nation.

Or take your white ass back to Europe.

What nation is that, history illiterate?
After we have nationwide voter ID, boot 20 million illegal aliens, secure the border, stop all other forms of Dem vote fraud, end income tax withholding and hold all elections the day after taxes are due in one lump sum....
then we can discuss using the popular vote.

Even if we achieve all that, the Electoral College will remain the way the President is elected. Only a Constitutional amendment can change it.

Even if we achieve all that, the Electoral College will remain the way the President is elected.

I know, but after my ideas are implemented, Dems will never win the White House again and they'd be lucky to get 25% of the House and Senate.

Can anyone name a country which elects its executive or head of stare by popular vote? I think one or two do. But it’s rare. Maybe that paradise Mexico?
I'm just trying to help prevent you radical NaziCon gun nuts from ruining it for the rest of us who support reasonable gun control legislation and strict enforcement.

Your ignorance and stupidity was too much for me to stay quiet.

Up to 1967, it was legal to sell and ship guns through the mail, no background check existed then. No mass shooting sprees in schools, stores or other public places happened, with the exception of the 1966 tower shooter, who unfortunately was a trained sniper, who had a big tumor in his head.

Up into the 1960's, it was legal to carry rifles in the vehicle, even in plain sight in some areas, No mass shootings happened at all except the occasional mob killings. The murder rate PEAKED way back in the early 1980's, has not been close since the 1990's when concealed carry became legal in many states, it is now around 50% LOWER than the early 80's.



America leads the world in number of guns per capita (by far), yet NOT in the top 50 murder rate per capita. Despite the massive increase in Concealed Carry permits, the crime rate went DOWN after 1990, when most of the states were allowing Concealed Carry.

Despite DOUBLING the number of fire arms in the last 30 years, coupled with massive increase in legal carrying guns around on the street, concealed the Crime rate went down and stayed down.

You are at odds with the second amendment, with the co sponsors of the second amendment, and with many democrats who in the classic liberal days also revered the second amendment, such as Hubert Humphrey, Scoop Jackson, and JFK.

If you bothered to pay attention to demographics of the shooters, you would have noticed they ALL had something in common, they were mentally ill and/or on behavioral drugs. Those are the people who have done these mass shootings the last 3-4 decades, thus laws will not stop them, but vigilance, drug rebalilitation and take guns out of mentally ill people can make a big difference.
Those were the people who, until about the same time you cite, would have been committed and confined to asylums. Now, we allow the insane to run rampant among us. Ah, but it is a kinder, gentler society...except for the victims of the insane.
The Electoral College is as outdated as the 2nd Amendment

This coming from the Socialists who say the 1st Amendment is out-dated, too, and needs to go away / be changed.

Presidents should be elected based on national popular votes - not electoral votes based on acreage and just rubber-stamped by partisans!

Popular vote - not acres!


In each state, whichever party garners a majority of popular votes, regardless of how narrow the margin, wins all the electoral votes. By forcing residents in each state ultimately to vote as a block, the system is supposed to ensure that small states' interests are not drowned out by those of larger states.

U.S. Electoral Vote Map
A referendum would definitely abolish the EC....till then there will be times where the crazy minority governs and sink the US.
Presidents should be elected based on national popular votes - not electoral votes based on acreage and just rubber-stamped by partisans!

Popular vote - not acres!


In each state, whichever party garners a majority of popular votes, regardless of how narrow the margin, wins all the electoral votes. By forcing residents in each state ultimately to vote as a block, the system is supposed to ensure that small states' interests are not drowned out by those of larger states.

U.S. Electoral Vote Map
A referendum would definitely abolish the EC....till then there will be times where the crazy minority governs and sink the US.

All that needs to be done is change the Constitution which is 2/3 votes in each houses of government and then 3/4 of the states would then need to ratify the amendment.

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