The Electoral College is as outdated as the 2nd Amendment



Yeah, I've seen similar movies.


except we dont chop of heads and blow people up shit head.
NaziCon Scalia said it pretty well - but he didn't go far enough.

From the 2008 DC v. Heller ruling, written by Scalia, and one of the very few Supreme Court cases to touch on the Second Amendment at all:

"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms."

Remember: Written by Scalia, i.e., not one of those liberal judicial activists you hear so much about.

More: And Now a Thought From Justice Scalia
NaziCon Scalia said it pretty well - but he didn't go far enough.

From the 2008 DC v. Heller ruling, written by Scalia, and one of the very few Supreme Court cases to touch on the Second Amendment at all:

"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms."

Remember: Written by Scalia, i.e., not one of those liberal judicial activists you hear so much about.

More: And Now a Thought From Justice Scalia

Scalia a Nazi? Hmmm. It's YOU that want guns taken away from civilians. That makes YOU the nazi, dipshit.

This is the world you seem to desire....


After what Native Americans have been through, I can't imagine that you would think that. Nope, I just want an updated 2nd Amendment and reasonable gun control laws. I don't fear for a need to have heavy weaponry to protect me from the government. I can't fight professional soldiers armed with machine guns, tanks, fighter jets/bombers, and chemical weapons.
NaziCon Scalia said it pretty well - but he didn't go far enough.

From the 2008 DC v. Heller ruling, written by Scalia, and one of the very few Supreme Court cases to touch on the Second Amendment at all:

"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms."

Remember: Written by Scalia, i.e., not one of those liberal judicial activists you hear so much about.

More: And Now a Thought From Justice Scalia

Scalia a Nazi? Hmmm. It's YOU that want guns taken away from civilians. That makes YOU the nazi, dipshit.

How much do you know about Scalia?

Scalia’s Fascist Roots Run Deep
I guess you wish the 2nd Amendment should say 'The Right To Bear Bows And Arrows'.

Not necessary - but as written it should only apply to weapons in existence at the time it was ratified.


And not [Lakhota] like this...

So, the, does the First Amendment cover your right to express yourself on an internet-based forum such as this, based on technology that is far beyond anything that the authors of the Constitution could have possibly imagined? Or is it limited to protecting your right only to express yourself in a speech standing on a soapbox in the public square, or published with an old hand-operated printing press using movable type that had to be laboriously set by hand?

Trying to live modern life according to the Constitution is much like trying to live modern life according to the Bible. Both are subject to vast interpretation.

Only to those who refuse to acknowledge the clear meaning that is explicitly written into it; and who are desperate to “interpret” it far away from that meaning and from the intent of its authors.
For those who give a shit - the wording of the 2nd Amendment is confusing.

Confusion: The wording of the Second Amendment

Again, only to those who refuse to acknowledge the clear meaning in it.

It's very simple. It states a purpose, enumerates a right, identifies this right as belonging to the people, and forbids government from touching this right.

It is only “confusing” to those who do not wish to see the right upheld which it affirms; and who want government to illegally violate that right. It is only “confusing” to tyrants and criminals, and to those who openly take the side of tyrants and criminal against that of law-abiding citizens.
I don't think many Liberals know what the procedure is to change an Amendment. If they did they wouldn't harp on it all the live long day. Or even bring it up.

The libs know they don't have the votes to change it, hence they try to undermine the Constitution via mob rule public opinion, unconstitutional laws and restrictions, activist judges, lying, pretty much any other means.
So, thanks to the founders' lack of foresight - we're going to get fucked tomorrow!


(Chokes on Twinkie)

You're accusing people who founded a country, which has gone 240 years without dissolution, of having a lack of foresight? The third iteration of King George would have been proud of you.
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Presidents should be elected based on national popular votes - not electoral votes based on acreage and just rubber-stamped by partisans!

Popular vote - not acres!


In each state, whichever party garners a majority of popular votes, regardless of how narrow the margin, wins all the electoral votes. By forcing residents in each state ultimately to vote as a block, the system is supposed to ensure that small states' interests are not drowned out by those of larger states.

U.S. Electoral Vote Map

So the people in other states should just shut up and do what California tells them to?

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California only has 55 electoral votes. However, all states should just shut the fuck up when someone wins the national popular vote!

There goes the 10th Amendment.
Presidents should be elected based on national popular votes - not electoral votes based on acreage and just rubber-stamped by partisans!

Popular vote - not acres!


In each state, whichever party garners a majority of popular votes, regardless of how narrow the margin, wins all the electoral votes. By forcing residents in each state ultimately to vote as a block, the system is supposed to ensure that small states' interests are not drowned out by those of larger states.

U.S. Electoral Vote Map

Blah, blah, blah, the stupid twat lost and lost big. It would have been the same no matter how the game was played. The liberal agenda was resoundingly rejected and will be over and over again.
Presidents should be elected based on national popular votes - not electoral votes based on acreage and just rubber-stamped by partisans!

Popular vote - not acres!


In each state, whichever party garners a majority of popular votes, regardless of how narrow the margin, wins all the electoral votes. By forcing residents in each state ultimately to vote as a block, the system is supposed to ensure that small states' interests are not drowned out by those of larger states.

U.S. Electoral Vote Map
Lakhota, under a Trump tyranny, the 2nd amendment is more important than ever. If he decides to come for you, your best bet is to be armed.

I am.

With what?
The Electoral College is as outdated as the 2nd Amendment

Anyone who says stupid shit like this doesn't understand what it is, doesn't understand why it was created, and doesn't understand that it just successfully accomplished what it was brilliantly intended to do.

'Hillary lost' is not a good enough reason to scrap the Electoral College, silly Liberals.
Presidents should be elected based on national popular votes - not electoral votes based on acreage and just rubber-stamped by partisans!

Popular vote - not acres!


In each state, whichever party garners a majority of popular votes, regardless of how narrow the margin, wins all the electoral votes. By forcing residents in each state ultimately to vote as a block, the system is supposed to ensure that small states' interests are not drowned out by those of larger states.

U.S. Electoral Vote Map

So the people in other states should just shut up and do what California tells them to?

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California only has 55 electoral votes. However, all states should just shut the fuck up when someone wins the national popular vote!

That's right, California has 55 electoral votes. But your proposal would give all the power to three or four states. Where a majority of people vote the way you want.

There is a problem with this. When any contest is held, there are rules laid out ahead of time. Nobody goes to a baseball game and waits until the end of the game to decide by what standard someone won. You don't enter a marathon and wait until the guy you want is in the lead before deciding he's run enough and is the winner.

Everyone knew going into this election how the winner would be decided. I like most people thought it would be Hillary. I am very happy I was wrong, since Hillary is an abominable candidate. I'm also happy to say that I voted against Hillary twice this election.

Now, here is the rub. Everyone knew the rules going in, that the person who got 270 electoral votes, won. Everyone knew that it would be possible to get that and the popular vote might not go that way. The "nightmare" scenario for Democrats was that Hillary would win the Electoral vote, but that Trump could win the popular vote. If that had happened, I'd be here typing much the same thing with the names swapped around. Oh I'd be sad that Hillary won, because she is an incompetent ass.

The nightmare scenario was actually reversed. Trump won the electoral vote, and Hillary won the popular vote. Hillary would be the winner if the game was decided by that, but at this point it's like screaming your team won the baseball game because they got more base hits. The game is decided by people making it to home plate, not first base.

Hillary ignored flyover country. She didn't learn anything in 2008. She approached this election like it was a coronation, not a nomination. We owed it to her, and so far all the narratives have fallen by the wayside.

The idea that it was Racists who elected Trump went by the wayside when a third of minorities voted for Trump was dropped. The idea that uneducated men voted for Trump was shot down when 54% of college educated men voted for Trump. So now we're left with the last two straws grasped by the Hillary People who don't want to admit reality. Now all of a sudden the Popular vote matters. Bah. The last one, that Russia hacked the election.

No one is claiming the emails were faked. So it isn't like the Dan Rather debacle. All we're left with is that the arrogance many of us saw in the campaign was in fact much much worse. The disdain that the Democrats viewed the people with was astonishing. Then there is the DNC emails, which show a disturbing level of manipulation in the primary. Those of us who were Bernie supporters already knew it of course, and that's why many of us voted for Trump. Besides, Trump was closer to Bernie on a few key issues, like Trade.

Now, if you want the Popular vote to be the way we decide the election, here is what you do. Get congress to pass a Constitutional Amendment. That is actually the most likely of the steps to come about. Because your next step is nearly impossible. Convince two thirds of the states to make themselves irrelevant by ratifying the amendment.

Now, if you want to win the next election here is what you do. Don't select the candidate at the party level before the first primary. Don't cheat during the primary to help your selected candidate. Oh, and this is the biggie. Don't ignore the people who put you into office.

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