The Elusive Solution To 'Poverty'

Isn't it interesting that the ones who most stress the need for ending government assistance are usually those who need it the least, and have had the least exposure to poverty?

Out of the woodwork, another dope who accepts the big government fabrications about 'poverty.'

Too bad you didn't read the whole might have recognized that you can't dispute any of it....

..and avoided embarrassing yourself.

So, did government create the rampant poverty that was the great depression, or was that all Wall street and big business?

So you're imagining government ameliorated the depression???

1. In 1935, the Brookings Institution (left-leaning) delivered a 900-page report on the New Deal and the National Recovery Administration, concluding that “ on the whole it retarded recovery.”

2. Here is an interesting visual: imagine a triple line of the unemployed, three across, consisting of those unemployed under Hoover, in 1931. The line would have gone from Los Angeles, across the country, to the border of Maine.

What effect did Roosevelt have on the line?

Well, eight years later, in 1939, the length of the line would have gone further, from the Maine border, south to Boston, then on to New York City, then to Philadelphia, on to Washington, D.C.- and finally, into Virginia.
Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal"

Check it out at the US Bureau of the Census, 'Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970, I-126 and Unemployment Statistics during the Great Depression

Pick up a book ....
...don't be afraid of 'libraries.'
Deuteronomy 15:11
For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.’

'nuff said

Good advice, you should start doing that instead of copping out and expecting government to do it
Isn't it interesting that the ones who most stress the need for ending government assistance are usually those who need it the least, and have had the least exposure to poverty?

Out of the woodwork, another dope who accepts the big government fabrications about 'poverty.'

Too bad you didn't read the whole might have recognized that you can't dispute any of it....

..and avoided embarrassing yourself.

So, did government create the rampant poverty that was the great depression, or was that all Wall street and big business?

Government screwed business and that screwed the workers
100 years ago (before the scientific method was consistently applied to medicine) almost everyone had multiple siblings who had died prematurely.

Yet today we do not consider preventable premature death acceptable...

100 years ago (before the scientific method was consistently applied to medicine) almost everyone had multiple siblings who had died prematurely.

Yet today we do not consider preventable premature death acceptable...


Isn't it interesting that the ones who most stress the need for ending government assistance are usually those who need it the least, and have had the least exposure to poverty?

Out of the woodwork, another dope who accepts the big government fabrications about 'poverty.'

Too bad you didn't read the whole might have recognized that you can't dispute any of it....

..and avoided embarrassing yourself.

So, did government create the rampant poverty that was the great depression, or was that all Wall street and big business?

So you're imagining government ameliorated the depression???

1. In 1935, the Brookings Institution (left-leaning) delivered a 900-page report on the New Deal and the National Recovery Administration, concluding that “ on the whole it retarded recovery.”

Two things:

1) If you are going to post links, make sure they work before you post them; and
2) The Brookings Institution is an American centrist think tank.

Now I fully understand that anything left of you is regarded by you to be "left-leaning" but the fact is that world doesn't actually revolve around you.

pc said:
2. Here is an interesting visual: imagine a triple line of the unemployed, three across, consisting of those unemployed under Hoover, in 1931. The line would have gone from Los Angeles, across the country, to the border of Maine.

What effect did Roosevelt have on the line?

Well, eight years later, in 1939, the length of the line would have gone further, from the Maine border, south to Boston, then on to New York City, then to Philadelphia, on to Washington, D.C.- and finally, into Virginia.
Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal"

Check it out at the US Bureau of the Census, 'Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970, I-126 and Unemployment Statistics during the Great Depression

Pick up a book ....
...don't be afraid of 'libraries.'

So you managed to waste another post not actually answering a question put to you. Please go back and answer my question.
Isn't it interesting that the ones who most stress the need for ending government assistance are usually those who need it the least, and have had the least exposure to poverty?

Out of the woodwork, another dope who accepts the big government fabrications about 'poverty.'

Too bad you didn't read the whole might have recognized that you can't dispute any of it....

..and avoided embarrassing yourself.

So, did government create the rampant poverty that was the great depression, or was that all Wall street and big business?

Government screwed business and that screwed the workers

How? By NOT regulating it? Yeah, you are right. But then, the right were in control of the government at the time. next.
Isn't it interesting that the ones who most stress the need for ending government assistance are usually those who need it the least, and have had the least exposure to poverty?

Out of the woodwork, another dope who accepts the big government fabrications about 'poverty.'

Too bad you didn't read the whole might have recognized that you can't dispute any of it....

..and avoided embarrassing yourself.

So, did government create the rampant poverty that was the great depression, or was that all Wall street and big business?

So you're imagining government ameliorated the depression???

1. In 1935, the Brookings Institution (left-leaning) delivered a 900-page report on the New Deal and the National Recovery Administration, concluding that “ on the whole it retarded recovery.”

Two things:

1) If you are going to post links, make sure they work before you post them; and
2) The Brookings Institution is an American centrist think tank.

Now I fully understand that anything left of you is regarded by you to be "left-leaning" but the fact is that world doesn't actually revolve around you.

pc said:
2. Here is an interesting visual: imagine a triple line of the unemployed, three across, consisting of those unemployed under Hoover, in 1931. The line would have gone from Los Angeles, across the country, to the border of Maine.

What effect did Roosevelt have on the line?

Well, eight years later, in 1939, the length of the line would have gone further, from the Maine border, south to Boston, then on to New York City, then to Philadelphia, on to Washington, D.C.- and finally, into Virginia.
Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal"

Check it out at the US Bureau of the Census, 'Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970, I-126 and Unemployment Statistics during the Great Depression

Pick up a book ....
...don't be afraid of 'libraries.'

So you managed to waste another post not actually answering a question put to you. Please go back and answer my question.

PolitiFact, in an August, 2009 story, spoke to a range of experts from the left-leaning Brookings Institute to the conservative Heritage Foundation, who said they found Kronick’s results credible.
Do people without health insurance die sooner PolitiFact Virginia

That 1 percent increase in domestic spending represents an ongoing problem, according to former Congress member and budget analyst Bill Frenzel of the left-leaning Brookings Institute.

For Washington Insiders, the coming together of the left leaning Brookings Institute and the right leaning Heritage Foundation to discuss an issue, any issue, over the course of a year registers as something like a minor miracle.

As the left-leaning Brookings Institute pointed out in March, Ohio is important because President Obama Can’t Win the 2012 Election Without It. Not because of the Buckeye state’s 20 electoral votes, but because

...Government is not a right-wing activist group. Its board includes two representatives from the left-leaning BrookingsInstitute and one from Harvard University. Clinton himself is an honorary co-chair. Add to that a study by Media Research...

MEDIA The spinsters

"Looking at the (liberal) Brookings Institute figures actually makes the situation look quite good, by historical standards. " Government/1100 readings.htm
The Brookings Institute (Left Leaning)
The American Enterprise Institute (Right Leaning
The Heritage Foundation (Right Leaning)
The Hoover Institution (Right Leaning)
The Manhattan Institute (Libertarian)
The Mercatus Center (Right leaning)
The Progressive Policy Institute(Left leaning)
Cato Institute (Libertarian)

The left-leaning Brookings Institute hinted as much in a Sept. 2003 article, "Work and Marriage: The Way to End Poverty and Welfare. Institute for Policy Studies (Left Leaning)
IRmep Brooking on the Absurd

The Brookings Institute is often cited as a Democratic counterpart to right-wing think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. Many Democrats,

Brookings Institute The liberal Brookings Institute is one of the leading Washington DC think-tanks covering South Asia. Professor Steve Cohen is their South Asia specialist.

In your face, boyyyyeeeeee.

So....the world does actually revolve around me?
100 years ago (before the scientific method was consistently applied to medicine) almost everyone had multiple siblings who had died prematurely.

Yet today we do not consider preventable premature death acceptable...


And yet the U.S. has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the industrialized world.
Isn't it interesting that the ones who most stress the need for ending government assistance are usually those who need it the least, and have had the least exposure to poverty?

Out of the woodwork, another dope who accepts the big government fabrications about 'poverty.'

Too bad you didn't read the whole might have recognized that you can't dispute any of it....

..and avoided embarrassing yourself.

So, did government create the rampant poverty that was the great depression, or was that all Wall street and big business?

So you're imagining government ameliorated the depression???

1. In 1935, the Brookings Institution (left-leaning) delivered a 900-page report on the New Deal and the National Recovery Administration, concluding that “ on the whole it retarded recovery.”

Two things:

1) If you are going to post links, make sure they work before you post them; and
2) The Brookings Institution is an American centrist think tank.

Now I fully understand that anything left of you is regarded by you to be "left-leaning" but the fact is that world doesn't actually revolve around you.

pc said:
2. Here is an interesting visual: imagine a triple line of the unemployed, three across, consisting of those unemployed under Hoover, in 1931. The line would have gone from Los Angeles, across the country, to the border of Maine.

What effect did Roosevelt have on the line?

Well, eight years later, in 1939, the length of the line would have gone further, from the Maine border, south to Boston, then on to New York City, then to Philadelphia, on to Washington, D.C.- and finally, into Virginia.
Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal"

Check it out at the US Bureau of the Census, 'Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970, I-126 and Unemployment Statistics during the Great Depression

Pick up a book ....
...don't be afraid of 'libraries.'

So you managed to waste another post not actually answering a question put to you. Please go back and answer my question.

PolitiFact, in an August, 2009 story, spoke to a range of experts from the left-leaning Brookings Institute to the conservative Heritage Foundation, who said they found Kronick’s results credible.
Do people without health insurance die sooner PolitiFact Virginia

That 1 percent increase in domestic spending represents an ongoing problem, according to former Congress member and budget analyst Bill Frenzel of the left-leaning Brookings Institute.

For Washington Insiders, the coming together of the left leaning Brookings Institute and the right leaning Heritage Foundation to discuss an issue, any issue, over the course of a year registers as something like a minor miracle.

As the left-leaning Brookings Institute pointed out in March, Ohio is important because President Obama Can’t Win the 2012 Election Without It. Not because of the Buckeye state’s 20 electoral votes, but because

...Government is not a right-wing activist group. Its board includes two representatives from the left-leaning BrookingsInstitute and one from Harvard University. Clinton himself is an honorary co-chair. Add to that a study by Media Research...

MEDIA The spinsters

"Looking at the (liberal) Brookings Institute figures actually makes the situation look quite good, by historical standards. " Government/1100 readings.htm
The Brookings Institute (Left Leaning)
The American Enterprise Institute (Right Leaning
The Heritage Foundation (Right Leaning)
The Hoover Institution (Right Leaning)
The Manhattan Institute (Libertarian)
The Mercatus Center (Right leaning)
The Progressive Policy Institute(Left leaning)
Cato Institute (Libertarian)

The left-leaning Brookings Institute hinted as much in a Sept. 2003 article, "Work and Marriage: The Way to End Poverty and Welfare. Institute for Policy Studies (Left Leaning)
IRmep Brooking on the Absurd

The Brookings Institute is often cited as a Democratic counterpart to right-wing think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. Many Democrats,

Brookings Institute The liberal Brookings Institute is one of the leading Washington DC think-tanks covering South Asia. Professor Steve Cohen is their South Asia specialist.

In your face, boyyyyeeeeee.

So....the world does actually revolve around me?

Apparently so, because you still have not responded to my question.
100 years ago (before the scientific method was consistently applied to medicine) almost everyone had multiple siblings who had died prematurely.

Yet today we do not consider preventable premature death acceptable...


And yet the U.S. has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the industrialized world.

Why are there always uneducated Liberal fools out to slander the United States???


There are a variety of ways that infant mortality statistics are measured.
While 40% of America’s infant mortality rate is due to reporting of infants who die on the day of their birth, many countries don’t register such deaths at all. Other countries require specific size (Switzerland, 30 cm) and weights (Austria and Germany, 500 gms) to be listed as having been born.

Rarely reported in comparing infant mortality rates is the negative effect of “very pre-term” babies, whose death rate is far higher than full term. When comparing the US infant mortality rate to such category-stars as in this NYTimes report of 11/4/09:

“If the United States could match Sweden’s prematurity rate, the new report said, “nearly 8,000 infant deaths would be averted each year, and the U.S. infant mortality rate would be one-third lower.”

We find the usual anti-US slant of the Times, in not mentioning that race is the reason:

“The use of this example highlights to disingenuousness of the authors. In their supposedly “detailed” report on infant mortality, they fail to analyze the most important detail: race. Unfortunately, African descent is a major risk factor for prematurity, and prematurity is a major cause of infant mortality. Therefore, it is hardly surprising that the US has a higher infant mortality rate than Sweden. The US has the highest proportion of women of African descent of any first world country. Sweden, of course, has virtually none. So our higher rate of infant mortality does not reflect poor medical care. It reflects factors beyond the control of doctors. Race is an uncontrollable factor; obstetricians and pediatricians have no control over assisted reproductive techniques. In fact, the data actually show obstetricians and pediatricians do a remarkable job of ensuring infant health.”

One factor contributing to the U.S.'s infant mortality rate is that blacks have intractably high infant mortality rates -- irrespective of age, education, socioeconomic status and so on. No one knows why.

Neither medical care nor discrimination can explain it: Hispanics in the U.S. have lower infant mortality rates than either blacks or whites. Give Switzerland or Japan our ethnically diverse population and see how they stack up on infant mortality rates.
A Statistical Analysis of Maritime Unemployment Rates 1946-1948. Just Kidding More Liberal Lies About National Healthcare Human Events

I suspect that, even if you had an education, you'd still hate America.
Liberals hate capitalism because it does not aim for material equality....
My definition of home, no heat, no food....supported in the following:

10."In a sense, it is true that capitalism breeds poverty, insofar as 'poverty' is a relative term and in a society with any income inequalities some will be classified as 'poor.'
But these relative measures of poverty are not particularly useful..... It seems best to insist on an absolute standard of poverty, difficult as it may be to identify. This concept has the virtue of recognizing that capitalism, a system which allows for inequality, has produced more material wealth and eradicated more disease, death, and famine than any other economic order.....

... it rids us of the idea that socialism could ever be a solution to poverty, as that would require a global government ....

a. ...under an absolute definition of poverty, the government could no longer provide a guaranteed income to people making under a certain percentage of the median income, but would be limited to providing for a demonstrated need for food, clothing, or shelter."
The Yale Free Press

But capitalism doesn't cause more poverty: Liberal 'welfare policy' does.

That's been proven.

So big government pretends there is poverty, and makes certain that the definition constantly changes to encompass more and more individuals.

Bet you don't know how the government-created definition of "poverty" originated.
Isn't it interesting that the ones who most stress the need for ending government assistance are usually those who need it the least, and have had the least exposure to poverty?

Out of the woodwork, another dope who accepts the big government fabrications about 'poverty.'

Too bad you didn't read the whole might have recognized that you can't dispute any of it....

..and avoided embarrassing yourself.

So, did government create the rampant poverty that was the great depression, or was that all Wall street and big business?

Government screwed business and that screwed the workers

How? By NOT regulating it? Yeah, you are right. But then, the right were in control of the government at the time. next.

You think government was not regulating in the 20s and 30s? Seriously?
100 years ago (before the scientific method was consistently applied to medicine) almost everyone had multiple siblings who had died prematurely.

Yet today we do not consider preventable premature death acceptable...


And yet the U.S. has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the industrialized world.

That stat is classically skewed by a lot of countries that don't count all infant deaths, you didn't know that?
But big government has no intention of reducing the numbers referred to as 'poor'....

Now...about that 'Elusive Solution to poverty'......

9."The vast majority of current programs are focused on making poverty more comfortable—giving poor people more food, better shelter,health care, and so forth—rather than giving people the tools that will help them escape poverty.

And we actually have a pretty solid idea of the keys to getting out of and staying out of poverty:

(1) finish school;

(2) do not get pregnant outside marriage; and

(3) get a job, any job, and stick with it.

. ...we can add one more important stepping stone onthe road out of poverty—

(4)savings and the accumulation of wealth.... “for the vast majority of households,
thepathway out of poverty is not throughconsumption, but through saving and accumulation.”
Michael Sherraden, Assets and the Poor: A New American Welfare Policy (Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1991)." Scribd

So.....if the solution to poverty is as clear...and as well known....why is it that hardly a dent has been made in 'poverty' in half a century an $15 trilllion?

Because the scam still works.
That's why.
The problem with Republicans is their solution is.......Get a job

The fact that all the jobs have left the areas where the poor are congregated is met with

Not my problem
But big government has no intention of reducing the numbers referred to as 'poor'....

Now...about that 'Elusive Solution to poverty'......

9."The vast majority of current programs are focused on making poverty more comfortable—giving poor people more food, better shelter,health care, and so forth—rather than giving people the tools that will help them escape poverty.

And we actually have a pretty solid idea of the keys to getting out of and staying out of poverty:

(1) finish school;

(2) do not get pregnant outside marriage; and

(3) get a job, any job, and stick with it.

. ...we can add one more important stepping stone onthe road out of poverty—

(4)savings and the accumulation of wealth.... “for the vast majority of households,
thepathway out of poverty is not throughconsumption, but through saving and accumulation.”
Michael Sherraden, Assets and the Poor: A New American Welfare Policy (Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1991)." Scribd

So.....if the solution to poverty is as clear...and as well known....why is it that hardly a dent has been made in 'poverty' in half a century an $15 trilllion?

Because the scam still works.
That's why.
The problem with Republicans is their solution is.......Get a job

The fact that all the jobs have left the areas where the poor are congregated is met with

Not my problem

Why, you don't want a job?
Isn't it interesting that the ones who most stress the need for ending government assistance are usually those who need it the least, and have had the least exposure to poverty?

Out of the woodwork, another dope who accepts the big government fabrications about 'poverty.'

Too bad you didn't read the whole might have recognized that you can't dispute any of it....

..and avoided embarrassing yourself.

So, did government create the rampant poverty that was the great depression, or was that all Wall street and big business?

Government screwed business and that screwed the workers

How? By NOT regulating it? Yeah, you are right. But then, the right were in control of the government at the time. next.

You think government was not regulating in the 20s and 30s? Seriously?

The stock market was mostly unregulated. yes.
100 years ago (before the scientific method was consistently applied to medicine) almost everyone had multiple siblings who had died prematurely.

Yet today we do not consider preventable premature death acceptable...


And yet the U.S. has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the industrialized world.

That stat is classically skewed by a lot of countries that don't count all infant deaths, you didn't know that?

And yet our infant mortality rate is still unacceptably high. Or are you okay with it where it is?
Out of the woodwork, another dope who accepts the big government fabrications about 'poverty.'

Too bad you didn't read the whole might have recognized that you can't dispute any of it....

..and avoided embarrassing yourself.

So, did government create the rampant poverty that was the great depression, or was that all Wall street and big business?

Government screwed business and that screwed the workers

How? By NOT regulating it? Yeah, you are right. But then, the right were in control of the government at the time. next.

You think government was not regulating in the 20s and 30s? Seriously?

The stock market was mostly unregulated. yes.

The stock market simply reflected the reality of what government was doing to free trade and business at that point. It was a reflection, not the cause.

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