The Emperor Has No Clothes

Fucking Guno, such a total Sorosazi retard.

Trump said what he would do, and is doing what he said.

Tough times for Stalinists like Guno5000...
Another tard comes forward! Awesome.

The delusioin is strong in this one.

Trump did what he said he would do. O'rly?

On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country.

Healthcare Reform

The Emperor has no clothes.

Seven years of repeals, jerking off the rubes. silent.

Biggest. Hoax. Ever.

Yo, stupidfuck.

Trump signs sweeping order that could gut Obamacare

You're sure fucking stupid, Guno - but at least your are filled with hate and rage. Soros loves you for it.

Onward Sorosazis, promoting the 5th Reich on behalf of your Fuhrer!
Find an article that isn't outdated.
The truth is "hate speech" in the minds of the pseudocons. :lol:

Thanks Mr. Sorosazi. You democrats sure did a great job crushing freedom of speech with your riots at Berkley. That'll teach the "subhuman conservative" that civil rights will not be tolerated by you of the left. :thup:

Adolf Soros, Fuhrer of the DNC loves each everyone of you mindless thugs. :eusa_whistle:
What does this have to do with Berkeley? Is this your way of admitting you are getting your ass kicked in this topic and need to divert?

By the way, I'm all for letting Milo speak at that college, retard. The hippies are totally in the wrong.

Now you have confirmed the "liars" portion of my post above. Do keep going. You're almost at the "psychopaths" benchmark.

That is not a repeal of ObamaCare, retard. Nor is it a replacement.

Man, I can't believe you are actually going out of your way to prove me right! Thanks!


It is the start of it, you lying pile of shit.

You fucking Sorosazis have no credibility with anyone

Hate filled, lying shit sacks just looking for the next car to burn or little girl to assault.
60 repeals of ObamaCare in 7 years. repeal. Caught with their pants down.

Biggest. Hoax. Ever.
Fucking Guno, such a total Sorosazi retard.

Trump said what he would do, and is doing what he said.

Tough times for Stalinists like Guno5000...
Another tard comes forward! Awesome.

The delusioin is strong in this one.

Trump did what he said he would do. O'rly?

On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country.

Healthcare Reform

The Emperor has no clothes.

Seven years of repeals, jerking off the rubes. silent.

Biggest. Hoax. Ever.

Yo, stupidfuck.

Trump signs sweeping order that could gut Obamacare

You're sure fucking stupid, Guno - but at least your are filled with hate and rage. Soros loves you for it.

Onward Sorosazis, promoting the 5th Reich on behalf of your Fuhrer!
Find an article that isn't outdated.

So your retort is NUHM UNH?

Brilliant response, little Sorosazi.

You fucking thugs will exclude yourself from power for decades, and you're far too stupid to grasp it.

Petulant little children engaging in violence as you throw your public temper tantrums.

"BUH BUH THERE ARE A MILLION OF US!" Yo stupid fuck, there are 339 million others who see your hate, lies, and violence.
Day one Trump ordered Congress to start repealing. He met that campaign promise as far as I'm concerned.
So what's Trump's plan to lower health care costs?

Nothing. That's what.

But it isn't like he's had SEVEN YEARS to put a plan on the table. ;)

I think he was planning on copping credit for the GOP plan which he assumed they must have had after whining about ObamaCare all this time. And after all those repeals they passed.

It makes total sense Trump felt completely safe making a Day One Repeal promise. After all, the GOP had already done it 60+ times!

Biggest. Hoax. Ever.
Time's a'wasting, boys. When health insurance rates go up again, I expect all the usual suspects to start all the usual topics about it, and blame Trump.

Turnabout is fair play.
So what's Trump's plan to lower health care costs?

Nothing. That's what.

But it isn't like he's had SEVEN YEARS to put a plan on the table. ;)

I think he was planning on copping credit for the GOP plan which he assumed they must have had after whining about ObamaCare all this time. And after all those repeals they passed.

It makes total sense Trump felt completely safe making a Day One Repeal promise. After all, the GOP had already done it 60+ times!

Biggest. Hoax. Ever.

Oh? Trump has been in office 7 years, huh fucktard?

You have a lot of hate, little Sorosazi, but you're not much in the brains department. :dunno:
same shit different day with the so called Republicans.

the only plan they have is to tell everyone they have a plan, and dupe the voters. As long as they can hold office, collect their bloated salary, and make up lies about Democrats they're happy political pigs wallowing in the mud they created.

Fuck Trump and his pathetic RINO'S turned Trumpbots.
Look at the poor saps. The Emperor has no clothes and they are averting their eyes, claiming he is donned in the most beautiful made-in-America clothes ever in the history of America, crafted by only the best tailors, personally hand-picked by the Emperor.

They are literally BLINDED by his self-proclaimed glory.
So what's Trump's plan to lower health care costs?

Nothing. That's what.

But it isn't like he's had SEVEN YEARS to put a plan on the table. ;)

I think he was planning on copping credit for the GOP plan which he assumed they must have had after whining about ObamaCare all this time. And after all those repeals they passed.

It makes total sense Trump felt completely safe making a Day One Repeal promise. After all, the GOP had already done it 60+ times!

Biggest. Hoax. Ever.

Oh? Trump has been in office 7 years, huh fucktard?

You have a lot of hate, little Sorosazi, but you're not much in the brains department. :dunno:

as usual the entire thread went over your [[[[ thick ]]]] head.

What does this have to do with Berkeley? Is this your way of admitting you are getting your ass kicked in this topic and need to divert?

By the way, I'm all for letting Milo speak at that college, retard. The hippies are totally in the wrong.

Now you have confirmed the "liars" portion of my post above. Do keep going. You're almost at the "psychopaths" benchmark.


Guno, you lying and throwing temper tantrums is ALL you do.

You have no point, you never do. You just spew your hatred from the Soros sites and lie your leftist head off.

Two weeks in office and Trump has already kept more campaign promises than your Beloved Obama did over 8 years, you lying little fascist fuck.

You're a butthurt Sorosazi, stomping around and screaming. You're a fool with less credibility than rdean or Lakhota, who are both more rational and more conservative than you...
Ya'll just come off stupid when you run around like peacocks clucking about 'where's my X,' 'when will he do X' 'nananana' less than two weeks in ya know?

I'm just gonna call ya'll glass cause you're so transparent. How much does it pay, or are you actually this childish IRL?
Seven years, 60+ repeals, and STILL no plan on the table.

Biggest. Hoax. Ever.
For the pseudocons, this topic is like throwing holy water on vampires.

Look at them howl and shriek! :lol:

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