The Emperor Has No Clothes

So what's Trump's plan to lower health care costs?

Nothing. That's what.

But it isn't like he's had SEVEN YEARS to put a plan on the table. ;)

I think he was planning on copping credit for the GOP plan which he assumed they must have had after whining about ObamaCare all this time. And after all those repeals they passed.

It makes total sense Trump felt completely safe making a Day One Repeal promise. After all, the GOP had already done it 60+ times!

Biggest. Hoax. Ever.

Oh? Trump has been in office 7 years, huh fucktard?

You have a lot of hate, little Sorosazi, but you're not much in the brains department. :dunno:

as usual the entire thread went over your [[[[ thick ]]]] head.


Yes, that you Soros controlled fascists are filled with hate and throwing yet ANOTHER temper tantrum went right over my head, 7.
Paul Ryan has an outline of a plan. I read it back in 2012. It isn't too bad, but it is also not comprehensive. But at least it is a framework upon which to build.

It won't be long before Trump begins parroting parts of it, trying to take credit for the ideas.

Listen for "block grants" to come out of Trump's mouth five minutes after someone puts them in there.
I don't want to see any politician without clothes. Thank you

Maybe Tulsi Gabbard
Fucking Guno, such a total Sorosazi retard.

Trump said what he would do, and is doing what he said.

Tough times for Stalinists like Guno5000...
Another tard comes forward! Awesome.

The delusioin is strong in this one.

Trump did what he said he would do. O'rly?

On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country.

Healthcare Reform

The Emperor has no clothes.

Seven years of repeals, jerking off the rubes. silent.

Biggest. Hoax. Ever.

Yo, stupidfuck.

Trump signs sweeping order that could gut Obamacare

You're sure fucking stupid, Guno - but at least your are filled with hate and rage. Soros loves you for it.

Onward Sorosazis, promoting the 5th Reich on behalf of your Fuhrer!
Find an article that isn't outdated.

So your retort is NUHM UNH?

Brilliant response, little Sorosazi.

You fucking thugs will exclude yourself from power for decades, and you're far too stupid to grasp it.

Petulant little children engaging in violence as you throw your public temper tantrums.

"BUH BUH THERE ARE A MILLION OF US!" Yo stupid fuck, there are 339 million others who see your hate, lies, and violence.
Dream on. You creeps only got 34% of the vote

On Day One, ObamaCare is gone!


My replacement is beautiful. Bleev me. Terrific. You are going to get tired of being healthy.



I also have some used condos I can sell you.


Congratulations, Mr. President! Just hand me your health care plan, and I'll get it passed immediately.


I thought YOU had a plan. I was going to take credit for it.


Oh no you don't! You said YOU had a "beautiful" plan!


And that plan was to take credit for YOUR plan! That's how this works!


Jesus Christ...


You've had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement! And you don't have one!?!?


Jesus Christ...



Okay. Plan B. What were all those fixes to the ACA the Democrats wanted that we obstructed?
Fucking Guno, such a total Sorosazi retard.

Trump said what he would do, and is doing what he said.

Tough times for Stalinists like Guno5000...
Another tard comes forward! Awesome.

The delusioin is strong in this one.

Trump did what he said he would do. O'rly?

On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country.

Healthcare Reform

The Emperor has no clothes.

Seven years of repeals, jerking off the rubes. silent.

Biggest. Hoax. Ever.

Yo, stupidfuck.

Trump signs sweeping order that could gut Obamacare

You're sure fucking stupid, Guno - but at least your are filled with hate and rage. Soros loves you for it.

Onward Sorosazis, promoting the 5th Reich on behalf of your Fuhrer!
Find an article that isn't outdated.

So your retort is NUHM UNH?

Brilliant response, little Sorosazi.

You fucking thugs will exclude yourself from power for decades, and you're far too stupid to grasp it.

Petulant little children engaging in violence as you throw your public temper tantrums.

"BUH BUH THERE ARE A MILLION OF US!" Yo stupid fuck, there are 339 million others who see your hate, lies, and violence.
Dream on. You creeps only got 34% of the vote

Your ability with math is about equal to your integrity, that is nonexistent.
Another tard comes forward! Awesome.

The delusioin is strong in this one.

Trump did what he said he would do. O'rly?

Healthcare Reform

The Emperor has no clothes.

Seven years of repeals, jerking off the rubes. silent.

Biggest. Hoax. Ever.

Yo, stupidfuck.

Trump signs sweeping order that could gut Obamacare

You're sure fucking stupid, Guno - but at least your are filled with hate and rage. Soros loves you for it.

Onward Sorosazis, promoting the 5th Reich on behalf of your Fuhrer!
Find an article that isn't outdated.

So your retort is NUHM UNH?

Brilliant response, little Sorosazi.

You fucking thugs will exclude yourself from power for decades, and you're far too stupid to grasp it.

Petulant little children engaging in violence as you throw your public temper tantrums.

"BUH BUH THERE ARE A MILLION OF US!" Yo stupid fuck, there are 339 million others who see your hate, lies, and violence.
Dream on. You creeps only got 34% of the vote

Your ability with math is about equal to your integrity, that is nonexistent.

Yo, stupidfuck.

Trump signs sweeping order that could gut Obamacare

You're sure fucking stupid, Guno - but at least your are filled with hate and rage. Soros loves you for it.

Onward Sorosazis, promoting the 5th Reich on behalf of your Fuhrer!
Find an article that isn't outdated.

So your retort is NUHM UNH?

Brilliant response, little Sorosazi.

You fucking thugs will exclude yourself from power for decades, and you're far too stupid to grasp it.

Petulant little children engaging in violence as you throw your public temper tantrums.

"BUH BUH THERE ARE A MILLION OF US!" Yo stupid fuck, there are 339 million others who see your hate, lies, and violence.
Dream on. You creeps only got 34% of the vote

Your ability with math is about equal to your integrity, that is nonexistent.


Did you really just type this? Are you truly that stupid? Are you truly that unaware of yourself?
All rhetorical, but you really are not a bright man.
Dream on. You creeps only got 34% of the vote

Did you complete 1st grade, Herr Sorosazi?

Not that popular vote means anything, but Clinton got 66 million to Trumps 63 million.

100% = 129 million

66/129 = .51
63/129 = .49

Clinton 51% of the popular vote
Trump 49% of the popular vote

Look, you're stupid, it's why you're one of Soros fascist democrats - still, this is pretty basic stuff, you drooling retard.
Another tard comes forward! Awesome.

The delusioin is strong in this one.

Trump did what he said he would do. O'rly?

Healthcare Reform

The Emperor has no clothes.

Seven years of repeals, jerking off the rubes. silent.

Biggest. Hoax. Ever.

Yo, stupidfuck.

Trump signs sweeping order that could gut Obamacare

You're sure fucking stupid, Guno - but at least your are filled with hate and rage. Soros loves you for it.

Onward Sorosazis, promoting the 5th Reich on behalf of your Fuhrer!
Find an article that isn't outdated.

So your retort is NUHM UNH?

Brilliant response, little Sorosazi.

You fucking thugs will exclude yourself from power for decades, and you're far too stupid to grasp it.

Petulant little children engaging in violence as you throw your public temper tantrums.

"BUH BUH THERE ARE A MILLION OF US!" Yo stupid fuck, there are 339 million others who see your hate, lies, and violence.
Dream on. You creeps only got 34% of the vote

Your ability with math is about equal to your integrity, that is nonexistent.

God, you guys are so full of shit. And I was wrong. It was even less

"25.5% voted for Donald Trump. 1.7% voted for Gary Johnson. It wasn't the lowest turnout in history, however."


Well, we can't all come up with the brilliant depth of your posts, 7.

Look, I know you would cut and paste more from the Soros hate sites if you could, but it's too much of a strain on your severely limited intellect.

So you spew hate, it's what you're good at, it's all you're good at. :thup:
Yo, stupidfuck.

Trump signs sweeping order that could gut Obamacare

You're sure fucking stupid, Guno - but at least your are filled with hate and rage. Soros loves you for it.

Onward Sorosazis, promoting the 5th Reich on behalf of your Fuhrer!
Find an article that isn't outdated.

So your retort is NUHM UNH?

Brilliant response, little Sorosazi.

You fucking thugs will exclude yourself from power for decades, and you're far too stupid to grasp it.

Petulant little children engaging in violence as you throw your public temper tantrums.

"BUH BUH THERE ARE A MILLION OF US!" Yo stupid fuck, there are 339 million others who see your hate, lies, and violence.
Dream on. You creeps only got 34% of the vote

Your ability with math is about equal to your integrity, that is nonexistent.

God, you guys are so full of shit. And I was wrong. It was even less

"25.5% voted for Donald Trump. 1.7% voted for Gary Johnson. It wasn't the lowest turnout in history, however."

As I pointed out to this tard earlier, Trump's EO is not a repeal of ObamaCare.

Basically, it is Trump directing the Executive branch to do all they can to turn a prosecutorial blind eye to people who violate the law.

So when Trump said he is a "law and order" kind of guy, he meant only where it is convenient.

The pseudocons had a mile high shit fit when Obama did the same thing for the children of illegal immigrants. They screamed for his impeachment.

Like I said. The GOP has been infected by hypocrites.

The Emperor has no clothes.
Dream on. You creeps only got 34% of the vote

Did you complete 1st grade, Herr Sorosazi?

Not that popular vote means anything, but Clinton got 66 million to Trumps 63 million.

100% = 129 million

66/129 = .51
63/129 = .49

Clinton 51% of the popular vote
Trump 49% of the popular vote

Look, you're stupid, it's why you're one of Soros fascist democrats - still, this is pretty basic stuff, you drooling retard.
You're plainly to stupid to join in on this discussion. Read uncensored's post. The idiot thinks Trump has majority support in the U.S.
There are 339 million others who see your hate, lies, and violence."
Find an article that isn't outdated.

So your retort is NUHM UNH?

Brilliant response, little Sorosazi.

You fucking thugs will exclude yourself from power for decades, and you're far too stupid to grasp it.

Petulant little children engaging in violence as you throw your public temper tantrums.

"BUH BUH THERE ARE A MILLION OF US!" Yo stupid fuck, there are 339 million others who see your hate, lies, and violence.
Dream on. You creeps only got 34% of the vote

Your ability with math is about equal to your integrity, that is nonexistent.

God, you guys are so full of shit. And I was wrong. It was even less

"25.5% voted for Donald Trump. 1.7% voted for Gary Johnson. It wasn't the lowest turnout in history, however."

Is that all you got, lightweight?
Dream on. You creeps only got 34% of the vote

Did you complete 1st grade, Herr Sorosazi?

Not that popular vote means anything, but Clinton got 66 million to Trumps 63 million.

100% = 129 million

66/129 = .51
63/129 = .49

Clinton 51% of the popular vote
Trump 49% of the popular vote

Look, you're stupid, it's why you're one of Soros fascist democrats - still, this is pretty basic stuff, you drooling retard.
You're plainly to stupid to join in on this discussion. Read uncensored's post. The idiot thinks Trump has majority support in the U.S.
There are 339 million others who see your hate, lies, and violence."

Actually son the stupidity lies in those who simply refuse to stop crying about Trump being their President. He won, he won by the very rules that have been in place since the Founding Fathers. That's how it and that's all there is. You can scream, kick, shout, cry and whine but it changes nothing. You get to sit in the corner for at least 4 years. Get used to it.
As I pointed out to this tard earlier, Trump's EO is not a repeal of ObamaCare.

Basically, it is Trump directing the Executive branch to do all they can to turn a prosecutorial blind eye to people who violate the law.

So when Trump said he is a "law and order" kind of guy, he meant only where it is convenient.

It's the beginning of the end for you, little Sorosazi. It is what a President is empowered to do.

I get it, you're filled with hate and rage, Trump doing what he promised further enrages you. I mean, your chance of EVER regaining power is diminishing fast, you democrats are done, no amount of temper tantrums will change that.

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