The End Is Near....The Final Curtain

"America is a wonderful country and I intend to do everything I can to keep it that way."

Which 'America,' you dunce?

a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.


b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

America is not and never has been either of the two.

You're just a simpleton that can not understand any but simple binary thinking.

And yet one more of the Liberal 'is not, issssss noottttttt!!!' posts.

Gads, they're dumb.

It's obvious that your main problem is that you can not comprehend liberalism. So you keep posting nonsense strawmen stating what you think liberals believe. You are truly a simpleton that espouses the nonsense of Karl Marx, Adolph Hitler, Aryn Rand and the like. Everything you post is as seen threw the lens of their stupidity.

Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine are beyond you.

While I'm adamantly against drug use, you are one individual that would perhaps benefit from a good dose of LSD...only in a desperate attempt to expand your conscience...which you so sorely need.

"You are truly a simpleton that espouses the nonsense of Karl Marx, Adolph Hitler, blah blah blah...."

Gads, you're an imbecile.

You can easily check archives, since you suffer from short term memory loss....but all of my vituperation is reserved for the Left:
Liberals, socialists, communists, Fascists, Nazis and Progressives, each and every one of whose doctrines can be summarized in the following:

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
Leon Trotsky

And....when given the opportunity....I slay morons like you.


Yes, very clear that you simply do not comprehend what it means to be American.

"Liberals, socialists, communists, Fascists, Nazis and Progressives"

Once again you've babbled off a list of political philosophies based on non-American political philosophers, then topped it off with a quote from Leon Trotsky.

Proving that my statements that "Everything you post is as seen threw the lens of their stupidity."

and "Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine are beyond you."

People like you are attempting to drag America into the political conflicts defined by European political philosophies - trying to divide Americans.

America is above all else a philosophy based on the ideas of Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine and the other 'Founding Fathers'. It is based on enlightenment thinking.

Your attempt to undermine America will fail. We Americans will not be brought down to your level of thinking!

you should consider winning an election. and the path your headed down is more toward pushing americans to our way of thinking. ooops.

BTW, it is where we as americans make change at the polls.
Last edited:
....may very well be an Iron Curtain.
America, it seems, no longer turns out Americans.

1. The century that the Left has spent engineering their take-over of the nation has, one must admit, been well planned and effective. Their 'Fifth Column' has not been the military, it has been academia, the judiciary and the media. And the bombardment by those 'troops' has been unmitigated and interminable.

2. The American philosopher George Santayana warned about not studying history, but many fail to see last month or last week as 'history.' Case in point, Britain's most recent is America in the mirror.

By the slimmest of margins, Britain avoided putting a Marxist in power:

"The 68-year-old Corbyn has applauded the evil totalitarian regimes of Chavez in Venezuela and Castro in Cuba. He praised Irish republican terrorism even while IRA bombers killed innocent civilians and servicemen on the streets of Britain (and tried, thankfully without success, to murder Margaret Thatcher). He has called Hamas his "friends." He tolerates anti-Semitism with worrying regularity even among those closest to him.

He has opposed every single measure aimed at strengthening security and enabling the security services and police to defeat Islamic terrorism. He supports state ownership of utilities and confiscatory levels of taxation on the middle classes.

How has this swivel-eyed extremist found himself so close to power? Here, simply, is what went wrong: By contrast, Corbyn came across as authentic and passionate, campaigning with zeal for causes he has believed in for decades (even if they are bonkers and unaffordable).

  • Jeremy Corbyn promised voters unheralded amounts of "free stuff" even by the standards of profligate leftists, safe in the knowledge that he would not have to deliver on those unaffordable promises. The most notable – free college education for all – invigorated young voters who had stayed at home during last year’s Brexit referendum. One college town, Canterbury, swung to Labour for the first time in over 100 years. are force fed enough leftist bilge as it is by their professors and our mainstream media. They need to hear an alternative viewpoint and have been denied it for too long. How An Extreme Marxist Just Nearly Became British Prime Minister

3. Had not the corrupt Democrat Party cut the knees out from under Bernie Sanders, he might well have been our Jeremy Corbyn, and our well-trained government school grads would have been casting votes for Karl Marx over Thomas Jefferson.

One such 'American:"
'now I have not a patriotic bone in my body'
Now....On To The Future!

and this from the same fool:

'Of course I will admit I don't have a patriotic bone in my body eventhough i was born in america'
The pledge

And this....
A 2012 Gallup poll found that 53 percent of Democrats and 39 percent of Americans more generally had a positive reaction to the wordsocialism. Democrats, Republicans Diverge on Capitalism, Federal Gov't

The end of our noble near as the next election.
Like a large part of the Republican party supporting Putin, just like that Chavez guy.
"America is a wonderful country and I intend to do everything I can to keep it that way."

Which 'America,' you dunce?

a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.


b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

America is not and never has been either of the two.

You're just a simpleton that can not understand any but simple binary thinking.

And yet one more of the Liberal 'is not, issssss noottttttt!!!' posts.

Gads, they're dumb.

It's obvious that your main problem is that you can not comprehend liberalism. So you keep posting nonsense strawmen stating what you think liberals believe. You are truly a simpleton that espouses the nonsense of Karl Marx, Adolph Hitler, Aryn Rand and the like. Everything you post is as seen threw the lens of their stupidity.

Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine are beyond you.

While I'm adamantly against drug use, you are one individual that would perhaps benefit from a good dose of LSD...only in a desperate attempt to expand your conscience...which you so sorely need.

"You are truly a simpleton that espouses the nonsense of Karl Marx, Adolph Hitler, blah blah blah...."

Gads, you're an imbecile.

You can easily check archives, since you suffer from short term memory loss....but all of my vituperation is reserved for the Left:
Liberals, socialists, communists, Fascists, Nazis and Progressives, each and every one of whose doctrines can be summarized in the following:

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
Leon Trotsky

And....when given the opportunity....I slay morons like you.


Yes, very clear that you simply do not comprehend what it means to be American.

"Liberals, socialists, communists, Fascists, Nazis and Progressives"

Once again you've babbled off a list of political philosophies based on non-American political philosophers, then topped it off with a quote from Leon Trotsky.

Proving that my statements that "Everything you post is as seen threw the lens of their stupidity."

and "Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine are beyond you."

People like you are attempting to drag America into the political conflicts defined by European political philosophies - trying to divide Americans.

America is above all else a philosophy based on the ideas of Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine and the other 'Founding Fathers'. It is based on enlightenment thinking.

Your attempt to undermine America will fail. We Americans will not be brought down to your level of thinking!


What a farrago of lies and ignorance.

Really.....reform yourself, and get an education.
It's the cornerstone of modern Liberalism; more power to the government, less to the individual
The cornerstone of modern Conservatism: more power to the corporations, less to the individual.
I saw no corporation interfering with our election, I saw government officials and biased MSM. you are a lost soul I see.
The corporatocracy got two candidates than they could tolerate. They didn't need to influence the actual election.
America was born in an age of liberalism. The founders created a plan to govern the country and decided the plan was too liberal so they changed it removing some liberalism.
In any case the plan and life style they created must have worked because it is still in operation.

"In any case the plan and life style they created must have worked...."

Until last November.

Then Americans revealed how they really felt.
....may very well be an Iron Curtain.
America, it seems, no longer turns out Americans.

1. The century that the Left has spent engineering their take-over of the nation has, one must admit, been well planned and effective. Their 'Fifth Column' has not been the military, it has been academia, the judiciary and the media. And the bombardment by those 'troops' has been unmitigated and interminable.

2. The American philosopher George Santayana warned about not studying history, but many fail to see last month or last week as 'history.' Case in point, Britain's most recent is America in the mirror.

By the slimmest of margins, Britain avoided putting a Marxist in power:

"The 68-year-old Corbyn has applauded the evil totalitarian regimes of Chavez in Venezuela and Castro in Cuba. He praised Irish republican terrorism even while IRA bombers killed innocent civilians and servicemen on the streets of Britain (and tried, thankfully without success, to murder Margaret Thatcher). He has called Hamas his "friends." He tolerates anti-Semitism with worrying regularity even among those closest to him.

He has opposed every single measure aimed at strengthening security and enabling the security services and police to defeat Islamic terrorism. He supports state ownership of utilities and confiscatory levels of taxation on the middle classes.

How has this swivel-eyed extremist found himself so close to power? Here, simply, is what went wrong: By contrast, Corbyn came across as authentic and passionate, campaigning with zeal for causes he has believed in for decades (even if they are bonkers and unaffordable).

  • Jeremy Corbyn promised voters unheralded amounts of "free stuff" even by the standards of profligate leftists, safe in the knowledge that he would not have to deliver on those unaffordable promises. The most notable – free college education for all – invigorated young voters who had stayed at home during last year’s Brexit referendum. One college town, Canterbury, swung to Labour for the first time in over 100 years. are force fed enough leftist bilge as it is by their professors and our mainstream media. They need to hear an alternative viewpoint and have been denied it for too long. How An Extreme Marxist Just Nearly Became British Prime Minister

3. Had not the corrupt Democrat Party cut the knees out from under Bernie Sanders, he might well have been our Jeremy Corbyn, and our well-trained government school grads would have been casting votes for Karl Marx over Thomas Jefferson.

One such 'American:"
'now I have not a patriotic bone in my body'
Now....On To The Future!

and this from the same fool:

'Of course I will admit I don't have a patriotic bone in my body eventhough i was born in america'
The pledge

And this....
A 2012 Gallup poll found that 53 percent of Democrats and 39 percent of Americans more generally had a positive reaction to the wordsocialism. Democrats, Republicans Diverge on Capitalism, Federal Gov't

The end of our noble near as the next election.
Like a large part of the Republican party supporting Putin, just like that Chavez guy.

Link.....or simply a lie.
nope, never made that claim. they are part of the problem, I stated that in a previous post. It's why I voted for trump to rid our country of uselessness in congress.

Hey, nitwit......where were Sessions and Price and Pompeo previously working before trump took them on as cabinet members????

...and was Pence part of Congress not too long ago?

You really are an idiot.
where was mattas, and where was tillerson, you can't agree on anything he's done. I'm quite happy with his choices, outstanding in fact. The evidence with sessions was vindicated during his testimony in front of his once colleagues and they called him a traitor. wow.
Again showing off the fascists that they are.
....may very well be an Iron Curtain.
America, it seems, no longer turns out Americans.

1. The century that the Left has spent engineering their take-over of the nation has, one must admit, been well planned and effective. Their 'Fifth Column' has not been the military, it has been academia, the judiciary and the media. And the bombardment by those 'troops' has been unmitigated and interminable.

2. The American philosopher George Santayana warned about not studying history, but many fail to see last month or last week as 'history.' Case in point, Britain's most recent is America in the mirror.

By the slimmest of margins, Britain avoided putting a Marxist in power:

"The 68-year-old Corbyn has applauded the evil totalitarian regimes of Chavez in Venezuela and Castro in Cuba. He praised Irish republican terrorism even while IRA bombers killed innocent civilians and servicemen on the streets of Britain (and tried, thankfully without success, to murder Margaret Thatcher). He has called Hamas his "friends." He tolerates anti-Semitism with worrying regularity even among those closest to him.

He has opposed every single measure aimed at strengthening security and enabling the security services and police to defeat Islamic terrorism. He supports state ownership of utilities and confiscatory levels of taxation on the middle classes.

How has this swivel-eyed extremist found himself so close to power? Here, simply, is what went wrong: By contrast, Corbyn came across as authentic and passionate, campaigning with zeal for causes he has believed in for decades (even if they are bonkers and unaffordable).

  • Jeremy Corbyn promised voters unheralded amounts of "free stuff" even by the standards of profligate leftists, safe in the knowledge that he would not have to deliver on those unaffordable promises. The most notable – free college education for all – invigorated young voters who had stayed at home during last year’s Brexit referendum. One college town, Canterbury, swung to Labour for the first time in over 100 years. are force fed enough leftist bilge as it is by their professors and our mainstream media. They need to hear an alternative viewpoint and have been denied it for too long. How An Extreme Marxist Just Nearly Became British Prime Minister

3. Had not the corrupt Democrat Party cut the knees out from under Bernie Sanders, he might well have been our Jeremy Corbyn, and our well-trained government school grads would have been casting votes for Karl Marx over Thomas Jefferson.

One such 'American:"
'now I have not a patriotic bone in my body'
Now....On To The Future!

and this from the same fool:

'Of course I will admit I don't have a patriotic bone in my body eventhough i was born in america'
The pledge

And this....
A 2012 Gallup poll found that 53 percent of Democrats and 39 percent of Americans more generally had a positive reaction to the wordsocialism. Democrats, Republicans Diverge on Capitalism, Federal Gov't

The end of our noble near as the next election.
Like a large part of the Republican party supporting Putin, just like that Chavez guy.
there is no place for this kind of post since yesterday, fk off.
....may very well be an Iron Curtain.
America, it seems, no longer turns out Americans.

1. The century that the Left has spent engineering their take-over of the nation has, one must admit, been well planned and effective. Their 'Fifth Column' has not been the military, it has been academia, the judiciary and the media. And the bombardment by those 'troops' has been unmitigated and interminable.

2. The American philosopher George Santayana warned about not studying history, but many fail to see last month or last week as 'history.' Case in point, Britain's most recent is America in the mirror.

By the slimmest of margins, Britain avoided putting a Marxist in power:

"The 68-year-old Corbyn has applauded the evil totalitarian regimes of Chavez in Venezuela and Castro in Cuba. He praised Irish republican terrorism even while IRA bombers killed innocent civilians and servicemen on the streets of Britain (and tried, thankfully without success, to murder Margaret Thatcher). He has called Hamas his "friends." He tolerates anti-Semitism with worrying regularity even among those closest to him.

He has opposed every single measure aimed at strengthening security and enabling the security services and police to defeat Islamic terrorism. He supports state ownership of utilities and confiscatory levels of taxation on the middle classes.

How has this swivel-eyed extremist found himself so close to power? Here, simply, is what went wrong: By contrast, Corbyn came across as authentic and passionate, campaigning with zeal for causes he has believed in for decades (even if they are bonkers and unaffordable).

  • Jeremy Corbyn promised voters unheralded amounts of "free stuff" even by the standards of profligate leftists, safe in the knowledge that he would not have to deliver on those unaffordable promises. The most notable – free college education for all – invigorated young voters who had stayed at home during last year’s Brexit referendum. One college town, Canterbury, swung to Labour for the first time in over 100 years. are force fed enough leftist bilge as it is by their professors and our mainstream media. They need to hear an alternative viewpoint and have been denied it for too long. How An Extreme Marxist Just Nearly Became British Prime Minister

3. Had not the corrupt Democrat Party cut the knees out from under Bernie Sanders, he might well have been our Jeremy Corbyn, and our well-trained government school grads would have been casting votes for Karl Marx over Thomas Jefferson.

One such 'American:"
'now I have not a patriotic bone in my body'
Now....On To The Future!

and this from the same fool:

'Of course I will admit I don't have a patriotic bone in my body eventhough i was born in america'
The pledge

And this....
A 2012 Gallup poll found that 53 percent of Democrats and 39 percent of Americans more generally had a positive reaction to the wordsocialism. Democrats, Republicans Diverge on Capitalism, Federal Gov't

The end of our noble near as the next election.
Like a large part of the Republican party supporting Putin, just like that Chavez guy.

Link.....or simply a lie.
Venezuela creates Hugo Chavez peace prize, awards to Russia's Putin

Putin, Chavez Meet for Talks
"Communism and Fascism were "progressive" ideologies?"

Of course they are......along with Nazism, Liberalism, and socialism.

hey MORON, did you ever "wonder" (which would take more brain cells than you obviously have) WHY fascism hated communism?
Beside Jews and gypsies, it was communists who wound up in the concentration camps.

....and you know who most hated fascism??? It was the socialists and communists.

Heck, you sound like you never got past 5th grade.

" WHY fascism hated communism?"

Cain and Able, you dunce.

Hitler and Stalin were allies until June 22, 1941.
Stalin provided the resources for Hitler's Blitzkrieg.
Hitler learned about concentration camps from FDR's BFF, Stalin.
Both attacked Poland, one from the East, one from the West.

Gads, you're a moron.

Why is it that Liberals know nothing of history ?

Oh...right....government schooling.

Just to point out just how ignorant YOU are:

Concentration camps were first invented and used by the British during the Boar wars. Long before the age of Hitler and Stalin.

Know one knows how or when Hitler first learned about them.
"Communism and Fascism were "progressive" ideologies?"

Of course they are......along with Nazism, Liberalism, and socialism.

hey MORON, did you ever "wonder" (which would take more brain cells than you obviously have) WHY fascism hated communism?
Beside Jews and gypsies, it was communists who wound up in the concentration camps.

....and you know who most hated fascism??? It was the socialists and communists.

Heck, you sound like you never got past 5th grade.

" WHY fascism hated communism?"

Cain and Able, you dunce.

Hitler and Stalin were allies until June 22, 1941.
Stalin provided the resources for Hitler's Blitzkrieg.
Hitler learned about concentration camps from FDR's BFF, Stalin.
Both attacked Poland, one from the East, one from the West.

Gads, you're a moron.

Why is it that Liberals know nothing of history ?

Oh...right....government schooling.

Just to point out just how ignorant YOU are:

Concentration camps were first invented and used by the British during the Boar wars. Long before the age of Hitler and Stalin.

Know one knows how or when Hitler first learned about them.

Let's go over the point again:

America was founded by classical liberal, known today as conservatives.
Their view was based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Communist John Dewey prevailed on the Socialist Party to change its name to 'Liberal.'

Their views include exactly what socialists, Liberals, Progressives, Communists, Fascists and Nazis subscribe to:
The collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

In short, I am an are not.
America was born in an age of liberalism. The founders created a plan to govern the country and decided the plan was too liberal so they changed it removing some liberalism.
In any case the plan and life style they created must have worked because it is still in operation.

"In any case the plan and life style they created must have worked...."

Until last November.

Then Americans revealed how they really felt.
Well the electors revealed their feelings, and the electors won and the people lost. But maybe all is not lost, their is talk of impeachment. In fact, can anyone remember Americans talking of impeachment so soon after an election? Maybe with Johnson?
....may very well be an Iron Curtain.
America, it seems, no longer turns out Americans.

1. The century that the Left has spent engineering their take-over of the nation has, one must admit, been well planned and effective. Their 'Fifth Column' has not been the military, it has been academia, the judiciary and the media. And the bombardment by those 'troops' has been unmitigated and interminable.

2. The American philosopher George Santayana warned about not studying history, but many fail to see last month or last week as 'history.' Case in point, Britain's most recent is America in the mirror.

By the slimmest of margins, Britain avoided putting a Marxist in power:

"The 68-year-old Corbyn has applauded the evil totalitarian regimes of Chavez in Venezuela and Castro in Cuba. He praised Irish republican terrorism even while IRA bombers killed innocent civilians and servicemen on the streets of Britain (and tried, thankfully without success, to murder Margaret Thatcher). He has called Hamas his "friends." He tolerates anti-Semitism with worrying regularity even among those closest to him.

He has opposed every single measure aimed at strengthening security and enabling the security services and police to defeat Islamic terrorism. He supports state ownership of utilities and confiscatory levels of taxation on the middle classes.

How has this swivel-eyed extremist found himself so close to power? Here, simply, is what went wrong: By contrast, Corbyn came across as authentic and passionate, campaigning with zeal for causes he has believed in for decades (even if they are bonkers and unaffordable).

  • Jeremy Corbyn promised voters unheralded amounts of "free stuff" even by the standards of profligate leftists, safe in the knowledge that he would not have to deliver on those unaffordable promises. The most notable – free college education for all – invigorated young voters who had stayed at home during last year’s Brexit referendum. One college town, Canterbury, swung to Labour for the first time in over 100 years. are force fed enough leftist bilge as it is by their professors and our mainstream media. They need to hear an alternative viewpoint and have been denied it for too long. How An Extreme Marxist Just Nearly Became British Prime Minister

3. Had not the corrupt Democrat Party cut the knees out from under Bernie Sanders, he might well have been our Jeremy Corbyn, and our well-trained government school grads would have been casting votes for Karl Marx over Thomas Jefferson.

One such 'American:"
'now I have not a patriotic bone in my body'
Now....On To The Future!

and this from the same fool:

'Of course I will admit I don't have a patriotic bone in my body eventhough i was born in america'
The pledge

And this....
A 2012 Gallup poll found that 53 percent of Democrats and 39 percent of Americans more generally had a positive reaction to the wordsocialism. Democrats, Republicans Diverge on Capitalism, Federal Gov't

The end of our noble near as the next election.
Like a large part of the Republican party supporting Putin, just like that Chavez guy.

Link.....or simply a lie.
Venezuela creates Hugo Chavez peace prize, awards to Russia's Putin

Putin, Chavez Meet for Talks

Let's try again, dolt....

You wrote:
"Like a large part of the Republican party supporting Putin,..."

Link or admit it's a lie.
America was born in an age of liberalism. The founders created a plan to govern the country and decided the plan was too liberal so they changed it removing some liberalism.
In any case the plan and life style they created must have worked because it is still in operation.

"In any case the plan and life style they created must have worked...."

Until last November.

Then Americans revealed how they really felt.
Well the electors revealed their feelings, and the electors won and the people lost. But maybe all is not lost, their is talk of impeachment. In fact, can anyone remember Americans talking of impeachment so soon after an election? Maybe with Johnson?

Actually, the American people won.

You Leftists may be able to ultimately turn the nation into a gulag....but for now, you've been kicked to the curb.
Is this liberal nation, founding using liberalism, annoying you again, Korean girl?

You fascists democrats are not "liberal," you are Stalinists. You have nothing in common with Jefferson, Mason or Payne. You are identical in view to Mao, Pol Pot, and Idi Amin. You call the founding fathers "old dead white guys" as you spit on the liberal notions they espoused, while you rush to embrace the feudal structures of a government that owns all and rules over an enslaved peasantry.

You are a totalitarian thug, the polar opposite of "liberal."
"Communism and Fascism were "progressive" ideologies?"

Of course they are......along with Nazism, Liberalism, and socialism.

hey MORON, did you ever "wonder" (which would take more brain cells than you obviously have) WHY fascism hated communism?
Beside Jews and gypsies, it was communists who wound up in the concentration camps.

....and you know who most hated fascism??? It was the socialists and communists.

Heck, you sound like you never got past 5th grade.

" WHY fascism hated communism?"

Cain and Able, you dunce.

Hitler and Stalin were allies until June 22, 1941.
Stalin provided the resources for Hitler's Blitzkrieg.
Hitler learned about concentration camps from FDR's BFF, Stalin.
Both attacked Poland, one from the East, one from the West.

Gads, you're a moron.

Why is it that Liberals know nothing of history ?

Oh...right....government schooling.

"Just to point out just how ignorant YOU are:

Concentration camps were first invented and used by the British during the Boar wars. Long before the age of Hitler and Stalin.

Know one knows how or when Hitler first learned about them.

"Just to point out just how ignorant YOU are:

Concentration camps were first invented and used by the British during the Boar wars. Long before the age of Hitler and Stalin.

Know one knows how or when Hitler first learned about them"

You will never....NEVER....know as much as I do.
Let's see:

"The Soviet NKVD trained the SS, taught them how to build concentration camps, as they had been operating for 20 years before the origin of the Nazis." Viktor Suvorov, former Soviet Military Intelligence Officer. "According to Suvorov, Stalin planned to use Nazi Germany as a proxy (the “Icebreaker”) against the West. For this reason Stalin provided significant material and political support to Adolf Hitler, while at the same time preparing the Red Army to “liberate” the whole of Europe from Nazi occupation."
Viktor Suvorov - Wikipedia

In your face, booooyyyyyyeeeeee!!!!
NOOO, what I said was that I didn't call TRUMP a racist (he just panders to them)

Certainly I WOULD call a racist those that ARE racist and on this board we have a few that openly embrace that label.

Nor did I EVER say that I never insult. So again you are making shit up.

Time for that retract.
there you go, way to step out and prove my point. saves me from going to other searches now. you are exactly what I said you were.

WTF is wrong with you? What point do you think my post proved?

And why won't you retract your bullshit about me calling trump racist or commie or nazi? We both know you can't support it, so time to MAN UP AND DO THE RIGHT THING.
sure you just stated he panders to racist. well dah, that means he is. You can't imply something and then back out. sorry bubba. you are what you are.


If you are a racist white nationalist Trump was your guy, no two ways about it.

KKK's David Duke fully endorsed him and Trump for a long time refused to denounce the endorsement.

David Duke: Trump win a great victory for 'our people'
and again, what does that have to do with Trump?

You cannot be fn serious. Did you read the post before venturing to respond to it?

SURELY if you read it a few more times you could find some way it has to do with Trump :rolleyes:
"Communism and Fascism were "progressive" ideologies?"

Of course they are......along with Nazism, Liberalism, and socialism.

hey MORON, did you ever "wonder" (which would take more brain cells than you obviously have) WHY fascism hated communism?
Beside Jews and gypsies, it was communists who wound up in the concentration camps.

....and you know who most hated fascism??? It was the socialists and communists.

Heck, you sound like you never got past 5th grade.

Tell me Gnat, why did the Machrone family hate the Gambino family?

I guess John Gotti could not be Mafia, since he hated and killed others in the Mafia... :eusa_whistle:

IQ under 50, zero integrity? You're a democrat then..
"Communism and Fascism were "progressive" ideologies?"

Of course they are......along with Nazism, Liberalism, and socialism.

hey MORON, did you ever "wonder" (which would take more brain cells than you obviously have) WHY fascism hated communism?
Beside Jews and gypsies, it was communists who wound up in the concentration camps.

....and you know who most hated fascism??? It was the socialists and communists.

Heck, you sound like you never got past 5th grade.

" WHY fascism hated communism?"

Cain and Able, you dunce.

Hitler and Stalin were allies until June 22, 1941.
Stalin provided the resources for Hitler's Blitzkrieg.
Hitler learned about concentration camps from FDR's BFF, Stalin.
Both attacked Poland, one from the East, one from the West.

Gads, you're a moron.

Why is it that Liberals know nothing of history ?

Oh...right....government schooling.

Just to point out just how ignorant YOU are:

Concentration camps were first invented and used by the British during the Boar wars. Long before the age of Hitler and Stalin.

Know one knows how or when Hitler first learned about them.

Let's go over the point again:

America was founded by classical liberal, known today as conservatives.
Their view was based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Communist John Dewey prevailed on the Socialist Party to change its name to 'Liberal.'

Their views include exactly what socialists, Liberals, Progressives, Communists, Fascists and Nazis subscribe to:
The collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

In short, I am an are not.

America was founded by enlightenment thinkers. They were mainly influenced by the writings of Voltaire and others.

You may try to label them according to your limited definitions, but you, as usual, would be wrong.

They had a huge variety of opinions regarding individualism, free markets and the powers of government.

There was hardly any mention of economics in their philosophies.

They did not have a difference of opinions on democracy, and the rights of the individual.

They fought wars to free people from the super wealthy and the super powerful.

They supported central government and taxation.

If the founding fathers had lived at the time of industrialization or later, they would undoubtedly have had stronger opinions regarding economics and the need for government to insure the rights of individuals in that economic environment.

You viewpoint on what is American is based on a pitiful ignorance of the founding principals of this nation, while you keep attempting to force anti-American ideas on us.

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