The End Is Near....The Final Curtain

And you think we should bring republicans roses?
nope, never made that claim. they are part of the problem, I stated that in a previous post. It's why I voted for trump to rid our country of uselessness in congress.
instead of draining the swamp he's brought the swamp into the white house and republicans are getting what they voted for ,,a dolt
yes, his ideology aligns more with conservatism, but stays away from far right, it's why not all GOPers like him. It's why I love him. yes.
don't you get it yet jc456? he has no idelogy except for hurray for me fu,,,He'll change in a NY minute if it puts money in his pocket

The candidate who has shown a life-time of 'changing in a NY minute' based on bribes is the one you supported.

It is, in fact, the very reason why Putin and the Kremlin wanted her as President.

Wise up.
you gotta be kidding ,,,,the pos in office now has not said one discouraging word to or about the russian murderer ,,,putin has trump in his pocket ,,that's why he helped trump defeat her
hey MORON, did you ever "wonder" (which would take more brain cells than you obviously have) WHY fascism hated communism?
Beside Jews and gypsies, it was communists who wound up in the concentration camps.

....and you know who most hated fascism??? It was the socialists and communists.

Heck, you sound like you never got past 5th grade.

" WHY fascism hated communism?"

Cain and Able, you dunce.

Hitler and Stalin were allies until June 22, 1941.
Stalin provided the resources for Hitler's Blitzkrieg.
Hitler learned about concentration camps from FDR's BFF, Stalin.
Both attacked Poland, one from the East, one from the West.

Gads, you're a moron.

Why is it that Liberals know nothing of history ?

Oh...right....government schooling.

Just to point out just how ignorant YOU are:

Concentration camps were first invented and used by the British during the Boar wars. Long before the age of Hitler and Stalin.

Know one knows how or when Hitler first learned about them.

Let's go over the point again:

America was founded by classical liberal, known today as conservatives.
Their view was based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Communist John Dewey prevailed on the Socialist Party to change its name to 'Liberal.'

Their views include exactly what socialists, Liberals, Progressives, Communists, Fascists and Nazis subscribe to:
The collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

In short, I am an are not.

America was founded by enlightenment thinkers. They were mainly influenced by the writings of Voltaire and others.

You may try to label them according to your limited definitions, but you, as usual, would be wrong.

They had a huge variety of opinions regarding individualism, free markets and the powers of government.

There was hardly any mention of economics in their philosophies.

They did not have a difference of opinions on democracy, and the rights of the individual.

They fought wars to free people from the super wealthy and the super powerful.

They supported central government and taxation.

If the founding fathers had lived at the time of industrialization or later, they would undoubtedly have had stronger opinions regarding economics and the need for government to insure the rights of individuals in that economic environment.

You viewpoint on what is American is based on a pitiful ignorance of the founding principals of this nation, while you keep attempting to force anti-American ideas on us.

We've disagrees in three or four posts.

I've obliterated you with facts each time.

Try to guess what that indicates?

I fully understand why you make every effort to avoid the path to must be painful to recognize what an inconsequential ignoramus you are.

If you think that you've ever won an arguments with me you are truly delusional. Perhaps I was mistaken in one thing:

I never should have suggested that you take LSD!

Because it's apparent that you are already hallucinating!
nope, never made that claim. they are part of the problem, I stated that in a previous post. It's why I voted for trump to rid our country of uselessness in congress.
instead of draining the swamp he's brought the swamp into the white house and republicans are getting what they voted for ,,a dolt
yes, his ideology aligns more with conservatism, but stays away from far right, it's why not all GOPers like him. It's why I love him. yes.
don't you get it yet jc456? he has no idelogy except for hurray for me fu,,,He'll change in a NY minute if it puts money in his pocket

The candidate who has shown a life-time of 'changing in a NY minute' based on bribes is the one you supported.

It is, in fact, the very reason why Putin and the Kremlin wanted her as President.

Wise up.
you gotta be kidding ,,,,the pos in office now has not said one discouraging word to or about the russian murderer ,,,putin has trump in his pocket ,,that's why he helped trump defeat her
he fking shot a missile at the guy's forces. huh?
nope, never made that claim. they are part of the problem, I stated that in a previous post. It's why I voted for trump to rid our country of uselessness in congress.
instead of draining the swamp he's brought the swamp into the white house and republicans are getting what they voted for ,,a dolt
yes, his ideology aligns more with conservatism, but stays away from far right, it's why not all GOPers like him. It's why I love him. yes.
don't you get it yet jc456? he has no idelogy except for hurray for me fu,,,He'll change in a NY minute if it puts money in his pocket

The candidate who has shown a life-time of 'changing in a NY minute' based on bribes is the one you supported.

It is, in fact, the very reason why Putin and the Kremlin wanted her as President.

Wise up.
We are not stupid enough to believe this. The hacking proved that you are wrong.

You must have evidence of same....or you wouldn't claim it.

Do you?

None of the agencies claim to have......
instead of draining the swamp he's brought the swamp into the white house and republicans are getting what they voted for ,,a dolt
yes, his ideology aligns more with conservatism, but stays away from far right, it's why not all GOPers like him. It's why I love him. yes.
don't you get it yet jc456? he has no idelogy except for hurray for me fu,,,He'll change in a NY minute if it puts money in his pocket

The candidate who has shown a life-time of 'changing in a NY minute' based on bribes is the one you supported.

It is, in fact, the very reason why Putin and the Kremlin wanted her as President.

Wise up.
We are not stupid enough to believe this. The hacking proved that you are wrong.

You must have evidence of same....or you wouldn't claim it.

Do you?

None of the agencies claim to have......
Who was hacked?
Is this liberal nation, founding using liberalism, annoying you again, Korean girl?

You fascists democrats are not "liberal," you are Stalinists. You have nothing in common with Jefferson, Mason or Payne. You are identical in view to Mao, Pol Pot, and Idi Amin. You call the founding fathers "old dead white guys" as you spit on the liberal notions they espoused, while you rush to embrace the feudal structures of a government that owns all and rules over an enslaved peasantry.

You are a totalitarian thug, the polar opposite of "liberal."
And it's Paine, he was mostly a socialist to you, and I doubt you mean Mason (who wouldn't sign the Constitution). As for Jefferson, he took a knife to the Gospels to remove all the BS about Jesus.
nope, never made that claim. they are part of the problem, I stated that in a previous post. It's why I voted for trump to rid our country of uselessness in congress.
instead of draining the swamp he's brought the swamp into the white house and republicans are getting what they voted for ,,a dolt
yes, his ideology aligns more with conservatism, but stays away from far right, it's why not all GOPers like him. It's why I love him. yes.
don't you get it yet jc456? he has no idelogy except for hurray for me fu,,,He'll change in a NY minute if it puts money in his pocket

The candidate who has shown a life-time of 'changing in a NY minute' based on bribes is the one you supported.

It is, in fact, the very reason why Putin and the Kremlin wanted her as President.

Wise up.
you gotta be kidding ,,,,the pos in office now has not said one discouraging word to or about the russian murderer ,,,putin has trump in his pocket ,,that's why he helped trump defeat her
Irrational Leftist Troll being placed on ignore.
Especially with that kind of LOW POSTER RATING.
Man, you suck at this.
nope, never made that claim. they are part of the problem, I stated that in a previous post. It's why I voted for trump to rid our country of uselessness in congress.
instead of draining the swamp he's brought the swamp into the white house and republicans are getting what they voted for ,,a dolt
yes, his ideology aligns more with conservatism, but stays away from far right, it's why not all GOPers like him. It's why I love him. yes.
don't you get it yet jc456? he has no idelogy except for hurray for me fu,,,He'll change in a NY minute if it puts money in his pocket

The candidate who has shown a life-time of 'changing in a NY minute' based on bribes is the one you supported.

It is, in fact, the very reason why Putin and the Kremlin wanted her as President.

Wise up.
you gotta be kidding ,,,,the pos in office now has not said one discouraging word to or about the russian murderer ,,,putin has trump in his pocket ,,that's why he helped trump defeat her

You must have evidence of same....or you wouldn't claim it.

Do you?

None of the agencies claim to have......
" WHY fascism hated communism?"

Cain and Able, you dunce.

Hitler and Stalin were allies until June 22, 1941.
Stalin provided the resources for Hitler's Blitzkrieg.
Hitler learned about concentration camps from FDR's BFF, Stalin.
Both attacked Poland, one from the East, one from the West.

Gads, you're a moron.

Why is it that Liberals know nothing of history ?

Oh...right....government schooling.

Just to point out just how ignorant YOU are:

Concentration camps were first invented and used by the British during the Boar wars. Long before the age of Hitler and Stalin.

Know one knows how or when Hitler first learned about them.

Let's go over the point again:

America was founded by classical liberal, known today as conservatives.
Their view was based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Communist John Dewey prevailed on the Socialist Party to change its name to 'Liberal.'

Their views include exactly what socialists, Liberals, Progressives, Communists, Fascists and Nazis subscribe to:
The collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

In short, I am an are not.

America was founded by enlightenment thinkers. They were mainly influenced by the writings of Voltaire and others.

You may try to label them according to your limited definitions, but you, as usual, would be wrong.

They had a huge variety of opinions regarding individualism, free markets and the powers of government.

There was hardly any mention of economics in their philosophies.

They did not have a difference of opinions on democracy, and the rights of the individual.

They fought wars to free people from the super wealthy and the super powerful.

They supported central government and taxation.

If the founding fathers had lived at the time of industrialization or later, they would undoubtedly have had stronger opinions regarding economics and the need for government to insure the rights of individuals in that economic environment.

You viewpoint on what is American is based on a pitiful ignorance of the founding principals of this nation, while you keep attempting to force anti-American ideas on us.

We've disagrees in three or four posts.

I've obliterated you with facts each time.

Try to guess what that indicates?

I fully understand why you make every effort to avoid the path to must be painful to recognize what an inconsequential ignoramus you are.

If you think that you've ever won an arguments with me you are truly delusional. Perhaps I was mistaken in one thing:

I never should have suggested that you take LSD!

Because it's apparent that you are already hallucinating!
All absence of reality is not hallucinating.
nope, never made that claim. they are part of the problem, I stated that in a previous post. It's why I voted for trump to rid our country of uselessness in congress.
instead of draining the swamp he's brought the swamp into the white house and republicans are getting what they voted for ,,a dolt
yes, his ideology aligns more with conservatism, but stays away from far right, it's why not all GOPers like him. It's why I love him. yes.
don't you get it yet jc456? he has no idelogy except for hurray for me fu,,,He'll change in a NY minute if it puts money in his pocket

The candidate who has shown a life-time of 'changing in a NY minute' based on bribes is the one you supported.

It is, in fact, the very reason why Putin and the Kremlin wanted her as President.

Wise up.
you gotta be kidding ,,,,the pos in office now has not said one discouraging word to or about the russian murderer ,,,putin has trump in his pocket ,,that's why he helped trump defeat her
look at this pathetic pos, no evidence to support a claim the president is a traitor. Only in america. now I see why the guy went off yesterday, you must encourage others. we'll have to watch out for thr lefty crazies who where tin foil russia hats.
instead of draining the swamp he's brought the swamp into the white house and republicans are getting what they voted for ,,a dolt
yes, his ideology aligns more with conservatism, but stays away from far right, it's why not all GOPers like him. It's why I love him. yes.
don't you get it yet jc456? he has no idelogy except for hurray for me fu,,,He'll change in a NY minute if it puts money in his pocket

The candidate who has shown a life-time of 'changing in a NY minute' based on bribes is the one you supported.

It is, in fact, the very reason why Putin and the Kremlin wanted her as President.

Wise up.
We are not stupid enough to believe this. The hacking proved that you are wrong.

You must have evidence of same....or you wouldn't claim it.

Do you?

None of the agencies claim to have......
not one of the false russian e mails hurt trump just clinton
"Communism and Fascism were "progressive" ideologies?"

Of course they are......along with Nazism, Liberalism, and socialism.

hey MORON, did you ever "wonder" (which would take more brain cells than you obviously have) WHY fascism hated communism?
Beside Jews and gypsies, it was communists who wound up in the concentration camps.

....and you know who most hated fascism??? It was the socialists and communists.

Heck, you sound like you never got past 5th grade.

" WHY fascism hated communism?"

Cain and Able, you dunce.

Hitler and Stalin were allies until June 22, 1941.
Stalin provided the resources for Hitler's Blitzkrieg.
Hitler learned about concentration camps from FDR's BFF, Stalin.
Both attacked Poland, one from the East, one from the West.

Gads, you're a moron.

Why is it that Liberals know nothing of history ?

Oh...right....government schooling.

"Just to point out just how ignorant YOU are:

Concentration camps were first invented and used by the British during the Boar wars. Long before the age of Hitler and Stalin.

Know one knows how or when Hitler first learned about them.

"Just to point out just how ignorant YOU are:

Concentration camps were first invented and used by the British during the Boar wars. Long before the age of Hitler and Stalin.

Know one knows how or when Hitler first learned about them"

You will never....NEVER....know as much as I do.
Let's see:

"The Soviet NKVD trained the SS, taught them how to build concentration camps, as they had been operating for 20 years before the origin of the Nazis." Viktor Suvorov, former Soviet Military Intelligence Officer. "According to Suvorov, Stalin planned to use Nazi Germany as a proxy (the “Icebreaker”) against the West. For this reason Stalin provided significant material and political support to Adolf Hitler, while at the same time preparing the Red Army to “liberate” the whole of Europe from Nazi occupation."
Viktor Suvorov - Wikipedia

In your face, booooyyyyyyeeeeee!!!!

Try learning the facts for a change:

Second Boer War - Wikipedia

I'd call you an ignorant slut, but in your case it would be a complement.
yes, his ideology aligns more with conservatism, but stays away from far right, it's why not all GOPers like him. It's why I love him. yes.
don't you get it yet jc456? he has no idelogy except for hurray for me fu,,,He'll change in a NY minute if it puts money in his pocket

The candidate who has shown a life-time of 'changing in a NY minute' based on bribes is the one you supported.

It is, in fact, the very reason why Putin and the Kremlin wanted her as President.

Wise up.
We are not stupid enough to believe this. The hacking proved that you are wrong.

You must have evidence of same....or you wouldn't claim it.

Do you?

None of the agencies claim to have......
Who was hacked?
I think everyone is forgetting.

The Left is claiming Russia Hacked The Election, because according to them, people in Russia got on Facebook and Twitter and said a bunch of mean things about Hillary Clinton.

Try to pin one of these assholes down on what they are basing their claims on, and watch them dance like they are walking on hot coals.

And the worst part of this? Soros and the Democrat party actually paid an ARMY of Twitter Trolls and Facebook Trolls to do the same to Trump.

And there is ZERO, ZERO proof of Russian bloggers, or Russian Citizens en masse using Facebook or Twitter to say mean things about Clinton.

And even if it were true, it is not against the law. It doesn't even violate any treaties or international law, or the terms of agreement when you sign up for Twitter or Facebook?

Now, do I like it when foreigners try to tell me how I should think on a Social Media Site?

No, I don't.

I have to deal with it every day on USMB. But it's not illegal, and is not against USMB policy to allow foreign citizens to express their views here.

So I am still puzzled exactly What the Heck The Left is asking our GOV to waste it's time investigating.

Don't you have to have evidence of a crime to investigate anything?

Unless they are investigating Obama, Rice, Lynch, Comey, Lerner, Holder, Koskinen and Powers, I don't see why this thing should continue, or even how you can justify the Millions of dollars it costs to do all of this.

Last edited:
America was founded by enlightenment thinkers. They were mainly influenced by the writings of Voltaire and others.

Now we have you of the fascist left who are benighted dolts who are influenced by the writing of Marx, Lenin, and Pol Pot.

You may try to label them according to your limited definitions, but you, as usual, would be wrong.

They had a huge variety of opinions regarding individualism, free markets and the powers of government.

There was hardly any mention of economics in their philosophies.

So you have actually never read anything from Payne, Jefferson, or Mason. :thup:

They did not have a difference of opinions on democracy, and the rights of the individual.


Does it hurt to be that stupid.

They fought wars to free people from the super wealthy and the super powerful.

Right bite boi, I mean it's not like George Washington was literally the richest man in the nation...

They supported central government and taxation.

Particularly the anti-federalists, brite boi... :thup:

If the founding fathers had lived at the time of industrialization or later, they would undoubtedly have had stronger opinions regarding economics and the need for government to insure the rights of individuals in that economic environment.

You viewpoint on what is American is based on a pitiful ignorance of the founding principals of this nation, while you keep attempting to force anti-American ideas on us.

Herpaderpity derp indeed.


Unbelievable, huh?

Government school indoctrination is indelible.

He literally represents the level of knowledge that the average democrat has. These are people who have utterly no idea what this nation was founded on, nor what it is they are advocating for.

How does a Stalin type dictator differ from a King? How do bureau chiefs differ from Earls or Barons? Ignorant fools like Richard H advocate for a return to the feudalism that America finally found escape from. He not only willingly rushes back into chains, he violently opposes those who would guide him away from the chains he so desires.
yes, his ideology aligns more with conservatism, but stays away from far right, it's why not all GOPers like him. It's why I love him. yes.
don't you get it yet jc456? he has no idelogy except for hurray for me fu,,,He'll change in a NY minute if it puts money in his pocket

The candidate who has shown a life-time of 'changing in a NY minute' based on bribes is the one you supported.

It is, in fact, the very reason why Putin and the Kremlin wanted her as President.

Wise up.
We are not stupid enough to believe this. The hacking proved that you are wrong.

You must have evidence of same....or you wouldn't claim it.

Do you?

None of the agencies claim to have......
not one of the false russian e mails hurt trump just clinton
you mean wikileaks? yeah they hurt her goodly. thanks to assange
don't you get it yet jc456? he has no idelogy except for hurray for me fu,,,He'll change in a NY minute if it puts money in his pocket

The candidate who has shown a life-time of 'changing in a NY minute' based on bribes is the one you supported.

It is, in fact, the very reason why Putin and the Kremlin wanted her as President.

Wise up.
We are not stupid enough to believe this. The hacking proved that you are wrong.

You must have evidence of same....or you wouldn't claim it.

Do you?

None of the agencies claim to have......
Who was hacked?
You are even stupider than Political Spice. Guess this is why you are her lap dog.
The world is laughing at us for electing a self admitted Pussy Grabber who feels because he is an entitled star, they let him molest them (in reality it is fear that stops them from pursuing charges against the prick).

He is getting what he deserves. Will find out in 2018 how Americans feel about his duplicitous agenda.

He is a typical Republican con man who proclaims falsely that he won in a historic landslide and declares by that landslide he has a mandate to shove his elitist, unconstitutional agenda down the countries throats without regards to public opinion on the matters.
and so fking what, you wish to control the outcome right, or better yet, pissed because you couldn't. You can't see that the majority of americans didn't want what your side offered. dude, you can't accept it. and it is the point of this thread. you keep validating that.

He may have won the election but not with a majority of votes from the American people. I have no choice but to accept the EC outcome and look towards 2018 to take our country back from the GOP/Russian coalition.
well he did when the majority of electoral votes. sorry. see proves my point.

Actually your claim was that I and many other can't accept that "The Don" won the EC. I have no choice but to accept the EC vote. I fully accept that we have elected "The Great Grabby One". I look forward to 2018. I fully support the Democrats doing everything legally possible in Congress to stop them ramming their secretive partisan agenda down America's collective throat as if they have a mandate from the majority of the American people.

The end is not near, the circus will continue.
then stop with the popular vote bullshit, since we don't elect our presidents with that. He won the majority of electoral votes, he took 30 states, landslide.

I never brought up Hillary winning the popular vote at all. I said he did not receive a majority of votes from voters. For that matter and what it's worth neither did Hillary, as you pointed out.

"Since the end of World War II, Trump’s percentage of the Electoral College vote is lower than 12 previous results (1948, 1952, 1956, 1964, 1972, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2008 and 2012). By contrast, Trump’s electoral vote haul was bigger than only five elections in the post-World War II era (1960, 1968, 1976, 2000 and 2004). So Trump ranks in the bottom one-third by this metric."

"If Trump’s election was a landslide, then the word ‘landslide’ has no meaning," said University of Denver political scientist Seth Masket.

Trump's electoral college victory not a 'massive landslide'

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