The end of debate, in one line.


Dec 8, 2017
Okay, take an issue, any issue, and kill it off in one sentence. Find the middle ground or take a stance that says let the chips fall where they may, I don't care if comes back to bite me in the ass, I'm done with debate on this subject and whatever is required to make it happen just do it and let's move along.

I'll start:

Abortion - safe, legal, and rare so just do what has to be done which isn't banning sex.

Taxes - high on the rich low on the poor, and corporations pay 25%, no deductions.

Partisan politics - country before party once you're elected.

Gay marriage - all wedding cakes are gay so just bake the damn thing and enjoy cashing the check.

Racism - no matter what color you are don't be an asshole and I won't be one either.

The South - losers don't get statures, there's no parade for second place.

North Korea - no other nation ever asked before building the bomb but we have them also.

TV and the movies - how the hell can you people not come up with something that's actually new?

Voter ID - as soon as you pass one out to everyone then you can ask to see the damn thing.

Roy Moore - he's a creep, a real one, and we already have too many in Congress so don't vote him in.

Okay, your turn.
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Just what we need, another paid progressive troll that knows best.
Liberals do know best but carry on. You think the founders of this nation wanted a bunch of ditch diggers voting.

And I forgot one:

Israel - two states or no Israel, your call?
The end of debate in one line? What are you here for then? Lol
Okay, take an issue, any issue, and kill it off in one sentence. Find the middle ground or take a stance that says let the chips fall where they may, I don't care if comes back to bite me in the ass, I'm done with debate on this subject and whatever is required to make it happen just do it and let's move along.

I'll start:

Abortion - safe, legal, and rare so just do what has to be done which isn't banning sex.

Taxes - high on the rich low on the poor, and corporations pay 25%, no deductions.

Partisan politics - country before party once you're elected.

Gay marriage - all wedding cakes are gay so just bake the damn thing and enjoy cashing the check.

Racism - no matter what color you are don't be an asshole and I won't be one either.

The South - losers don't get statures, there's no parade for second place.

North Korea - no other nation ever asked before building the bomb but we have them also.

TV and the movies - how the hell can you people not come up with something that's actually new?

Voter ID - as soon as you pass one out to everyone then you can ask to see the damn thing.

Roy Moore - he's a creep, a real one, and we already have too many in Congress so don't vote him in.

Okay, your turn.


Abortion: Make your choices before sex and live with them after sex.

Taxes: The absolute minimum necessary to fund the basic functions of the Federal Government. Everyone puts skin in the game.

Partisan Politics: You mean like this thread? Principle and character before party. Country takes care of itself if the citizens are moral.

Gay Marriage: No government involvment with marriage period. Marriage is a religious institution. If you want benefits, write a contract.

Racism: Know what it is and stop accusing people of it because you disagree with them.

The South: Is still part of the United States and is as deserving of respect as any other region.

North Korea: Find a way to take them out and fuck the Chinese.

TV and the movies: In matters of taste, there can be no debate.

Voter ID: Everyone gets one and ONLY one ID. Pollsters WILL check ID of every voter.

Roy Moore: Is innocent until proven guilty as long as he denies wrong-doing. The accusers are NOT credible. You want creepy, look to Nancy Pelosi.

Have nice life.
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Okay, take an issue, any issue, and kill it off in one sentence. Find the middle ground or take a stance that says let the chips fall where they may, I don't care if comes back to bite me in the ass, I'm done with debate on this subject and whatever is required to make it happen just do it and let's move along.

I'll start:

Abortion - safe, legal, and rare so just do what has to be done which isn't banning sex.

Taxes - high on the rich low on the poor, and corporations pay 25%, no deductions.

Partisan politics - country before party once you're elected.

Gay marriage - all wedding cakes are gay so just bake the damn thing and enjoy cashing the check.

Racism - no matter what color you are don't be an asshole and I won't be one either.

The South - losers don't get statures, there's no parade for second place.

North Korea - no other nation ever asked before building the bomb but we have them also.

TV and the movies - how the hell can you people not come up with something that's actually new?

Voter ID - as soon as you pass one out to everyone then you can ask to see the damn thing.

Roy Moore - he's a creep, a real one, and we already have too many in Congress so don't vote him in.

Okay, your turn.


Abortion: Make your choices before sex and live with them after sex.

Taxes: The absolute minimum necessary to fund the basic functions of the Federal Government. Everyone puts skin in the game.

Partisan Politics: You mean like this thread? Principle and character before party. Country takes care of itself if the citizens are moral.

Gay Marriage: No government involvment with marriage period. Marriage is a religious institution. If you want benefits, write a contract.

Racism: Know what it is and stop accusing people of it because you disagree with them.

The South: Is still part of the United States and is as deserving of respect as any other region.

North Korea: Find a way to take them out and fuck the Chinese.

TV and the movies: In matters of taste, there can be no debate.

Voter ID: Everyone gets one and ONLY one ID. Pollsters WILL check ID of every voter.

Roy Moore: Is innocent until proven guilty as long as he denies wrong-doing. The accusers are NOT credible. You want creepy, look to Nancy Pelosi.

Have nice life.
Good. You said your peace. You didn't do it in one sentence but at least it's out there.
Okay, take an issue, any issue, and kill it off in one sentence. Find the middle ground or take a stance that says let the chips fall where they may, I don't care if comes back to bite me in the ass, I'm done with debate on this subject and whatever is required to make it happen just do it and let's move along.

I'll start:

Abortion - safe, legal, and rare so just do what has to be done which isn't banning sex.

Taxes - high on the rich low on the poor, and corporations pay 25%, no deductions.

Partisan politics - country before party once you're elected.

Gay marriage - all wedding cakes are gay so just bake the damn thing and enjoy cashing the check.

Racism - no matter what color you are don't be an asshole and I won't be one either.

The South - losers don't get statures, there's no parade for second place.

North Korea - no other nation ever asked before building the bomb but we have them also.

TV and the movies - how the hell can you people not come up with something that's actually new?

Voter ID - as soon as you pass one out to everyone then you can ask to see the damn thing.

Roy Moore - he's a creep, a real one, and we already have too many in Congress so don't vote him in.

Okay, your turn.

Abortion-Not the best option, but it’s the law of the land. Get on with your lives.

Tax’s- I only give a shit about my own. Don’t care otherwise.

Partisan politics- stop being a dumb fucking slave and start thinking for your selves again. Fixed.

Wedding cakes- go find a place that will make your cake and get on with your lives. Stupid fucking issue and waste of court time. Only stupid fucks follow this issue. Get a damn life already.

The south-Losers? Hmm. Stupidity on your part. Only a lonely nerd would even care. Again, get a life.

Race- pimps who found a way to get money without working.

North Korea- starve them and make China go broke. Fuck them.

TV/Movies. Who cares.

Voter ID. Must have ID to rent an apartment. Just get a fucking ID and stop being a bitch.

Roy My ore- based on allogations of sluts. Meh, innocent until proven guilty.
Israel - two states or no Israel, your call?

Of course, it wouldn’t be progressive if it didn’t contain radical demands about people he doesn’t know in a country he couldn’t find on a map.

Here’s something you might not have learned in school .... America doesn’t get to decide what countries do or do not exist.
Israel - two states or no Israel, your call?

Of course, it wouldn’t be progressive if it didn’t contain radical demands about people he doesn’t know in a country he couldn’t find on a map.

Here’s something you might not have learned in school .... America doesn’t get to decide what countries do or do not exist.
Zionists aren't a race, and religions shouldn't have nations.
Zionists aren't a race, and religions shouldn't have nations.

I’m so glad you have such strong opinions on a subject about which you have absolutely no knowledge.

The sign of a true liberal.


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