The end of white America is now clearly in sight

Oh gawd, can't get much worse than white British Cuckold Liberals. Exactly why Great Britain only has ugly chaos to look forward to. The Left dismantled its Immigration System 30yrs ago.

We should have learned from their disaster. I really hope we have. We better be very careful not to allow our own white Cuckold Liberals to destroy our nation. These people are crazy, and incredibly destructive.
Hispanic isn't a race. The majority identify as white. RUH ROH! The author of the article is in a total meltdown. :lol:

Why are Hispanics identifying as white?
By Eric Liu


For all the complexity of our national complexion, Americans still too often think that white makes right.

Consider a new study of census returns reported on by the Pew Research Center. It showed, apparently, that significant numbers of Hispanics are now identifying as white. The research was presented at the recent Population Association of America meeting.

Some news reports suggested that Hispanics, rather than solidifying a distinct ethnic identity and becoming the driving force of a "majority-minority" future, might instead try to be just the latest group of immigrants, such as Italians or Jews, to "become white."

More at link:

Opinion: Why are Hispanics identifying as white? -
An informative story at the BBC....

How young Americans are set to change the US forever - BBC News
Non-whites are the major source of population increase for the US for some time now.
The Hispanic population will become the predominant ethnic group within 50 years at the current rate.
Even the Asian rate of population growth exceeds the growth rate of the white ethnic group.

The white population median age is now 43 and growing older. It's simply a matter of time.

And with the decline in white people from rural America and traditionalists regions who historically have been Patriots, so will go the inclination to preserve the framework of the USA as founded.

It won't matter to most of us since we'll be gone......but in 200 years I would venture a guess that the USA will be dramatically different than it has been for the last 200 or so. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing probably depends on your point of view.

200 years?!!
Make that 50 or less, the country as we know it will be long gone.
It's a fact that it will happen. We can either whine about it, or adjust so we won't be left behind as the world moves forward.

How would we move forward by removing Whitey, if Whitey pays the taxes to support so many Blacks, and Hispanics?

Am I missing something?

Yep, the minorities will just do the jobs. Over a decade ago, bill clinton was bragging about this country's white people being in the minority by 2040. That figure has been moved up by now I'm pretty sure.
Abortion is the key. Convince that killing their children is in the non-white minority best interests and everything else falls right into line.
White folks created the greatest nation in history. They can't be all-bad, no? Why is the OP and others hatin on em so much?

It's being waged by disturbed white Cuckold Liberals. Look at what's happened to a country like Great Britain after it allowed its Cuckolds to dismantle its Immigration System. Things are not better there, they're actually much worse. Great Britain will be experiencing bloody chaos in the streets for the foreseeable future. It's what happens when you allow white Cuckold Liberals too much power. They will destroy nations.
It's a fact that it will happen. We can either whine about it, or adjust so we won't be left behind as the world moves forward.
now if only that worked for the left on trump being president. you know, they can either whine about it, or adjust so they won't be left behind.
White folks created the greatest nation in history. They can't be all-bad, no? Why is the OP and others hatin on em so much?
Liberals want to destroy this country.

Oh yeah, white Cuckold Liberals are definitely the biggest threat to our nation. Look what they've done to numerous once beautiful peaceful nations in Western Europe. They've turned them into ugly bloody hellholes, by way of dismantling Immigration Systems.

And obviously if allowed, American white Cuckold Liberals will do the same thing here. I really hope Americans are paying attention. It wouldn't be wise to underestimate and dismiss these folks. They have a track record. They have destroyed nations in Western Europe.
Liberals want to destroy this country.

I don't really think Liberals know exactly what they "want".
They are simply used and manipulated to carry the load for the PTB abd they are not wise enough to realize what they are doing to themselves.

I personally don't care if this nation is 100% white, 100% black, 100% asian etc....AS LONG AS whoever continues to uphold the US Constitution and provides for a solid foundation for the future. This is the complete opposite of what todays' liberals and regressives seem to want. Theirs is a DRUGS AND FREEBIES FOR ALL mentality that is not sustainable and will not keep America safe.

The US has been the great global stabilizer for a long time now and the Left is wrecking the foundation. The Left would probably all BUT dismantle the military is the get the chance. China is just waiting for the Left to gain solid power again. China particulary has a doctrine to essentially control most of the world. A brutal regime indeed. The Left will bring a lot of suffering to humankind.
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Things are quite different here today then they were 200 years ago as well. Back then this part of the country was part of Mexico but inhabited mostly by Native Americans.
White folks created the greatest nation in history. They can't be all-bad, no? Why is the OP and others hatin on em so much?

How did I say I hated ANYONE in the OP you dipshit moron fungus ??

White folks are fine. You're just a racist. Either that, or you're a dimwitted white Cuckold Liberal. You suck.

I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt.....How the fuck did you get I'm racist from the OP ?
I'm about as red blooded Conservative white America as a person can be.
In case you missed it, I basically re-posted what was on the BBC.

I had some reservations about whether you were a dumbass or not......then you opened your mouth.....all doubt removed.
An informative story at the BBC....

How young Americans are set to change the US forever - BBC News
Non-whites are the major source of population increase for the US for some time now.
The Hispanic population will become the predominant ethnic group within 50 years at the current rate.
Even the Asian rate of population growth exceeds the growth rate of the white ethnic group.

The white population median age is now 43 and growing older. It's simply a matter of time.

And with the decline in white people from rural America and traditionalists regions who historically have been Patriots, so will go the inclination to preserve the framework of the USA as founded.

It won't matter to most of us since we'll be gone......but in 200 years I would venture a guess that the USA will be dramatically different than it has been for the last 200 or so. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing probably depends on your point of view.
The Kaibab squirrel living on the Kaibab Plateau on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon is an example of evolution through geographic isolation. Not because of the Grand Canyon, but due to the last major Ice Age. It differs from the more common Abert's squirrels (and subspecies) in minor ways such as coloration. Although the link below doesn't say, I'm sure they're over 99% genetically identical. Wouldn't it be odd to see the two types of squirrels fight over "racial purity"? LOL

What Are the Characteristics of the Abert & Kaibab Squirrels?
Abert's squirrels (Sciurus aberti) are a North American species, found across a range of locations. Kaibab squirrels (Sciurus aberti kaibabensis) are a subspecies of Abert's squirrels, found only in one area in the United States. As these two types of squirrels have been isolated from one another for 10,000 years, they've evolved some distinct and separate characteristics.

Coat and Coloration
Abert's and Kaibab squirrels have slightly different coloration from one another. Abert's squirrels are mostly light gray in color with a black or dark gray stripe down their backs and white underparts. Kaibab squirrels have noticeable variations -- their sides and underparts are dark gray or black, their tails are white and their backs and heads are russet or chestnut brown. Both types of squirrel have longer winter coats that include large tufts or tassels on their ears.

Size and Shape
Both Abert's and Kaibab squirrels are a similar size and shape. Their heads and bodies range in length from roughly 18 to 23 inches and their tails measure an additional 7 to 10 inches. On average, they weigh around 25 ounces. Males tend to be no larger than females. These squirrels also have a similar skeletal structure, with no noticeable differences. They have short, broad skulls, with flattened frontal areas, and narrow, laterally compressed rostrums.

Habitat and Range
You can characterize Abert's and Kaibab squirrels by the habitat and geographical location in which they live. Abert's squirrels have a relatively large range and can be found in parts of Arizona, Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico and Colorado in the United States, and from Chihuahua to southern Durango in Mexico. While they most often live in ponderosa pine forests, they also can be found in mixed conifer forests, if ponderosas are present. Kaibab squirrels have a much smaller range: They only exist in the ponderosa pine forests of the northern Kaibab Plateau. As the Colorado River created the Grand Canyon, this subspecies became isolated as they couldn't cross this new and treacherous barrier.

Foraging and Feeding
Abert's and Kaibab squirrels can be characterized by the type of foods they eat. With ponderosa pines making up the main part of their diet, they both have similar eating habits. They feed on all the parts of ponderosa pines, including bark, seeds, buds and flowers, which is why they need to live amongst these trees. However, they're opportunistic feeders and will forage for fungi and other plant matter, as well as eating carrion. As they don't hibernate, they don't store large amounts of food for winter, but they may bury the odd pinecone to feed on at a later date.


White folks created the greatest nation in history. They can't be all-bad, no? Why is the OP and others hatin on em so much?

How did I say I hated ANYONE in the OP you dipshit moron fungus ??

White folks are fine. You're just a racist. Either that, or you're a dimwitted white Cuckold Liberal. You suck.

I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt.....How the fuck did you get I'm racist from the OP ?
I'm about as red blooded Conservative white America as a person can be.
In case you missed it, I basically re-posted what was on the BBC.

I had some reservations about whether you were a dumbass or not......then you opened your mouth.....all doubt removed.

Oh, my bad. I'll admit i only skimmed your post. I saw BBC, and instantly reacted. Anyone with common sense knows that the BBC is overrun with dumb white Cuckold Liberals. They've created the awful chaos we're now seeing in Great Britain.

They dismantled Britain's Immigration System many years ago. They're insane people. I just hope we've learned a lesson from that mess over there. Don't allow white Cuckold Liberals too much power. They have and will destroy nations. And i do apologize for not reading your OP. It's a big Message Board faux pas. I should know better.

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