The end of white America is now clearly in sight

Oh, my bad. I'll admit i only skimmed your post. I saw BBC, and instantly reacted. Anyone with common sense knows that the BBC is overrun with dumb white Cuckold Liberals. They've created the awful chaos we're now seeing in Great Britain.

They dismantled Britain's Immigration System many years ago. They're insane people. I just hope we've learned a lesson from that mess over there. Don't allow white Cuckold Liberals too much power. They have and will destroy nations. And i do apologize for not reading your OP. It's a big Message Board faux pas. I should know better.


Apology accepted.

Oh, my bad. I'll admit i only skimmed your post. I saw BBC, and instantly reacted. Anyone with common sense knows that the BBC is overrun with dumb white Cuckold Liberals. They've created the awful chaos we're now seeing in Great Britain.

They dismantled Britain's Immigration System many years ago. They're insane people. I just hope we've learned a lesson from that mess over there. Don't allow white Cuckold Liberals too much power. They have and will destroy nations. And i do apologize for not reading your OP. It's a big Message Board faux pas. I should know better.


Apology accepted.


Gunny?? I believe i recognize the name. If it is you, great to see you back. I'll let the 'MAGGOT' rant slide. I always thought you were one of the best here at USMB. :)
Great Britain and other once beautiful peaceful nations in Western Europe, have been thoroughly Cucked. It's what happens to nations that allow their white Cuckold Liberals too much power. They've dismantled Immigration Systems all across Western Europe. They've created bloody chaos. And they're actually gloating over it. Americans better be paying attention. If they choose to allow their Cucks too much power, their nation will be Cucked too.
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Great Britain and other once beautiful peaceful nations in Western Europe, have been thoroughly Cucked. It's what happens to nations that allow their white Cuckold Liberals too much power. They've dismantled Immigration Systems all across Western Europe. They've created bloody chaos. And they're actually gloating about it. Americans better be paying attention. If they choose to allow their Cucks too much power, their nation will be Cucked too.
Jews are actually responsible for this. In America back in 1965, it was a Jew behind the 1965 Immigration Act and now we are seeing the devastating effects of it. In essence, Jews want to destroy White nations.
I fear for the white man

Maybe we can form an organization that looks out for the well being of white men?
What could go wrong with that?
It's a fact that it will happen. We can either whine about it, or adjust so we won't be left behind as the world moves forward.
now if only that worked for the left on trump being president. you know, they can either whine about it, or adjust so they won't be left behind.

The majority are disgusted with trump. He will be left behind.
An informative story at the BBC....

How young Americans are set to change the US forever - BBC News
Non-whites are the major source of population increase for the US for some time now.
The Hispanic population will become the predominant ethnic group within 50 years at the current rate.
Even the Asian rate of population growth exceeds the growth rate of the white ethnic group.

The white population median age is now 43 and growing older. It's simply a matter of time.

And with the decline in white people from rural America and traditionalists regions who historically have been Patriots, so will go the inclination to preserve the framework of the USA as founded.

It won't matter to most of us since we'll be gone......but in 200 years I would venture a guess that the USA will be dramatically different than it has been for the last 200 or so. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing probably depends on your point of view.

Hillary would have ended America by now. Thank Vlad she never got that chance
Not only will America become less white it spells the end of America being great since America was made great by whites. Not surprising that minorities want what someone else created. Consider Africa or any other country that minorities come from, who in the right mind would want to live in those hell holes?
It's a fact that it will happen. We can either whine about it, or adjust so we won't be left behind as the world moves forward.
now if only that worked for the left on trump being president. you know, they can either whine about it, or adjust so they won't be left behind.

The majority are disgusted with trump. He will be left behind.
maybe the majority of people you talk

and left behind what?

nevermind. i'm out.

It's being waged by disturbed white Cuckold Liberals. Look at what's happened to a country like Great Britain after it allowed its Cuckolds to dismantle its Immigration System. Things are not better there, they're actually much worse. Great Britain will be experiencing bloody chaos in the streets for the foreseeable future. It's what happens when you allow white Cuckold Liberals too much power. They will destroy nations.

And Britain is actually much better off than the rest of Western Europe....
Topics like this ignore nature for the sake of pimping divisions of color. As the races continue to mingle there will only be one "color" in the end.

There is such a divide right now thanks to the race baiters that it will hinder this morphing into one color. I think the radicals out there right now are more thinking along the lines of just killing whites till they are gone.
Topics like this ignore nature for the sake of pimping divisions of color. As the races continue to mingle there will only be one "color" in the end. America, Black today really means Dark Beige...
Not only will America become less white it spells the end of America being great since America was made great by whites. Not surprising that minorities want what someone else created. Consider Africa or any other country that minorities come from, who in the right mind would want to live in those hell holes?
How many great countries kept four million people in slavery and kept blacks in second class citizenship for 100 years after?
It also obliterated our Indian population

That is how whites made America great......through racism
Not only will America become less white it spells the end of America being great since America was made great by whites. Not surprising that minorities want what someone else created. Consider Africa or any other country that minorities come from, who in the right mind would want to live in those hell holes?
It also obliterated our Indian population

That is how whites made America great......through racism

The Native American population's final straw will be anti-Racism, as more than half of Native Americans in the U.S marry non-Native Americans to obliterate the population.

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