The end of white America is now clearly in sight

I fear for the white man

Maybe we can form an organization that looks out for the well being of white men?
What could go wrong with that?

I wouldn't be to fearful if I were you.
Whites tend to possess characteristics that cause them to be dominant by genetic default.
Courage, iQ, ability to reason, decision making processing, problem solving...these are just a few things that will keep this nation dominated and lead by whites.
Hispanics have the amazing ability to run their baby factories around the clock...but ignorance never leads to dominance and or leadership.
Sorry folks....America will have to remain American for a long, long time.
Topics like this ignore nature for the sake of pimping divisions of color. As the races continue to mingle there will only be one "color" in the end.

Most in the West do not race mix.

How do you justify eradicating unique, and diverse peoples in the process?

Did you type that with a straight face? Have you been out in America lately?

My two grandsons are white, black, Hispanic and Native American mixes. My granddaughter is white and Hispanic mixed, although she looks like a Nordic princess.

I am not alone.

Maybe in your family most race mix.
An informative story at the BBC....

How young Americans are set to change the US forever - BBC News
Non-whites are the major source of population increase for the US for some time now.
The Hispanic population will become the predominant ethnic group within 50 years at the current rate.
Even the Asian rate of population growth exceeds the growth rate of the white ethnic group.

The white population median age is now 43 and growing older. It's simply a matter of time.

And with the decline in white people from rural America and traditionalists regions who historically have been Patriots, so will go the inclination to preserve the framework of the USA as founded.

It won't matter to most of us since we'll be gone......but in 200 years I would venture a guess that the USA will be dramatically different than it has been for the last 200 or so. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing probably depends on your point of view.

And all this time I thought (from reading this forum) that non-white Americans were being systematically exterminated, by liberals,

via abortion.
America was created by white men for white men

They were appalled when women and minorities began to demand....Hey, what about me?
In a country built on the concept that "All men are created equal" they revolted at the idea that this may actually be true

It was created at a time when enlarging the in group to "white men" was a huge step forward.

SERFDOM was still being practiced in large parts of Europe at the time.

Very true. Acknowledging that the nobility were no different than anyone else was a huge step.
But beyond 1776, this country was created and managed for the benefit of white males. We killed 600,000 Americans just trying to end slavery. We were one of the last modern societies to give women the vote. We openly discriminated against minorities for 100 years after the Civil War

Yes, White males are outraged
The country they created and dominated for two hundred years was slipping away as they were forced to open the doors to others

Wow, yeah we were soooooo far behind...

"Most independent countries enacted women's suffrage in the interwar era, including Canada in 1917, Britain in 1918 and the United States in 1920. "

Women's suffrage - Wikipedia

This is the difference between a conservative and a liberal.

A conservative, biased in FAVOR of America, reads that and thinks, "America was right with the times, probably slowed down a hair by the checks and balances of a Federal system."

A liberals, such as yourself, see America as "one of the last modern societies to give women the vote.".

Also, relevant to your position.

"Late adopters in Europe included Spain in 1931, France in 1944, Italy in 1946, Greece in 1952, Switzerland in 1971, as well as several small countries."

My country right or wrong never serves the countries needs
Real citizenship is acknowledging what is wrong with the country and trying to fix it

This particular thread is about the loss of power among white males. Our countries treatment of women and minorities is not something we should be proud of. Having a level playing field where white males have to compete on an equal basis with women and minorities and non-Christians is something to strive for

Bemoaning the fact that white males no longer get to call all the shots is not something our society needs

Which is not what I did.

YOU said that the US was "one of the last modern societies" to give women the right to vote.

I looked it up.

We were TWO year after Britain.

WHich would render your claim an very unfair characterization.

Then I posted that we were decades before France, or Spain OR Italy.

Which made your claim just WRONG.

You are unfairly harsh in judging America. ON the women's voting issue, I have demonstrated it beyond question.

As an example.

Referencing the OP

Yes we actually had laws on the books until the 1960's against race mixing. You could actually go to jail for having a mix raced child. This is the same timeframe when Obama was born in Hawaii which had no such laws

All in the name of protecting the precious white race
lol, if only I had the ambition to dig up all the RW'er posts claiming that there is no more racism in America.

Oh, make no mistake about it...racism is alive and thriving in this nation...the American Whitey of today may be the most hated "group" in history.
America was created by white men for white men

They were appalled when women and minorities began to demand....Hey, what about me?
In a country built on the concept that "All men are created equal" they revolted at the idea that this may actually be true

It was created at a time when enlarging the in group to "white men" was a huge step forward.

SERFDOM was still being practiced in large parts of Europe at the time.

Very true. Acknowledging that the nobility were no different than anyone else was a huge step.
But beyond 1776, this country was created and managed for the benefit of white males. We killed 600,000 Americans just trying to end slavery. We were one of the last modern societies to give women the vote. We openly discriminated against minorities for 100 years after the Civil War

Yes, White males are outraged
The country they created and dominated for two hundred years was slipping away as they were forced to open the doors to others

Wow, yeah we were soooooo far behind...

"Most independent countries enacted women's suffrage in the interwar era, including Canada in 1917, Britain in 1918 and the United States in 1920. "

Women's suffrage - Wikipedia

This is the difference between a conservative and a liberal.

A conservative, biased in FAVOR of America, reads that and thinks, "America was right with the times, probably slowed down a hair by the checks and balances of a Federal system."

A liberals, such as yourself, see America as "one of the last modern societies to give women the vote.".

Also, relevant to your position.

"Late adopters in Europe included Spain in 1931, France in 1944, Italy in 1946, Greece in 1952, Switzerland in 1971, as well as several small countries."

My country right or wrong never serves the countries needs
Real citizenship is acknowledging what is wrong with the country and trying to fix it

This particular thread is about the loss of power among white males. Our countries treatment of women and minorities is not something we should be proud of. Having a level playing field where white males have to compete on an equal basis with women and minorities and non-Christians is something to strive for

Bemoaning the fact that white males no longer get to call all the shots is not something our society needs

Which is not what I did.

YOU said that the US was "one of the last modern societies" to give women the right to vote.

I looked it up.

We were TWO year after Britain.

WHich would render your claim an very unfair characterization.

Then I posted that we were decades before France, or Spain OR Italy.

Which made your claim just WRONG.

You are unfairly harsh in judging America. ON the women's voting issue, I have demonstrated it beyond question.

As an example.

Point taken
They were in the same time period

But it does not negate my point that our nation was established as a nation to be controlled by white males. Our legacy of racism and sexism is not something to be proud of. Racist posts like the OP moaning about the breeding of whites shows we still have a long way to go
It was created at a time when enlarging the in group to "white men" was a huge step forward.

SERFDOM was still being practiced in large parts of Europe at the time.

Very true. Acknowledging that the nobility were no different than anyone else was a huge step.
But beyond 1776, this country was created and managed for the benefit of white males. We killed 600,000 Americans just trying to end slavery. We were one of the last modern societies to give women the vote. We openly discriminated against minorities for 100 years after the Civil War

Yes, White males are outraged
The country they created and dominated for two hundred years was slipping away as they were forced to open the doors to others

Wow, yeah we were soooooo far behind...

"Most independent countries enacted women's suffrage in the interwar era, including Canada in 1917, Britain in 1918 and the United States in 1920. "

Women's suffrage - Wikipedia

This is the difference between a conservative and a liberal.

A conservative, biased in FAVOR of America, reads that and thinks, "America was right with the times, probably slowed down a hair by the checks and balances of a Federal system."

A liberals, such as yourself, see America as "one of the last modern societies to give women the vote.".

Also, relevant to your position.

"Late adopters in Europe included Spain in 1931, France in 1944, Italy in 1946, Greece in 1952, Switzerland in 1971, as well as several small countries."

My country right or wrong never serves the countries needs
Real citizenship is acknowledging what is wrong with the country and trying to fix it

This particular thread is about the loss of power among white males. Our countries treatment of women and minorities is not something we should be proud of. Having a level playing field where white males have to compete on an equal basis with women and minorities and non-Christians is something to strive for

Bemoaning the fact that white males no longer get to call all the shots is not something our society needs

Which is not what I did.

YOU said that the US was "one of the last modern societies" to give women the right to vote.

I looked it up.

We were TWO year after Britain.

WHich would render your claim an very unfair characterization.

Then I posted that we were decades before France, or Spain OR Italy.

Which made your claim just WRONG.

You are unfairly harsh in judging America. ON the women's voting issue, I have demonstrated it beyond question.

As an example.

Point taken
They were in the same time period

But it does not negate my point that our nation was established as a nation to be controlled by white males. Our legacy of racism and sexism is not something to be proud of. Racist posts like the OP moaning about the breeding of whites shows we still have a long way to go

Eradicating people through raci
It was created at a time when enlarging the in group to "white men" was a huge step forward.

SERFDOM was still being practiced in large parts of Europe at the time.

Very true. Acknowledging that the nobility were no different than anyone else was a huge step.
But beyond 1776, this country was created and managed for the benefit of white males. We killed 600,000 Americans just trying to end slavery. We were one of the last modern societies to give women the vote. We openly discriminated against minorities for 100 years after the Civil War

Yes, White males are outraged
The country they created and dominated for two hundred years was slipping away as they were forced to open the doors to others

Wow, yeah we were soooooo far behind...

"Most independent countries enacted women's suffrage in the interwar era, including Canada in 1917, Britain in 1918 and the United States in 1920. "

Women's suffrage - Wikipedia

This is the difference between a conservative and a liberal.

A conservative, biased in FAVOR of America, reads that and thinks, "America was right with the times, probably slowed down a hair by the checks and balances of a Federal system."

A liberals, such as yourself, see America as "one of the last modern societies to give women the vote.".

Also, relevant to your position.

"Late adopters in Europe included Spain in 1931, France in 1944, Italy in 1946, Greece in 1952, Switzerland in 1971, as well as several small countries."

My country right or wrong never serves the countries needs
Real citizenship is acknowledging what is wrong with the country and trying to fix it

This particular thread is about the loss of power among white males. Our countries treatment of women and minorities is not something we should be proud of. Having a level playing field where white males have to compete on an equal basis with women and minorities and non-Christians is something to strive for

Bemoaning the fact that white males no longer get to call all the shots is not something our society needs

Which is not what I did.

YOU said that the US was "one of the last modern societies" to give women the right to vote.

I looked it up.

We were TWO year after Britain.

WHich would render your claim an very unfair characterization.

Then I posted that we were decades before France, or Spain OR Italy.

Which made your claim just WRONG.

You are unfairly harsh in judging America. ON the women's voting issue, I have demonstrated it beyond question.

As an example.

Point taken
They were in the same time period

But it does not negate my point that our nation was established as a nation to be controlled by white males. Our legacy of racism and sexism is not something to be proud of. Racist posts like the OP moaning about the breeding of whites shows we still have a long way to go

Eradicating people is wrong whether by genocide, or by multiculturalism.

Both are more similar than you'd expect, in both cases greed is a main factor.

Furthermore both are expansionist, colonialism, and globalism aren't far removed from one another.

Colonialism uses intolerance to build expansion, and wealth.

Globalism uses tolerance to build expansion, and wealth.

It's all garbage, elites brainwashing idiots to throw away people's heritages.
It was created at a time when enlarging the in group to "white men" was a huge step forward.

SERFDOM was still being practiced in large parts of Europe at the time.

Very true. Acknowledging that the nobility were no different than anyone else was a huge step.
But beyond 1776, this country was created and managed for the benefit of white males. We killed 600,000 Americans just trying to end slavery. We were one of the last modern societies to give women the vote. We openly discriminated against minorities for 100 years after the Civil War

Yes, White males are outraged
The country they created and dominated for two hundred years was slipping away as they were forced to open the doors to others

Wow, yeah we were soooooo far behind...

"Most independent countries enacted women's suffrage in the interwar era, including Canada in 1917, Britain in 1918 and the United States in 1920. "

Women's suffrage - Wikipedia

This is the difference between a conservative and a liberal.

A conservative, biased in FAVOR of America, reads that and thinks, "America was right with the times, probably slowed down a hair by the checks and balances of a Federal system."

A liberals, such as yourself, see America as "one of the last modern societies to give women the vote.".

Also, relevant to your position.

"Late adopters in Europe included Spain in 1931, France in 1944, Italy in 1946, Greece in 1952, Switzerland in 1971, as well as several small countries."

My country right or wrong never serves the countries needs
Real citizenship is acknowledging what is wrong with the country and trying to fix it

This particular thread is about the loss of power among white males. Our countries treatment of women and minorities is not something we should be proud of. Having a level playing field where white males have to compete on an equal basis with women and minorities and non-Christians is something to strive for

Bemoaning the fact that white males no longer get to call all the shots is not something our society needs

Which is not what I did.

YOU said that the US was "one of the last modern societies" to give women the right to vote.

I looked it up.

We were TWO year after Britain.

WHich would render your claim an very unfair characterization.

Then I posted that we were decades before France, or Spain OR Italy.

Which made your claim just WRONG.

You are unfairly harsh in judging America. ON the women's voting issue, I have demonstrated it beyond question.

As an example.

Point taken
They were in the same time period

But it does not negate my point that our nation was established as a nation to be controlled by white males. Our legacy of racism and sexism is not something to be proud of. Racist posts like the OP moaning about the breeding of whites shows we still have a long way to go
It was created at a time when enlarging the in group to "white men" was a huge step forward.

SERFDOM was still being practiced in large parts of Europe at the time.

Very true. Acknowledging that the nobility were no different than anyone else was a huge step.
But beyond 1776, this country was created and managed for the benefit of white males. We killed 600,000 Americans just trying to end slavery. We were one of the last modern societies to give women the vote. We openly discriminated against minorities for 100 years after the Civil War

Yes, White males are outraged
The country they created and dominated for two hundred years was slipping away as they were forced to open the doors to others

Wow, yeah we were soooooo far behind...

"Most independent countries enacted women's suffrage in the interwar era, including Canada in 1917, Britain in 1918 and the United States in 1920. "

Women's suffrage - Wikipedia

This is the difference between a conservative and a liberal.

A conservative, biased in FAVOR of America, reads that and thinks, "America was right with the times, probably slowed down a hair by the checks and balances of a Federal system."

A liberals, such as yourself, see America as "one of the last modern societies to give women the vote.".

Also, relevant to your position.

"Late adopters in Europe included Spain in 1931, France in 1944, Italy in 1946, Greece in 1952, Switzerland in 1971, as well as several small countries."

My country right or wrong never serves the countries needs
Real citizenship is acknowledging what is wrong with the country and trying to fix it

This particular thread is about the loss of power among white males. Our countries treatment of women and minorities is not something we should be proud of. Having a level playing field where white males have to compete on an equal basis with women and minorities and non-Christians is something to strive for

Bemoaning the fact that white males no longer get to call all the shots is not something our society needs

Which is not what I did.

YOU said that the US was "one of the last modern societies" to give women the right to vote.

I looked it up.

We were TWO year after Britain.

WHich would render your claim an very unfair characterization.

Then I posted that we were decades before France, or Spain OR Italy.

Which made your claim just WRONG.

You are unfairly harsh in judging America. ON the women's voting issue, I have demonstrated it beyond question.

As an example.

Point taken
They were in the same time period

But it does not negate my point that our nation was established as a nation to be controlled by white males. Our legacy of racism and sexism is not something to be proud of. Racist posts like the OP moaning about the breeding of whites shows we still have a long way to go

Kudos for you to admitting that your point about sexism was unfairly harsh towards America.

The nation was not established to "be controlled by white males".

That was a given at the time.

It was to be more free and democratic than "other modern societies" most of which were, by our standards, brutal imperial regimes.

And it was.

Your natural inclination is to be unfairly harsh in judging America, as demonstrated above with sexism. YOu are now doing it with racism.

This is not a rhetorical question. Why are you so harsh in your judgements of America?
Topics like this ignore nature for the sake of pimping divisions of color. As the races continue to mingle there will only be one "color" in the end.

Most in the West do not race mix.

How do you justify eradicating unique, and diverse peoples in the process?

Did you type that with a straight face? Have you been out in America lately?

My two grandsons are white, black, Hispanic and Native American mixes. My granddaughter is white and Hispanic mixed, although she looks like a Nordic princess.

I am not alone.
And all of my 3 siblings are in a relationship with a white person, with my estranged brother literally having white kids from 2 different white women, one of which he married.

My step-brother also has 2 white kids with his Iowa cornbread ginger wife.

The only one in my family who married outside of his race was my now dead uncle, and he only had one white-looking kid who will probably marry a white guy to produce a nearly white kid.

Race mixing for white people is quickly becoming rare again, while Asians and Hispanics are the ones increasing IR dating and marriage.

Perhaps in your neck of the woods, but as someone who travels extensively and sees the kids in my classroom, you are way out to lunch!
Topics like this ignore nature for the sake of pimping divisions of color. As the races continue to mingle there will only be one "color" in the end.

Most in the West do not race mix.

How do you justify eradicating unique, and diverse peoples in the process?

Did you type that with a straight face? Have you been out in America lately?

My two grandsons are white, black, Hispanic and Native American mixes. My granddaughter is white and Hispanic mixed, although she looks like a Nordic princess.

I am not alone.

Maybe in your family most race mix.

You could not read the last four words of my post and realize what it said. I suggest professional help.
Topics like this ignore nature for the sake of pimping divisions of color. As the races continue to mingle there will only be one "color" in the end.

Most in the West do not race mix.

How do you justify eradicating unique, and diverse peoples in the process?

Did you type that with a straight face? Have you been out in America lately?

My two grandsons are white, black, Hispanic and Native American mixes. My granddaughter is white and Hispanic mixed, although she looks like a Nordic princess.

I am not alone.
And all of my 3 siblings are in a relationship with a white person, with my estranged brother literally having white kids from 2 different white women, one of which he married.

My step-brother also has 2 white kids with his Iowa cornbread ginger wife.

The only one in my family who married outside of his race was my now dead uncle, and he only had one white-looking kid who will probably marry a white guy to produce a nearly white kid.

Race mixing for white people is quickly becoming rare again, while Asians and Hispanics are the ones increasing IR dating and marriage.

Perhaps in your neck of the woods, but as someone who travels extensively and sees the kids in my classroom, you are way out to lunch!

I wouldn't deny that race mixing has become more common.
But, certainly not in the majority yet.

As for my neck of the woods.
Yes, I'd say we're more racist than most of the U.S.

A racist video just surfaced of the Brewster high school I went to.
An informative story at the BBC....

How young Americans are set to change the US forever - BBC News
Non-whites are the major source of population increase for the US for some time now.
The Hispanic population will become the predominant ethnic group within 50 years at the current rate.
Even the Asian rate of population growth exceeds the growth rate of the white ethnic group.

The white population median age is now 43 and growing older. It's simply a matter of time.

And with the decline in white people from rural America and traditionalists regions who historically have been Patriots, so will go the inclination to preserve the framework of the USA as founded.

It won't matter to most of us since we'll be gone......but in 200 years I would venture a guess that the USA will be dramatically different than it has been for the last 200 or so. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing probably depends on your point of view.
Most Hispanics are least that was the case with George Zimmerman.
A few decades of living in America and you can barely tell the difference between a Mexican-American and an Italian-American.
The only way they could be a serious problem is if you refuse to make them learn English and force them to live in enclaves that don't allow European Whites in.
Only Democrats want that shit.
There isn't a lot of Americans that don't have Native-American DNA.
This is what happens when people are allowed to become Americans.....which is basically the melting pot of all nations.
Last edited:
Very true. Acknowledging that the nobility were no different than anyone else was a huge step.
But beyond 1776, this country was created and managed for the benefit of white males. We killed 600,000 Americans just trying to end slavery. We were one of the last modern societies to give women the vote. We openly discriminated against minorities for 100 years after the Civil War

Yes, White males are outraged
The country they created and dominated for two hundred years was slipping away as they were forced to open the doors to others

Wow, yeah we were soooooo far behind...

"Most independent countries enacted women's suffrage in the interwar era, including Canada in 1917, Britain in 1918 and the United States in 1920. "

Women's suffrage - Wikipedia

This is the difference between a conservative and a liberal.

A conservative, biased in FAVOR of America, reads that and thinks, "America was right with the times, probably slowed down a hair by the checks and balances of a Federal system."

A liberals, such as yourself, see America as "one of the last modern societies to give women the vote.".

Also, relevant to your position.

"Late adopters in Europe included Spain in 1931, France in 1944, Italy in 1946, Greece in 1952, Switzerland in 1971, as well as several small countries."

My country right or wrong never serves the countries needs
Real citizenship is acknowledging what is wrong with the country and trying to fix it

This particular thread is about the loss of power among white males. Our countries treatment of women and minorities is not something we should be proud of. Having a level playing field where white males have to compete on an equal basis with women and minorities and non-Christians is something to strive for

Bemoaning the fact that white males no longer get to call all the shots is not something our society needs

Which is not what I did.

YOU said that the US was "one of the last modern societies" to give women the right to vote.

I looked it up.

We were TWO year after Britain.

WHich would render your claim an very unfair characterization.

Then I posted that we were decades before France, or Spain OR Italy.

Which made your claim just WRONG.

You are unfairly harsh in judging America. ON the women's voting issue, I have demonstrated it beyond question.

As an example.

Point taken
They were in the same time period

But it does not negate my point that our nation was established as a nation to be controlled by white males. Our legacy of racism and sexism is not something to be proud of. Racist posts like the OP moaning about the breeding of whites shows we still have a long way to go

Eradicating people through raci
Very true. Acknowledging that the nobility were no different than anyone else was a huge step.
But beyond 1776, this country was created and managed for the benefit of white males. We killed 600,000 Americans just trying to end slavery. We were one of the last modern societies to give women the vote. We openly discriminated against minorities for 100 years after the Civil War

Yes, White males are outraged
The country they created and dominated for two hundred years was slipping away as they were forced to open the doors to others

Wow, yeah we were soooooo far behind...

"Most independent countries enacted women's suffrage in the interwar era, including Canada in 1917, Britain in 1918 and the United States in 1920. "

Women's suffrage - Wikipedia

This is the difference between a conservative and a liberal.

A conservative, biased in FAVOR of America, reads that and thinks, "America was right with the times, probably slowed down a hair by the checks and balances of a Federal system."

A liberals, such as yourself, see America as "one of the last modern societies to give women the vote.".

Also, relevant to your position.

"Late adopters in Europe included Spain in 1931, France in 1944, Italy in 1946, Greece in 1952, Switzerland in 1971, as well as several small countries."

My country right or wrong never serves the countries needs
Real citizenship is acknowledging what is wrong with the country and trying to fix it

This particular thread is about the loss of power among white males. Our countries treatment of women and minorities is not something we should be proud of. Having a level playing field where white males have to compete on an equal basis with women and minorities and non-Christians is something to strive for

Bemoaning the fact that white males no longer get to call all the shots is not something our society needs

Which is not what I did.

YOU said that the US was "one of the last modern societies" to give women the right to vote.

I looked it up.

We were TWO year after Britain.

WHich would render your claim an very unfair characterization.

Then I posted that we were decades before France, or Spain OR Italy.

Which made your claim just WRONG.

You are unfairly harsh in judging America. ON the women's voting issue, I have demonstrated it beyond question.

As an example.

Point taken
They were in the same time period

But it does not negate my point that our nation was established as a nation to be controlled by white males. Our legacy of racism and sexism is not something to be proud of. Racist posts like the OP moaning about the breeding of whites shows we still have a long way to go

Eradicating people is wrong whether by genocide, or by multiculturalism.

Both are more similar than you'd expect, in both cases greed is a main factor.

Furthermore both are expansionist, colonialism, and globalism aren't far removed from one another.

Colonialism uses intolerance to build expansion, and wealth.

Globalism uses tolerance to build expansion, and wealth.

It's all garbage, elites brainwashing idiots to throw away people's heritages.

It is merely letting nature take its course. Allowing people to breed with the person they choose
An informative story at the BBC....

How young Americans are set to change the US forever - BBC News
Non-whites are the major source of population increase for the US for some time now.
The Hispanic population will become the predominant ethnic group within 50 years at the current rate.
Even the Asian rate of population growth exceeds the growth rate of the white ethnic group.

The white population median age is now 43 and growing older. It's simply a matter of time.

And with the decline in white people from rural America and traditionalists regions who historically have been Patriots, so will go the inclination to preserve the framework of the USA as founded.

It won't matter to most of us since we'll be gone......but in 200 years I would venture a guess that the USA will be dramatically different than it has been for the last 200 or so. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing probably depends on your point of view.
Most Hispanics are least that was the case with George Zimmerman.
A few decades of living in America and you can barely tell the difference between a Mexican-American and an Italian-American.
The only way they could be a serious problem is if you refuse to make them learn English and force them to live in enclaves that don't allow European Whites in.
Only Democrats want that shit.
There isn't a lot of Americans that doesn't have Native-American DNA.
This is what happens when people are allowed to become Americans.

That's insulting to Italians.

Some of the lighter Hispanics most certainly look similar to Italians.

But, not the more Native American ones, or more Black ones.

Yes, some Hispanics are Black, some Puerto Ricans, and many Dominicans are in fact Mulatto - Black looking.
Wow, yeah we were soooooo far behind...

"Most independent countries enacted women's suffrage in the interwar era, including Canada in 1917, Britain in 1918 and the United States in 1920. "

Women's suffrage - Wikipedia

This is the difference between a conservative and a liberal.

A conservative, biased in FAVOR of America, reads that and thinks, "America was right with the times, probably slowed down a hair by the checks and balances of a Federal system."

A liberals, such as yourself, see America as "one of the last modern societies to give women the vote.".

Also, relevant to your position.

"Late adopters in Europe included Spain in 1931, France in 1944, Italy in 1946, Greece in 1952, Switzerland in 1971, as well as several small countries."

My country right or wrong never serves the countries needs
Real citizenship is acknowledging what is wrong with the country and trying to fix it

This particular thread is about the loss of power among white males. Our countries treatment of women and minorities is not something we should be proud of. Having a level playing field where white males have to compete on an equal basis with women and minorities and non-Christians is something to strive for

Bemoaning the fact that white males no longer get to call all the shots is not something our society needs

Which is not what I did.

YOU said that the US was "one of the last modern societies" to give women the right to vote.

I looked it up.

We were TWO year after Britain.

WHich would render your claim an very unfair characterization.

Then I posted that we were decades before France, or Spain OR Italy.

Which made your claim just WRONG.

You are unfairly harsh in judging America. ON the women's voting issue, I have demonstrated it beyond question.

As an example.

Point taken
They were in the same time period

But it does not negate my point that our nation was established as a nation to be controlled by white males. Our legacy of racism and sexism is not something to be proud of. Racist posts like the OP moaning about the breeding of whites shows we still have a long way to go

Eradicating people through raci
Wow, yeah we were soooooo far behind...

"Most independent countries enacted women's suffrage in the interwar era, including Canada in 1917, Britain in 1918 and the United States in 1920. "

Women's suffrage - Wikipedia

This is the difference between a conservative and a liberal.

A conservative, biased in FAVOR of America, reads that and thinks, "America was right with the times, probably slowed down a hair by the checks and balances of a Federal system."

A liberals, such as yourself, see America as "one of the last modern societies to give women the vote.".

Also, relevant to your position.

"Late adopters in Europe included Spain in 1931, France in 1944, Italy in 1946, Greece in 1952, Switzerland in 1971, as well as several small countries."

My country right or wrong never serves the countries needs
Real citizenship is acknowledging what is wrong with the country and trying to fix it

This particular thread is about the loss of power among white males. Our countries treatment of women and minorities is not something we should be proud of. Having a level playing field where white males have to compete on an equal basis with women and minorities and non-Christians is something to strive for

Bemoaning the fact that white males no longer get to call all the shots is not something our society needs

Which is not what I did.

YOU said that the US was "one of the last modern societies" to give women the right to vote.

I looked it up.

We were TWO year after Britain.

WHich would render your claim an very unfair characterization.

Then I posted that we were decades before France, or Spain OR Italy.

Which made your claim just WRONG.

You are unfairly harsh in judging America. ON the women's voting issue, I have demonstrated it beyond question.

As an example.

Point taken
They were in the same time period

But it does not negate my point that our nation was established as a nation to be controlled by white males. Our legacy of racism and sexism is not something to be proud of. Racist posts like the OP moaning about the breeding of whites shows we still have a long way to go

Eradicating people is wrong whether by genocide, or by multiculturalism.

Both are more similar than you'd expect, in both cases greed is a main factor.

Furthermore both are expansionist, colonialism, and globalism aren't far removed from one another.

Colonialism uses intolerance to build expansion, and wealth.

Globalism uses tolerance to build expansion, and wealth.

It's all garbage, elites brainwashing idiots to throw away people's heritages.

It is merely letting nature take its course. Allowing people to breed with the person they choose

So, you support Native Americans to be eradicated from the U.S, by high levels of mixing?
An informative story at the BBC....

How young Americans are set to change the US forever - BBC News
Non-whites are the major source of population increase for the US for some time now.
The Hispanic population will become the predominant ethnic group within 50 years at the current rate.
Even the Asian rate of population growth exceeds the growth rate of the white ethnic group.

The white population median age is now 43 and growing older. It's simply a matter of time.

And with the decline in white people from rural America and traditionalists regions who historically have been Patriots, so will go the inclination to preserve the framework of the USA as founded.

It won't matter to most of us since we'll be gone......but in 200 years I would venture a guess that the USA will be dramatically different than it has been for the last 200 or so. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing probably depends on your point of view.
Also....I think the UK is closer to becoming something other than white.
At the rate they're going they'll be under Sharia Law in less than a decade.
Wow, yeah we were soooooo far behind...

"Most independent countries enacted women's suffrage in the interwar era, including Canada in 1917, Britain in 1918 and the United States in 1920. "

Women's suffrage - Wikipedia

This is the difference between a conservative and a liberal.

A conservative, biased in FAVOR of America, reads that and thinks, "America was right with the times, probably slowed down a hair by the checks and balances of a Federal system."

A liberals, such as yourself, see America as "one of the last modern societies to give women the vote.".

Also, relevant to your position.

"Late adopters in Europe included Spain in 1931, France in 1944, Italy in 1946, Greece in 1952, Switzerland in 1971, as well as several small countries."

My country right or wrong never serves the countries needs
Real citizenship is acknowledging what is wrong with the country and trying to fix it

This particular thread is about the loss of power among white males. Our countries treatment of women and minorities is not something we should be proud of. Having a level playing field where white males have to compete on an equal basis with women and minorities and non-Christians is something to strive for

Bemoaning the fact that white males no longer get to call all the shots is not something our society needs

Which is not what I did.

YOU said that the US was "one of the last modern societies" to give women the right to vote.

I looked it up.

We were TWO year after Britain.

WHich would render your claim an very unfair characterization.

Then I posted that we were decades before France, or Spain OR Italy.

Which made your claim just WRONG.

You are unfairly harsh in judging America. ON the women's voting issue, I have demonstrated it beyond question.

As an example.

Point taken
They were in the same time period

But it does not negate my point that our nation was established as a nation to be controlled by white males. Our legacy of racism and sexism is not something to be proud of. Racist posts like the OP moaning about the breeding of whites shows we still have a long way to go

Eradicating people through raci
Wow, yeah we were soooooo far behind...

"Most independent countries enacted women's suffrage in the interwar era, including Canada in 1917, Britain in 1918 and the United States in 1920. "

Women's suffrage - Wikipedia

This is the difference between a conservative and a liberal.

A conservative, biased in FAVOR of America, reads that and thinks, "America was right with the times, probably slowed down a hair by the checks and balances of a Federal system."

A liberals, such as yourself, see America as "one of the last modern societies to give women the vote.".

Also, relevant to your position.

"Late adopters in Europe included Spain in 1931, France in 1944, Italy in 1946, Greece in 1952, Switzerland in 1971, as well as several small countries."

My country right or wrong never serves the countries needs
Real citizenship is acknowledging what is wrong with the country and trying to fix it

This particular thread is about the loss of power among white males. Our countries treatment of women and minorities is not something we should be proud of. Having a level playing field where white males have to compete on an equal basis with women and minorities and non-Christians is something to strive for

Bemoaning the fact that white males no longer get to call all the shots is not something our society needs

Which is not what I did.

YOU said that the US was "one of the last modern societies" to give women the right to vote.

I looked it up.

We were TWO year after Britain.

WHich would render your claim an very unfair characterization.

Then I posted that we were decades before France, or Spain OR Italy.

Which made your claim just WRONG.

You are unfairly harsh in judging America. ON the women's voting issue, I have demonstrated it beyond question.

As an example.

Point taken
They were in the same time period

But it does not negate my point that our nation was established as a nation to be controlled by white males. Our legacy of racism and sexism is not something to be proud of. Racist posts like the OP moaning about the breeding of whites shows we still have a long way to go

Eradicating people is wrong whether by genocide, or by multiculturalism.

Both are more similar than you'd expect, in both cases greed is a main factor.

Furthermore both are expansionist, colonialism, and globalism aren't far removed from one another.

Colonialism uses intolerance to build expansion, and wealth.

Globalism uses tolerance to build expansion, and wealth.

It's all garbage, elites brainwashing idiots to throw away people's heritages.

It is merely letting nature take its course. Allowing people to breed with the person they choose

Don't hide from the fact that it is a result of purposeful democrat policies.

That is cowardice.

THis is your party, your agenda, leading towards YOUR goal of total control.

Own it, don't be a coward and claim it is some sort of accident.

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