The end of white America is now clearly in sight

LMAO.......race mixing will not end the white race, black race or any other race. thats why the "muh white genocide" argument is stupid. Example, chuck norris's parents are both 1/2 irish american and 1/2 indian...would you describe him as anything other than white? aned hispanicas come in all colors. Felix trinidad is hispanic, but he is black. Canelo Alverez is hispanic, but would anyone say he aint white?

At one point they will all become so mixed, they won't look, or have much different backgrounds.
That is if we tolerate it.
Which unfortunately is pretty common to tolerate eradicating unique, and diverse peoples from the face of the Earth.
race mixing doesnt eradicate different peoples, it , if anything creates more. and no two mixed people look alike. My daughter looks like a straight up black woman, albeit with a bit lighter skin(she's a lot darker than halle berry but lighter than michelle obama) but my son has straight brown hair and looks like a deeply tanned white boy.

Race mixing will destroy diversity, like it did in Latin America.

No 2 mixed race people look alike?

Well, come to the village of Brewster here, where Mestizo Guatemalans hardly differ in appearance.
does chuck norris look like the rock
does bob marley look like halle berry?
White folks created the greatest nation in history. They can't be all-bad, no? Why is the OP and others hatin on em so much?

Source of hate is envy.

That's why.

Because no one in their right mind could hate a people for being inferior, and causing issues for their country.
It must all be envy, sure.
LMAO.......race mixing will not end the white race, black race or any other race. thats why the "muh white genocide" argument is stupid. Example, chuck norris's parents are both 1/2 irish american and 1/2 indian...would you describe him as anything other than white? aned hispanicas come in all colors. Felix trinidad is hispanic, but he is black. Canelo Alverez is hispanic, but would anyone say he aint white?

At one point they will all become so mixed, they won't look, or have much different backgrounds.
That is if we tolerate it.
Which unfortunately is pretty common to tolerate eradicating unique, and diverse peoples from the face of the Earth.
race mixing doesnt eradicate different peoples, it , if anything creates more. and no two mixed people look alike. My daughter looks like a straight up black woman, albeit with a bit lighter skin(she's a lot darker than halle berry but lighter than michelle obama) but my son has straight brown hair and looks like a deeply tanned white boy.

Race mixing will destroy diversity, like it did in Latin America.

No 2 mixed race people look alike?

Well, come to the village of Brewster here, where Mestizo Guatemalans hardly differ in appearance.
does chuck norris look like the rock
does bob marley look like halle berry?

You're not grasping the point.
Eventually the race mixing will become so rampant no one will know what they are, and eventually they will start to become race mixed at pretty equal proportions, to the point of looking very similar.
(Like we see in many Latino countries)
White folks created the greatest nation in history. They can't be all-bad, no? Why is the OP and others hatin on em so much?

Source of hate is envy.

That's why.

Because no one in their right mind could hate a people for being inferior, and causing issues for their country.
It must all be envy, sure.
"racism is just another ugly form of collectivism"---ayn rand

I am a collectivist.

I think individualism is pretty sub-Human, it seems to be about "Me, and mine" it doesn't grasp that as individuals we belong to a greater culture.
The Individualist simply thinks of themselves, not about greater society.

Furthermore Individualism is pretty weak, an extreme Individualist would go so far to say "Treat an invading army as individuals"
White folks created the greatest nation in history. They can't be all-bad, no? Why is the OP and others hatin on em so much?

Source of hate is envy.

That's why.

Because no one in their right mind could hate a people for being inferior, and causing issues for their country.
It must all be envy, sure.
"racism is just another ugly form of collectivism"---ayn rand

I am a collectivist.

I think individualism is pretty sub-Human, it seems to be about "Me, and mine" it doesn't grasp that as individuals we belong to a greater culture.
The Individualist simply thinks of themselves, not about greater society.

Furthermore Individualism is pretty weak, an extreme Individualist would go so far to say "Treat an invading army as individuals"
LOL, thats pretty weak sauce. This country was founded on the belief of individualism, the creativity, the work ethic, the dreams and willingness to chase them of the INDIVIDUAL. Our founders fell short of those goals, but they still exist, and as long as the belief in one man or wamn's ability to overcome, to achieve, and the willingness to defend that ideal exist, then America will be a great nation always, no matter what the hue of its inhabitants.
Ayn Rand was a selfish Jew, who said greed is good.

In Ayn Rand's philosophy, there's no value to culture, but only value in greed.

Furthermore, Ayn Rand's philosophy would cause untold suffering to the poor, whom many would die of poverty, or treatable illnesses due to lack of healthcare.

This is cruel, and senseless.
LMAO.......race mixing will not end the white race, black race or any other race. thats why the "muh white genocide" argument is stupid. Example, chuck norris's parents are both 1/2 irish american and 1/2 indian...would you describe him as anything other than white? aned hispanicas come in all colors. Felix trinidad is hispanic, but he is black. Canelo Alverez is hispanic, but would anyone say he aint white?

At one point they will all become so mixed, they won't look, or have much different backgrounds.
That is if we tolerate it.
Which unfortunately is pretty common to tolerate eradicating unique, and diverse peoples from the face of the Earth.
race mixing doesnt eradicate different peoples, it , if anything creates more. and no two mixed people look alike. My daughter looks like a straight up black woman, albeit with a bit lighter skin(she's a lot darker than halle berry but lighter than michelle obama) but my son has straight brown hair and looks like a deeply tanned white boy.

Race mixing will destroy diversity, like it did in Latin America.

No 2 mixed race people look alike?

Well, come to the village of Brewster here, where Mestizo Guatemalans hardly differ in appearance.
does chuck norris look like the rock
does bob marley look like halle berry?

You're not grasping the point.
Eventually the race mixing will become so rampant no one will know what they are, and eventually they will start to become race mixed at pretty equal proportions, to the point of looking very similar.
(Like we see in many Latino countries)
thats simply not true.....most people dont race mix, and out of those who are willing to date outside their race, even most of them settle down and marry and reproduce with someone of the same ethnicity. NO ONE IS FORCING YOU TO REPRODUCE WITH ANOTHER RACE!!!! people have the right to live life as they see fit within the bounds of respecting others rights. What, do you think its ok to send men with guns to take me to a camp because I married black women?
An informative story at the BBC....

How young Americans are set to change the US forever - BBC News
Non-whites are the major source of population increase for the US for some time now.
The Hispanic population will become the predominant ethnic group within 50 years at the current rate.
Even the Asian rate of population growth exceeds the growth rate of the white ethnic group.

The white population median age is now 43 and growing older. It's simply a matter of time.

And with the decline in white people from rural America and traditionalists regions who historically have been Patriots, so will go the inclination to preserve the framework of the USA as founded.

It won't matter to most of us since we'll be gone......but in 200 years I would venture a guess that the USA will be dramatically different than it has been for the last 200 or so. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing probably depends on your point of view.

The future is indeed bright. The "framework of the USA as founded" has absolutely nothing to do with race or ethnicity.
White folks created the greatest nation in history. They can't be all-bad, no? Why is the OP and others hatin on em so much?

Source of hate is envy.

That's why.

Because no one in their right mind could hate a people for being inferior, and causing issues for their country.
It must all be envy, sure.
"racism is just another ugly form of collectivism"---ayn rand

I am a collectivist.

I think individualism is pretty sub-Human, it seems to be about "Me, and mine" it doesn't grasp that as individuals we belong to a greater culture.
The Individualist simply thinks of themselves, not about greater society.

Furthermore Individualism is pretty weak, an extreme Individualist would go so far to say "Treat an invading army as individuals"
LOL, thats pretty weak sauce. This country was founded on the belief of individualism, the creativity, the work ethic, the dreams and willingness to chase them of the INDIVIDUAL. Our founders fell short of those goals, but they still exist, and as long as the belief in one man or wamn's ability to overcome, to achieve, and the willingness to defend that ideal exist, then America will be a great nation always, no matter what the hue of its inhabitants.

Individualism will decline in the U.S, as minorities who overtake it don't follow such nonsense.

Individualism is only prevalent in the World in Western Europe, most of the rest of the World is in fact Collectivist leaning.

This Individualism will cease to exist, by their own Individualism by supporting hostile invader migrants as "Individuals" rather than for what they are which are "Threats"

This is merely an extreme stupidity.
LMAO.......race mixing will not end the white race, black race or any other race. thats why the "muh white genocide" argument is stupid. Example, chuck norris's parents are both 1/2 irish american and 1/2 indian...would you describe him as anything other than white? aned hispanicas come in all colors. Felix trinidad is hispanic, but he is black. Canelo Alverez is hispanic, but would anyone say he aint white?

At one point they will all become so mixed, they won't look, or have much different backgrounds.
That is if we tolerate it.
Which unfortunately is pretty common to tolerate eradicating unique, and diverse peoples from the face of the Earth.
race mixing doesnt eradicate different peoples, it , if anything creates more. and no two mixed people look alike. My daughter looks like a straight up black woman, albeit with a bit lighter skin(she's a lot darker than halle berry but lighter than michelle obama) but my son has straight brown hair and looks like a deeply tanned white boy.

Race mixing will destroy diversity, like it did in Latin America.

No 2 mixed race people look alike?

Well, come to the village of Brewster here, where Mestizo Guatemalans hardly differ in appearance.
does chuck norris look like the rock
does bob marley look like halle berry?

You're not grasping the point.
Eventually the race mixing will become so rampant no one will know what they are, and eventually they will start to become race mixed at pretty equal proportions, to the point of looking very similar.
(Like we see in many Latino countries)
Race mixing brings out the most dominant traits in both races.
Usually to good results.
As opposed to inbreeding.
“Immediately when I got off the elevator I was told that I couldn’t go into the room because I was white,” McKenzie recalls. She adds that she “ignored it” and kept walking. “Somebody else stopped me and said I couldn’t go in without a police escort,” she said. But she ignored that person too.

“And then I was told that I was allowed to go in but I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t express my concerns and I couldn’t make any—ask any questions because I’m white. And I had to stand in the back.”

Interview with Evergreen State College Student McKenzie Kyger - Hot Air
Not only will America become less white it spells the end of America being great since America was made great by whites. Not surprising that minorities want what someone else created. Consider Africa or any other country that minorities come from, who in the right mind would want to live in those hell holes?
How many great countries kept four million people in slavery and kept blacks in second class citizenship for 100 years after?
It also obliterated our Indian population

That is how whites made America great......through racism
No doubt, but it was still whites that made the greatest nation in the world.

Yes they did. They did it by blocking any other race from contributing

Do you mean blacks and orientals have not contributed to America. Don't tell that to descendants of slaves.
At one point they will all become so mixed, they won't look, or have much different backgrounds.
That is if we tolerate it.
Which unfortunately is pretty common to tolerate eradicating unique, and diverse peoples from the face of the Earth.
race mixing doesnt eradicate different peoples, it , if anything creates more. and no two mixed people look alike. My daughter looks like a straight up black woman, albeit with a bit lighter skin(she's a lot darker than halle berry but lighter than michelle obama) but my son has straight brown hair and looks like a deeply tanned white boy.

Race mixing will destroy diversity, like it did in Latin America.

No 2 mixed race people look alike?

Well, come to the village of Brewster here, where Mestizo Guatemalans hardly differ in appearance.
does chuck norris look like the rock
does bob marley look like halle berry?

You're not grasping the point.
Eventually the race mixing will become so rampant no one will know what they are, and eventually they will start to become race mixed at pretty equal proportions, to the point of looking very similar.
(Like we see in many Latino countries)
Race mixing brings out the most dominant traits in both races.
Usually to good results.
As opposed to inbreeding.

So, why aren't heavily mixed race Hispanics performing better than heavily inbred Ashkenazi Jews?

Having a small brain is likely a dominant trait, this would seem to be supported by the incredible shrinking Human brain in the past 10's of thousands of years.
Especially in the highest genetic diversity population in the World the San Bushman, who likely went from huge brained Boskops to having tiny brains.
An informative story at the BBC....

How young Americans are set to change the US forever - BBC News
Non-whites are the major source of population increase for the US for some time now.
The Hispanic population will become the predominant ethnic group within 50 years at the current rate.
Even the Asian rate of population growth exceeds the growth rate of the white ethnic group.

The white population median age is now 43 and growing older. It's simply a matter of time.

And with the decline in white people from rural America and traditionalists regions who historically have been Patriots, so will go the inclination to preserve the framework of the USA as founded.

It won't matter to most of us since we'll be gone......but in 200 years I would venture a guess that the USA will be dramatically different than it has been for the last 200 or so. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing probably depends on your point of view.
I think that we are all meant to mingle with different race. That we shouldn't be trying to keep a solid pure race. That doesn't make any sense that we still has people that still get burn from the sun rays.after being on this planet for centuries. Our bodies supposedly adapt to the environment. And then there are races that has been here over centuries that doesn't sun burn at all. But the original Egyptians were blacks, but the wealthy Egyptians has always worn wigs or added hair to their hair so that it can look long. But I believes that the poor Egyptians had worn dreadlocks But they were trying to make their hairs on their heads to look like the other tribes. But when you mixes these groups together, that it will solve their problems. Even there are Asians that are going under the knife to have their eyes big and round. But I thinks that it is meant for us all to be mixed, instead of going under the knife.


My grandfather told me that this powerful man, Edgar, was his second cousin, and was passing for white. If we talked about this, he was so powerful he could have us all killed. I grew up terrified about all this.” Was J. Edgar Hoover black?

According to Wikipedia, J. Edgar Hoover was a black man passing as a white man, and murdered his black relatives to intimidate the others into keeping quiet. OR Why you don't use Wikipedia for anything other than a summary of its sources. • r/badhistory


NAACP Leader Rachel Dolezal Allegedly Faked Being A Black Woman For Years | HuffPost


Julie Chen Reveals 'Asian Eyes' Surgery on 'The Talk' (Video)


Is Jessica Alba part black


French Creoles | Creole Experience
At one point they will all become so mixed, they won't look, or have much different backgrounds.
That is if we tolerate it.
Which unfortunately is pretty common to tolerate eradicating unique, and diverse peoples from the face of the Earth.
race mixing doesnt eradicate different peoples, it , if anything creates more. and no two mixed people look alike. My daughter looks like a straight up black woman, albeit with a bit lighter skin(she's a lot darker than halle berry but lighter than michelle obama) but my son has straight brown hair and looks like a deeply tanned white boy.

Race mixing will destroy diversity, like it did in Latin America.

No 2 mixed race people look alike?

Well, come to the village of Brewster here, where Mestizo Guatemalans hardly differ in appearance.
does chuck norris look like the rock
does bob marley look like halle berry?

You're not grasping the point.
Eventually the race mixing will become so rampant no one will know what they are, and eventually they will start to become race mixed at pretty equal proportions, to the point of looking very similar.
(Like we see in many Latino countries)
Race mixing brings out the most dominant traits in both races.
Usually to good results.
As opposed to inbreeding.

It's called cultural genocide via assimilation.

They swamp resource rich, low population areas with criminals from other cultures while economically destroying us. It's how England destroyed Scotland, it's how we almost wiped out the Indians and the aboriginal population of Australia, it's how the Romans and the Hun conquered the ancient world.
Not only will America become less white it spells the end of America being great since America was made great by whites. Not surprising that minorities want what someone else created. Consider Africa or any other country that minorities come from, who in the right mind would want to live in those hell holes?
How many great countries kept four million people in slavery and kept blacks in second class citizenship for 100 years after?
It also obliterated our Indian population

That is how whites made America great......through racism
No doubt, but it was still whites that made the greatest nation in the world.

Yes they did. They did it by blocking any other race from contributing

Do you mean blacks and orientals have not contributed to America. Don't tell that to descendants of slaves.
I hope that there are no Asians on this board.
Not only will America become less white it spells the end of America being great since America was made great by whites. Not surprising that minorities want what someone else created. Consider Africa or any other country that minorities come from, who in the right mind would want to live in those hell holes?
How many great countries kept four million people in slavery and kept blacks in second class citizenship for 100 years after?
It also obliterated our Indian population

That is how whites made America great......through racism
No doubt, but it was still whites that made the greatest nation in the world.

Yes they did. They did it by blocking any other race from contributing

Do you mean blacks and orientals have not contributed to America. Don't tell that to descendants of slaves.
I hope that there are no Asians on this board.
It's just a fucking word, good grief.
  • Thanks
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race mixing doesnt eradicate different peoples, it , if anything creates more. and no two mixed people look alike. My daughter looks like a straight up black woman, albeit with a bit lighter skin(she's a lot darker than halle berry but lighter than michelle obama) but my son has straight brown hair and looks like a deeply tanned white boy.

Race mixing will destroy diversity, like it did in Latin America.

No 2 mixed race people look alike?

Well, come to the village of Brewster here, where Mestizo Guatemalans hardly differ in appearance.
does chuck norris look like the rock
does bob marley look like halle berry?

You're not grasping the point.
Eventually the race mixing will become so rampant no one will know what they are, and eventually they will start to become race mixed at pretty equal proportions, to the point of looking very similar.
(Like we see in many Latino countries)
Race mixing brings out the most dominant traits in both races.
Usually to good results.
As opposed to inbreeding.

It's called cultural genocide via assimilation.

They swamp resource rich, low population areas with criminals from other cultures while economically destroying us. It's how England destroyed Scotland, it's how we almost wiped out the Indians and the aboriginal population of Australia, it's how the Romans and the Hun conquered the ancient world.

It's all greed motivated.
There goes that Jew Ayn Rand saying "Greed is good"

Colonialism, and Globalism are both based on greed.
Both care not about culture, to them culture is to be destroyed in favor of greed.
Not only will America become less white it spells the end of America being great since America was made great by whites. Not surprising that minorities want what someone else created. Consider Africa or any other country that minorities come from, who in the right mind would want to live in those hell holes?
How many great countries kept four million people in slavery and kept blacks in second class citizenship for 100 years after?
It also obliterated our Indian population

That is how whites made America great......through racism
No doubt, but it was still whites that made the greatest nation in the world.

Yes they did. They did it by blocking any other race from contributing

Do you mean blacks and orientals have not contributed to America. Don't tell that to descendants of slaves.
I hope that there are no Asians on this board.

Yeah, because you mocked Asians who change their eyes.

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