the endless pill cycle


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
for some reason all meds...all 9 of them...are refilled monthly...these are meds I will be on the rest of my life but I cant get more than a months supply at a time?
for some reason all meds...all 9 of them...are refilled monthly...these are meds I will be on the rest of my life but I cant get more than a months supply at a time?
if your insurance has a mail pharmacy try that for a 90 day scrip.

sure ramapril or metformin seem pretty permanent, but my dosages change (both up and down) over the years.
for some reason all meds...all 9 of them...are refilled monthly...these are meds I will be on the rest of my life but I cant get more than a months supply at a time?

Insurance is stupid about these things. At least ours has now gone to 3 months supply.

The dumbest of all is my son's insulin. Why would the prescription need to be resubmitted every a Type-1 diabetic he will never not need insulin to live.
Insurance is stupid about these things. At least ours has now gone to 3 months supply.

The dumbest of all is my son's insulin. Why would the prescription need to be resubmitted every a Type-1 diabetic he will never not need insulin to live.
i hope he has a dexcom.

the refrigeration requirement might get dicey if you have too much insulin stockpiled. i have an ice chest just for insulin in hurricanes, and it has not always been enough.
Insurance is stupid about these things. At least ours has now gone to 3 months supply.

The dumbest of all is my son's insulin. Why would the prescription need to be resubmitted every a Type-1 diabetic he will never not need insulin to live.
insulin should be free..any meds one must be on to live..should be free..

I hope your son is doing well...I hope they find a cure for the 1's
i hope he has a dexcom.

the refrigeration requirement might get dicey if you have too much insulin stockpiled. i have an ice chest just for insulin in hurricanes, and it has not always been enough.

He does have the dexcom and a Tandem pump.
insulin should be free..any meds one must be on to live..should be free..

I hope your son is doing well...I hope they find a cure for the 1's
to be fair, most of these "forever" medications are generic and cost very little out of pocket. but , yes,

how is a co pay supposed to make you use less of any needed medical care?
insulin should be free..any meds one must be on to live..should be free..

I hope your son is doing well...I hope they find a cure for the 1's

Thanks. He is doing well. He is 22 and does a great job of controlling his blood sugars. He had a period in high school where he just did not want to be a diabetic and ignored it too much. But hard to blame him, it is a shitty condition to live with.
Thanks. He is doing well. He is 22 and does a great job of controlling his blood sugars. He had a period in high school where he just did not want to be a diabetic and ignored it too much. But hard to blame him, it is a shitty condition to live with.
a friend is dealing with her 17 yr old type 1..his eyesight is going fast...the doctors are telling him that with his current a1c he wont make it more than 5 yrs but he is a teenager...for some reason people ask...which would you want cured first...1 or 2...oddly I have seen 1's say that they want 2's cured first...which never makes since to us 2's...we want the young ones to be cured so they can live as fast as they want
a friend is dealing with her 17 yr old type 1..his eyesight is going fast...the doctors are telling him that with his current a1c he wont make it more than 5 yrs but he is a teenager...for some reason people ask...which would you want cured first...1 or 2...oddly I have seen 1's say that they want 2's cured first...which never makes since to us 2's...we want the young ones to be cured so they can live as fast as they want

I hate hearing that about young people with Type 1. It is hard work to keep it under control and many just don't want to. My wife is a nurse and she sees first hand what happens when it is not controlled and she has told him lots of stories....I think it has had an impact on him.

He told me recently he read an article about stem cells being used to get the pancreas to start producing insulin again. That does give us hope of something close to a cure in the future.
a friend is dealing with her 17 yr old type 1..his eyesight is going fast...the doctors are telling him that with his current a1c he wont make it more than 5 yrs but he is a teenager...for some reason people ask...which would you want cured first...1 or 2...oddly I have seen 1's say that they want 2's cured first...which never makes since to us 2's...we want the young ones to be cured so they can live as fast as they want
as a type 2 i can control the disease with diet and exercise (not easy , but possible) . a type one will need inxulin.
they are just babies...cursed with a disease that does not allow for the wildness of youth...

yep. our son was 10 when he was diagnosed with it. It has been 12 years and I still remember him asking me "how long till I am better"....breaks my heart every time I think of it
Many prescription drugs have severe side effects.

Many prescription drugs have severe side effects.
Good thing, then, that we have doctors with actual education and experience to prescribe medications, and don’t have to rely on random posters posting banal generalities as if it were something insightful
Last edited:
Good thing, then, that we have doctors with actual duration and experience to prescribe medications, and don’t have to rely on random posters posting banal generalities as if it were something insightful

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