The Ethical Boundaries of the Gay Agenda: A New Millenium of Free Speech

Cecilie, homo marriages improve the state because their own lives are enhanced and when you enhance your citizens' lives you enhance your state.

btw, wtf do you care if gays get married?
Bullshit. Take a histroy lesson. You show me the words Christian or Judeo-Christian anywhere in the founding documents, and you have an argument. Otherwise it's just hot air driven by extreme, guilt-driven, emotion.

Oh, GIVE me a fucking break. "The words don't appear, therefore no one believed in any of that stuff and they were all atheists!" Shut the fuck up until you have something to say worth hearing.

This is why I won't argue with you anymore Cecilie. You're great at dishing out insults and criticisms of others' arguments but don't really contribute and can't back your own statements with supporting evidence. You're a reactionary and nothing more. Perhaps if you avoided the insults I'd be more open to what you have to say, but since that is highly unlikely... Ciao, sweetie.

Actually, the reason you won't argue with me any more is because you keep getting your ass handed to you, and everyone knows it. This hypocritical "your response wasn't substantial enough, but I won't comment on whether or not his remarks DESERVED anything more" stance just demonstrates it.

And I just LOVE the whole kindergarten "you insulted him! You're mean!" thing as a dodge to pretend you didn't see anything else that was said. It might even work, if every second-rate leftist on the Internet didn't use it until it was threadbare. That pretense that your mind would be open otherwise is even better.

Tuck tail and run away, "sweetie". Just don't delude yourself that you're fooling anyone that that's not what you're doing.
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Who says marriage isn't between and man and a woman? The majority of the country want it to remain between a man and a woman but the gay community won't accept that. What's wrong with a civil union that gives all the same rights. Leave marriage to a man and a woman and a civil union to the rest.

Again, it doesnt matter what the majority of Americans actually want or think. We are a nation subject to a little document called the Constitution. If the majority will is somehow in conflict with that document then the majority is shit out of luck.

Ah, at last we get to the heart of the matter. "I don't care what other people want! It's all about what I want, and how I can twist the law to get it!" At least you're willing to admit it.

We're subject to more than just the Constitution, so don't give us that silly pretense that that's the only law in the entire country. And the will of the majority is in no way in conflict with that document, since marriage law is a state matter, not federal.

Again, personally I think all relationship between two consenting adults should be called a civil union in the eyes of the government.

So what? You also seem to think that some law somewhere talks about "love", so we can all see what your thoughts are worth.

However, I am going to play devils advocate and advance an argument I dont agree with 100 percent however I believe that there is merit within it. By phrasing the relationship between gays in a different terms you are relegating the love of these people to a lower "class of love" than that of heterosexual couples. Gay people have the same capacity for love as heterosexual people do if you think any different than you're an idiot because gays are humans too. Also, marriage itself is a human institution which should recognize the love of two individuals regardless of sexuality; the concept of marriage pre-dates the judeo-christian construct of marriage which many people subscribe to and are using to define marriage in their terms, between a man and a women.

And now we're back to the weepy girlie discussion of "love", as though the law gives a rat's ass. Just scary how this topic emasculates men so quickly. I feel like I'm reading a Harlequin novel, and not even a particularly good one.

Call me when you regrow a pair and can debate like a logical adult instead of an adolescent with her first crush.
I've read many things about the acceptance of civil unions. The problem is that is not what the gay community wants.

You're right! the gay community just doesnt want the rights, they want to be percieved as having equal status as heterosexual married couples... [SARCASM] Oh my, what an affront against justice and equality! [/SARCASM]

Why should homosexual couples not be allowed to join the institution that is marriage? Why should they be merely labeled civil unions?

The question is, why should they be included? Leaving aside your inaccurate and childish screams of "equal rights!", that's the real issue here. What does society get out of changing the definition of marriage? Considering that, generally speaking, laws are about the benefit to society as a whole, not the benefit to specific individuals, tell me what society is getting out of this deal.

I'm betting good money that your response is going to be a lot of flag-waving tripe about "fairness" based solely on YOUR interpretation of the word.
Its a civil rights and equality under the law in the same sense that public black school and public white schools are now deemed to be unconstitutional.

I think to compare the 'homosexual cause' to race discrimination is a crime itself, they are no where near the same thing.

Same thing, no. Similar in idea, yes.

Only to people dumb enough to think that "homosexual" is a race or ethnicity.
The Ethical Boundaries of the Gay Agenda is better highlighted in this scenario regarding a San Diego Court Decision which awarded firefighters for being coerced into attending the Gay Parade. Nothing better demonstrates the ongoing intimidation and completely disgraceful behavior and attitude from these folks as activitist and in this case depraved individuals.

Yes, if the firefighters were forced to participate then the department that ordered them should be held accountable.

However two can play at this game where we point out incidents.... The Ethical Boundaries of the Anti-Gay Agenda is better highlighted in the scenario regarding the torture and murder of Matthrew Shepard. Nothing better demonstrates the ongoing intimidation and completely disgraceful behavior and attitude from these folks and in this case depraved individuals.

Oh, puhleeze. "The Anti-Gay Agenda". Right. Like an individual murder committed by a pair of antisocial losers - which, by the way, has been proven to have had nothing to do with the victim's sexual orientation, not that agenda-driven liars like you are ever stopped by the truth - is somehow part of an organized agenda by some organized group.

You are more full of shit than a PortaPotty at an Ex-Lax Festival.
"Homosexual unions are devoid of the positive natural influence a child would receive of the interaction between a man and a woman which covers 98% of the dynamic of relationships in this country."

"I believe it is completely immoral to conceive children outside the family unit. That goes for heterosexual couples as well."

So children are better off not being born than being born outside of hetero marriage? Barrack Obama was raised outside your perfect world, didn't seem to hurt him too much, did it? Plenty of kids from your perfect world are in jail right now, what's up with that?

Anyone who complains about gays using the word marriage is a homophobe and a bigot.

Excuse me, but YOU dumbasses think a child is better off being killed in the womb than being born into a less-than-perfect home environment, so where do you get the sac to bitch because someone else uses the same argument for THEIR point?

Hypocrite much?
The Ethical Boundaries of the Gay Agenda is better highlighted in this scenario regarding a San Diego Court Decision which awarded firefighters for being coerced into attending the Gay Parade. Nothing better demonstrates the ongoing intimidation and completely disgraceful behavior and attitude from these folks as activitist and in this case depraved individuals.

Yes, if the firefighters were forced to participate then the department that ordered them should be held accountable.

However two can play at this game where we point out incidents.... The Ethical Boundaries of the Anti-Gay Agenda is better highlighted in the scenario regarding the torture and murder of Matthrew Shepard. Nothing better demonstrates the ongoing intimidation and completely disgraceful behavior and attitude from these folks and in this case depraved individuals.

Oh, puhleeze. "The Anti-Gay Agenda". Right. Like an individual murder committed by a pair of antisocial losers - which, by the way, has been proven to have had nothing to do with the victim's sexual orientation, not that agenda-driven liars like you are ever stopped by the truth - is somehow part of an organized agenda by some organized group.

You are more full of shit than a PortaPotty at an Ex-Lax Festival.

What proof is there that this wasn't a hate crime?
"Anyone who complains about gays using the word marriage is a homophobe and a bigot."

But it's true, it's the short and simple answer. I think that like Archie Bunker, they either can't see their bigotry or don't care that they're bigots, or a bit of both.
What is a bigot? An intolerant person towards those that are different than you are. That's what the prop 8 folks are, plain and simple.
If the blanket fits...

Well, then, pull that blanket over your own head, Sparky, because you're even more intolerant than you imagine your opponents to be. "If you disagree with me, it's because you're a bad person." You just said it.
"Homosexual unions are devoid of the positive natural influence a child would receive of the interaction between a man and a woman which covers 98% of the dynamic of relationships in this country."

"I believe it is completely immoral to conceive children outside the family unit. That goes for heterosexual couples as well."

So children are better off not being born than being born outside of hetero marriage? Barrack Obama was raised outside your perfect world, didn't seem to hurt him too much, did it? Plenty of kids from your perfect world are in jail right now, what's up with that?

Anyone who complains about gays using the word marriage is a homophobe and a bigot.

Excuse me, but YOU dumbasses think a child is better off being killed in the womb than being born into a less-than-perfect home environment, so where do you get the sac to bitch because someone else uses the same argument for THEIR point?

Hypocrite much?

Cec, Try not to mix up your douchebags and oranges. I was just curious of her answer.
And I have one more word for you: Mydol.
Only if you say purdy pleeeeeeeeeze! :D

What's the problem, it's true. You don't see gays as equals, if you said, blacks can't use the word marriage, you'd be a racist. But in your world, it's still ok to denigrate gays and say openly that they don't deserve to use certain words or customs because they're not worthy.

I'm on your side buddy, I just know that not everyone who is against gay marriage is a homophobe (I haven't heard any convincing reasons for their side but that's beside the point).

Of course everyone who's against gay marriage is a bigot and homophobic, they don't think that gay unions are as worthy as their hetero unions, what more do you need?

CMM, I can't respect bigots, sorry. If they don't like being called a bigot, they shouldn't act like one. And as if I care whether they respect me or not, it's like asking me if I care if the KKK respects me. Don't give a shit.

I'm sorry to hear you don't respect yourself. On the other hand, no one else respects you, so why should you be any different?
Cecilie, homo marriages improve the state because their own lives are enhanced and when you enhance your citizens' lives you enhance your state.

btw, wtf do you care if gays get married?

Sorry, but "your life is enhanced because theirs is enhanced" is unsupported, emotional bullshit, not to mention that it contradicts your other major argument. On the one hand, you claim it's none of my business because it doesn't affect me, and then you argue that it DOES affect me because their happiness "enhances the state". Make up your - for want of a better term - mind.

And for the love of God, stop arguing like a rosy-eyed little junior high girl. You're making me queasy.
Cecilie, homo marriages improve the state because their own lives are enhanced and when you enhance your citizens' lives you enhance your state.

btw, wtf do you care if gays get married?

Sorry, but "your life is enhanced because theirs is enhanced" is unsupported, emotional bullshit, not to mention that it contradicts your other major argument. On the one hand, you claim it's none of my business because it doesn't affect me, and then you argue that it DOES affect me because their happiness "enhances the state". Make up your - for want of a better term - mind.

And for the love of God, stop arguing like a rosy-eyed little junior high girl. You're making me queasy.

I take it you didn't do well in english class. I asked you why YOU CARE so much? Not that it's none of your business.

If citizens are happier, that's better. Get it?:cuckoo:
Yes, if the firefighters were forced to participate then the department that ordered them should be held accountable.

However two can play at this game where we point out incidents.... The Ethical Boundaries of the Anti-Gay Agenda is better highlighted in the scenario regarding the torture and murder of Matthrew Shepard. Nothing better demonstrates the ongoing intimidation and completely disgraceful behavior and attitude from these folks and in this case depraved individuals.

Oh, puhleeze. "The Anti-Gay Agenda". Right. Like an individual murder committed by a pair of antisocial losers - which, by the way, has been proven to have had nothing to do with the victim's sexual orientation, not that agenda-driven liars like you are ever stopped by the truth - is somehow part of an organized agenda by some organized group.

You are more full of shit than a PortaPotty at an Ex-Lax Festival.

What proof is there that this wasn't a hate crime?

New Details Emerge in Matthew Shepard Murder - ABC News

Much of this information was also available at the time of his murder, but the activists had their poster child for their agenda, so it just got brushed under the rug. After all, it's impossible for a homosexual to EVER have anything happen in his life that isn't connected to his homosexuality, right? They don't exist outside of their homosexuality, do they? They can't be mugged for their wallet, or carjacked for their vehicles, or treated rudely just because someone had a bad day, the way the rest of us can. (For the thinking-impaired, this is sarcasm.)

When you get right down to it, the only proof there ever was that it WAS a hate crime was the fact that he was a homosexual, and this peculiar belief that life doesn't happen to homosexuals separate from their sexuality, the way it does to the rest of us.
"Homosexual unions are devoid of the positive natural influence a child would receive of the interaction between a man and a woman which covers 98% of the dynamic of relationships in this country."

"I believe it is completely immoral to conceive children outside the family unit. That goes for heterosexual couples as well."

So children are better off not being born than being born outside of hetero marriage? Barrack Obama was raised outside your perfect world, didn't seem to hurt him too much, did it? Plenty of kids from your perfect world are in jail right now, what's up with that?

Anyone who complains about gays using the word marriage is a homophobe and a bigot.

Excuse me, but YOU dumbasses think a child is better off being killed in the womb than being born into a less-than-perfect home environment, so where do you get the sac to bitch because someone else uses the same argument for THEIR point?

Hypocrite much?

Cec, Try not to mix up your douchebags and oranges. I was just curious of her answer.
And I have one more word for you: Mydol.

Oh, that's right. You're the virginal, hairy-backed woman-hater who's too terrified of females to ever debate one. Call me when you're a REAL man, and not just trying to play one on the Internet.

Oh, puhleeze. "The Anti-Gay Agenda". Right. Like an individual murder committed by a pair of antisocial losers - which, by the way, has been proven to have had nothing to do with the victim's sexual orientation, not that agenda-driven liars like you are ever stopped by the truth - is somehow part of an organized agenda by some organized group.

You are more full of shit than a PortaPotty at an Ex-Lax Festival.

What proof is there that this wasn't a hate crime?

New Details Emerge in Matthew Shepard Murder - ABC News

Much of this information was also available at the time of his murder, but the activists had their poster child for their agenda, so it just got brushed under the rug. After all, it's impossible for a homosexual to EVER have anything happen in his life that isn't connected to his homosexuality, right? They don't exist outside of their homosexuality, do they? They can't be mugged for their wallet, or carjacked for their vehicles, or treated rudely just because someone had a bad day, the way the rest of us can. (For the thinking-impaired, this is sarcasm.)

When you get right down to it, the only proof there ever was that it WAS a hate crime was the fact that he was a homosexual, and this peculiar belief that life doesn't happen to homosexuals separate from their sexuality, the way it does to the rest of us.

So the two main individuals claiming it was about drugs were one of the killers and his girlfriend ... and this constitutes proof? Isn't it at all possible that the kid who was convicted of murder may have fibbed to try to get a lesser sentence or perhaps sympathy? There's people who try to claim that video games made them do horrible crimes, the courts have rejected them but hey if the kids say it it must be true.

I'd rather trust the friends and relatives of the victims, sure they may have something to gain from it but they seem far more credible than the murderers
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What proof is there that this wasn't a hate crime?

New Details Emerge in Matthew Shepard Murder - ABC News

Much of this information was also available at the time of his murder, but the activists had their poster child for their agenda, so it just got brushed under the rug. After all, it's impossible for a homosexual to EVER have anything happen in his life that isn't connected to his homosexuality, right? They don't exist outside of their homosexuality, do they? They can't be mugged for their wallet, or carjacked for their vehicles, or treated rudely just because someone had a bad day, the way the rest of us can. (For the thinking-impaired, this is sarcasm.)

When you get right down to it, the only proof there ever was that it WAS a hate crime was the fact that he was a homosexual, and this peculiar belief that life doesn't happen to homosexuals separate from their sexuality, the way it does to the rest of us.

So the two main individuals claiming it was about drugs were one of the killers and his girlfriend ... and this constitutes proof? Isn't it at all possible that the kid who was convicted of murder may have fibbed to try to get a lesser sentence or perhaps sympathy? There's people who try to claim that video games made them do horrible crimes, the courts have rejected them but hey if the kids say it it must be true.

I'd rather trust the friends and relatives of the victims, sure they may have something to gain from it but they seem far more credible than the murderers

Sorry, but WHY would you rather trust people who weren't there and who have an agenda? The killers don't, because it makes no difference in their lives one way or another. Had you read the article, which you obviously didn't, you would see that they're saying this AFTER being sentenced and already in prison. It makes no difference at this point what they say. And it isn't just their word for it. There's lots of evidence that this was motivated by a desire for money for drugs. And what's your evidence that it was a hate crime, again? Oh, yeah. He was a homosexual, so it MUST have been. And they seem so credible, because after all, they're saying what you want to hear.
New Details Emerge in Matthew Shepard Murder - ABC News

Much of this information was also available at the time of his murder, but the activists had their poster child for their agenda, so it just got brushed under the rug. After all, it's impossible for a homosexual to EVER have anything happen in his life that isn't connected to his homosexuality, right? They don't exist outside of their homosexuality, do they? They can't be mugged for their wallet, or carjacked for their vehicles, or treated rudely just because someone had a bad day, the way the rest of us can. (For the thinking-impaired, this is sarcasm.)

When you get right down to it, the only proof there ever was that it WAS a hate crime was the fact that he was a homosexual, and this peculiar belief that life doesn't happen to homosexuals separate from their sexuality, the way it does to the rest of us.

So the two main individuals claiming it was about drugs were one of the killers and his girlfriend ... and this constitutes proof? Isn't it at all possible that the kid who was convicted of murder may have fibbed to try to get a lesser sentence or perhaps sympathy? There's people who try to claim that video games made them do horrible crimes, the courts have rejected them but hey if the kids say it it must be true.
I'd rather trust the friends and relatives of the victims, sure they may have something to gain from it but they seem far more credible than the murderers

Sorry, but WHY would you rather trust people who weren't there and who have an agenda? The killers don't, because it makes no difference in their lives one way or another. Had you read the article, which you obviously didn't, you would see that they're saying this AFTER being sentenced and already in prison. It makes no difference at this point what they say. And it isn't just their word for it. There's lots of evidence that this was motivated by a desire for money for drugs. And what's your evidence that it was a hate crime, again? Oh, yeah. He was a homosexual, so it MUST have been. And they seem so credible, because after all, they're saying what you want to hear.

Yeah the killers have nothing to gain "I'm not guilty of the horrible crime people say I am, it's all a big misunderstanding. The whole thing has been blown out of proportion" You do know that in some circumstances people can be retried right (I doubt this is one of them but he probably doesn't know that)? Yeah these boys can't have any sort of agenda and clearly you can trust murderers and thieves to tell the truth right?

And what about the police commander who says he doesn't buy the drug story and says it's a hate crime. What's his agenda and how is he less trustworthy than the people who committed the murder?

And what other evidence is there that this crime (which was more than simply take the money and run like most robberies) was motivated by drugs?
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You have free speech. Just as your employer has the right to fire your ass if they don't like that speech. Freedom of speech doesn't guarantee you the right to say whatever you want with no consequences, it guarantees the right of no government sponsored consequences.

Prejean has her beliefs, and her boss doesn't like them. She needs to take personal responsibility for her own actions.

If she were gay and her answer went the other way, and her boss disagreed with her beliefs, there is no way she would have been fired. Free speech should be a 2 way street.
Wrong, I have no problem with equality. I have problem with a minority shoving their view and their lifestyle into the face of others and insisting that it be accepted.

Whats wrong with a group of people trying to attain the same rights and benefits that are presently available to you? Just because they are comprised of a minority of the society doesnt make their conquest unjust. In fact I would argue that fighting for equal rights is a very just battle.

The fact that they are a "minority" is in and of itself of little consequence. James Madison warns of the "tyranny of the majority" or as he called it "the violence of the majority faction" in Federalist 10. Our Republic is not a true democratic state and has build in mechanisms to ensure that the rights of minority groups are not oppressed by an unjust majority.

Civil Unions with the same rights as married couples is fine. Why are the gays so hell bent on using the word marriage. They say "its just a word" , if they truly believe that, why is it so important for them to have that distinction.

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